
ieee international conference on high performance computing data and analytics | 2012

UFO: A Scalable GPU-based Image Processing Framework for On-line Monitoring

Matthias Vogelgesang; Suren Chilingaryan; Tomy dos Santos Rolo; Andreas Kopmann

Current synchrotron experiments require state-of-the-art scientific cameras with sensors that provide several million pixels, each at a dynamic range of up to 16 bits and the ability to acquire hundreds of frames per second. The resulting data bandwidth of such a data stream reaches several Gigabits per second. These streams have to be processed in real-time to achieve a fast process response. In this paper we present a computation framework and middleware library that provides re-usable building blocks to implement high-performance image processing algorithms without requiring profound hardware knowledge. It is based on a graph structure of computation nodes that process image transformation kernels on either CPU or GPU using the OpenCL sub-system. This system architecture allows deployment of the framework on a large range of computational hardware, from netbooks to hybrid compute clusters. We evaluated the library with standard image processing algorithms required for high quality tomographic reconstructions. The results show that speed-ups from 7× to 37× compared to traditional CPU-based solutions can be achieved with our approach, hence providing an opportunity for real-time on-line monitoring at synchrotron beam lines.

ieee international conference on high performance computing data and analytics | 2011

Poster: a GPU-based architecture for real-time data assessment at synchrotron experiments

Suren Chilingaryan; Andreas Kopmann; Alessandro Mirone; Tomy dos Santos Rolo; Matthias Vogelgesang

Current imaging experiments at synchrotron beam lines often lack a real-time data assessment. X-ray imaging cameras installed at synchrotron facilities like ANKA provide millions of pixels, each with a resolution of 12 bits or more, and take up to several thousand frames per second. A given experiment can produce data sets of multiple gigabytes in a few seconds. Up to now the data is stored in local memory, transferred to mass storage, and then processed and analyzed off-line. The data quality and thus the success of the experiment, can, therefore, only be judged with a substantial delay, which makes an immediate monitoring of the results impossible. To optimize the usage of the micro-tomography beam-line at ANKA we have ported the reconstruction software to modern graphic adapters which offer an enormous amount of calculation power. We were able to reduce the reconstruction time from multiple hours to just a few minutes with a sample dataset of 20 GB. Using the new reconstruction software it is possible to provide a near real-time visualization and significantly reduce the time needed for the first evaluation of the reconstructed sample. The main paradigm of our approach is 100% utilization of all system resources. The compute intensive parts are offloaded to the GPU. While the GPU is reconstructing one slice, the CPUs are used to prepare the next one. A special attention is devoted to minimize data transfers between the host and GPU memory and to execute I/O operations in parallel with the computations. It could be shown that for our application not the computational part but the data transfers are now limiting the speed of the reconstruction. Several changes in the architecture of the DAQ system are proposed to overcome this second bottleneck. The article will introduce the system architecture, describe the hardware platform in details, and analyze performance gains during the first half year of operation.

Journal of Instrumentation | 2016

A high-throughput readout architecture based on PCI-Express Gen3 and DirectGMA technology

Lorenzo Rota; Matthias Vogelgesang; L.E. Ardila Perez; Michele Caselle; Suren Chilingaryan; T. Dritschler; N. Zilio; Andreas Kopmann; M. Balzer; M. Weber

Modern physics experiments produce multi-GB/s data rates. Fast data links and high performance computing stages are required for continuous data acquisition and processing. Because of their intrinsic parallelism and computational power, GPUs emerged as an ideal solution to process this data in high performance computing applications. In this paper we present a high-throughput platform based on direct FPGA-GPU communication. The architecture consists of a Direct Memory Access (DMA) engine compatible with the Xilinx PCI-Express core, a Linux driver for register access, and high- level software to manage direct memory transfers using AMDs DirectGMA technology. Measurements with a Gen3 x8 link show a throughput of 6.4 GB/s for transfers to GPU memory and 6.6 GB/s to system memory. We also assess the possibility of using the architecture in low latency systems: preliminary measurements show a round-trip latency as low as 1 μs for data transfers to system memory, while the additional latency introduced by OpenCL scheduling is the current limitation for GPU based systems. Our implementation is suitable for real-time DAQ system applications ranging from photon science and medical imaging to High Energy Physics (HEP) systems.

Journal of Synchrotron Radiation | 2017

syris: a flexible and efficient framework for X-ray imaging experiments simulation

Tomas Farago; Petr Mikulík; Alexey Ershov; Matthias Vogelgesang; Daniel Hänschke; Tilo Baumbach

An open-source framework for conducting a broad range of virtual X-ray imaging experiments, syris, is presented. The simulated wavefield created by a source propagates through an arbitrary number of objects until it reaches a detector. The objects in the light path and the source are time-dependent, which enables simulations of dynamic experiments, e.g. four-dimensional time-resolved tomography and laminography. The high-level interface of syris is written in Python and its modularity makes the framework very flexible. The computationally demanding parts behind this interface are implemented in OpenCL, which enables fast calculations on modern graphics processing units. The combination of flexibility and speed opens new possibilities for studying novel imaging methods and systematic search of optimal combinations of measurement conditions and data processing parameters. This can help to increase the success rates and efficiency of valuable synchrotron beam time. To demonstrate the capabilities of the framework, various experiments have been simulated and compared with real data. To show the use case of measurement and data processing parameter optimization based on simulation, a virtual counterpart of a high-speed radiography experiment was created and the simulated data were used to select a suitable motion estimation algorithm; one of its parameters was optimized in order to achieve the best motion estimation accuracy when applied on the real data. syris was also used to simulate tomographic data sets under various imaging conditions which impact the tomographic reconstruction accuracy, and it is shown how the accuracy may guide the selection of imaging conditions for particular use cases.

IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science | 2015

A Control System and Streaming DAQ Platform with Image-Based Trigger for X-ray Imaging

Uros Stevanovic; Michele Caselle; Angelica Cecilia; Suren Chilingaryan; Tomas Farago; Sergey Gasilov; Armin Herth; Andreas Kopmann; Matthias Vogelgesang; M. Balzer; Tilo Baumbach; Marc Weber

High-speed X-ray imaging applications play a crucial role for non-destructive investigations of the dynamics in material science and biology. On-line data analysis is necessary for quality assurance and data-driven feedback, leading to a more efficient use of a beam time and increased data quality. In this article we present a smart camera platform with embedded Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) processing that is able to stream and process data continuously in real-time. The setup consists of a Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor (CMOS) sensor, an FPGA readout card, and a readout computer. It is seamlessly integrated in a new custom experiment control system called Concert that provides a more efficient way of operating a beamline by integrating device control, experiment process control, and data analysis. The potential of the embedded processing is demonstrated by implementing an image-based trigger. It records the temporal evolution of physical events with increased speed while maintaining the full field of view. The complete data acquisition system, with Concert and the smart camera platform was successfully integrated and used for fast X-ray imaging experiments at KITs synchrotron radiation facility ANKA.

Fundamenta Informaticae | 2015

GPU-optimized Direct Fourier Method for On-line Tomography

Roman Shkarin; Evelina Ametova; Suren Chilingaryan; Timo Dritschler; Andreas Kopmann; Alessandro Mirone; Andrei Shkarin; Matthias Vogelgesang; Sergey Tsapko

To allow on-line monitoring of imaging experiments at synchrotrons, it is essential to have a very fast tomographic software. Direct Fourier methods (DFM) are asymptotically faster than Filtered Backprojection. We have evaluated multiple DFM utilizing various interpolation techniques assessing the reconstruction quality and parallelization capacity. The Direct Fourier Inversion (DFI) method using sinc-based interpolation was selected and parallelized for execution on GPUs and other parallel architectures. Further, we have performed several optimization steps to boost performance. We will present the optimization scheme and analyze quality and performance for several synthetic and experimental data sets.

Fundamenta Informaticae | 2015

An Open Source GPU Accelerated Framework for Flexible Algebraic Reconstruction at Synchrotron Light Sources

Andrei Shkarin; Evelina Ametova; Suren Chilingaryan; Timo Dritschler; Andreas Kopmann; Matthias Vogelgesang; Roman Shkarin; Sergey Tsapko

The recent developments in detector technology made possible 4D (3D + time) X-ray microtomography with high spatial and time resolutions. The resolution and duration of such exper- iments is currently limited by destructive X-ray radiation . Algebraic reconstruction technique (ART) can incorporate a priori knowledge into a reconstruction model that will allow us to apply some ap- proaches to reduce an imaging dose and keep a good enough reconstruction quality. However, these techniques are very computationally demanding. In this paper we present a framework for ART reconstruction based on OpenCL technology. Our approach treats an algebraic method as a compo- sition of interacting blocks which perform different tasks , such as projection selection, minimization, projecting and regularization. These tasks are realised us ing multiple algorithms differing in perfor- mance, the quality of reconstruction, and the area of applicability. Our framework allows to freely combine algorithms to build the reconstruction chain. All algorithms are implemented with OpenCL and are able to run on a wide range of parallel hardware. As well the framework is easily scalable to clustered environment with MPI. We will describe the architecture of ART framework and evaluate the quality and performance on latest generation of GPU hardware from NVIDIA and AMD.

SPIE Optical Engineering + Applications, 2017, San Diego, California, United States. 6 - 10 August 2017. Ed.: B. Müller | 2017

Using SRuCT to define water transport capacity in Picea abies

Silke Lautner; Claudia Lenz; Jörg U. Hammel; Julian Moosmann; Michael Kühn; Michele Caselle; Matthias Vogelgesang; Andreas Kopmann; Felix Beckmann

Water transport from roots to shoots is a vital necessity in trees in order to sustain their photosynthetic activity and, hence, their physiological activity. The vascular tissue in charge is the woody body of root, stem and branches. In gymnosperm trees, like spruce trees (Picea abies (L.) Karst.), vascular tissue consists of tracheids: elongated, protoplast- free cells with a rigid cell wall that allow for axial water transport via their lumina. In order to analyze the over-all water transport capacity within one growth ring, time-consuming light microscopy analysis of the woody sample still is the conventional approach for calculating tracheid lumen area. In our investigations at the Imaging Beamline (IBL) operated by the Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht (HZG) at PETRA III storage ring of the Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, Hamburg, we applied SRμCT on small wood samples of spruce trees in order to visualize and analyze size and formation of xylem elements and their respective lumina. The selected high-resolution phase-contrast technique makes full use of the novel 20 MPixel CMOS area detector developed within the cooperation of HZG and the Karlsruhe data by light microscopy analysis and, hence, prove, that μCT is a most appropriate method to gain valid information on xylem cell structure and tree water transport capacity.

Journal of Instrumentation | 2017

Evaluation of GPUs as a level-1 track trigger for the High-Luminosity LHC

H. Mohr; T. Dritschler; L. E. Ardila; M. Balzer; Michele Caselle; Suren Chilingaryan; Andreas Kopmann; Lorenzo Rota; T. Schuh; Matthias Vogelgesang; M. Weber

In this work, we investigate the use of GPUs as a way of realizing a low-latency, high-throughput track trigger, using CMS as a showcase example. The CMS detector at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) will undergo a major upgrade after the long shutdown from 2024 to 2026 when it will enter the high luminosity era. During this upgrade, the silicon tracker will have to be completely replaced. In the High Luminosity operation mode, luminosities of 5–7 × 1034 cm−2s−1 and pileups averaging at 140 events, with a maximum of up to 200 events, will be reached. These changes will require a major update of the triggering system. The demonstrated systems rely on dedicated hardware such as associative memory ASICs and FPGAs. We investigate the use of GPUs as an alternative way of realizing the requirements of the L1 track trigger. To this end we implemeted a Hough transformation track finding step on GPUs and established a low-latency RDMA connection using the PCIe bus. To showcase the benefits of floating point operations, made possible by the use of GPUs, we present a modified algorithm. It uses hexagonal bins for the parameter space and leads to a more truthful representation of the possible track parameters of the individual hits in Hough space. This leads to fewer duplicate candidates and reduces fake track candidates compared to the regular approach. With data-transfer latencies of 2 μs and processing times for the Hough transformation as low as 3.6 μs, we can show that latencies are not as critical as expected. However, computing throughput proves to be challenging due to hardware limitations.

Developments in X-Ray Tomography XI, San Diego, CA, August 6-10, 2017. Ed.: B. Müller | 2017

The NOVA project: maximizing beam time efficiency through synergistic analyses of SRμCT data

Sebastian Schmelzle; Michael Heethoff; Vincent Heuveline; Philipp Lösel; Jürgen Becker; Felix Beckmann; Frank Schluenzen; Jörg U. Hammel; Andreas Kopmann; W. Mexner; Matthias Vogelgesang; Nicholas Tan Jerome; Oliver Betz; Rolf G. Beutel; Benjamin Wipfler; Alexander Blanke; Steffen Harzsch; Marie K. Hörnig; Tilo Baumbach; Thomas van de Kamp

Beamtime and resulting SRμCT data are a valuable resource for researchers of a broad scientific community in life sciences. Most research groups, however, are only interested in a specific organ and use only a fraction of their data. The rest of the data usually remains untapped. By using a new collaborative approach, the NOVA project (Network for Online Visualization and synergistic Analysis of tomographic data) aims to demonstrate, that more efficient use of the valuable beam time is possible by coordinated research on different organ systems. The biological partners in the project cover different scientific aspects and thus serve as model community for the collaborative approach. As proof of principle, different aspects of insect head morphology will be investigated (e.g., biomechanics of the mouthparts, and neurobiology with the topology of sensory areas). This effort is accomplished by development of advanced analysis tools for the ever-increasing quantity of tomographic datasets. In the preceding project ASTOR, we already successfully demonstrated considerable progress in semi-automatic segmentation and classification of internal structures. Further improvement of these methods is essential for an efficient use of beam time and will be refined in the current NOVAproject. Significant enhancements are also planned at PETRA III beamline p05 to provide all possible contrast modalities in x-ray imaging optimized to biological samples, on the reconstruction algorithms, and the tools for subsequent analyses and management of the data. All improvements made on key technologies within this project will in the long-term be equally beneficial for all users of tomography instrumentations.

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