Matthieu Reymond
Max Planck Society
Featured researches published by Matthieu Reymond.
Planta | 2010
Rubén Alcázar; Teresa Altabella; Francisco Marco; Cristina Bortolotti; Matthieu Reymond; Csaba Koncz; Pedro Carrasco; Antonio F. Tiburcio
Early studies on plant polyamine research pointed to their involvement in responses to different environmental stresses. During the last few years, genetic, transcriptomic and metabolomic approaches have unravelled key functions of different polyamines in the regulation of abiotic stress tolerance. Nevertheless, the precise molecular mechanism(s) by which polyamines control plant responses to stress stimuli are largely unknown. Recent studies indicate that polyamine signalling is involved in direct interactions with different metabolic routes and intricate hormonal cross-talks. Here we discuss the integration of polyamines with other metabolic pathways by focusing on molecular mechanisms of their action in abiotic stress tolerance. Recent advances in the cross talk between polyamines and abscisic acid are discussed and integrated with processes of reactive oxygen species (ROS) signalling, generation of nitric oxide, modulation of ion channel activities and Ca2+ homeostasis, amongst others.
Nature Genetics | 2007
Sergio Svistoonoff; Audrey Creff; Matthieu Reymond; Cécile Sigoillot-Claude; Lilian Ricaud; Aline Blanchet; Laurent Nussaume; Thierry Desnos
Plant roots are able to sense soil nutrient availability. In order to acquire heterogeneously distributed water and minerals, they optimize their root architecture. One poorly understood plant response to soil phosphate (Pi) deficiency is a reduction in primary root growth with an increase in the number and length of lateral roots. Here we show that physical contact of the Arabidopsis thaliana primary root tip with low-Pi medium is necessary and sufficient to arrest root growth. We further show that loss-of-function mutations in Low Phosphate Root1 (LPR1) and its close paralog LPR2 strongly reduce this inhibition. LPR1 was previously mapped as a major quantitative trait locus (QTL); the molecular origin of this QTL is explained by the differential allelic expression of LPR1 in the root cap. These results provide strong evidence for the involvement of the root cap in sensing nutrient deficiency, responding to it, or both. LPR1 and LPR2 encode multicopper oxidases (MCOs), highlighting the essential role of MCOs for plant development.
The Plant Cell | 2009
Carlos Alonso-Blanco; Mark G. M. Aarts; Leónie Bentsink; Joost J. B. Keurentjes; Matthieu Reymond; Dick Vreugdenhil; Maarten Koornneef
Nearly 100 genes and functional polymorphisms underlying natural variation in plant development and physiology have been identified. In crop plants, these include genes involved in domestication traits, such as those related to plant architecture, fruit and seed structure and morphology, as well as yield and quality traits improved by subsequent crop breeding. In wild plants, comparable traits have been dissected mainly in Arabidopsis thaliana. In this review, we discuss the major contributions of the analysis of natural variation to our understanding of plant development and physiology, focusing in particular on the timing of germination and flowering, plant growth and morphology, primary metabolism, and mineral accumulation. Overall, functional polymorphisms appear in all types of genes and gene regions, and they may have multiple mutational causes. However, understanding this diversity in relation to adaptation and environmental variation is a challenge for which tools are now available.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2009
Rubén Alcázar; Ana V. García; Jane E. Parker; Matthieu Reymond
Plant growth is influenced by genetic factors and environmental cues. Genotype-by-environment interactions are governed by complex genetic epistatic networks that are subject to natural selection. Here we describe a novel epistatic interaction modulating growth in response to temperature common to 2 Arabidopsis recombinant inbred line (RIL) populations (Ler × Kas-2 and Ler × Kond). At 14 °C, lines with specific allele combinations at interacting loci (incompatible interactions) have severe growth defects. These lines exhibit deregulated cell death programs and enhanced disease resistance. At 20 °C, growth defects are suppressed, but a positive trait of enhanced resistance is retained. Mapping of 1 interacting QTL to a cluster of RPP1-like TIR-NB-LRR genes on chromosome 3 is consistent with our finding that environmentally conditioned epistasis depends on activation of the salicylic acid (SA) stress signaling pathway. The nature of the epistatic interaction conforms to the Dobzhansky-Muller model of genetic incompatibility with incomplete penetrance for reproductive isolation. Variation in fitness of different incompatible lines reveals the presence of additional modifiers in the genetic background. We propose that certain interacting loci lead to an optimal balance between growth and resistance to pathogens by modulating SA signaling under specific environments. This could allow the accumulation of additional incompatibilities before reaching complete reproductive isolation.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2010
Leónie Bentsink; Johannes Hanson; Corrie J. Hanhart; M.H.C. Blankestijn-de Vries; C. Coltrane; Paul Keizer; M.E.M. El-Lithy; Carlos Alonso-Blanco; M.T. de Andres; Matthieu Reymond; F.A. van Eeuwijk; Sjef Smeekens; Maarten Koornneef
Timing of germination is presumably under strong natural selection as it determines the environmental conditions in which a plant germinates and initiates its postembryonic life cycle. To investigate how seed dormancy is controlled, quantitative trait loci (QTL) analyses has been performed in six Arabidopsis thaliana recombinant inbred line populations by analyzing them simultaneously using a mixed model QTL approach. The recombinant inbred line populations were derived from crosses between the reference accession Landsberg erecta (Ler) and accessions from different world regions. In total, 11 delay of germination (DOG) QTL have been identified, and nine of them have been confirmed by near isogenic lines (NILs). The absence of strong epistatic interactions between the different DOG loci suggests that they affect dormancy mainly by distinct genetic pathways. This was confirmed by analyzing the transcriptome of freshly harvested dry seeds of five different DOG NILs. All five DOG NILs showed discernible and different expression patterns compared with the expression of their genetic background Ler. The genes identified in the different DOG NILs represent largely different gene ontology profiles. It is proposed that natural variation for seed dormancy in Arabidopsis is mainly controlled by different additive genetic and molecular pathways rather than epistatic interactions, indicating the involvement of several independent pathways.
Plant Journal | 2009
Doris Birker; Katharina Heidrich; Hiroyuki Takahara; Mari Narusaka; Laurent Deslandes; Yoshihiro Narusaka; Matthieu Reymond; Jane E. Parker; Richard O'Connell
Colletotrichum higginsianum is a hemibiotrophic fungal pathogen that causes anthracnose disease on Arabidopsis and other crucifer hosts. By exploiting natural variation in Arabidopsis we identified a resistance locus that is shared by four geographically distinct accessions (Ws-0, Kondara, Gifu-2 and Can-0). A combination of quantitative trait loci (QTL) and Mendelian mapping positioned this locus within the major recognition gene complex MRC-J on chromosome 5 containing the Toll-interleukin-1 receptor/nucleotide-binding site/leucine-rich repeat (TIR-NB-LRR) genes RPS4 and RRS1 that confer dual resistance to C. higginsianum in Ws-0 (Narusaka et al., 2009). We find that the resistance shared by these diverse Arabidopsis accessions is expressed at an early stage of fungal invasion, at the level of appressorial penetration and establishment of intracellular biotrophic hyphae, and that this determines disease progression. Resistance is not associated with host hypersensitive cell death, an oxidative burst or callose deposition in epidermal cells but requires the defense regulator EDS1, highlighting new functions of TIR-NB-LRR genes and EDS1 in limiting early establishment of fungal biotrophy. While the Arabidopsis accession Ler-0 is fully susceptible to C. higginsianum infection, Col-0 displays intermediate resistance that also maps to MRC-J. By analysis of null mutants of RPS4 and RRS1 in Col-0 we show that these genes, individually, do not contribute strongly to C. higginsianum resistance but are both required for resistance to Pseudomonas syringae bacteria expressing the Type III effector, AvrRps4. We conclude that distinct allelic forms of RPS4 and RRS1 probably cooperate to confer resistance to different pathogens.
Plant Physiology | 2008
Sébastien Tisné; Matthieu Reymond; Denis Vile; Juliette Fabre; Myriam Dauzat; Maarten Koornneef; Christine Granier
Both leaf production and leaf expansion are tightly linked to cell expansion and cell division, but the functional relationships between all these variables are not clearly established. To get insight into these relationships, a quantitative genetic analysis was performed in 118 recombinant inbred lines derived from a cross between the Landsberg erecta and Antwerp accessions and was combined with a structural equation modeling approach. Main effects and epistatic interactions at the quantitative trait locus (QTL) level were detected for rosette area, rosette leaf number, leaf 6 area, epidermal cell area and number. A QTL at ERECTA marker (ER) controlled cell expansion and cell division, in interaction with two other QTLs at SNP295 and SNP21 markers. Moreover, both the screening for marker association involved in the variation of the relationships between leaf growth variables and the test of alternative functional models by structural equation modeling revealed that the allelic value at ER controlled epidermal cell area and epidermal cell number in a leaf. These effects are driven both by a whole plant mechanism associated with leaf production and by a single leaf mechanism associated with leaf expansion. The complex effects of the QTL at ER were validated in selected heterogeneous inbred families. The ERECTA gene, which is mutated in the Landsberg erecta parental line, was found to be a putative candidate responsible for these mapped effects by phenotyping mutants of this gene at the cellular level. Together, these results give insight into the complex determination of leaf epidermal cell number and area.
Nature Genetics | 2010
Rubén Alcázar; Ana V. García; Ilkka Kronholm; J. de Meaux; Maarten Koornneef; Jane E. Parker; Matthieu Reymond
Accumulation of genetic incompatibilities within species can lead to reproductive isolation and, potentially, speciation. In this study, we show that allelic variation at SRF3 (Strubbelig Receptor Family 3), encoding a receptor-like kinase, conditions the occurrence of incompatibility between Arabidopsis thaliana accessions. The geographical distribution of SRF3 alleles reveals that allelic forms causing epistatic incompatibility with a Landsberg erecta allele at the RPP1 resistance locus are present in A. thaliana accessions in central Asia. Incompatible SRF3 alleles condition for an enhanced early immune response to pathogens as compared to the resistance-dampening effect of compatible SRF3 forms in isogenic backgrounds. Variation in disease susceptibility suggests a basis for the molecular patterns of a recent selective sweep detected at the SRF3 locus in central Asian populations.
Journal of Experimental Botany | 2009
Artak Ghandilyan; Nadine Ilk; Corrie J. Hanhart; Malick Mbengue; Luis Barboza; Henk Schat; Maarten Koornneef; Mohamed E. El-Lithy; Dick Vreugdenhil; Matthieu Reymond; Mark G. M. Aarts
The regulation of mineral accumulation in plants is genetically complex, with several genetic loci involved in the control of one mineral and loci affecting the accumulation of different minerals. To investigate the role of growth medium and organ type on the genetics of mineral accumulation, two existing (LerxKond, LerxAn-1) and one new (LerxEri-1) Arabidopsis thaliana Recombinant Inbred Line populations were raised on soil and hydroponics as substrates. Seeds, roots, and/or rosettes were sampled for the determination of their Ca, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, P or Zn concentrations. For seeds only, the concentration of phytate (IP6), a strong chelator of seed minerals, was determined. Correlations between minerals/IP6, populations, growth conditions, and organs were determined and mineral/IP6 concentration data were used to identify quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for these traits. A striking difference was found between QTLs identified for soil-grown versus hydroponics-grown populations and between QTLs identified for different plant organs. Three common QTLs were identified for several populations, growth conditions, and organs, one of which corresponded to the ERECTA locus, variation of which has a strong effect on plant morphology.
Molecular Ecology | 2013
Alexandre Fournier-Level; Amity M. Wilczek; Martha D. Cooper; Judith L. Roe; Jillian Anderson; Deren Eaton; Brook T. Moyers; Renee H. Petipas; Robert N. Schaeffer; Bjorn Pieper; Matthieu Reymond; Maarten Koornneef; Stephen M. Welch; David L. Remington; Johanna Schmitt
Selection on quantitative trait loci (QTL) may vary among natural environments due to differences in the genetic architecture of traits, environment‐specific allelic effects or changes in the direction and magnitude of selection on specific traits. To dissect the environmental differences in selection on life history QTL across climatic regions, we grew a panel of interconnected recombinant inbred lines (RILs) of Arabidopsis thaliana in four field sites across its native European range. For each environment, we mapped QTL for growth, reproductive timing and development. Several QTL were pleiotropic across environments, three colocalizing with known functional polymorphisms in flowering time genes (CRY2, FRI and MAF2‐5), but major QTL differed across field sites, showing conditional neutrality. We used structural equation models to trace selection paths from QTL to lifetime fitness in each environment. Only three QTL directly affected fruit number, measuring fitness. Most QTL had an indirect effect on fitness through their effect on bolting time or leaf length. Influence of life history traits on fitness differed dramatically across sites, resulting in different patterns of selection on reproductive timing and underlying QTL. In two oceanic field sites with high prereproductive mortality, QTL alleles contributing to early reproduction resulted in greater fruit production, conferring selective advantage, whereas alleles contributing to later reproduction resulted in larger size and higher fitness in a continental site. This demonstrates how environmental variation leads to change in both QTL effect sizes and direction of selection on traits, justifying the persistence of allelic polymorphism at life history QTL across the species range.