Maurizio De Santis
Centre national de la recherche scientifique
Physical Review B | 2013
Anne D. Lamirand; Márcio M. Soares; Aline Y. Ramos; Helio C. N. Tolentino; Maurizio De Santis; Julio C. Cezar; Abner de Siervo; Matthieu Jamet
We report on the exchange coupling and magnetic properties of a strained ultrathin CoO/PtFe double-layer with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy. The cobalt oxide growth by reactive molecular beam epitaxy on a Pt-terminated PtFe/Pt(001) surface gives rise to an hexagonal surface and a monoclinic distorted CoO 3nm film at room temperature. This distorted ultrathin CoO layer couples with the PtFe(001) layer establishing a robust perpendicular exchange bias shift. Soft x-ray absorption spectroscopy provides a full description of the spin orientations in the CoO/PtFe doublelayer. The exchange bias shift is preserved up to the Neel antiferromagnetic ordering temperature of TN=293 K. This unique example of selfsame value for blocking and ordering temperatures, yet identical to the bulk ordering temperature, is likely related to the original strain induced distortion and strengthened interaction between the two well-ordered spin layers.
Langmuir | 2009
Chrystelle Lebouin; Yvonne Soldo-Olivier; Eric Sibert; Maurizio De Santis; Frédéric Maillard; R. Faure
In this work, we report an in situ surface X-ray diffraction study of the hydrogen electroinsertion in a two-monolayer equivalent palladium electrodeposit on Pt(111). The role of chloride in the deposition solution in favoring layer-by-layer film growth is evidenced. Three Pd layers are necessary to describe the deposit structure correctly, but the third-layer occupancy is quite low, equal to about 0.22. As a major result, resistance to hydriding of the two atomic Pd layers closest to the Pt interface is observed, which is linked to a strong effect of the Pt(111) substrate. As a consequence, we observe the lowering of the total hydride stoichiometry compared to bulk Pd. Our measurements also reveal good reversibility of the deposit structure, at least toward one hydrogen insertion-desorption cycle.
Applied Physics Letters | 2012
Rantej Bali; Márcio M. Soares; Aline Y. Ramos; Helio C. N. Tolentino; F. Yıldız; Clemence Boudot; Olivier Proux; Maurizio De Santis; M. Przybylski; J. Kirschner
The influence of interfacial oxidation on the magnetic behaviour of CoO covered Fe/Ag(001) is reported. Coverage with CoO causes the formation of a mixed Fe2O3-Fe3O4 interfacial oxide layer. The depth of the Fe-oxide varies with the thickness of pre-covered Fe and above 8 monolayers (MLs) of Fe the oxide depth becomes constant at 2 ML. Differences in exchange bias and coercivity obtained from magnetic field and zero field cooling nearly vanish above 8 ML Fe thickness, showing a direct correlation between the magnetic behaviour of Fe and structure of the interfacial Fe-oxide layer.
Physical Review B | 2017
Lorenzo Camosi; Stanislas Rohart; Olivier Fruchart; S. Pizzini; M. Belmeguenai; Y. Roussigné; Andreï Stachkevitch; Mourad Chérif Salim; Laurent Ranno; Maurizio De Santis; Jan Vogel
We have used Brillouin Light Scattering spectroscopy to independently determine the in-plane Magneto-Crystalline Anisotropy and the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction (DMI) in out-of-plane magnetized Au/Co/W(110). We found that the DMI strength is 2.5 larger along the bcc[001] than along the bcc[-110] direction. We use analytical considerations to illustrate the relationship between the crystal symmetry of the stack and the anisotropy of microscopic DMI. This shows that systems with two-fold symmetry are promising for realizing isolated elliptical skyrmions or anti-skyrmions.
Journal of Applied Physics | 2011
Márcio M. Soares; H. Tolentino; Maurizio De Santis; Aline Y. Ramos; J. C. Cezar
We report on the structure and magnetism of an ultrathin L10 FePt film epitaxially grown on Pt(001) single crystal. This film presents an enhanced tetragonal distortion and a quite large magnetic anisotropy, with an orbital contribution to the Fe total magnetic moment as large as 10%.
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation | 2018
Yves Joly; Antoine Abisset; Aude Bailly; Maurizio De Santis; Farid Fettar; Stéphane Grenier; D. Mannix; Aline Y. Ramos; M.C. Saint-Lager; Yvonne Soldo-Olivier; Jean-Marc Tonnerre; Sergey A. Guda; Yvonne Gründer
We present an ab initio numerical tool to simulate surface resonant X-ray diffraction experiments. The crystal truncation rods and the spectra around a given X-ray absorption edge are calculated at any position of the reciprocal space. Density functional theory is used to determine the resonant scattering factor of an atom within its local environment and to calculate the diffraction peak intensities for surfaces covered with a thin film or with one or several adsorbed layers. Besides the sample geometry, the collected data also depend on several parameters, such as beam polarization and incidence and exit angles. In order to account for these factors, a numerical diffractometer mimicking the experimental operation modes has been created. Finally two case studies are presented in order to compare our simulations with experimental spectra: (i) a magnetite thin film deposited on a silver substrate and (ii) an electrochemical interface consisting of bromine atoms adsorbed on copper.
Brazilian Journal of Physics | 2009
Helio C. N. Tolentino; Maurizio De Santis; Jean-Marc Tonnerre; Aline Y. Ramos; V. Langlais; Stéphane Grenier; Aude Bailly
Electronic and magnetic properties of nanoscale materials are closely related to the atomic arrangement at the interface shared by different chemical elements. A very precise knowledge of the surface/interface structure is then essential to properly interpret the new properties coming out. Of a particular interest is the relationship between structure, morphology and magnetic properties of exchanged-coupled interfaces in ferromagnetic (FM) and antiferromagnetic (AF) materials. The interaction at the AF/FM interface modifies the magnetic switching properties of the FM film, which turn out to be a usefull property on new magnetic devices technology. We present here an investigation of the buried exchange-coupled interface [NiO/CoO]/[PtCo] grown on a Pt(111) single crystal. The magneto-optical Kerr effect reveals a strong coupling at the interface, by an increasing coercivity, and a spin reorientation of the FM film when ordering occurs in the AF layer. The combination of grazing incidence X-ray diffraction, X-ray reflectivity and soft X-ray resonant magnetic scattering yields a comprehensive description of the system.
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter | 2015
Anne D. Lamirand; Márcio M. Soares; Maurizio De Santis; Aline Y. Ramos; Stéphane Grenier; H. Tolentino
The structure and strain of ultrathin CoO films grown on a Pt(0 0 1) substrate and on a ferromagnetic FePt pseudomorphic layer on Pt(0 0 1) have been determined with in situ and real time surface x-ray diffraction. The films grow epitaxially on both surfaces with an in-plane hexagonal pattern that yields a pseudo-cubic CoO(1 1 1) surface. A refined x-ray diffraction analysis reveals a slight monoclinic distortion at RT induced by the anisotropic stress at the interface. The tetragonal contribution to the distortion results in a ratio [Formula: see text], opposite to that found in the low temperature bulk CoO phase. This distortion leads to a stable Co(2+) spin configuration within the plane of the film.
Surface Science | 1997
Riccardo Zalla; Stefano Iacobucci; Maurizio De Santis; M. Sancrotti
We report a Cu 2p X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) study of Cu pseudomorphic epilayers grown on Ag(001) as a function of the Cu coverage from the sub-monolayer up to ∼ 3.6 ML. The thus-probed Cu 3d unoccupied distribution of states local to the Cu sites is found to exhibit a strong similarity in the shape with respect to bcc ultrathin Cu films grown on Fe(001). In addition, the spectra change as the overlayer is progressively increased thereby reflecting the evolution of the structural properties.
Surface Science | 2002
Thomas P. Trainor; Peter J. Eng; Gordon E. Brown; Ian K. Robinson; Maurizio De Santis