Maurizio Quartieri
University of Bologna
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Featured researches published by Maurizio Quartieri.
Plant and Soil | 1997
Massimo Tagliavini; Maurizio Quartieri; Peter Millard
Both uptake of fertiliser N and remobilisation of stored N were quantified for the early growth of spur and shoot leaves, flowers and fruit development of pear trees. One-year old Abbé F. trees grafted on quince C rootstocks were fertilised with a generous N supply for one year and while dormant during the winter, transferred to sand cultures. Each tree received 3 g of labelled nitrate-N at the end of winter and in early spring. Leaves, flowers and fruit were sampled on 5 separate occasions and the recovery of labelled N used to distinguish the remobilisation of N and the root uptake of nitrate. Remobilisation of stored N accounted for most of the N present in leaves and flowers during blossoming. Remobilisation of nitrogen stopped between petal fall and the beginning of fruit development. Root uptake of nitrate linearly increased over time and at the last sampling, 55 days after bud burst, fertiliser N contributed approximately half of the total N recovered in both spur and shoot leaves, the remainder coming from remobilisation. Flowers and fruits based their N metabolism more on remobilisation as compared to the leaves. This pattern of internal cycling of N is discussed in relation to fertilisation strategies for pear trees.
Plant and Soil | 1995
Massimo Tagliavini; Andrea Masia; Maurizio Quartieri
One-year old nectarine trees [Prunus persica, Batsch var. nectarina (Ait.) Maxim.], cv Nectaross grafted on P.S.B2 peach seedlings [Prunus persica (L.) Batsch] were grown for five months in 4-litre pots filled with two alkaline soils, one of which was also calcareous. Soils were regularly subjected to fertigation with either ammonium sulphate or calcium nitrate providing a total of 550 mg N/tree. Trees were also grown in such soils receiving only deionized water, as controls. Rhizosphere pH, measured by the use of a microelectrode inserted in agar sheet containing a bromocresol purple as pH indicator and placed on selected roots, was decreased by about 2–3 units compared to the bulk soil pH in all treatments. This decrease was slightly less marked when plants were supplied with calcium nitrate rather than ammonium sulphate or control. Measurements conducted during the course of the experiment indicated that ammonium concentration was similar in the solution of soils receiving the two N fertilizers. During the experiment, soil solution nitrate-N averaged 115 mg L−1 in soil fertilized with calcium nitrate, 68 mg L−1 in those receiving ammonium sulphate and 1 mg L−1 in control soils. At the end of the experiment nitrate concentrations were similar in soils receiving the two N sources and bulk soil pH was decreased by about 0.4 units by ammonium sulphate fertigation: these evidences suggest a rapid soil nitriflcation activity of added ammonium. Symptoms of interveinal chlorosis in apical leaves appeared during the course of the experiment in trees planted in the alkaline-calcareous soil when calcium nitrate was added. The slightly higher rhizosphere pH for calcium nitrate-fed plants may have contributed to this. The findings suggest that using ammonium sulphate in a liquid form (e.g. by fertigation) in high-pH soils leads to their acidification and the micronutrient availability may be improved.
European Journal of Agronomy | 2002
Maurizio Quartieri; Peter Millard; Massimo Tagliavini
Abstract Orchard nitrogen (N) management should aim at reconciling productivity, fruit quality and environmental concerns. Fertilisation strategies should, therefore, maximise the efficiency of N fertilisers, including the choice of the optimal timing of N supply. In the present study, with the aid of labelled [Ca( 15 NO 3 ) 2 ] fertiliser, we assessed: (1) the uptake; (2) the partitioning of nitrogen in 1 year; and (3) its remobilisation the following year, as affected by the timing of N supply. Two-year old Abbe Fetel trees on quince C were grown in pots filled with sand and divided into three groups: one group (A) received 3 g (in total) of labelled N from mid March to mid June, while trees of group B received 3 g of labelled N from late June to fruit harvest (August 20). Trees of group A and B received unlabelled N (3 g/tree) from late June to fruit harvest and from mid March to mid June, respectively. A third set of trees (C) received labelled N (6 g/tree) throughout the season. At fruit harvest, fruits and leaves contained similar amounts of N derived from remobilisation of stored N and from spring uptake (March–June, treatment A) and only a small fraction (around 10%) of N derived from N taken up after June (treatment B). Although abscised leaves contained 10 times higher amounts of N taken up early (A) than late (B) treatments, similar amounts of labelled N were recovered in the tree framework in winter in trees of groups A and B. Remobilisation of N in the following spring accounted for 23–24% of the labelled N in the tree, regardless the timing of N uptake. Trees remobilised with preference N taken up during the previous year than N absorbed earlier. Results indicate that a limited supply of N before fruit harvest does not increase the fruit N content significantly, while it increases N storage in roots during winter to be remobilised the following spring.
Journal of Plant Nutrition | 2003
Adamo Domenico Rombolà; Moreno Toselli; José Carpintero; Tarek Ammari; Maurizio Quartieri; José Torrent; Bruno Marangoni
Abstract In this study we have tested the hypothesis that lime‐induced Fe deficiency chlorosis of kiwifruit may be prevented by the application of a synthetic iron(II)‐phosphate analogous to the mineral vivianite [(Fe3(PO4)2·8H2O)]. Two experiments, under greenhouse and field conditions, were performed. In the greenhouse, 1‐year old micropropagated plants (Actinidia deliciosa, cv. Hayward), grown in 3‐L pots on a calcareous soil, were treated in early autumn with soil‐applied: (1) synthetic vivianite (1.35 g plant−1) and (2) Fe‐EDDHA (24 mg Fe plant−1). The synthetic vivianite suspension, prepared by dissolving ferrous sulfate and mono‐ammonium phosphate, was injected into the soil as a sole application whereas the Fe‐EDDHA solution was applied four times at weekly intervals. The field experiment was conducted in a mature drip‐irrigated kiwifruit orchard located on a calcareous soil in the Eastern Po Valley (Italy). Treatments were performed in early autumn by injecting synthetic vivianite (1.8 kg tree−1) and Fe‐EDDHA (600 mg Fe tree−1) into four holes in the soil around each tree, at a depth of 25–30 cm. The Fe‐chelate application was repeated at the same rate in the following spring. Untreated (control) plants were used in both experiments. Autumn‐applied Fe fertilisers significantly prevented development of Fe chlorosis under greenhouse conditions whereas in the field only vivianite was effective. In conclusion, these 1‐year results show that vivianite represents an effective alternative to soil‐applied Fe chelates for preventing Fe chlorosis in kiwifruit orchards.
Plant and Soil | 2003
Stefano Poni; Maurizio Quartieri; Massimo Tagliavini
As potassium (K) requirement of grapevine (Vitis viniferaL.) berries is high and phloem translocation from mature leaves to developing organs is well established, it was posited that shoot trimming, a widely applied technique which alters the source-sink balance and the mature-to-immature foliage ratio of a canopy, may influence K deficiency. Six-year-old Cabernet Sauvignon grapevines were grown in 0.045 m3 pots (one plant per pot) filled with a soil sampled from a vineyard previously displaying K deficiency symptoms. Two levels of K supply (K0, no K added; K1, 25 g K per pot added in five splits from bloom to post veraison) were tested on vines that for each level were left (a) untrimmed and trimmed at ten main leaves with (b) or without (c) maintenance of lateral shoots in a split-plot design. Potassium concentration of leaf blades, berries and canes, vegetative growth and leaf gas exchange were recorded throughout the season; yield, grape quality and must characteristics were determined at fruit maturity. While adding potassium to the soil resulted in higher K concentration in blades of both main and lateral shoots and berries at harvest, trimming with removal of lateral shoots resulted in lower blade K concentration of the main leaves at harvest and more severe K deficiency symptoms regardless of K soil availability. Berry K concentration and the fraction of whole-plant K partitioned to clusters were not significantly affected by trimming. Gas-exchange, vegetative growth, yield and grape quality were not affected by the seasonal K fertilization, whereas the latter was impaired when trimming with excision of lateral shoots was applied. The results indicate that if shoot trimming is not followed by an adequate regrowth of secondary shoots an excessive depletion of potassium from the retained old basal leaves occurs during fruit maturity and increases the risk of leaf K deficiency, particularly in the K0 treatment.
Journal of Plant Nutrition | 2008
Moreno Toselli; Elena Baldi; Graziella Marcolini; Donatella Malaguti; Maurizio Quartieri; Giovambattista Sorrenti; Bruno Marangoni
ABSTRACT The response of potted pear trees grafted on quince (Cydonia oblonga Mill.) Sydo stock to increasing concentrations (0, 50, 100, 200, 400, 600, 800, and 1000 mg kg−1) of copper (Cu) in sandy and clay-loam soils were evaluated and crop toxicity thresholds and symptoms were determined. Reductions of shoot growth and leaf area were observed only for pear grown in sandy soil with more than 400 mg Cu/kg. During the growing season, carbon assimilation and soil microbial biomass were reduced as concentration of soil Cu increased. However, the effect was always stronger in sandy than clay-loam soil. Copper accumulated in roots, with response to soil Cu additions described by a linear and a quadratic function for sandy and clay-loam soil, respectively. A possible antagonism was observed between Cu and zinc (Zn) in the roots. Root Zn concentration decreased as soil Cu concentration increased.
Revista Brasileira De Fruticultura | 2015
Gustavo Brunetto; George Wellington Bastos de Melo; Moreno Toselli; Maurizio Quartieri; Massimo Tagliavini
Fertilization of temperate fruit trees, such as grapevine ( Vitis spp.), apple ( Malus domestica), and pear ( Pyrus communis) is an important tool to achive maximum yield and fruit quality. Fertilizers are provided when soil fertility does not allow trees to express their genetic potential, and time and rate of application should be scheduled to promote fruit quality. Grapevine berries, must and wine quality are affected principally by N, that regulate the synthesis of some important compounds, such as anthocyanins, which are responsible for coloring of the must and the wine. Fermenation of the must may stop in grapes with low concentration of N because N is requested in high amount by yeasts. An N excess may increase the pulp to peel ratio, diluting the concentration of anthocyanins and promoting the migration of anthocyanins from berries to the growing plant organs; a decrease of grape juice soluble solid concentration is also expected because of an increase in vegetative growth. Potassium is also important for wine quality contributing to adequate berry maturation, concentration of sugars, synthesis of phenols and the regulation of pH and acidity. In apple and pear, Ca and K are important for fruit quality and storage. Potassium is the most important component of fruit, however, any excess should be avoided and an adequate K:Ca balance should be achieved. Adequate concentration of Ca in the fruit prevents pre- and post-harvest fruit disorders and, at the same time, increases tolerance to pathogens. Although N promotes adequate growth soil N availability should be monitored to avoid excessive N uptake that may decrease fruit skin color and storability.
Journal of Plant Nutrition | 2012
Moreno Toselli; Giovambattista Sorrenti; Maurizio Quartieri; Elena Baldi; Graziella Marcolini; D. Solieri; Bruno Marangoni; M. Collina
We evaluated the effectiveness of soil and foliar applications of calcium chloride (CaCl2) on reducing pear susceptibility of brown spot (Stemphylium vesicarium). Two experiments were done using pear trees of the variety Abbé Fetel grafted on quince (Cydonia oblonga) rootstock. Potted trees were treated with soil and foliar application of CaCl2, while commercial trees were subjected only to soil application of 5.6 g CaCl2 L−1, and 11.2 g CaCl2 L−1. In a controlled environment, leaf and fruit brown spot incidence decreased with the increase of residual calcium (Ca) concentration in the tissue, according to a second degree function. In fruits from field experiment, disease symptoms were decreased by soil application of CaCl2 that increased Ca fruit concentration above 1000 mg kg−1 dw; however, no clear correlation between fruit Ca and brown spot incidence was found. Leaf water and osmotic potential were not related to brown spot incidence.
Science of The Total Environment | 2018
Elena Baldi; Luciano Cavani; Alja Margon; Maurizio Quartieri; Giovambattista Sorrenti; Claudio Marzadori; Moreno Toselli
The aim of the present study was to compare the quantity and the type of carbon (C) stored during the 14-year lifetime of a commercial nectarine orchard ecosystem fertilized with mineral or organic fertilizers. The study was carried out in the Po valley, Italy, in a nectarine orchard of the variety Stark RedGold, grafted on GF677 hybrid peach × almond. Since orchard planting in August 2001, the following treatments were applied in a randomized complete block design with four replicates per block and compared: 1. unfertilized control; 2. mineral fertilization (including P and K at planting and N applied as NO3NH4 yearly at the rate of 70-130 kg ha-1); 3. compost application at a rate of 5 Mg DW ha-1 yr-1; 4. compost application at a rate of 10 Mg DW ha-1 yr-1. Compost was obtained from domestic organic wastes mixed with pruning material from urban ornamental trees and garden management after a 3-month stabilization period. Application of compost at the highest rate increased C in the soil; the amount of C sequestered was approximately 60% from amendment source and 40% from the net primary production of trees and grasses with a net increase of C compared to mineral fertilization. Compost application was found to be a win-win strategy to increase C storage in soil and, at the same time, to promote plant growth and yield to levels similar to those obtained with mineral fertilization. The rate of C application is crucial, indicated by the fact that compost supply at the rate of 10 Mg ha-1 yr-1 was the only fertilization strategy of the ones tested that resulted in higher C sequestration. This shows that compost amendment may stimulate an increase in the net primary production of plants.
Journal of Plant Nutrition | 2017
Katherine Bravo; Graziella Marcolini; Giovambattista Sorrenti; Elena Baldi; Maurizio Quartieri; Moreno Toselli
ABSTRACT Walnut tree requires a relatively high amount of nitrogen (N). To avoid loss in the environment, N uptake efficiency (NUE) should be optimized. The aims of this study were to evaluate the effect of time of N application on NUE, partitioning, and remobilization in walnut trees. Two-year-old trees were planted in 40-L pots and fertilized with 1 g of 15N-enriched (5 atom %) N at: 1) bud burst, 2) pistillate flower maturity, and 3) late summer. One week after fertilization, the percentage of N derived from fertilizer and NUE were higher in trees fertilized in late summer, than other timings. N uptake was linearly related to root dry weight. At May 2008 harvest, the N stored in trunk and twigs was remobilized to the developing leaves and to the roots. Late summer N application appeared to be the most effective in providing N for walnut spring new growth.