
Applied Economics | 2013

A matrix approach to the Gini index decomposition by subgroup and by income source

Mauro Mussini

The literature offers two main ways of decomposing the Gini index: decomposition by population subgroup and by income source. This article proposes merging the two decomposition dimensions by suggesting a matrix formula for the Gini index which permits the simultaneous decomposition by subgroup and by income source. Using this multi‐decomposition, one can investigate the role of the interaction between the subgroup and the source components in determining the overall inequality. We apply the methodology to sample data on Italian household incomes collected in 2008.

Applied Economics Letters | 2013

A subgroup decomposition of the inequality change over time

Mauro Mussini

This article proposes a subgroup decomposition of the determinants of the change in the Gini index over time. The decomposition allows one to explain the link between inequality change, reranking and income growth for the various subgroup components of the inequality index.

Conference of the Classification and Data Analysis Group of the Italian Statistical Society, Catania, September 9 - 11, 2009 | 2011

The Measure of Economic Re-Evaluation: a Coefficient Based on Conjoint Analysis

Paolo Mariani; Mauro Mussini; Emma Zavarrone

During the last 40 years conjoint analysis has been used to solve a wide variety of concerns in market research. Recently, a number of studies have begun to use conjoint analysis for the economic valuation of non-market goods. This paper discusses how to extend the conjoint analysis area of application by introducing a coefficient to measure economic re-evaluation on the basis of utility scores and the relative importances of attributes provided by conjoint analysis. We utilise the suggested coefficient for the economic valuation of a typical non-market good, such as a worldwide cultural event, to reveal the trade offs between its attributes in terms of revenue variation. Our findings indicate the most valuable change to be made to the existing status quo to generate economic surplus.


Measuring bipolarization in labour productivity in Italy: a new index and its decomposition by sectors and regional factors

Mauro Mussini; Biancamaria Zavanella

This paper explores bipolarization in labour productivity among Italian regions. An index to measure bipolarization in labour productivity distribution is suggested. The index can be decomposed by sectors, explaining the contribution of each sector to bipolarization. From this sectoral decomposition, a further decomposition based on a reformulation of shift-share analysis is obtained. This shift-share decomposition captures the effects of regional factors on bipolarization since the roles played by the disparities in sectoral labour productivities, industry-mix and allocation of workers across sectors are explained. The index and its decompositions are used to measure the bipolarization in the aggregate labour productivity distribution across Italian regions over the 2000-2011 period. Our findings show that bipolarization is not particularly high and is mainly attributable to the disparities in sectoral labour productivities between regions. Keywords: bipolarization, decomposition, labour productivity, Shift-share analysis, Italian regions, sectors of activity

Micro & Macro Marketing | 2014

L'integrazione di dati amministrativi e campionari per arricchire i sistemi informativi di marketing nel farmaceutico: evidenze empiriche legate al record linkage

Paolo Mariani; Mauro Mussini

Objectives. This paper proposes an empirical comparison between the probabilistic record linkage and the deterministic record linkage. We use both the procedures for combining two diverse data sources, an administrative archive and a sample survey, for a situation in which the true status of each pair of linked records is known. The sample survey provides information on Italian doctor prescribing behaviour in 2007; the administrative archive provides personal and professional data for the population of Italian doctors in 2007. Match rates and error rates for the two procedures are compared and discussed in order to make suggestions on when their use is appropriate. The record linkage aims at enriching the information separately stored in the two data sources.Methods and Results. We firstly adopt a deterministic linkage procedure which consists of applying various decisional criteria to establish when a pair of records should be linked. We then use a probabilistic approach to link the records of the two files. For both procedures, we calculate sensitivity and positive predictive value, and use them to assess the accuracy of linkage. Our findings suggest that the deterministic procedure is more accurate than the probabilistic one.Conclusions. Overall, this paper confirms the feasibility of this kind of data linkage. Linked doctor records are now endowed with inforanno mation on personal characteristics, professional features and prescribing behaviour. Considering that all pharmaceutical companies have access to the administrative data source used in our linkage exercise and many of them conduct their own surveys, our results may represent a basis for comparisons when attempting to conduct similar linkage exercises.


Servizi pubblici per l’impiego e imprese: un’analisi della relazione tra preselezione e job matching

Paolo Mariani; Mauro Mussini; Biancamaria Zavanella

In Italia la regolamentazione del mercato del lavoro ammette che nel settore dei servizi per l’impiego operino intermediari sia pubblici sia privati. I servizi pubblici per l’impiego (SPI) esercitano la funzione di incontro domanda-offerta di lavoro secondo logiche differenti dagli operatori privati, specialmente nei confronti delle imprese. Il presente lavoro indaga gli effetti della promozione dei servizi pubblici per l’impiego, rivolta alle imprese, rispetto alle aspettative dei datori di lavoro nei confronti di un efficace servizio di mediazione domanda-offerta di lavoro. Si impiega un modello di regressione logistica binaria per esaminare la relazione tra la tempestivita del servizio di preselezione, erogato nell’ambito delle attivita promozionali, e l’esito del processo di job matching . L’evidenza empirica suggerisce che, al crescere del lasso temporale necessario per l’erogazione del servizio, diminuiscono le chances che il processo di matching si concluda con successo. In secondo luogo, si stimano gli effetti che le modalita di risposta degli SPI alle esigenze occupazionali delle imprese presentano sulla probabilita che il processo di matching termini favorevolmente. In proposito emerge che la numerosita di profili disponibili, in linea con quelli richiesti dal datore di lavoro, non sembra incidere sull’esito del processo di matching . La tematica dell’analisi degli effetti di servizi pubblici per l’impiego, erogati a livello locale, riscuote interesse crescente per via del progressivo decentramento amministrativo che attribuisce ai governi locali competenze in materia di politiche attive per il lavoro. Questo contributo discute le opportunita legate all’erogazione di servizi per l’impiego avanzati alle imprese da parte degli operatori pubblici e degli effetti sul processo di job matching che possono derivare da un’attivita dei servizi pubblici per l’impiego condotta secondo criteri improntati al soddisfacimento dei requisiti generalmente attesi da parte di un’impresa nei confronti dell’operato di un generico intermediario privato.

Economic Modelling | 2013

On decomposing inequality and poverty changes over time: A multi-dimensional decomposition

Mauro Mussini

Empirical Economics | 2014

Decomposing inequality change from the perspective of reranking and income growth between income groups

Mauro Mussini

Argumenta Oeconomica | 2013

A New Coefficient of Economic Valuation Based on Utility Scores

Paolo Mariani; Mauro Mussini


The Decomposition of the Atkinson-Plotnick-Kakwani Re-Ranking Measure

Maria Giovanna Monti; Achille Vernizzi; Mauro Mussini

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