Maxime Bertoux
University of East Anglia
Brain | 2016
Lorraine Hamelin; Julien Lagarde; Guillaume Dorothée; Claire Leroy; Mickael Labit; Robert A. Comley; Leonardo Cruz de Souza; Hélène Corne; Luce Dauphinot; Maxime Bertoux; Bruno Dubois; Philippe Gervais; Olivier Colliot; Marie Potier; Michel Bottlaender; Marie Sarazin
While emerging evidence suggests that neuroinflammation plays a crucial role in Alzheimers disease, the impact of the microglia response in Alzheimers disease remains a matter of debate. We aimed to study microglial activation in early Alzheimers disease and its impact on clinical progression using a second-generation 18-kDa translocator protein positron emission tomography radiotracer together with amyloid imaging using Pittsburgh compound B positron emission tomography. We enrolled 96 subjects, 64 patients with Alzheimers disease and 32 controls, from the IMABio3 study, who had both (11)C-Pittsburgh compound B and (18)F-DPA-714 positron emission tomography imaging. Patients with Alzheimers disease were classified as prodromal Alzheimers disease (n = 38) and Alzheimers disease dementia (n = 26). Translocator protein-binding was measured using a simple ratio method with cerebellar grey matter as reference tissue, taking into account regional atrophy. Images were analysed at the regional (volume of interest) and at the voxel level. Translocator protein genotyping allowed the classification of all subjects in high, mixed and low affinity binders. Thirty high+mixed affinity binders patients with Alzheimers disease were dichotomized into slow decliners (n = 10) or fast decliners (n = 20) after 2 years of follow-up. All patients with Alzheimers disease had an amyloid positive Pittsburgh compound B positron emission tomography. Among controls, eight had positive amyloid scans (n = 6 high+mixed affinity binders), defined as amyloidosis controls, and were analysed separately. By both volumes of interest and voxel-wise comparison, 18-kDa translocator protein-binding was higher in high affinity binders, mixed affinity binders and high+mixed affinity binders Alzheimers disease groups compared to controls, especially at the prodromal stage, involving the temporo-parietal cortex. Translocator protein-binding was positively correlated with Mini-Mental State Examination scores and grey matter volume, as well as with Pittsburgh compound B binding. Amyloidosis controls displayed higher translocator protein-binding than controls, especially in the frontal cortex. We found higher translocator protein-binding in slow decliners than fast decliners, with no difference in Pittsburgh compound B binding. Microglial activation appears at the prodromal and possibly at the preclinical stage of Alzheimers disease, and seems to play a protective role in the clinical progression of the disease at these early stages. The extent of microglial activation appears to differ between patients, and could explain the overlap in translocator protein binding values between patients with Alzheimers disease and amyloidosis controls.
Journal of The International Neuropsychological Society | 2017
Siddharth Ramanan; Maxime Bertoux; Emma Flanagan; Muireann Irish; Olivier Piguet; John R. Hodges; Michael Hornberger
OBJECTIVES With comparable baseline performance on executive functions (EF) and memory between Alzheimers disease (AD) and behavioral-variant frontotemporal dementia (bvFTD), it is currently unclear if both diseases can be distinguished longitudinally on these measures reliably. METHODS A total of 111 participants (33 AD, 31 bvFTD, and 47 controls) were followed-up annually over a 4-year period and tested on measures of EF, memory, and orientation. Linear mixed-effect models were constructed using disease severity as a nuisance variable to examine profiles of neuropsychological performance decline. RESULTS At baseline, overlap in terms of cognitive impairment between bvFTD and AD on multiple EF, memory, and orientation measures was present. Longitudinally, only disinhibition (Hayling total errors) appeared sensitive to discriminating AD from bvFTD; however, only after the first annual follow-up. Subgroup analyses on smaller samples revealed comparable profiles on EF tasks at baseline and over time between bvFTD and AD who presented with impaired EF at presentation, and on memory and orientation tasks between AD and bvFTD who presented with severe amnesia. CONCLUSIONS Our results replicate previous findings showing only moderate discriminability between AD and bvFTD at clinical presentation on EF and memory measures. More importantly, we also show that longitudinal trajectories strongly overlap for both dementias on these measures. Disinhibition emerged as the sole measure that in the long run was significantly more impaired in bvFTD. Future studies should use tests designed to target cortical regions that are specifically impaired in bvFTD, such as the ventromedial prefrontal cortex, to improve the accurate discrimination of these diseases. (JINS, 2017, 23, 34-43).
Journal of Alzheimer's Disease | 2016
Stephanie Wong; Maxime Bertoux; Greg Savage; John R. Hodges; Olivier Piguet; Michael Hornberger
Alzheimers disease (AD) sometimes presents with prominent executive dysfunction and associated prefrontal cortex atrophy. The impact of such executive deficits on episodic memory performance as well as their neural correlates in AD, however, remains unclear. The aim of the current study was to investigate episodic memory and brain atrophy in AD patients with relatively spared executive functioning (SEF-AD; n = 12) and AD patients with relatively impaired executive functioning (IEF-AD; n = 23). We also compared the AD subgroups with a group of behavioral-variant frontotemporal dementia patients (bvFTD; n = 22), who typically exhibit significant executive deficits, and age-matched healthy controls (n = 38). On cognitive testing, the three patient groups showed comparable memory profiles on standard episodic memory tests, with significant impairment relative to controls. Voxel-based morphometry analyses revealed extensive prefrontal and medial temporal lobe atrophy in IEF-AD and bvFTD, whereas this was limited to the middle frontal gyrus and hippocampus in SEF-AD. Moreover, the additional prefrontal atrophy in IEF-AD and bvFTD correlated with memory performance, whereas this was not the case for SEF-AD. These findings indicate that IEF-AD patients show prefrontal atrophy in regions similar to bvFTD, and suggest that this contributes to episodic memory performance. This has implications for the differential diagnosis of bvFTD and subtypes of AD.
Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience | 2016
Emma Flanagan; Stephanie Wong; Aparna Dutt; Sicong Tu; Maxime Bertoux; Muireann Irish; Olivier Piguet; Sulakshana Rao; John R. Hodges; Amitabha Ghosh; Michael Hornberger
Episodic memory recall processes in Alzheimers disease (AD) and behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia (bvFTD) can be similarly impaired, whereas recognition performance is more variable. A potential reason for this variability could be false-positive errors made on recognition trials and whether these errors are due to amnesia per se or a general over-endorsement of recognition items regardless of memory. The current study addressed this issue by analysing recognition performance on the Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test (RAVLT) in 39 bvFTD, 77 AD and 61 control participants from two centers (India, Australia), as well as disinhibition assessed using the Hayling test. Whereas both AD and bvFTD patients were comparably impaired on delayed recall, bvFTD patients showed intact recognition performance in terms of the number of correct hits. However, both patient groups endorsed significantly more false-positives than controls, and bvFTD and AD patients scored equally poorly on a sensitivity index (correct hits—false-positives). Furthermore, measures of disinhibition were significantly associated with false positives in both groups, with a stronger relationship with false-positives in bvFTD. Voxel-based morphometry analyses revealed similar neural correlates of false positive endorsement across bvFTD and AD, with both patient groups showing involvement of prefrontal and Papez circuitry regions, such as medial temporal and thalamic regions, and a DTI analysis detected an emerging but non-significant trend between false positives and decreased fornix integrity in bvFTD only. These findings suggest that false-positive errors on recognition tests relate to similar mechanisms in bvFTD and AD, reflecting deficits in episodic memory processes and disinhibition. These findings highlight that current memory tests are not sufficient to accurately distinguish between bvFTD and AD patients.
Cortex | 2017
Siddharth Ramanan; Leonardo Cruz de Souza; Noémie Moreau; Marie Sarazin; Antônio Lúcio Teixeira; Zoe Allen; Henrique Cerqueira Guimarães; Paulo Caramelli; Bruno Dubois; Michael Hornberger; Maxime Bertoux
Whether theory of mind (ToM) is preserved in Alzheimers disease (AD) remains a controversial subject. Recent studies have showed that performance on some ToM tests might be altered in AD, though to a lesser extent than in behavioural-variant Frontotemporal Dementia (bvFTD). It is however, unclear if this reflects a genuine impairment of ToM or a deficit secondary to the general cognitive decline observed in AD. Aiming to investigate the cognitive determinants of ToM performance in AD, a data-mining study was conducted in 29 AD patients then replicated in an independent age-matched group of 19 AD patients to perform an independent replication of the results. 44 bvFTD patients were included as a comparison group. All patients had an extensive neuropsychological examination. Hierarchical clustering analyses showed that ToM performance clustered with measures of executive functioning (EF) in AD. ToM performance was also specifically correlated with the executive component extracted from a principal component analysis. In a final step, automated linear modelling conducted to determine the predictors of ToM performance showed that 48.8% of ToM performance was significantly predicted by executive measures. Similar findings across analyses were observed in the independent group of AD patients, thereby replicating our results. Conversely, ToM impairments in bvFTD appeared independent of other cognitive impairments. These results suggest that difficulties of AD patients on ToM tests do not reflect a genuine ToM deficit, rather mediated by general (and particularly executive) cognitive decline. They also suggest that EF has a key role in mental state attribution, which support interacting models of ToM functioning. Finally, our study highlights the relevancy of data-mining statistical approaches in clinical and cognitive neurosciences.
Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience | 2016
Jingjing Wang; Stephen J. Redmond; Maxime Bertoux; John R. Hodges; Michael Hornberger
The clinical distinction between Alzheimers disease (AD) and behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia (bvFTD) remains challenging and largely dependent on the experience of the clinician. This study investigates whether objective machine learning algorithms using supportive neuroimaging and neuropsychological clinical features can aid the distinction between both diseases. Retrospective neuroimaging and neuropsychological data of 166 participants (54 AD; 55 bvFTD; 57 healthy controls) was analyzed via a Naïve Bayes classification model. A subgroup of patients (n = 22) had pathologically-confirmed diagnoses. Results show that a combination of gray matter atrophy and neuropsychological features allowed a correct classification of 61.47% of cases at clinical presentation. More importantly, there was a clear dissociation between imaging and neuropsychological features, with the latter having the greater diagnostic accuracy (respectively 51.38 vs. 62.39%). These findings indicate that, at presentation, machine learning classification of bvFTD and AD is mostly based on cognitive and not imaging features. This clearly highlights the urgent need to develop better biomarkers for both diseases, but also emphasizes the value of machine learning in determining the predictive diagnostic features in neurodegeneration.
Journal of Alzheimer's Disease | 2016
Maxime Bertoux; Siddharth Ramanan; Andrea Slachevsky; Stephanie Wong; Fernando Henríquez; Gada Musa; Carolina Delgado; Emma Flanagan; Michel Bottlaender; Marie Sarazin; Michael Hornberger; Bruno Dubois
BACKGROUND Memory impairment in behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia (bvFTD) is traditionally considered to be mild and attributed to prefrontal cortex dysfunction. Recent studies, however, indicated that some patients can present with a memory impairment of the hippocampal type, showing storage and consolidation deficits in addition to the more executive/prefrontal related encoding and strategic difficulties. OBJECTIVE This study aimed to study the relationship between executive functions (EF) and memory processes in bvFTD via a data-driven approach. METHOD Participants consisted of 71 bvFTD (among which 60.6% had a lumbar puncture showing non-Alzheimer biomarker profile) and 60 controls (among which 45% had amyloid imaging showing a normal profile). EF were assessed by the Frontal Assessment Battery, semantic/lexical verbal fluency tests, and forward/backward digit spans. Patients were split into amnestic (n = 33) and non-amnestic (n = 38) subgroups based on normative data (total recall score) from the Free and Cued Selective Reminding Test (FCSRT). Relationships between FCSRT subscores and EF measures were explored through hierarchical clustering analysis, partial correlation analysis with an EF component, and automated linear modeling. RESULTS Convergent findings across the statistical approaches show that, overall, memory performance was independent from EF in bvFTD whereas the relationship was stronger in controls. Indeed, in bvFTD, memory performance did not cluster with EF, was not correlated with the EF component, and was only partially (4% - 12.7%) predicted by EF. DISCUSSION These findings show that executive dysfunctions cannot solely explain the memory deficits occurring in bvFTD. Indeed, some patients present with a genuine amnesia affecting storage and consolidation abilities, which are independent from executive dysfunctions. On the clinical level, this study highlights the importance of revising the neuropsychological diagnosis criteria for bvFTD.
Brain Imaging and Behavior | 2018
Ana Paula Arantes Bueno; Walter H. L. Pinaya; Luciana Monteiro de Moura; Maxime Bertoux; Ratko Radakovic; Matthew C. Kiernan; Antônio Lúcio Teixeira; Leonardo Cruz de Souza; Michael Hornberger; João Ricardo Sato
Cognitive impairment in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is heterogeneous but now recognized as a feature in non-demented patients and no longer exclusively attributed to executive dysfunction. However, despite common reports of temporal lobe changes and memory deficits in ALS, episodic memory has been less explored. In the current study, we examined how the Papez circuit—a circuit known to participate in memory processes—is structurally and functionally affected in ALS patients (n = 20) compared with healthy controls (n = 15), and whether these changes correlated with a commonly used clinical measure of episodic memory. Our multimodal MRI approach (cortical volume, voxel-based morphometry, diffusion tensor imaging and resting state functional magnetic resonance) showed reduced gray matter in left hippocampus, left entorhinal cortex and right posterior cingulate as well as increased white matter fractional anisotropy and decreased mean diffusivity in the left cingulum bundle (hippocampal part) of ALS patients compared with controls. Interestingly, thalamus, mammillary bodies and fornix were preserved. Finally, we report a decreased functional connectivity in ALS patients in bilateral hippocampus, bilateral anterior and posterior parahippocampal gyrus and posterior cingulate. The results revealed that ALS patients showed statistically significant structural changes, but more important, widespread prominent functional connectivity abnormalities across the regions comprising the Papez circuit. The decreased functional connectivity found in the Papez network may suggest these changes could be used to assess risk or assist early detection or development of memory symptoms in ALS patients even before structural changes are established.
Drug and Alcohol Dependence | 2018
Sharon Cox; Maxime Bertoux; John J.D. Turner; Antony C. Moss; Kirsty Locker; Kevin John Riggs
BACKGROUND Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) is associated with problems with processing complex social scenarios. Little is known about the relationship between distinct AUD-related factors (e.g., years of problematic drinking), aspects of cognitive function and dysfunction in individuals diagnosed with AUD, and the relative impact these may have on social cognition. AIMS To explore differences in social cognition between a group of participants diagnosed with AUD and controls, using a clinical measure, the Mini Social and Emotional Assessment (mini-SEA). The mini-SEA was used to evaluate social and emotional understanding through a facial emotional recognition task and by utilising a series of social scenes some of which contain a faux pas (social error). METHODS Eighty-five participants (individuals with AUD and controls) completed demographic questions and a general cognitive and social cognitive test battery over three consecutive days. RESULTS Between group analyses revealed that the participants with AUD performed less well on the faux pas test, and differences were also revealed in the emotional facial recognition task. Years of problematic alcohol consumption was the strongest predictor of poor ToM reasoning. CONCLUSION These results suggest a strong link between AUD chronicity and social cognition, though the direction of this relationship needs further elucidation. This may be of clinical relevance to abstinence and relapse management, as basic social cognition skills and ability to maintain interpersonal relationships are likely to be crucial to recovery.
Neuropsychology (journal) | 2018
Emma Flanagan; Julien Lagarde; Valérie Hahn; Elodie Guichart-Gomez; Marie Sarazin; Michael Hornberger; Maxime Bertoux
Objective: Environmental dependency syndrome (EDS), including utilization (UB) and imitation (IB) behaviors, is often reported in behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia (bvFTD). These behaviors are commonly attributed to executive dysfunction. However, inconsistent associations between EDS and poor executive performance has led to an alternative “social hypothesis,” instead implicating patients’ misinterpretation of the examiner’s intention. We investigated the possible explanatory cognitive mechanisms of EDS in bvFTD by relating UB and IB to performance on tests of executive functioning and theory of mind (ToM). Method: This study analyzed retrospective data of 32 bvFTD patients. Data included scores of UB and IB, various executive measures, and ToM assessment using the faux pas test, from which we extracted a mental attribution score. Results: Of the patients, 15.6% and 40.6% exhibited UB and IB, respectively. We conducted an automatic linear modeling analysis with executive and mental attribution measures as predictor variables, and UB and IB sequentially considered as target variables. ToM mental attribution score, visual abstraction and flexibility measures from the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test, and motor sequence performance significantly (corrected ps < .05) predicted IB. No executive or ToM measures significantly predicted UB. Conclusions: These findings reveal a complex interaction between executive dysfunction and mental attribution deficits influencing the prevalence of EDS in bvFTD. Further investigation is required to improve our understanding of the mechanisms underlying these behaviors.