Mayank S. Malik
Clemson University
Weed Science | 2008
Mayank S. Malik; Jason K. Norsworthy; A. Stanley Culpepper; Melissa B. Riley; William C. Bridges
Abstract Field experiments were conducted near Blackville, SC, and Tifton, GA, in 2004 and 2005, to evaluate the effect of wild radish and rye cover crops on weed control and sweet corn yield when used in conjunction with lower-than-recommended herbicide rates. Cover crop treatments included wild radish, rye, and no cover crop, alone and in conjunction with half and full rates of atrazine (0.84 and 1.68 kg ai ha−1) plus S-metolachlor (0.44 and 0.87 kg ai ha−1) applied before sweet corn emergence. Florida pusley, large crabgrass, spreading dayflower, ivyleaf morningglory, and wild radish infested the test sites. Wild radish and rye cover crops without herbicides reduced total weed density by 35 and 50%, respectively, at 4 wk after planting (WAP). Wild radish in conjunction with the full rate of atrazine plus S-metolachlor controlled Florida pusley, large crabgrass, and ivyleaf morningglory better than rye or no cover crop treated with a full herbicide rate in 2004 at Blackville. In 2005, at Blackville, weed control in sweet corn following wild radish cover crop plots alone was not different from that following rye. Wild radish or rye in conjunction with a half or full rate of atrazine and S-metolachlor controlled > 95% Florida pusley, wild radish, and large crabgrass in sweet corn at Tifton during both years. Ten glucosinolates, potential allelopathic compounds, were identified in wild radish, including glucoiberin, progoitrin, glucoraphanin, glucoraphenin, glucosinalbin, gluconapin, glucotropaeolin, glucoerucin, glucobrassicin, and gluconasturtin. Sweet corn yields at Blackville and Tifton following wild radish or rye cover crops were similar between the half and full rates of atrazine plus S-metolachlor. Sweet corn in wild radish or rye cover crop plots without herbicides produced less-marketable ears than herbicide-treated plots, indicating that a combination of cover crops and herbicides are required to optimize yields and to obtain desirable weed control. Nomenclature: Atrazine; S-metolachlor; Florida pusley, Richardia scabra L. RCHSC; ivyleaf morningglory, Ipomoea hederacea Jacq. IPOHE; large crabgrass, Digitaria sanguinalis (L.) Scop. DIGSA; spreading dayflower, Commelina diffusa Burm. f. COMDI; wild radish Raphanus raphanistrum L. RAPRA; rye, Secale cereale L. ‘Wrenz’; sweet corn, Zea mays L. ‘Silver Queen’, ‘Summer Sweet’, ‘Prime Plus’.
Weed Technology | 2008
Jason K. Norsworthy; Marcos J. Oliveira; Prashant Jha; Mayank S. Malik; Juliana K. Buckelew; Katherine M. Jennings; David W. Monks
Field experiments were conducted in 2004 and 2005 at Clemson, SC, and in 2004 at Clinton, NC, to quantify Palmer amaranth and large crabgrass growth and interference with plasticulture-grown bell pepper over multiple environments and develop models which can be used on a regional basis to effectively time removal of these weeds. Experiments at both locations consisted of an early and a late spring planting, with the crop and weeds planted alone and in combination. Daily maximum and minimum air temperatures were used to calculate growing degree days (GDD, base 10 C) accumulated following bell pepper transplanting and weed emergence. Linear and nonlinear empirical models were used to describe ht, canopy width, and biomass production as a function of accumulated GDD. Palmer amaranth reduced bell pepper fruit set as early as 6 wk after transplanting (WATP) (648 GDD), whereas large crabgrass did not significantly reduce fruit set until 8 WATP (864 GDD). Using the developed models and assuming Palmer amaranth and large crabgrass emergence on the day of bell pepper transplanting, Palmer amaranth was predicted to be the same ht as bell pepper at 287 GDD (20 cm tall) and large crabgrass the same ht as bell pepper at 580 GDD (34 cm tall). Nomenclature: Large crabgrass, Digitaria sanguinalis (L.) Scop. DIGSA, Palmer amaranth, Amaranthus palmeri S. Wats. AMAPA, bell pepper, Capsicum annuum L. ‘Heritage’
Weed Technology | 2010
Mayank S. Malik; Nilda R. Burgos; Ronald E. Talbert
Abstract Intensive selection pressure from repeated use of propanil and quinclorac led to the evolution of herbicide-resistant barnyardgrass biotypes. Twenty-two composite field samples were tested for level of resistance in 2002 and 2003, and field studies were conducted at the Rice Research and Extension Center, Stuttgart, AR, in 2002 and 2003 to evaluate alternative rice herbicides to control propanil-resistant (PR) and quinclorac-resistant (QR) barnyardgrass. Of the 22 composite samples, four were PR (30 to 40% control); four had a mixed population of PR, QR, and susceptible (S) barnyardgrass; and two had multiple resistance to propanil and quinclorac (P/QR), with control from propanil of 15 to 30% and control from quinclorac of 5 to 10%. ‘Wells’ rice was used where conventional herbicide programs were evaluated, and Clearfield rice ‘CL-161’ (imidazolinone-resistant) was used for herbicide programs involving imazethapyr. All PR and QR barnyardgrass were controlled > 90% by alternative herbicides, including all preemergence (PRE) and delayed preemergence (DPRE) treatments. By 56 d after emergence (DAE), cyhalofop or fenoxaprop applied to two- to three-leaf barnyardgrass (early postemergence [EPOST]), followed by (fb) a preflood application, controlled barnyardgrass > 93%. Pendimethalin controlled PR barnyardgrass 21 DAE, but not all season long. In contrast, imazethapyr in Clearfield rice controlled all grass weeds 100% all season long. Midpostemergence (MPOST) bispyribac application at the four- to five-leaf stage also provided season-long control of all barnyardgrass biotypes (> 88%, 56 DAE). Rice yields ranged from 5,300 to 5,700 kg ha−1 in conventional weed-control treatments and from 2,800 to 5,000 kg ha−1 in imazethapyr-treated plots. Nontreated plots yielded 1,500 kg ha−1. Nomenclature: Bispyribac; clomazone; cyhalofop; fenoxaprop; imazethapyr; molinate; pendimethalin; propanil; quinclorac; thiobencarb; barnyardgrass, Echinochloa crus-galli (L.) Beauv. ECHCG; rice, Oryza sativa L. ‘Wells’ and ‘CL-161’.
Weed Science | 2008
Sanjeev K. Bangarwa; Jason K. Norsworthy; Prashant Jha; Mayank S. Malik
Abstract Research was initiated in March 2005 to test various integrated purple nutsedge management strategies over two growing seasons in an organic production system in which bell pepper was grown as a fall crop. Main plots consisted of integrated purple nutsedge management strategies from mid-March through July 2005 and 2006. The main-plot factors were (1) green polyethylene film, (2) clear polyethylene film, (3) turnip followed by (fb) green polyethylene film, (4) turnip fb clear polyethylene film, (5) tillage every 3 wk, and (6) fallow. Subplots consisted of hand-weeding, mulching with wheat straw, and no weeding following bell pepper transplanting in early August. Purple nutsedge tuber density was determined in March, August, and November each year. Viable tubers were categorized into three sizes: small (0.1 to 0.25 g), medium (0.26 to 0.50 g), and large (> 0.50 g). The initial tuber density averaged 500 small, 300 medium, and 110 large tubers m−2 in mid-March 2005 (910 total tubers m−2). Total tuber density increased to > 5,400 tubers m−2 in fallow, nonweeded plots by November 2006. Yearly tuber density remained relatively constant over the 2 yr when the fallow period was fb hand-weeding in the bell pepper crop. Density of large and medium tubers in the season-long management systems remained stable, whereas small tubers were prone to depletion over time. Frequent tillage or use of a polyethylene film with or without turnip resulted in a lower density of large tubers in November 2006 relative to fallow treatments, regardless of management intensity in bell pepper. The density of large tubers after 2 yr was similar among treatments involving frequent tillage or use of a polyethylene film with or without turnip, regardless of subplot treatment; this was also observed for medium tubers, but not for small tubers. All hand-weeded plots had comparable densities of small tubers, ranging from 25 to 194 viable tubers m−2. Intensive management involving frequent tillage or use of a translucent polyethylene film with or without turnip fb hand-weeding was not effective in eradicating purple nutsedge over two growing seasons. Purple nutsedge management costs calculated for each main-plot treatment revealed that use of a translucent polyethylene film alone was at least 4.5-fold more costly than frequent tillage. This research demonstrates that season-long management is essential to prevent purple nutsedge proliferation over time. Nomenclature: Purple nutsedge, Cyperus rotundus L. CYPRO; bell pepper, Capsicum annum L. ‘Heritage’; turnip, Brassica rapa L. ‘Seventop’.
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry | 2010
Mayank S. Malik; Melissa B. Riley; Jason K. Norsworthy; William C. Bridges
Glucosinolate composition was determined in wild radish accessions from eight states in the northeastern and southern United States to determine the variability of production among accessions. Glucosinolates were evaluated from roots, leaves, flowers, primary, and secondary branches. Seventeen glucosinolates were identified, with glucoerucin, glucoraphenin, glucobrassicin, and gluconasturtiin contributing 90% to 100% of the total glucosinolates. Flowers contained the highest glucosinolate concentrations, 12.07 to 55.36 μmol/g, but flowers contributed only 5.3 to 21.3% to the total glucosinolates. Of the eight accessions, the Mississippi accession produced significantly higher levels of total glucosinolates and glucosinolates which can be degraded to isothiocyanates per plant, totals of 618.97 and 563.53 μmol/plant, respectively. Total plant biomass did not differ between accessions indicating a difference in the ability of the Mississippi accession to produce glucosinolates. Further studies are needed to determine if this accession would consistently produce higher glucosinolate levels under different environmental conditions.
Weed Science | 2010
Mayank S. Malik; Jason K. Norsworthy; Melissa B. Riley; William C. Bridges
Abstract Knowledge of the germination requirements of wild radish will help in determining the favorable conditions for germination and emergence and allow better management of this weed. Experiments were conducted during 2005 to 2006 and 2006 to 2007 to evaluate wild radish temperature and light requirements over a 12-mo period beginning in July on seeds placed on the soil surface and at a 10-cm depth. Germination response was influenced by temperature, light, duration of burial, and burial depth. Freshly harvested seeds (July) had no more than 18% germination whereas seeds allowed to after-ripen in the field for 3 to 6 mo (October to January) had up to 40% germination. The germination of wild radish retrieved from the soil surface was 1.2 to 1.5 times greater at alternating temperatures (2.5/17.5, 7.5/22.5, and 12.5/27.5 C) than at constant temperatures (10, 15, and 20 C) at 0, 3, and 6 mo after maturation. The light requirement for germination varied by time of year with no differences in germination between light and dark conditions for freshly harvested seeds. Far-red light inhibited germination of wild radish, indicating that wild radish may become sensitive to light following an after-ripening period. Nomenclature: Wild radish, Raphanus raphanistrum L. RAPRA
Weed Technology | 2005
Lynn P. Brandenberger; Ronald E. Talbert; Robert P. Wiedenfeld; James W. Shrefler; Charles L. Webber; Mayank S. Malik
Studies were conducted at four sites during a 2-yr period in Oklahoma, Texas, and Arkansas to determine effectiveness and safety of halosulfuron in honeydew crops. Halosulfuron applied postemergence at 26.3 to 78.8 g ai/ha controlled yellow nutsedge 85 to 97%, golden crownbeard 100%, and tumble pigweed 83 to 95%. Control of yellow nutsedge continued to increase for 3 to 6 wk after treatment. Golden crownbeard and tumble pigweed efficacy increased to its highest levels after 4 and 3 wk, respectively. Reduced crop growth and yellowing of foliage did not exceed 13%. No differences were recorded for yield, earliness, or percentage of marketable fruit. Nomenclature: Halosulfuron; golden crownbeard, Verbesina encelioides (Cav.) Benth. & Hook. f. ex Gray #3 VEEEN; tumble pigweed, Amaranthus albus L. # AMAAL; yellow nutsedge, Cyperus esculentus L. # CYPES; honeydew, Cucumus melo L. Inodorus group ‘Honeybrew’. Additional index words: Melon crops, mulch, plasticulture, plastic mulch. Abbreviations: POST, postemergence; PRE, preemergence; WAT, weeks after treatment.
Weed Science | 2010
Jason K. Norsworthy; Mayank S. Malik; Melissa B. Riley; William C. Bridges
Abstract Field experiments were conducted from 2004 through 2006 at Pendleton and Clemson, SC, to determine the influence of seasonal emergence of wild radish on phenological development, survival, and seed and biomass production in a noncompetitive environment. The duration of four developmental phases, emergence to bolting, bolting to flowering, flowering to silique production, and silique production to maturity, were recorded following wild radish sowing at monthly intervals from October 2004 through September 2006. Seedling emergence occurred 2 to 4 wk after sowing. Mortality of seedlings that emerged from December through March was greater than that of seedlings that emerged in all other months. Wild radish that emerged from April through August completed its life cycle by summer or early autumn. Wild radish that emerged from September through November was able to survive the winter and complete its life cycle the following spring. The developmental phases most affected by time of emergence were emergence to bolting and bolting to flowering. The duration of emergence to bolting ranged from 249 to 479 growing degree days (GDD), and bolting to flowering from 270 to 373 GDD, depending on the month of emergence. The total life cycle of wild radish varied from a low of 1,267 GDD following June emergence to 1,503 GDD following November emergence. Multiple regression analysis revealed that emergence to bolting and silique production to maturity phases were dependent on accumulated heat units and photoperiod. Seed and biomass production were influenced by month of emergence. An average of 1,470 seeds plant−1 was produced when emergence occurred in July and 10,170 seeds plant−1 when emergence occurred in November. Plants that emerged in autumn exhibited minimal growth during the winter months, but conditions were conducive for growth in mid-March and April, with biomass production of 809 g plant−1 at silique production. Nomenclature: Wild radish, Raphanus raphanistrum L. RAPRA.
Weed Biology and Management | 2006
Jason K. Norsworthy; Mayank S. Malik; Prashant Jha; Marcos J. Oliveira
Archive | 2009
Mayank S. Malik