Mayilvahanan Alagan Chella
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics | 2015
Arun Kamath; Mayilvahanan Alagan Chella; Hans Bihs; Øivind Asgeir Arntsen
The evaluation of the complex wave regime due to wave interaction with a large group of cylinders placed in proximity requires an efficient and accurate numerical model. This paper presents the application of a two-phase Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model to carry out a detailed investigation of wave forces and flow around vertical circular cylinders placed in groups of different configurations at low Keulegan-Carpenter (KC) numbers. The 3D numerical wave tank is validated by comparing the numerical results with experimental data. Further, the hydrodynamic effects associated with three cylinders placed in tandem, side by side and in a 3 × 3 square array of nine cylinders are investigated. Wave forces are seen to reduce along the row in a tandem array. In a side-by-side arrangement, the central cylinder experiences the highest force. A combination of these effects is seen in the 3 × 3 square array. The variation of the wave forces on the cylinders in the array for different center-to-center distances and incident wavelengths is evaluated and the results show that the wave forces are the highest on the cylinders when the center-to-center distance is slightly less than half the incident wavelength.
Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics | 2017
Arun Kamath; Mayilvahanan Alagan Chella; Hans Bihs; Øivind Asgeir Arntsen
ABSTRACT Wave propagation over a submerged bar is simulated using the open source CFD model REEF3D with various incident wave heights to study shoaling, wave breaking features and the process of wave decomposition into higher harmonics for relatively long waves of kd=0.52. The computed free surface elevations are compared with experimental data and good agreement is obtained for both non-breaking and spilling breaking waves for both the wave phase and free surface elevation, which has been difficult to obtain in current literature. The differences in the mode of wave shoaling over the weather side slope and the wave decomposition over the lee side slope of the submerged bar are discussed. The evolution of spilling breakers and plunging breakers over the bar crest is also studied. It is found that the free surface elevation continuously increases due to shoaling in the case of non-breaking waves, whereas breaking waves propagate with much lower free surface elevations after breaking over the bar crest. The power spectra of the free surface elevations at various locations indicate that the wave energy in the fundamental frequency is reduced by 76 for the non-breaking wave with kA=0.015 and by about 90 in other cases with higher incident wave heights with kA=0.023−0.034 due to energy dissipation and energy transfer to higher harmonic components as the wave propagates over the submerged bar.
ASME 2013 32nd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering | 2013
Mayilvahanan Alagan Chella; Hans Bihs; Arun Kamath; Michael Muskulus
Wave breaking is a highly unsteady, non-linear and extremely turbulent phenomenon. During the wave breaking process, the energy of the wave system is focused close to the crest of the wave and a spatial spread of wave energy occurs. Thus, the description of such a physical phenomenon is highly complex and it requires a deep insight into the breaking wave process. The accurate assessment of breaking wave kinematics is essential for an accurate prediction of hydrodynamic loads on structures. Besides, the understanding of the transformation of waves propagating over an artificial or natural reef is important concerning the coastal processes.The numerical model used in this study is a two-phase model, which solves the flow problem for air and water simultaneously. The Navier-Stokes equations are solved on uniform Cartesian grids in two dimensions. The complex free surface is captured by the level set method. A staggered grid is used for the computation with the velocities defined at the cell edges and the pressure at the cell centres. This avoids unphysical pressure oscillations that can occur due to the coupling of pressure and velocity in the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. The Ghost Cell Immersed Boundary Method is employed to handle the boundary conditions for complex boundaries. Turbulence modelling is carried out using the k-ω model. Discretization of the convective terms is performed using the 5th order Weighted Essentially Non-Oscillatory (WENO) scheme. In this study, a two-dimensional numerical wave tank is used to simulate waves propagating over steep slopes and wave dissipation. The main objective of the present study is to investigate the wave breaking process over a submerged reef. This is accomplished by examining the wave profile during wave breaking and the breaker indices. Also, the numerical results are compared to data from physical experiments and the numerical results exhibit reasonable agreement with experimental data.Copyright
Volume 2: Prof. Carl Martin Larsen and Dr. Owen Oakley Honoring Symposia on CFD and VIV | 2017
Hans Bihs; Arun Kamath; Mayilvahanan Alagan Chella; Øivind Asgeir Arntsen
An accurate description of extreme waves is necessary in order to estimate maximum wave forces on offshore structures. On several occasions freak waves have been observed in the past, some causing severe damage. In order to model such extreme wave conditions with a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model, emphasize needs to be put on the wave generation. One possibility is to use focused waves of first or second order based on irregular sea state wave spectra. For focused waves, the wave phase is chosen, so that the waves focus in a predetermined location at a specified time. Numerical tests have shown, that generating extreme waves based on this method is somewhat limited. The individual wave components are steep enough, that they start to break before the focus location. In the current paper, transient wave packets are used for extreme wave generation. This way, extreme waves can be generated that are higher, but only break at the concentration point. The transient wave packets method is implemented in the open-source CFD software REEF3D. This model uses the level set method for interface capturing. For the hydrodynamics, the Navier-Stokes equations are solved in three dimensions. The code employs a staggered Cartesian mesh, ensuring tight pressure-velocity coupling. Complex geometries are handled with a ghost cell immersed boundary method. High-performance computing is enabled through domain decomposition based parallelization. Convection discretization of the different flow variables is performed with the fifth-order WENO (weighted essentially non-oscillatory) scheme. For the explicit time treatment a third-order Runge-Kutta scheme is selected. In order to validate the extreme wave generation, numerical tests in an empty wave tank are performed and compared with experimental data. Then, the extreme wave breaking on a vertical circular cylinder is investigated. ∗Corresponding author,
Energy Procedia | 2017
Ankit Aggarwal; Mayilvahanan Alagan Chella; Hans Bihs; Øivind Asgeir Arntsen
Abstract The substructures of offshore wind turbines are subjected to different types of hydrodynamic loads from sea states. The wave forces exerted by irregular breaking waves are one of the serious concerns because of the uncertainties involved in defining the breaking wave and the resulting force calculations. In the present study, irregular breaking wave forces on a vertical pile structure are investigated using an open-source Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model REEF3D. The Level Set Method (LSM) is used for modelling the free surface. The Bretschneider spectrum is used for the irregular wave generation. This is validated in the numerical wave tank by comparing the numerical wave spectrum with the experimental wave spectrum. The wave free surface is calculated at three wave gauge locations and compared with experiments. It is observed that the peak of spectral wave density is higher for the wave gauge located besides the cylinder due to shoaling, wave run up and reflections from the cylinder and the peak of spectral wave density is lower for the wave gauge located behind the cylinder due to wave breaking. Further, simulations are performed to study the wave forces on a monopile due to the depth-limited breaking waves. A good match is observed with the experimental and numerical results. Numerical wave energy spectra at different locations along the tank are compared to study the changes in the wave surface elevations due to the interaction of irregular breaking waves with a monopile. The statistical parameters for free surface elevation and wave forces are further investigated. The free surface features around the monopile during its interaction with waves are also studied.
Coastal Engineering | 2015
Mayilvahanan Alagan Chella; Hans Bihs; Dag Myrhaug; Michael Muskulus
Energy Procedia | 2012
Mayilvahanan Alagan Chella; Alf Tørum; Dag Myrhaug
Coastal Engineering | 2015
Mayilvahanan Alagan Chella; Hans Bihs; Dag Myrhaug
Computers & Fluids | 2016
Hans Bihs; Arun Kamath; Mayilvahanan Alagan Chella; Ankit Aggarwal; Øivind Asgeir Arntsen
Ocean Engineering | 2015
Arun Kamath; Mayilvahanan Alagan Chella; Hans Bihs; Øivind Asgeir Arntsen