Maziar Abdolrasulnia
University of Alabama at Birmingham
International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease | 2011
Gregory D Salinas; James C. Williamson; Ravi Kalhan; Byron Thomashow; Jodi L Scheckermann; John MacLaren Walsh; Maziar Abdolrasulnia; Jill A. Foster
Purpose: Even with the dissemination of several clinical guidelines, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) remains underdiagnosed and mismanaged by many primary care physicians (PCPs). The objective of this study was to elucidate barriers to consistent implementation of COPD guidelines. Patients and methods: A cross-sectional study implemented in July 2008 was designed to assess attitudes and barriers to COPD guideline usage. Results: Five hundred US PCPs (309 family medicine physicians, 191 internists) were included in the analysis. Overall, 23.6% of the surveyed PCPs reported adherence to spirometry guidelines over 90% of the time; 25.8% reported adherence to guidelines related to long-acting bronchodilator (LABD) use in COPD patients. In general, physicians were only somewhat familiar with COPD guidelines, and internal medicine physicians were significantly more familiar than family physicians (P < 0.05). In a multivariate model controlling for demographics and barriers to guideline adherence, we found significant associations with two tested guideline components. Adherence to spirometry guidelines was associated with agreement with guidelines, confidence in interpreting data, ambivalence to outcome expectancy, and ability to incorporate spirometry into patient flow. Adherence to LABD therapy guidelines was associated with agreement with guidelines and confidence in gauging pharmacologic response. Conclusions: Adherence to guideline recommendations of spirometry use was predicted by agreement with the recommendations, self-efficacy, perceived outcome expectancy if recommendations were adhered to, and resource availability. Adherence to recommendations of LABD use was predicted by agreement with guideline recommendations and self-efficacy. Increasing guideline familiarity alone may have limited patient outcomes, as other barriers, such as low confidence and outcome expectancy, are more likely to impact guideline adherence.
BMC Public Health | 2007
Wilson Lowrey; William Evans; Karla K. Gower; Jennifer A. Robinson; Peter M. Ginter; Lisa C. McCormick; Maziar Abdolrasulnia
BackgroundPublic health officials and journalists play a crucial role in disseminating information regarding natural disasters, terrorism and other human-initiated disasters. However, research suggests that journalists are unprepared to cover terrorism and many types of natural disasters, in part because of lack sufficient expertise in science and medicine and training. The objective of this research was to identify solutions to problems facing journalists and public health public information officer (PIOs) of communicating with the public during natural and human-initiated disasters.MethodsTo assist in identifying the most pressing problems regarding media response to health-related risks such as terrorism and large-scale natural disasters, 26 expert advisors were convened, including leaders representing journalists and public information officers, state health officials, experts in terrorism and emergency preparedness, and experts in health, risk, and science communication. The advisory group participated in pre-arranged interviews and were asked to identify and review bioterrorism educational resources provided to journalist. All advisory group members were then invited to attend a day long meeting January 29, 2004 to review the findings and reach consensus.ResultsThe most pressing problems were found to be a lack of coordination between PIOs and journalists, lack of resources for appropriately evaluating information and disseminating it efficiently, and a difference in perception of PIOs and journalist towards each others role during emergency situations. The advisory board developed a list of 15 recommendations that may enhance communication plans betweens PIOs, journalist and the public. The solutions were meant to be feasible in terms of costs and practical in terms of the professional and organizational realities in which journalists and PIOs work.ConclusionIt is clear that PIOs and journalists play crucial roles in shaping public response to terrorism and other disasters. The findings from this formative research suggest that perspectives and organizational processes often limit effective communication between these groups; though practical solutions such as participation of journalists in drills, scenario exercises, sharing of informational resources, and raising awareness at professional trade meetings may enhance the timely dissemination of accurate and appropriate information.
Health Care Management Review | 2008
Maziar Abdolrasulnia; Nir Menachemi; Richard M. Shewchuk; Peter M. Ginter; W. Jack Duncan; Robert G. Brooks
Background: Despite the advantages of electronic health record (EHR) systems, the adoption of these systems has been slow among community-based physicians. Current studies have examined organizational and personal barriers to adoption; however, the influence of market characteristics has not been studied. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to measure the effects of market characteristics on EHR adoption by physicians. Methodology: Generalized hierarchal linear modeling was used to analyze EHR survey data from Florida which were combined with data from the Area Resource File and the Florida Office of Insurance Regulation. The main outcome variable was self-reported use of EHR by physicians. Findings: A total of 2,926 physicians from practice sizes of 20 or less were included in the sample. Twenty-one percent (n = 613) indicated that they personally and routinely use an EHR system in their practice. Physicians located in counties with higher physician concentration were found to be more likely to adopt EHRs. For every one-unit increase in nonfederal physicians per 10,000 in the county, there was a 2.0% increase in likelihood of EHR adoption by physicians (odds ratio = 1.02, confidence interval = 1.00-1.03). Health maintenance organization penetration rate and poverty level were not found to be significantly related to EHR adoption. However, practice size, years in practice, Medicare payer mix, and measures of technology readiness were found to independently influence physician adoption. Practice Implications: Market factors play an important role in the diffusion of EHRs in small medical practices. Policy makers interested in furthering the adoption of EHRs must consider strategies that would enhance the confidence of users as well as provide financial support in areas with the highest concentration of small medical practices and Medicare beneficiaries. Health care leaders should be cognizant of the market forces that enable or constrain the adoption of EHR among their practices and those of their competitors.
The Journal of Sexual Medicine | 2010
Maziar Abdolrasulnia; Richard M. Shewchuk; Nancy Roepke; U. Shanette Granstaff; John Dean; Jill A. Foster; Andrew T. Goldstein; Linda Casebeer
INTRODUCTION Although approximately 40% of women report female sexual problems--and particularly sexual desire disorders, there are numerous practical, professional, and personal barriers to their diagnosis and management by treating clinicians. AIM To identify practice patterns, perceptions, and barriers to the diagnosis and management of female sexual problems among U.S. practicing primary care physicians (PCPs) and obstetrician/gynecologists (OB/GYNs). METHODS A random sample of practicing U.S. PCPs and OB/GYNs were sent a case-vignette survey by e-mail and fax. Response to the survey was considered consent. A regression model was analyzed to assess predictors of confidence. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE Frequency and variability in diagnostic tests ordered and treatment recommendations provided for a patient with diminished sexual desire. Percent of physicians who reported they were confident in treating hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD) and percent who reported significant barriers to initiating a dialogue about sexual health with female patients. RESULTS A total of 505 responses were analyzed (8.8% response rate). Of respondents, 21% of OB/GYNs and 38% of PCPs stated they were not at all confident in treating HSDD. The majority of physicians would order a thyroid panel (PCP = 63%, OB/GYN = 53%) to assess a patients diminished desire and recommended counseling and stress management to treat a patient with sexual complaints (PCP = 48%, OB/GYN = 54%). Regression results identified time constraints, the perceived lack of effective therapies, perceptions regarding patient-physician gender discordance, years in practice, number of patients seen per week, and perceptions regarding continuing medical education and practice experience as significant and independent predictors of confidence in treating HSDD patients.
Postgraduate Medicine | 2011
Gregory D. Salinas; Terry Ann Glauser; James C. Williamson; Goutham Rao; Maziar Abdolrasulnia
Abstract Purpose: Obesity remains a serious public health problem. The purpose of this study was to identify the current attitudes and practices of primary care physicians (PCPs) with respect to obesity. Methods: A survey was systematically developed and administered electronically to PCPs, who received a small honorarium for their time. Results were analyzed to identify specific attitudes and practices and their associations with each other and with demographic and other variables. Results: Physicians expressed little confidence in their ability to manage obesity. In general, however, they believed that obesity could be successfully managed. Lifestyle changes were perceived to be the most effective available method for patients to lose weight, and respondents were more likely to recommend this approach over pharmacotherapy or bariatric surgery. Respondents perceive the greatest barrier to managing obese patients to be a lack of patient motivation. Physicians were significantly more likely to initiate discussions with obese patients about their weight if they believed they had positive attitudes about and knowledge of weight management, and adequate resources to manage the problem. Conclusions: Physicians report a lack of confidence in managing obesity. Lack of patient motivation is perceived to be the greatest barrier. Physicians with greater knowledge, more positive attitudes toward obesity management, and access to more resources are more likely to provide weight management in primary care settings.
BMC Family Practice | 2009
Linda Casebeer; Craig Huber; Nancy L. Bennett; Rachael Shillman; Maziar Abdolrasulnia; Gregory D Salinas; Sijian Zhang
BackgroundThe purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a patient education program developed to facilitate statin adherence.MethodsA controlled trial was designed to test the effectiveness of a multifaceted patient education program to facilitate statin adherence. The program included a brief, in-office physician counseling kit followed by patient mailings. The primary end point was adherence to filling statin prescriptions during a 120-day period. Patients new to statins enrolled and completed a survey. Data from a national pharmacy claims database were used to track adherence.ResultsPatients new to statin therapy exposed to a patient counseling and education program achieved a 12.4 higher average number of statin prescription fill days and were 10% more likely to fill prescriptions for at least 120 days (p = .01).ConclusionBrief in-office counseling on cardiovascular risk followed by patient education mailings can be effective in increasing adherence. Physicians found a one-minute counseling tool and pocket guidelines useful in counseling patients.
Journal of Continuing Education in The Health Professions | 2006
Linda Casebeer; Kathryn M. Andolsek; Maziar Abdolrasulnia; Joseph S. Green; Norman W. Weissman; Erica R. Pryor; Shimin Zheng; Thomas Terndrup
Introduction: Much of the international community has an increased awareness of potential biologic, chemical, and nuclear threats and the need for physicians to rapidly acquire new knowledge and skills in order to protect the publics health. The present study evaluated the educational effectiveness of an online bioterrorism continuing medical education (CME) activity designed to address clinical issues involving suspected bioterrorism and reporting procedures in the United States. Methods: This was a retrospective survey of physicians who had completed an online CME activity on bioterrorism compared with a nonparticipant group who had completed at least 1 unrelated online CME course from the same medical school Web site and were matched on similar characteristics. An online survey instrument was developed to assess clinical and systems knowledge and confidence in recognition of illnesses associated with a potential bioterrorism attack. A power calculation indicated that a sample size of 100 (50 in each group) would achieve 90% power to detect a 10% to 15% difference in test scores between the two groups. Results: Compared with nonparticipant physicians, participants correctly diagnosed anthrax (p = .01) and viral exanthem (p = .01), but not smallpox, more frequently than nonparticipants. Participants knew more frequently than nonparticipants who to contact regarding a potential bioterrorism event (p = .03) Participants were more confident than nonparticipants about finding information to guide diagnoses of patients with biologic exposure (p = .01), chemical exposure (p = .02), and radiation exposure (p = .04). Discussion: An online bioterrorism course shows promise as an educational intervention in preparing physicians to better diagnose emerging rare infections, including those that may be associated with a bioterrorist event, in increasing confidence in diagnosing these infections, and in reporting of such infections for practicing physicians.
Sexually Transmitted Diseases | 2005
Midge N. Ray; Terry C. Wall; Linda Casebeer; Norman W. Weissman; Claire M. Spettell; Maziar Abdolrasulnia; M Anwarul Huq Mian; Blanche C. Collins; Catarina I. Kiefe; J. Allison
Objectives: Despite effective approaches for managing chlamydial infection, asymptomatic disease remains highly prevalent. We linked administrative data with physician data from the American Medical Association physician survey to identify characteristics of primary care offices associated with best chlamydia screening practices. Study: Criteria from the National Committee for Quality Assurance provided chlamydia screening rates. We defined top-performing offices as those with rates in the top decile among 978 primary care offices from 26 states. Results: Offices screened an average of 16.2% of at-risk, young women, but top-performing offices screened 42.2%. Top-performing offices on average had more black physicians (12.5%, 5.1%, P = 0.001) and were more often located in zip code areas with median income less than
Journal of Continuing Education in The Health Professions | 2007
Richard M. Shewchuk; Hilary J. Schmidt; Alexandra Benarous; Nancy L. Bennett; Maziar Abdolrasulnia; Linda Casebeer
30,000 (22.6%, 5.5%, P = 0.001). Conclusions: Although chlamydia screening rates are alarmingly low overall, there is substantial variation across offices. Understanding predictors of better office performance may lead to effective interventions to promote screening.
Journal of Pain Research | 2012
Gregory D. Salinas; Caroline O Robinson; Maziar Abdolrasulnia
Introduction: Rapidly expanding science and mandates for maintaining credentials place increasing demands on continuing medical education (CME) activities to provide information that is current and relevant to patient care. Quality may be seen as the perceived level of service measured against consumer expectations. Standard tools have not been developed to determine how well CME activities meet consumer expectations. Methods: A widely used approach for evaluating perceptions of service quality in other fields, SERVQUAL, was adapted for CME by eliciting perspectives from physician consumers of CME and CME providers through nominal group techniques. These perspectives were used to develop a CMEQUAL evaluation survey instrument. Feasibility testing was conducted. Data were analyzed and items were tested for internal consistency. Results: CME participants were individuals willing to complete items related to expectations before participation and perceptions after participation in a CME activity. Of the CME activity participants who provided CMEQUAL rating data for the study, 43% rated their overall perceptions of the CME activity below their overall expectations. CME activities most clearly met participant expectations in providing fair and balanced evidence‐based content. Areas of lower priority for participants included opportunities for self‐assessment, solving cases, and interactive learning. Two areas highly valued by participants but not adequately addressed by CME activities were (1) translating trial data to patient seen in practice and (2) addressing barriers to optimal patient management. Discussion: Developing standards for evaluating physician perceptions of the quality of CME activities may assist CME providers in improving the effectiveness of CME activities in meeting physician learning needs.