
Featured researches published by Mazyar Sabbar.

Physical Review Letters | 2015

Resonance Effects in Photoemission Time Delays

Mazyar Sabbar; Sebastian Heuser; Robert Boge; Matteo Lucchini; Thomas Carette; Eva Lindroth; Lukas Gallmann; Claudio Cirelli; Ursula Keller

We present measurements of single-photon ionization time delays between the outermost valence electrons of argon and neon using a coincidence detection technique that allows for the simultaneous measurement of both species under identical conditions. The analysis of the measured traces reveals energy-dependent time delays of a few tens of attoseconds with high energy resolution. In contrast to photoelectrons ejected through tunneling, single-photon ionization can be well described in the framework of Wigner time delays. Accordingly, the overall trend of our data is reproduced by recent Wigner time delay calculations. However, besides the general trend we observe resonance features occurring at specific photon energies. These features have been qualitatively reproduced and identified by a calculation using the multiconfigurational Hartree-Fock method, including the influence of doubly excited states and ionization thresholds.

Review of Scientific Instruments | 2014

Versatile attosecond beamline in a two-foci configuration for simultaneous time-resolved measurements

Reto Locher; Matteo Lucchini; J. Herrmann; Mazyar Sabbar; M. Weger; A. Ludwig; Luca Castiglioni; Michael Greif; Matthias Hengsberger; Lukas Gallmann; U. Keller

We present our attoline which is a versatile attosecond beamline at the Ultrafast Laser Physics Group at ETH Zurich for attosecond spectroscopy in a variety of targets. High-harmonic generation (HHG) in noble gases with an infrared (IR) driving field is employed to generate pulses in the extreme ultraviolet (XUV) spectral regime for XUV-IR cross-correlation measurements. The IR pulse driving the HHG and the pulse involved in the measurements are used in a non-collinear set-up that gives independent access to the different beams. Single attosecond pulses are generated with the polarization gating technique and temporally characterized with attosecond streaking. This attoline contains two target chambers that can be operated simultaneously. A toroidal mirror relay-images the focus from the first chamber into the second one. In the first interaction region a dedicated double-target allows for a simple change between photoelectron/photoion measurements with a time-of-flight spectrometer and transient absorption experiments. Any end station can occupy the second interaction chamber. A surface analysis chamber containing a hemispherical electron analyzer was employed to demonstrate successful operation. Simultaneous RABBITT measurements in two argon jets were recorded for this purpose.

Review of Scientific Instruments | 2014

Combining attosecond XUV pulses with coincidence spectroscopy

Mazyar Sabbar; Sebastian Heuser; Robert Boge; Matteo Lucchini; Lukas Gallmann; Claudio Cirelli; Ursula Keller

Here we present a successful combination of an attosecond beamline with a COLTRIMS apparatus, which we refer to as AttoCOLTRIMS. The setup provides either single attosecond pulses or attosecond pulse trains for extreme ultraviolet-infrared pump-probe experiments. We achieve full attosecond stability by using an active interferometer stabilization. The capability of the setup is demonstrated by means of two measurements, which lie at the heart of the COLTRIMS detector: firstly, we resolve the rotating electric field vector of an elliptically polarized few-cycle infrared laser field by attosecond streaking exploiting the access to the 3D momentum space of the charged particles. Secondly, we show streaking measurements on different atomic species obtained simultaneously in a single measurement making use of the advantage of measuring ions and electrons in coincidence. Both of these studies demonstrate the potential of the AttoCOLTRIMS for attosecond science.

Review of Scientific Instruments | 2014

A simple electron time-of-flight spectrometer for ultrafast vacuum ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy of liquid solutions

Christopher A. Arrell; J. Ojeda; Mazyar Sabbar; W. A. Okell; Tobias Witting; Thomas Siegel; Zsolt Diveki; S. Hutchinson; Lukas Gallmann; Ursula Keller; F. van Mourik; Richard T. Chapman; Cephise Cacho; Natércia D.N. Rodrigues; I. C. E. Turcu; J. W. G. Tisch; E. Springate; Jonathan P. Marangos; Majed Chergui

We present a simple electron time of flight spectrometer for time resolved photoelectron spectroscopy of liquid samples using a vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) source produced by high-harmonic generation. The field free spectrometer coupled with the time-preserving monochromator for the VUV at the Artemis facility of the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory achieves an energy resolution of 0.65 eV at 40 eV with a sub 100 fs temporal resolution. A key feature of the design is a differentially pumped drift tube allowing a microliquid jet to be aligned and started at ambient atmosphere while preserving a pressure of 10(-1) mbar at the micro channel plate detector. The pumping requirements for photoelectron (PE) spectroscopy in vacuum are presented, while the instrument performance is demonstrated with PE spectra of salt solutions in water. The capability of the instrument for time resolved measurements is demonstrated by observing the ultrafast (50 fs) vibrational excitation of water leading to temporary proton transfer.

Archive | 2014

A simple electron time-of-flight spectrometer for ultrafast VUV photoelectron spectroscopy of liquid solutions

Christopher Arrell; J. Ojeda; Mazyar Sabbar; W. A. Okell; Tobias Witting; Zsolt Diveki; Sam Hutchinson; Lukas Gallmann; Ursula Keller; Frank van Mourik; Richard T. Chapman; Cephise Cacho; Nava Rodrigues; Edmund Turcu; J. W. G. Tisch; E. Springate; Jonathan P. Marangos; Majed Chergui

We present a simple electron time of flight spectrometer for time resolved photoelectron spectroscopy of liquid samples using a vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) source produced by high-harmonic generation. The field free spectrometer coupled with the time-preserving monochromator for the VUV at the Artemis facility of the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory achieves an energy resolution of 0.65 eV at 40 eV with a sub 100 fs temporal resolution. A key feature of the design is a differentially pumped drift tube allowing a microliquid jet to be aligned and started at ambient atmosphere while preserving a pressure of 10(-1) mbar at the micro channel plate detector. The pumping requirements for photoelectron (PE) spectroscopy in vacuum are presented, while the instrument performance is demonstrated with PE spectra of salt solutions in water. The capability of the instrument for time resolved measurements is demonstrated by observing the ultrafast (50 fs) vibrational excitation of water leading to temporary proton transfer.

Molecular Physics | 2013

Resolving intra-atomic electron dynamics with attosecond transient absorption spectroscopy

Lukas Gallmann; Jens Herrmann; Reto Locher; Mazyar Sabbar; André Ludwig; Matteo Lucchini; Ursula Keller

Attosecond transient absorption spectroscopy is a recent addition to the experimental tool set of attosecond science. This all-optical method measures different observables than the previously existing techniques based on electron and ion detection and overcomes several of their limitations. We review the present state-of-the-art of attosecond transient absorption experiments and theory. Applications cover the exploration of ultrafast electron dynamics in atoms as well as in solid-state systems. As an example we discuss the observation of transiently bound electron wavepacket dynamics in helium in more detail. This example illustrates how transient absorption spectroscopy can provide information that is fundamentally inaccessible to the techniques based on ionisation, namely dynamics occurring well below the ionisation threshold. Furthermore, we show that a model based on wavepacket interference and originally developed to explain modulations in the ion yield is not sufficient to explain the observed optical response of the system. The optical response on extremely short timescales and in systems exposed to strong laser fields is still not fully understood. This makes the method also attractive for fundamental studies. Furthermore, it is expected that the technique will also find future applications for studying molecular systems in gas phase, in solution, or as solids and will greatly benefit from the advances of ultrafast lasers with multi-100-W average power improving signal-to-noise ratio by many orders of magnitude in the near future.

IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics | 2015

Energy-Dependent Photoemission Time Delays of Noble Gas Atoms Using Coincidence Attosecond Streaking

Claudio Cirelli; Mazyar Sabbar; Sebastian Heuser; Robert Boge; Matteo Lucchini; Lukas Gallmann; Ursula Keller

We present photoemission time-delay measurements between electrons originating from the valence shells of neon and argon obtained by attosecond streaking. After giving a brief review of the different techniques, we focus on more detailed analysis using the attosecond streaking technique. We show that the temporal structure of the ionizing single attosecond pulse may significantly affect the obtained time delays, and we propose a procedure how to take this contribution properly into account. Our analysis reveals a delay of a few tens of attoseconds in a photon energy range between 28 and 40 eV in the emission of electrons ionized from argon with respect to those liberated from neon.

New Journal of Physics | 2013

Role of electron wavepacket interference in the optical response of helium atoms

Matteo Lucchini; Jens Herrmann; André Ludwig; Reto Locher; Mazyar Sabbar; Lukas Gallmann; Ursula Keller

Attosecond control of the optical response of helium atoms to extreme ultraviolet radiation in the presence of moderately strong infrared laser light has been recently demonstrated both by employing attosecond pulse trains (APTs) and single attosecond pulses. In the case of APTs the interference between different transiently bound electron wavepackets excited by consecutive attosecond light bursts in the train was indicated as the predominant mechanism leading to the control. We studied the same physical system with transient absorption spectroscopy using elliptically polarized infrared pulses or APTs with a varying number of pulses down to a single pulse. Our new results are not consistent with this kind of wavepacket interference being the dominant mechanism and show that its role in the control over the photoabsorption probability has to be rediscussed.

Optics Express | 2014

Revealing the time-dependent polarization of ultrashort pulses with sub-cycle resolution.

Robert Boge; Sebastian Heuser; Mazyar Sabbar; Matteo Lucchini; Lukas Gallmann; Claudio Cirelli; Ursula Keller

We report on the first experiments characterizing the complete time-dependent 2D vector potential of a few-cycle laser pulse. The instantaneous amplitude and orientation of the electric field is determined with sub-cycle resolution, directly giving access to the polarization state of the pulse at any instant in time. This is achieved by performing an attosecond streaking experiment using a reaction microscope, where the full pulse characterization is performed directly in the target region.

Physical Review A | 2013

Virtual single-photon transition interrupted : Time-gated optical gain and loss

Jens Herrmann; Matthias Weger; Reto Locher; Mazyar Sabbar; Paula Rivière; Ulf Saalmann; Jan M. Rost; Lukas Gallmann; Ursula Keller

This work was supported by the National Center of Competence in Research Molecular Ultrafast Science and Technology (NCCR MUST), research instrument of the Swiss National Science Foundation. P.R. acknowledges a Juan de la Cierva Contract Grant from MICINN, and the COST Action CM0702. We thank H. R. Reiss and M. Lucchini for fruitful discussions

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