
Social Science Computer Review | 2014

Internet Addiction and Its Relationship to Chronotype and Personality in a Turkish University Student Sample

Christoph Randler; Mehmet Barış Horzum; Christian Vollmer

This study sought to investigate whether Internet addiction (IA) is associated with age, gender, BIG-5 personality, and chronotype in a Turkish university student sample. Six hundred and sixteen students filled out a set of questionnaires. We here report—to our knowledge for the first time—an association between IA and chronotype. Evening types and males had higher IA scores than others. Furthermore, agreeable and conscientious students reported lower IA. No consistent relationship was observed between students’ IA scores and openness to experience, extraversion, and neuroticism. We conclude that evening types may be more prone to IA than morning-oriented persons because eveningness is related to personality styles that foster Internet addiction.

SAGE Open | 2014

Computer Game Addiction in Adolescents and Its Relationship to Chronotype and Personality

Christian Vollmer; Christoph Randler; Mehmet Barış Horzum; Tuncay Ayas

This study assessed the relationship between computer game addiction and computer game usage time, age, gender, BIG-5 personality, and chronotype. Seven hundred and forty-one adolescents from Turkey responded to questionnaires on these topics. We found that computer game addiction, computer game usage time, and chronotype were related with each other. Evening-oriented, younger, and male students had higher computer game addiction scores than morning-oriented, older, and female students. Furthermore, extraverted and agreeable students reported lower computer game addiction. No significant relationship was observed between students’ computer game addiction scores and openness to experience, conscientiousness. We conclude that evening types may be more prone to computer game addiction than morning types.

Spanish Journal of Psychology | 2013

Psychometric properties of the Turkish version of the Composite Scale of Morningness.

İsmail Önder; Senol Besoluk; Mehmet Barış Horzum

The Composite Scale of Morningness is widely used and translated into several languages. The aim of the study was to present psychometric properties of Turkish version of CSM based on a sample of high school and university students. A total of 543 high school and 650 university students have participated in to the study. The internal consistency coefficient was found to be .73 (high school) and .80 (university). The test-retest reliability of the scale was .89 in high school sample and .84 in university sample. The mean CMS scores did not differ by gender in both samples. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis revealed that the scale is valid. As an external validation, morningness was associated with MEQ scores, sleep length, mid-point of sleep, rising and retiring time. The data obtained in the study suggested that the Turkish version of the CSM is a reliable and valid instrument to assess circadian preference in both high school and university samples.

Journal of behavioral addictions | 2016

Smartphone addiction proneness in relation to sleep and morningness–eveningness in German adolescents

Christoph Randler; Lucia Wolfgang; Katharina Matt; Eda Demirhan; Mehmet Barış Horzum; Şenol Beşoluk

Background Mobile phones are an important part of adolescents’ life. In this study, the relationships among smartphone addiction, age, gender, and chronotype of German adolescents were examined. Materials and methods Two studies focused on two different measures of smartphone addiction. The Smartphone Addiction Proneness Scale (SAPS) was applied to 342 younger adolescents (13.39 ± 1.77; 176 boys, 165 girls, and 1 not indicated) in Study 1 and the Smartphone Addiction Scale was applied to 208 older adolescents (17.07 ± 4.28; 146 girls and 62 boys) in Study 2, both samples in southwest Germany. In addition, a demographic questionnaire and the Composite Scale of Morningness (CSM) and sleep measures were implemented. Results The most remarkable result of this study was that morningness–eveningness (as measured by CSM scores) is an important predictor for smartphone addiction; even stronger than sleep duration. Evening oriented adolescents scored higher on both smartphone addiction scales. In addition, gender is an important predictor for smartphone addiction and girls are more prone to become addicted. In addition, while sleep duration on weekdays negatively predicted SAPS, age, sleep duration on weekends, and midpoint of sleep on weekdays and weekends did not predicted smartphone addiction in both scales. The analysis of covariance revealed statistically significant effects of the covariates gender and age in both studies, as well as the main effect of chronotype. According to the t-test results, girls had higher scores than boys in smartphone addiction. Conclusion Evening types and girls are more prone to become smartphone addicted.

Chronobiology International | 2016

Is problematic mobile phone use explained by chronotype and personality

Eda Demirhan; Christoph Randler; Mehmet Barış Horzum

ABSTRACT In this study, the relationships among problematic mobile phone use, age, gender, personality and chronotype of Turkish university students were examined. The study included 902 university students (73% female, 27% male) and their participation in the study was anonymous and voluntary. Data were collected from each participant by assessing a demographic questionnaire, Composite Scale of Morningness (CSM) as a measure of chronotype, the Big Five Inventory (BIG-5) for personality assessment and Mobile Phone Problem Usage Scale (MPPUS). The most important result was that CSM scores were the best predictor for problematic mobile phone usage, and as a consequence, evening-oriented university students scored higher on the MPPUS. This result remained, even when compared with the most influential personality predictor, conscientiousness. In addition, while extraversion positively predicted, emotional stable and chronotype negatively predicted problematic mobile phone use. Lastly, age and gender were not predictors of problematic mobile phone use.

Biological Rhythm Research | 2014

Age and gender differences in morningness–eveningness in Turkish adolescents and young adults

Christoph Randler; Christian Vollmer; Şenol Beşoluk; İsmail Önder; Mehmet Barış Horzum

The aim of this study was to analyze gender and age differences in chronotype preference in a Turkish sample using the Composite Scale of Morningness. Four thousand four hundred and twenty three participants were randomly sampled from students in Turkey. Ages ranged from 11 to 23 and the average age was 16.39 years. There was a significant influence of age and gender. After controlling for age, girls were more morning oriented with one exception: At the age of 16 years, girls had a higher evening orientation than boys, while at the age of 13, 17, and 19 boys showed higher eveningness. Turkish girls become morning oriented from the early age of 15 years onwards, while boys reported their peak of eveningness at the age of 19. This is fascinating, since it is the earliest age reported for a turn to morningness in girls compared to previous studies. Interestingly, girls perform a second turn towards eveningness between the ages of 17 and 19. Cultural background may imprint the early shift back to morningness in girls, since Turkish parenting styles are different for boys and girls with a more authoritarian parenting style for girls, e.g. girls help their mothers. Later on, enrolment in university might foster more independence and promote the drift back to eveningness.

Technology, Pedagogy and Education | 2013

An investigation of the technological pedagogical content knowledge of pre-service teachers

Mehmet Barış Horzum

This study investigates whether pre-service teachers’ learning approach and gender are related to their technological knowledge, their technological content knowledge, their technological pedagogical knowledge and their technological pedagogical content knowledge. The sample of the study consisted of 239 pre-service teachers. It was found that an instructional technology and material development course had a positive effect on pre-service teachers’ technological knowledge, technological pedagogical knowledge and technological pedagogical content knowledge. Furthermore, technological knowledge, technological content knowledge, and technological pedagogical knowledge accounted for 82% of the variance in technological pedagogical content knowledge. Students having a deep learning approach and a deep surface learning approach had significantly higher technological knowledge, technological pedagogical knowledge and technological pedagogical content knowledge scores after the course than before the course, but there were no significant differences between surface learning approach students’ scores before and after the course.

Computers in Human Behavior | 2016

Examining the relationship to gender and personality on the purpose of Facebook usage of Turkish university students

Mehmet Barış Horzum

Abstract This study examined whether the purposes of Facebook usage is associated with gender and big five personalities in a sample of Turkish university students. Seven hundred and fifty one students filled in a set of questionnaires. While males use Facebook to express themselves, meet new people, and store and organize things more, females use Facebook for educational purposes. Agreeable and conscientious people use Facebook to maintain existing relationship more. It was concluded that gender and agreeableness, which is one of the personality types, are significant variables on the purposes of Facebook usage.

Chronobiology International | 2015

Morningness–eveningness and the environment hypothesis – A cross-cultural comparison of Turkish and German adolescents

Mehmet Barış Horzum; Christoph Randler; Ercan Masal; Şenol Beşoluk; İsmail Önder; Christian Vollmer

Individuals differ in morningness–eveningness, which is their preferred time for intellectual and physical activities. Although it is a basic human trait, cross-cultural comparisons are scarce but interesting because they help to determine the influence of exogenous factors, such as ambient temperature, climate and photoperiod. We here compare a large sample of German and Turkish adolescents (N = 26 465) by using the Composite Scale of Morningness and the Morning Affect Factor. First, we show that the Morning Affect Factor and Morningness scores are equivalent in both countries and we report country differences with Turkish adolescents scoring higher on morningness (F1,26 038 = 1293.313, p < 0.001) and in the morning affect (F1,26 038 = 133.833, p < 0.001). This fits into the environment hypothesis suggesting that populations near the equator should be more morning oriented. Meanwhile, gender differences were small and adolescents showed a lower morningness and a lower morning affect with increasing age.


Tablet Bilgisayar Kabul Ölçeği - Geçerlik ve Güvenirlik Çalişmasi

Özlem Canan Güngören; Mustafa Bektaş; Ergün Öztürk; Mehmet Barış Horzum

Technology is oftenly used in numerous areas, also including the field of education. Especially the tablet computers (TPC) play an important role in increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of the educational studies. In order for the emergence of the aforementioned effect and the effective use of the TPCs by the students, it is necessary for the students to accept the tablet computers by having a positive behaviour towards them, feeling that they are easy to use and also useful for the learning activities, while also having intentions of using them in the learning activities. In this study, the secondary education students’ acceptance of the TPCs was analyzed by selecting the technology acceptance model as the baseline and developing the Tablet Computer Acceptance Scale. A valid and reliable scale that measured the secondary education students’ acceptance of the TPC emerged as a result of the study.

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