Mehmet Fatih Şentürk
Süleyman Demirel University
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Featured researches published by Mehmet Fatih Şentürk.
British Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery | 2016
Mehmet Fatih Şentürk; A.M. Tüzüner-Öncül; Mine Cambazoğlu
Our aim was to compare the single puncture technique for arthrocentesis of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) with the double puncture technique and to evaluate the short-term effects of a single puncture. Forty patients were randomly divided into two groups: the first was treated by single puncture, and the second with double puncture, arthrocentesis. During the one-month follow-up period the visual analogue and verbal scales for pain, maximal mouth opening, and satisfaction were evaluated within each group and between the two groups. Both groups recorded significant improvements compared with the baseline values in almost all outcome variables. There were no significant differences between the groups. Arthrocentesis of the TMJ was successful with both techniques.
BMC Oral Health | 2017
Uğur Gülşen; Mehmet Fatih Şentürk
BackgroundTo evaluate the efficacy of platelet-rich fibrine (PRF) on postoperative edema and pain after impacted mandibular third molar surgery.MethodsThe prospective study was comprised 30 patients who presented for the removal of bilateral impacted mandibular third molar teeth. After extraction, the sockets were filled with PRF or without PRF in the study and control groups, respectively. Postoperative edema was measured with a flexible tape measure by calculating the distance between several facial landmarks on postoperative days two and seven. Postoperative pain was evaluated with a line-type visual analogue scale (VAS) and a verbal scale (VRS). SPSS version 20.0 was used for data analysis.ResultsBoth groups recorded significant improvement compared to the baseline levels in almost all of the outcome variables. There was no statistically significant difference between the study and control groups (p > 0.05).ConclusionsUsing or not using PRF to reduce postoperative pain and edema in third molar surgery was equally successful.Trial registrationThis study was retrospectively registered at the ISRCTN registry (ISRCTN16849867) on 6 March 2017.
British Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery | 2016
Uğur Gülşen; Mehmet Fatih Şentürk; İlham Mehdiyev
a s t a t w ity was filled with platelet-rich fibrin (Fig. 2). Suturing the clots prevents them from migrating to the sinus, and stabilises them. After the cavity has been filled with clots, the gingival roantral communications can complicate dental surgery, articularly during extraction of a posterior maxillary root, ut they do heal spontaneously when the perforation is less han 5 mm in diameter. However, larger perforations need reatment, often with a mucoperiosteal buccal sliding flap r buccal fad pad.1 There are other options, but these have isadvantages such as postoperative swelling and pain, and oss of vestibular depth.2 A platelet-rich fibrin clot, first escribed by Chouckroun et al.,3 is formed by platelets, hite cells, cytokines, and circulating stem cells enmeshed n a fibrin matrix, and is a natural biomaterial that permits ptimal healing.4 It can be sutured to tissue because of its -dimensional fibrinous architecture. We have used plugs of latelet-rich fibrin clots for flap-free treatment of oroantral erforations after tooth extraction.
International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery | 2018
Mehmet Fatih Şentürk; Derya Yildirim; E. Bilgir; Yavuz Findik; Timuçin Baykul
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the long-term effects of the single-puncture arthrocentesis (SPA) technique. Forty-two patients with unilateral temporomandibular joint disorders (TMDs) were treated by SPA. Thirty-eight of these patients completed 1-24 months of follow-up (short-term group) and 21 completed 11 months or longer of follow-up (long-term group). The two groups were evaluated statistically for pain (visual analogue scale), maximum mouth opening, lateral excursion, and protrusion. Both follow-up duration groups showed significant improvements when compared to baseline levels for almost all of the outcome variables (P<0.05). Single puncture temporomandibular joint arthrocentesis is an effective treatment method over both the short and long term.
Cranio-the Journal of Craniomandibular Practice | 2017
Mehmet Fatih Şentürk; Tayfun Yazıcı; Uğur Gülşen
Abstract Objectives: To discuss advantages and disadvantages of TMJ arthrocentesis techniques, identifying modifications as reported in the literature. Methods: A PubMed web-based search was carried out, using the terms TMJ and arthrocentesis, to determine the scope of coverage in well-documented articles in English. Results: Among 237 articles, 12 distinct techniques were described for TMJ arthrocentesis in 12 articles. Among 12 techniques, 5 were classified as double puncture arthrocentesis (DPA) and 7 as single puncture arthrocentesis (SPA). In total, 17 well documented articles about SPA were found in literature. Discussion: Arthrocentesis of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) was first described in 1991. To make the traditional procedure even less invasive, many arthrocentesis methods have been described. However, in 2015, TMJ arthrocentesis techniques were divided into two groups to limit the complexities surrounding the concepts related to TMJ arthrocentesis techniques.
Cranio-the Journal of Craniomandibular Practice | 2017
Mehmet Fatih Şentürk; Derya Yildirim; Elif Bilgir
Abstract Objective To evaluate ultrasonography (US) guidance on the single-puncture temporomandibular joint (TMJ) arthrocentesis technique. Methods Twenty-four patients were randomly divided into two groups (n = 12 in each group), and single puncture arthrocentesis (SPA) was performed with and without US guidance in groups 1 and 2. During the one-year follow-up period, the groups were statistically evaluated by the visual analog scale for pain, maximum mouth opening, lateral excursion, and protrusion within each group and between the two groups. Results Both treatment groups showed significant improvement, compared to the baseline levels for almost all outcome variables. However, there were no statistically significant differences between groups 1 and 2 (p > 0.05). Conclusion US guidance can be used for cannula placement in SPA. However, the outcome results are the same with or without its use.
International Journal of Surgery Case Reports | 2015
Uğur Gülşen; İlham Mehdiyev; Cem Üngör; Mehmet Fatih Şentürk; Ali Direnç Ulaşan
Highlights • The aim of this report is to demonstrate the unexpected antral septa type that compromises elevation of schneiderian membrane.• CT is useful for examining sinus anatomy and successful surgical planing for preventing complications.• As seen on the literature horizontal septas were seen rarely.
SDÜ Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi | 2017
Elif Bilgir; Derya Yildirim; Mehmet Fatih Şentürk; Hikmet Orhan
Ozet Amac: Artrosentez; temporomandibular eklemde agrinin, hareket kisitliliginin ve enflamasyonun giderilmesi amaciyla ust eklem boslugunun yikanmasi islemidir. Bu calismanin amaci; temporomandibular eklem agrisi ve mandibular hareketler uzerinde baslangic tedavisi olarak artrosentez isleminin klinik bulgulara kisa donem etkinligini degerlendirmektir. Materyal-Metod: Calismaya 18 yas ustu 40 hasta dahil edildi. Eklemde rahatsizlik nedeniyle basvuran hastalar, klinik muayene ve manyetik rezonans goruntuleme ile degerlendirildi. Artrosentez endikasyonu koyulan hastalar calisma grubunu olusturdu. Artrosentez isleminden once mandibular hareket mesafeleri ve gorsel analog skala yardimiyla agri duzeyleri degerlendirildi. Islemden bir gun ve bir hafta sonra klinik olarak olcumler tekrarlandi. Elde edilen bulgular tedavi oncesi bulgularla karsilastirilip, istatistiksel olarak analiz edildi. Bulgular: Bir haftalik kontrolde, VAS ile degerlendirilen istirahatte ve harekette temporomandibular eklem agrisi istatistiksel olarak anlamli derecede azaldi ve maksimum agiz acikligi ortalamasi 32.4 mm’den 38.78 mm’ye yukseldi (p=0.001). Sonuc: Baslangic tedavisi olarak artrosentez; mandibular hareket kisitliligi ve agriyi kisa donemde azaltir. Akut agri ve hareket kisitliligi olan hastalarda, semptomlarin icsel duzensizliklerden kaynaklandigi teshis edildikten sonra, artrosentez baslangic proseduru olarak uygulanabilir. Anahtar Kelimeler: MRG, Tek Girisli Artrosentez, TME. Abstract Objective: Arthrocentesis is an irrigation procedure of upper joint space to eliminate inflammation, and joint movement restriction. The aim of this study is to present the short term clinical effects of single puncture arthrocentesis as initial treatment with regard to temporomandibular joint pain and mandibular movement. Material-Method: This study has been conducted on 40 patients over the age of 18. The patients who were attended with the complaint of temporomandibular joint disorder has been evaluated with clinical and magnetic resonance imaging findings. The patients that was decided arthrocentesis indication included in the study. Before the arthrocentesis the mandibular movement measurements has been performed and pain has been evaluated with visual anlogue scale. Clinical follow up has been performed one day and one week after the procedure by repeating the measurements. The clinical findings between before and after the procedure has been evaluted and statistically analised. Results: After one week, the temporomandibular joint pain (mm VAS at rest, and mm VAS during movement) had decreased rapidly and maximum mouth opening (mm interincisor distance) had improved from 32.4 mm to 38.78 mm (p=0.001). Conclusion: Arthrocentesis as initial treatment reduces pain and restrict of mandibular movement more rapidly. In patients with acute pain and limitation of mandibular movement, arthrocentesis may be performed as the initial procedure after symptoms are diagnosed as originating from internal derangements in temporomandibular joint. Keywords: Single Puncture Arthrocentesis, MRI, TMJ.
SDÜ Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi | 2017
Tayfun Yazıcı; Mehmet Fatih Şentürk; Gülperi Koçer
Bifosfonatlar pirofosfatlarin sentetik analoglari olup; malignensilere bagli olarak gelisen hiperkalsemi, multipl myeloma, kemik metastazi tedavisinin yaninda osteoporoz tedavisi icin kullanilan ilaclardir. Bisfosfanat kullanimina bagli cenelerde gorulen osteonekroz olgulari 2003 yilinin sonlarindan itibaren hizla artis gostermistir. 2014 yilinda Amerikan Cene Yuz Cerrahisi Dernegi tarafindan tabloya katilan bazi ilaclarla tablo ilac kullanimina bagli olarak cene kemiklerinde gelisen osteonekroz olarak degismistir. Bu derlemenin amaci ilac kullanimina bagli olarak cene kemiklerinde gelisen osteonekroz olgularinin etiyolojisini, klinik ve radyolojik bulgularini, risk faktorlerini ve farkli tedavi seceneklerini irdelemektir.
Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery | 2017
Uğur Gülşen; Mehmet Fatih Şentürk; İlham Mehdiyev
Q2 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 To the Editor:—We read with interest the study by Bilginaylar who used a platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) clot for acute oroantral communication (OC). We agree with Dr Bilginaylar that flapless surgery provides much comfort in acute OC. However, we wish to make a few observations. Agarwal et al first described flapless closure of the OC using the PRF clot and the PRF membrane in 2016. Also in 2016, G€ ulşen et al described flapless OC closure with only the PRF clot. They did not use the PRF membrane for OC closure. Bilginaylar also used only PRF clots for acute OC in 2017 and described this technique as a technical note. Bilginaylar stated the differences as PRF clot number versus OC size calculation. Bilginaylar used 2 PRF clots and noted that G€ ulşen et al used 6 PRF clots. We believe that material differences, such as PRF clot versus membrane, could be relevant for OC closure.