Mehmet Günay
Gazi University
European Journal of Pharmacology | 2011
Elif Şıktar; Deniz Ekinci; Erdinç Şıktar; Şükrü Beydemir; İlhami Gülçin; Mehmet Günay
The objective of this study was to investigate temperature dependent effects of oral l-carnitine supplementation on exhaustive exercise induced oxidative damage in rats. 42 male Spraque Dawley rats were randomly divided into seven experimental groups. These groups were formed as three non-carnitine exercise groups, three carnitine-exercise groups and a sedentary group. l-carnitine was given intraperitoneally to the carnitine-exercise groups 1h before the exercise in 100mg/kg. Blood was collected to measure paraoxonase-1 (PON1) activity, plasma malondialdehyde (MDA), low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and cholesterol concentrations. These biomarkers were measured in venous blood samples collected before and after the rats swam in pools at different water temperatures (18°C, 28°C and 38°C). In the non-carnitine group, exercise caused a significant decrease in PON1 activity and a significant elevation in MDA concentration at 28°C compared to the sedentary group. No significant alterations were evidenced in LDL and cholesterol concentrations upon exercise. The decrease in PON1 activity became higher with increasing temperature whereas the elevation in MDA levels increased at 18°C. In the l-carnitine supplementation group, recovery in PON1 activity was observed significant at 28°C and very significant at 38°C. MDA concentration was almost the same with that of the non-carnitine group at 18 and 38°C, but it significantly decreased at 28°C. Considering the recovery in PON1 and MDA levels at 28°C, which is the temperature of the sedentary group; our results suggest that l-carnitine supplementation has a protective role on exhaustive exercise-induced oxidative stress. Findings of this study also demonstrate influences of thermal stress on these parameters during exhaustive exercise.
Biological Trace Element Research | 2010
Ersan Kara; Mehmet Günay; İbrahim Cicioğlu; Mehmet Ozal; Mehmet Kilic; Rasim Mogulkoc; Abdulkerim Kasim Baltaci
This study aims to examine the effect of zinc supplementation on free-radical formation and antioxidant system in individuals who are actively engaged in wrestling as a sport. The study registered a total of 40 male subjects, of whom 20 were wrestlers and 20 were sedentary individuals. The subjects were equally allocated to four groups: group 1, zinc-supplemented sportsmen group; group 2, sportsmen group without supplementation; group 3, zinc-supplemented sedentary group; group 4, sedentary group without supplementation. Blood samples were collected from all subjects twice, once at the beginning of the study and once again at the end of 8-week procedures. The blood samples collected were analyzed to determine the levels of malondialdehyde (MDA), serum glutathione (GSH), serum glutathione peroxidase (GPx) activity, serum superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity (ELISA colorimetric method) and zinc (colorimetric method). No difference was found between MDA levels of the study groups in the beginning of the study. The highest MDA value at the end of the study was obtained in group 4 (p < 0.01). MDA levels in group 2 were established to be significantly higher than those in groups 1 and 3 (p < 0.01). GSH level, GPx, and SOD activities and zinc level measured in the beginning of the study were not different between groups. Measurements performed at the end of the study showed that groups 1 and 3 (zinc-supplemented groups) had the highest GSH level, GPx, and SOD activities and zinc level (p < 0.01). These parameters were not different in the groups without supplementation (groups 2 and 4). Results obtained at the end of the study indicate that zinc supplementation prevents production of free radicals by activating the antioxidant system. In conclusion, physiologic doses of zinc supplementation to athletes may beneficially contribute to their health and performance.
Biological Trace Element Research | 2011
Ersan Kara; Mehmet Ozal; Mehmet Günay; Mehmet Kilic; Abdulkerim Kasim Baltaci; Rasim Mogulkoc
The present study aims to examine the effect of zinc supplementation on the release of some cytokines in young wrestlers actively involved in wrestling. A total of 40 male subjects of the same age group were included in the study: half were wrestlers and the other half were not involved in sports. The subjects were equally divided into four groups and treated during an 8-week period as follows: group 1, zinc-supplemented athletes; group 2, non-supplemented athletes; group 3, zinc-supplemented sedentary subjects, and group 4, non-supplemented sedentary group. Blood samples were taken from each subject at the beginning and at the end of the study period. The serum tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), interleukin-2 (IL-2), and interpheron-γ levels (IFN-γ) were determined using the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay method. At the beginning of the study, there were no significant differences of the measured parameters between the four study groups. At the end of the study, the levels of TNF-α, IL-2, and IFN-γ were significantly higher in the two zinc-supplemented groups compared to those that did not receive supplementation, regardless of the activity status (p < 0.01).
Biological Trace Element Research | 2004
Mehmet Kilic; Abdulkerim Kasim Baltaci; Mehmet Günay
The hematological effects of oral supplementation of zinc to training athletes are reported in the present study. A total of 30 subjects between 16 and 22 yr of age volunteered to participate in a 4-wk study. They were equally divided into three groups. Group 1 acted as resting controls receiving daily doses of 3 mg Zn/kg body wt. Group 2 was actively engaged in wrestling and exercised for 90–120 min, 5 d a week. Group 3 was also actively engaged in wrestling and exercised for 90–120 min, 5 d a week, but they were supplemented with 3 mg Zn/kg body wt per day. The erythrocyte, leukocyte, and thrombocyte counts and the hemoglobin values of all subjects participating in the study were measured before and after exercise at the beginning and at the end of the 4-wk study period.In all groups, there were no significant differences in the measured parameters before and after exercise. At the end of the supplementation period, the parameters of the subjects in groups 1 and 3 were significantly higher than those of group 2, both before (p<0.005) and after (p<0.05) exercise. These results suggest that zinc supplementation has a positive effect on hematological parameters in athletes.
Bratislavské lekárske listy | 2012
Mursel Bicer; Mehmet Günay; Abdulkerim Kasim Baltaci; Uney K; Rasim Mogulkoc; Mustafa Akil
OBJECTIVE The present study aims to explore the effect of zinc supplementation on lipid peroxidation and lactate levels in rats having diabetes induced by streptozotocin and subjected to acute swimming exercise. METHOD A total of 80 adult male rats of Sprague-Dawley type were equally allocated to 8 groups: Group 1, general control. Group 2, zinc-supplemented group. Group 3, zinc-supplemented, diabetic group. Group 4, swimming control group. Group 5, zinc-supplemented swimming group. Group 6, zinc-supplemented diabetic swimming group. Group 7, diabetic swimming group. Group 8, diabetic group. At the end of the 4-week study, blood samples were collected to determine MDA, GSH, GPx, SOD, lactate and zinc levels. RESULTS The highest MDA values were found in group 7 and 8 (p<0.001). GSH values in groups 5 and 6 were higher (p<0.001). The highest GPx values were established in groups 2, 5 and 6 (p<0.001). SOD values were the highest in groups 5 and 6 (p<0.001) and lowest in groups 2, 3 and 8 (p<0.001). The highest plasma lactate levels were found in group 7 (p<0.001). The highest zinc levels were obtained in groups 1, 2 and 5 (p<0.001), and the lowest zinc levels were found in groups 7 and 8 (p<0.001). CONCLUSION Results of the study reveal that zinc supplementation prevents the increase of free radical formation, suppression of antioxidant activity and muscle exhaustion, all of which result from diabetes and acute exercise. Zinc supplementation may contribute to health performance in diabetes and acute exercise (Tab. 2, Fig. 1 Ref. 47). Full Text in PDF
Bratislavské lekárske listy | 2012
Mursel Bicer; Mustafa Akil; Abdulkerim Kasim Baltaci; Rasim Mogulkoc; Sivrikaya A; Mehmet Günay; Akkus H
BACKGROUND The present study aimed to explore the effect of melatonin administration on lipid peroxidation in various tissues of rats with streptozocin induced diabetes and subjected to an acute swimming exercise. METHODS The study used 80 adult male rats, which were equally allocated to 8 groups: Group 1, general control; Group 2, melatonin-administered control; Group 3, melatonin-administered diabetic control; Group 4, swimming control; Group 5, melatonin-administered swimming; Group 6, melatonin-administered diabetic swimming; Group 7, diabetic swimming; Group 8, diabetic control. Diabetic rats were administered 3 mg/kg/day ip melatonin for 4 weeks. At the end of the study, the animals were decapitated to collect samples from liver, lung and spleen tissues, which were then analyzed to determine levels of liver MDA (nmol/gram/protein) and GSH (mg/g/protein). RESULTS The highest MDA values in liver, lung and spleen tissues were obtained in the Group 7. The values in the Group 8 were lower than those in the Group 7, but higher than in all other groups. The Group 5 and 6 had the highest liver, lung and spleen GSH values. CONCLUSION Results obtained from the study indicate that the increase in free radical production and the inhibition of antioxidant activity in diabetes and acute exercise are both prevented by melatonin administration (Tab. 2, Ref. 30).
International Journal of Sports, Exercise and Training Science | 2016
Umut Canli; Mehmet Günay
Amac: Bu calismada, basketbol oynayan erkek cocuklarin akademik basarilari ile yas, basketbol oynama sureleri, ortalama haftalik antrenman sayilari ve motorik becerileri ile olan iliskisinin arastirilmasi amaclandi. Materyal ve Yontem: Calismaya uc farkli spor kulubunden, basketbola baslama yaslari ve haftalik antrenman sayilari farkli olan, yaslari 10-13 yas araliginda degisen 93 erkek basketbolcu gonullu olarak katildi. Deneklerin akademik basarilarinin tespitinde yilsonu okul akademik basari ortalamasi dikkate alinirken, motorik becerilerin olcumunde Uluslararasi Fiziksel Performans Test Profili (IPPTP) (Kamar,2008) kullanildi. Degiskenler arasinda anlamli bir fark olup olmadigi Tek Yonlu Varyans Analizi (One-Way ANOVA) test istatistigiyle elde edildi. Islemler SPSS 21.0 paket programi kullanilarak yapildi. Bulgular: Arastirma sonunda basketbolcularin akademik basarilari ile basketbol oynama sureleri, ortalama haftalik antrenman sayilari ve motorik becerileri arasinda bir iliski tespit edilmedi (p>0.05). Buna karsin yas degiskeni ile akademik basari arasinda istatistiksel olarak anlamli bir farklilik tespit edildi (p<0.05). Sonuclar: Basketbola baslama sureleri ve haftalik antrenman sayilari farkli, temel basketbol egitiminin yani sira motorik becerilerinin gelisimine de katki saglayan basketbol egitimini alan sporcularin akademik basarilarinin motorik beceri, antrenman sayisi, basketbola baslama suresi gibi degiskenlerle arasinda anlamli bir farklilik tespit edilmezken, yas degiskeni ile akademik basari arasinda negatif yonde bir anlamlilik tespit edildi.Amac: Bu calismada, basketbol oynayan erkek cocuklarin akademik basarilari ile yas, basketbol oynama sureleri, ortalama haftalik antrenman sayilari ve motorik becerileri ile olan iliskisinin arastirilmasi amaclandi. Materyal ve Yontem: Calismaya uc farkli spor kulubunden, basketbola baslama yaslari ve haftalik antrenman sayilari farkli olan, yaslari 10-13 yas araliginda degisen 93 erkek basketbolcu gonullu olarak katildi. Deneklerin akademik basarilarinin tespitinde yilsonu okul akademik basari ortalamasi dikkate alinirken, motorik becerilerin olcumunde Uluslararasi Fiziksel Performans Test Profili (IPPTP) (Kamar,2008) kullanildi. Degiskenler arasinda anlamli bir fark olup olmadigi Tek Yonlu Varyans Analizi (One-Way ANOVA) test istatistigiyle elde edildi. Islemler SPSS 21.0 paket programi kullanilarak yapildi. Bulgular: Arastirma sonunda basketbolcularin akademik basarilari ile basketbol oynama sureleri, ortalama haftalik antrenman sayilari ve motorik becerileri arasinda bir iliski tespit edilmedi (p>0.05). Buna karsin yas degiskeni ile akademik basari arasinda istatistiksel olarak anlamli bir farklilik tespit edildi (p<0.05). Sonuclar: Basketbola baslama sureleri ve haftalik antrenman sayilari farkli, temel basketbol egitiminin yani sira motorik becerilerinin gelisimine de katki saglayan basketbol egitimini alan sporcularin akademik basarilarinin motorik beceri, antrenman sayisi, basketbola baslama suresi gibi degiskenlerle arasinda anlamli bir farklilik tespit edilmezken, yas degiskeni ile akademik basari arasinda negatif yonde bir anlamlilik tespit edildi.
International Journal of Sports Exercise and Training Science | 2016
Umut Canli; Mehmet Günay
Amac: Bu calismada, basketbol oynayan erkek cocuklarin akademik basarilari ile yas, basketbol oynama sureleri, ortalama haftalik antrenman sayilari ve motorik becerileri ile olan iliskisinin arastirilmasi amaclandi. Materyal ve Yontem: Calismaya uc farkli spor kulubunden, basketbola baslama yaslari ve haftalik antrenman sayilari farkli olan, yaslari 10-13 yas araliginda degisen 93 erkek basketbolcu gonullu olarak katildi. Deneklerin akademik basarilarinin tespitinde yilsonu okul akademik basari ortalamasi dikkate alinirken, motorik becerilerin olcumunde Uluslararasi Fiziksel Performans Test Profili (IPPTP) (Kamar,2008) kullanildi. Degiskenler arasinda anlamli bir fark olup olmadigi Tek Yonlu Varyans Analizi (One-Way ANOVA) test istatistigiyle elde edildi. Islemler SPSS 21.0 paket programi kullanilarak yapildi. Bulgular: Arastirma sonunda basketbolcularin akademik basarilari ile basketbol oynama sureleri, ortalama haftalik antrenman sayilari ve motorik becerileri arasinda bir iliski tespit edilmedi (p>0.05). Buna karsin yas degiskeni ile akademik basari arasinda istatistiksel olarak anlamli bir farklilik tespit edildi (p<0.05). Sonuclar: Basketbola baslama sureleri ve haftalik antrenman sayilari farkli, temel basketbol egitiminin yani sira motorik becerilerinin gelisimine de katki saglayan basketbol egitimini alan sporcularin akademik basarilarinin motorik beceri, antrenman sayisi, basketbola baslama suresi gibi degiskenlerle arasinda anlamli bir farklilik tespit edilmezken, yas degiskeni ile akademik basari arasinda negatif yonde bir anlamlilik tespit edildi.Amac: Bu calismada, basketbol oynayan erkek cocuklarin akademik basarilari ile yas, basketbol oynama sureleri, ortalama haftalik antrenman sayilari ve motorik becerileri ile olan iliskisinin arastirilmasi amaclandi. Materyal ve Yontem: Calismaya uc farkli spor kulubunden, basketbola baslama yaslari ve haftalik antrenman sayilari farkli olan, yaslari 10-13 yas araliginda degisen 93 erkek basketbolcu gonullu olarak katildi. Deneklerin akademik basarilarinin tespitinde yilsonu okul akademik basari ortalamasi dikkate alinirken, motorik becerilerin olcumunde Uluslararasi Fiziksel Performans Test Profili (IPPTP) (Kamar,2008) kullanildi. Degiskenler arasinda anlamli bir fark olup olmadigi Tek Yonlu Varyans Analizi (One-Way ANOVA) test istatistigiyle elde edildi. Islemler SPSS 21.0 paket programi kullanilarak yapildi. Bulgular: Arastirma sonunda basketbolcularin akademik basarilari ile basketbol oynama sureleri, ortalama haftalik antrenman sayilari ve motorik becerileri arasinda bir iliski tespit edilmedi (p>0.05). Buna karsin yas degiskeni ile akademik basari arasinda istatistiksel olarak anlamli bir farklilik tespit edildi (p<0.05). Sonuclar: Basketbola baslama sureleri ve haftalik antrenman sayilari farkli, temel basketbol egitiminin yani sira motorik becerilerinin gelisimine de katki saglayan basketbol egitimini alan sporcularin akademik basarilarinin motorik beceri, antrenman sayisi, basketbola baslama suresi gibi degiskenlerle arasinda anlamli bir farklilik tespit edilmezken, yas degiskeni ile akademik basari arasinda negatif yonde bir anlamlilik tespit edildi.
International Journal of Sport, Exercise & Training Sciences - IJSETS | 2016
Umut Canli; Mehmet Günay
Amac: Bu calismada, basketbol oynayan erkek cocuklarin akademik basarilari ile yas, basketbol oynama sureleri, ortalama haftalik antrenman sayilari ve motorik becerileri ile olan iliskisinin arastirilmasi amaclandi. Materyal ve Yontem: Calismaya uc farkli spor kulubunden, basketbola baslama yaslari ve haftalik antrenman sayilari farkli olan, yaslari 10-13 yas araliginda degisen 93 erkek basketbolcu gonullu olarak katildi. Deneklerin akademik basarilarinin tespitinde yilsonu okul akademik basari ortalamasi dikkate alinirken, motorik becerilerin olcumunde Uluslararasi Fiziksel Performans Test Profili (IPPTP) (Kamar,2008) kullanildi. Degiskenler arasinda anlamli bir fark olup olmadigi Tek Yonlu Varyans Analizi (One-Way ANOVA) test istatistigiyle elde edildi. Islemler SPSS 21.0 paket programi kullanilarak yapildi. Bulgular: Arastirma sonunda basketbolcularin akademik basarilari ile basketbol oynama sureleri, ortalama haftalik antrenman sayilari ve motorik becerileri arasinda bir iliski tespit edilmedi (p>0.05). Buna karsin yas degiskeni ile akademik basari arasinda istatistiksel olarak anlamli bir farklilik tespit edildi (p<0.05). Sonuclar: Basketbola baslama sureleri ve haftalik antrenman sayilari farkli, temel basketbol egitiminin yani sira motorik becerilerinin gelisimine de katki saglayan basketbol egitimini alan sporcularin akademik basarilarinin motorik beceri, antrenman sayisi, basketbola baslama suresi gibi degiskenlerle arasinda anlamli bir farklilik tespit edilmezken, yas degiskeni ile akademik basari arasinda negatif yonde bir anlamlilik tespit edildi.Amac: Bu calismada, basketbol oynayan erkek cocuklarin akademik basarilari ile yas, basketbol oynama sureleri, ortalama haftalik antrenman sayilari ve motorik becerileri ile olan iliskisinin arastirilmasi amaclandi. Materyal ve Yontem: Calismaya uc farkli spor kulubunden, basketbola baslama yaslari ve haftalik antrenman sayilari farkli olan, yaslari 10-13 yas araliginda degisen 93 erkek basketbolcu gonullu olarak katildi. Deneklerin akademik basarilarinin tespitinde yilsonu okul akademik basari ortalamasi dikkate alinirken, motorik becerilerin olcumunde Uluslararasi Fiziksel Performans Test Profili (IPPTP) (Kamar,2008) kullanildi. Degiskenler arasinda anlamli bir fark olup olmadigi Tek Yonlu Varyans Analizi (One-Way ANOVA) test istatistigiyle elde edildi. Islemler SPSS 21.0 paket programi kullanilarak yapildi. Bulgular: Arastirma sonunda basketbolcularin akademik basarilari ile basketbol oynama sureleri, ortalama haftalik antrenman sayilari ve motorik becerileri arasinda bir iliski tespit edilmedi (p>0.05). Buna karsin yas degiskeni ile akademik basari arasinda istatistiksel olarak anlamli bir farklilik tespit edildi (p<0.05). Sonuclar: Basketbola baslama sureleri ve haftalik antrenman sayilari farkli, temel basketbol egitiminin yani sira motorik becerilerinin gelisimine de katki saglayan basketbol egitimini alan sporcularin akademik basarilarinin motorik beceri, antrenman sayisi, basketbola baslama suresi gibi degiskenlerle arasinda anlamli bir farklilik tespit edilmezken, yas degiskeni ile akademik basari arasinda negatif yonde bir anlamlilik tespit edildi.
The Anthropologist | 2015
Bilal Demirhan; Asim Cengiz; Mehmet Günay; Mehmet Türkmen; Serdar Geri
Abstract The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of sports drinks (isotonic) and water consumptions of the elite wrestlers during the exercise. Eighteen-trained elite wrestlers participated in this study. The subjects were divided into two groups according to their body-weight and were also given either water or isotonic sports drink. Water and sports drinks get rid of the dehydration during the trainings (P>0.05). Blood samples were taken before and after the exercises,and were analyzed for Sodium (Na), Potassium (K) and Chlorine (Cl). Body temperatures of subjects were measured as ºC. Post exercise sodium values of the two experimental groups were lower than the pre-exercise values (P<0.05) and there were nosignificant differences between sodium values of these two groups. Water could be replaced with sports drinks for shorter activities as compared to the sports drinks. Thus, water is very helpful for athletes when water is consumed before and during the exercise.