Mehmet Okan Özkaya
Süleyman Demirel University
The Journal of Membrane Biology | 2013
Mustafa Nazıroğlu; Murat Yüksel; Seyit Ali Köse; Mehmet Okan Özkaya
Environmental exposure to electromagnetic radiation (EMR) has been increasing with the increasing demand for communication devices. The aim of the study was to discuss the mechanisms and risk factors of EMR changes on reproductive functions and membrane oxidative biology in females and males. It was reported that even chronic exposure to EMR did not increase the risk of reproductive functions such as increased levels of neoantigens abort. However, the results of some studies indicate that EMR induced endometriosis and inflammation and decreased the number of follicles in the ovarium or uterus of rats. In studies with male rats, exposure caused degeneration in the seminiferous tubules, reduction in the number of Leydig cells and testosterone production as well as increases in luteinizing hormone levels and apoptotic cells. In some cases of male and female infertility, increased levels of oxidative stress and lipid peroxidation and decreased values of antioxidants such as melatonin, vitamin E and glutathione peroxidase were reported in animals exposed to EMR. In conclusion, the results of current studies indicate that oxidative stress from exposure to Wi-Fi and mobile phone-induced EMR is a significant mechanism affecting female and male reproductive systems. However, there is no evidence to this date to support an increased risk of female and male infertility related to EMR exposure.
Journal of Maternal-fetal & Neonatal Medicine | 2014
Hasan Çetin; Mustafa Nazıroğlu; Ömer Çelik; Murat Yüksel; Nural Pastacı; Mehmet Okan Özkaya
Abstract Objectives: The present study determined the effects of mobile phone (900 and 1800 MHz)-induced electromagnetic radiation (EMR) exposure on oxidative stress in the brain and liver as well as the element levels in growing rats from pregnancy to 6 weeks of age. Methods: Thirty-two rats and their offspring were equally divided into three different groups: the control, 900 MHz, and 1800 MHz groups. The 900 MHz and 1800 MHz groups were exposed to EMR for 60 min/d during pregnancy and neonatal development. At the 4th, 5th, and 6th weeks of the experiment, brain samples were obtained. Results: Brain and liver glutathione peroxidase activities, as well as liver vitamin A and β-carotene concentrations decreased in the EMR groups, although brain iron, vitamin A, and β-carotene concentrations increased in the EMR groups. In the 6th week, selenium concentrations in the brain decreased in the EMR groups. There were no statistically significant differences in glutathione, vitamin E, chromium, copper, magnesium, manganese, and zinc concentrations between the three groups. Conclusion: EMR-induced oxidative stress in the brain and liver was reduced during the development of offspring. Mobile phone-induced EMR could be considered as a cause of oxidative brain and liver injury in growing rats.
Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology | 2016
Mehmet Özgür Akkurt; And Yavuz; Mekin Sezik; Mehmet Okan Özkaya
Introduction Posterior urethral valve (PUV) is the most common aetiology of foetal obstructive uropathy with an incidence of around 1/5000 to 1/8000 pregnancies (Brown et al. 1987). Untreated PUV is associated with increased neonatal morbidity and mortality due to renal dysplasia and pulmonary hypoplasia (Freedman et al. 2000). Vesicoamniotic shunting (VAS) is a procedure that aims to reduce intraluminal pressure of the foetal bladder with subsequent involvement of the upper urinary tract and prevent pulmonary hypoplasia due to secondary oligohydramnios. In previous reports, iatrogenic anterior wall defects secondary to placement of shunts has been reported (Gehring et al. 2000; Irwin & Vane 2000). Here, we report an unusual complication of VAS, coiling of the shunt around foetal lower extremity associated with dislodgement.
Journal of Turkish Society of Obstetric and Gynecology | 2016
Seyit Ali Kose; Mehmet Özgür Akkurt; And Yavuz; Serenat Eriş; Esra Nur Tola; Mehmet Okan Özkaya; Mekin Sezik
Objective: To compare the short-term outcomes of two different-sized needles for genetic amniocentesis. Materials and Methods: A total of 271 amniocentesis were retrospectively evaluated in 2 groups concerning the size of the needles used during the procedure: Conventional 20-gauge (G) (n=164) and 22G (n=107). Periprocedural complications and cost-effectiveness were compared across the groups. Results: There were no differences between groups concerning complications within 15 days after the procedure (fetal loss, 0.6% versus 0.9%, and amniotic fluid leak 1.2% versus 1.8%, p=0.99 for each). The 22G needle was significantly more cost efficient (p<0.0001). Conclusion: The 22 G spinal needle is convenient for second trimester amniocentesis with similar complication rate and has a favorable cost profile.
SDÜ Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi | 2013
Esra Nur Tola; Mehmet Okan Özkaya
Carter-Thomason operation in the treatment of uterin prolapsus in a young patient: case reportUterine prolapsus is a common problem which absolute treatment is surgery. Although vaginal hysterectomyis the most used method in the treatment of the prolapsus, uterine protective surgery should be thoughtprimarily. Carter-Thomason method is a uterine protective surgery which round ligaments are suspansiedby laparoscopically. Especially it can be used in the uterine prolapsus treatment in young women who hasdesire for fertility. Laparoscopic uterine suspension technique which named Modify Carter Thomasonmethod were carried out under general anesthesia after the reduction to a thirty year old female patient whoapplied to our clinic with acute, non-reductable uterine prolapsus complaint. We aimed to discuss this casein the light of recent literature
Biological Trace Element Research | 2011
Mehmet Okan Özkaya; Mustafa Nazıroğlu; Cihan Barak; Murat Berkkanoglu
Biological Trace Element Research | 2013
Alper Özorak; Mustafa Nazıroğlu; Ömer Çelik; Murat Yüksel; Derviş Özçelik; Mehmet Okan Özkaya; Hasan Çetin; Mehmet Cemal Kahya; Seyit Ali Köse
Endocrine | 2016
Murat Yüksel; Mustafa Nazıroğlu; Mehmet Okan Özkaya
Perinatal Journal | 2018
Serenat Eris Yalcin; Yakup Yalçın; Esra Nur Tola; And Yavuz; Mehmet Özgür Akkurt; Mekin Sezik; Mehmet Okan Özkaya
Pamukkale Medical Journal | 2015
Ayşe Gönül Altuncu; Erdal Bilen; Seyit Ali Köse; Mehmet Okan Özkaya