Mehmet Tokdemir
Fırat University
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Featured researches published by Mehmet Tokdemir.
Gene | 2016
Mehmet Tokdemir; Ferhat Turgut Tunçez; Nazif Harun Vicdanli
The allelic frequency distribution and statistical genetic parameters of forensic relevance for 15 STR loci (D8S1179, D21S11, D7S820, CSF1PO, D3S1358, TH01, D13S317, D16S539, D2S1338, D19S433, vWA, TPOX, D18S51, D5S818 and FGA) in a population sample of 802 unrelated individuals in Eastern Turkey. The expected performance of these loci for personal identification and paternity testing in this population was estimated. Eastern Turkey and other 12 country population data were compared using allele frequencies.
Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine | 2014
Hüseyin Kafadar; Safiye Kafadar; Mehmet Tokdemir
Suicide is a form of behavior brought about by a combination of biological, psychological, and social factors and the adverse effects of those factors on individuals, their surroundings, society, and subsequent generations. In this study, attention is focused on the increase in adolescent suicides in Elazig and the surrounding province. The probable suicide cases among adolescent deaths that occurred in Eastern Turkey between 2001 and 2012 were examined retrospectively. A total of 67 cases were evaluated in terms of age, sex, method of death, death location, and the time of the year at which death occurred. Of the 67 study cases, 40 were female (59.70%) and 27 were male (40.29%). When the methods of suicide were analyzed, it was found that hanging came in first place with 34 cases (50.74%), followed by death using a firearm with 27 cases (40.29%). Other types of death were self-poisoning in four cases (5.97%) and jumping from a height in two cases (2.98%). According to this study, there are common risk factors both for suicidal thoughts and suicide attempts. Defining the prevalence of suicidal thoughts leading to suicide attempts, determining the risk factors, and evaluating the relationship between those factors and mental disorders will enable society to develop new approaches to suicidal behavior.
Turkish journal of trauma & emergency surgery | 2014
Hüseyin Kafadar; Safiye Kafadar; Mehmet Tokdemir
BACKGROUND The aim of the study was to investigate if there was a difference in injury in intra-abdominal viscera due to blunt abdominal trauma sustained by rats with empty or full stomach and to examine which viscera is affected most, based on the direction of the trauma. METHODS Since there is no data in the literature on the force of trauma, a pilot study was carried out before commencing the experimental study. An apparatus was built to determine the trauma force that would not cause sudden death, and rats were allowed free fall from a height of 40 and 45 cm so that they would land on their abdomen. The most appropriate force of trauma (F=69.978 N) and absorbed energy (E=½mv2=0.979 Joules) were obtained in rats weighing 250 g that fell from a height of 40 cm. RESULTS Thirty six rats were included in the study and separated into six groups. Any statistically significant differences between groups with regard to the stomach being empty or full during trauma and its direction were examined (anterior, right/left sided). CONCLUSION It was observed that there were differences in injuries sustained by the internal organs depending on the fullness or emptiness of the stomach and the direction of the trauma.
Brain Injury | 2007
Mehmet Tokdemir; Peykan Türkçüoğlu; Hüseyin Kafadar; Abdurrahim Turkoglu
Purpose: To report an uneventful sudden death because of a periorbital pellet injury. Method: Review of autopsy findings. Results: A 20-year-old hunter was shot accidentally during hunting. At autopsy, the body showed no significant injuries or deformity except for the pellet injuries and ecchymosis on the medial side of the left lower eyelid. Skull roentgenography located a pellet in the base of the cranium. Upon craniotomy, the cause of death was diagnosed as subarachnoidal haemorrhage due to incomplete basilar artery injury. The pellet entered through the medial cantus, passed through the inferior orbital fissure than the sphenooccipital junction and basilar artery and lodged in the pons. Conclusion: A-high index of suspicion is required in order to detect an intracranial extension in periorbital injuries.
Medicine Science | International Medical Journal | 2018
Mehmet Tokdemir; Kerem Sehlikoğlu; Abdurrahim Turkoglu
Positional asphyxia which evolves out of a bodyÂ’s staying in an unusual posture, is a kind of hypoxia and anoxia that occurs as a result of -partially or completely- narrowing of respiratory passage. Crime scene investigation provides significant evidences and clues to enlighten on positional asphyxial deaths. This study aims to discuss the cause of death for the case which was found stuck in knee-elbow position in a restricted area due to external factor exposure. The victim was a 37-year-old male worker. It was thought that he had left on the slaughter house at the end of the shift in the evening but he was found in the following morning as restricted in a cattle knocking box. In the examination of the case, there was no traumatic or pathologic findings to explain the cause of death, except for the apparent finding of asphyxia. It was considered that the death in the case occurred due to positional asphyxia caused by external factor exposure related to restriction in knee-elbow position. As a conclusion, in order to elucidate the death reason and the manner of death, in addition to the findings of internal and external medical examination, evaluation of crime scene investigation and history are also important.
American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology | 2017
Abdurrahim Turkoglu; Kerem Sehlikoğlu; Mehmet Tokdemir
Introduction and Objective Tractor is regarded as a key equipment in agriculture, and it is also used for transportation and transfer purposes in addition to its agricultural use. Accidents resulting in death in farmlands are frequently encountered. Tractor-related fatalities are the most common ones among the deaths after farm accidents. This study aimed to evaluate the characteristics of tractor-related deaths and to discuss the measures that could be taken to prevent these deaths. Methods In this study, 42 cases who underwent postmortem examination and/or autopsy because of tractor fatalities in the province of Elazig between January 2005 and December 2016 were examined retrospectively with such variables as sex, age, month and season of incident, cause of incident, location of incident, position of case, and injured region. Results Of the cases, 36 (85.7%) were male, and 6 (14.3%) were female. The youngest case was 2 years old, and the oldest case was 83 years old; the mean age was 43.3 ± 25.0 years. Examining the deaths regarding the cause of incident showed that tractor rollover was the most common cause (42.9%). This was followed by being run over by the tractor (19.0%). Of the cases, 24 (57.1%) were drivers, 10 (23.8%) were passengers, and 8 (19.0%) were pedestrians. Conclusions Tractor-related fatalities due to tractor rollover are most often seen. To reduce the deaths caused by this reason, drivers should have special training and technical support, use helmets and seatbelts in the tractor, and have a health check at certain intervals (especially the drivers at advanced age).
Saudi Journal of Anaesthesia | 2014
Ayşe Belin Özer; İsmail Demirel; Mustafa Kemal Bayar; Gulay Gunduz; Mehmet Tokdemir
A 19-year-old male patient who wounded himself with a gun in the cranial region had a Glasgow coma scale of 3E. At posttraumatic day 7, locked-in syndrome was considered upon detection of vertical eye movements, meaningful winks, and quadriplegia. Apart from the classical view, computed tomography (CT) and postmortem examination of the brain showed an infarct area in the cerebellum. However, vertebrobasilar artery system was normal. In this case report, we would like to present that unlike cases with ischemia, specific CT findings may not be evident in posttraumatic cases and ischemia may occur in the cerebellum as a result of the pressure exerted by a sound gun.
e-Journal of New World Sciences Academy | 2013
Sinan Özdemir; Ömür Kaya Kalkan; Abdurrahim Türkoğlu; Nurhayat Varol; Mehmet Tokdemir
Bu calismanin amaci; Elazig ilinde universite ve lise duzeyinde ogrenim goren bilgisayar bolumu ogrencilerinin adli bilisim suclarina iliskin goruslerini belirlemek ve ogrenim duzeylerine gore karsilastirmaktir. Arastirma Elazig ili Merkez Endustri Meslek Lisesi, 100.Yil Endustri Meslek Lisesi, Gazi Teknik ve Endustri Meslek Lisesi ve Firat Universitesi Teknik Egitim ve Teknoloji Fakultesi bilgisayar bolumlerinde ogrenim goren toplam 300 ogrenci ile yurutulmustur. Veriler arastirmacilar tarafindan gelistirilen anket ile elde edilmistir. Ankette 17 madde yer almaktadir. Arastirmadan elde edilen nicel verilerin analizinde istatistik paket programi kullanilmis olup, frekans, yuzde ve ki-kare degerleri elde edilmistir. Edinilen bulgulara gore; lise duzeyinde adli bilisim suclari hakkinda bilgi sahibi olma yuzdesi %45,3, universitede ise %59,3`tur. Lise duzeyinde adli bilisim suclari ile ilgili mevcut yasalari yeterli bulmayanlar ve kararsizlarin yuzdesi %74, universitede ise %84`tur. Sonuc olarak, adli bilisim suclari konusunda bilgisayar alaninda ogrenim goren universite ogrencilerinin farkindalik duzeyinin, ayni alanda ogrenim goren lise ogrencilerine gore daha yuksek oldugu belirlenmistir.
Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine | 2007
Mehmet Tokdemir; Abdurrahim Turkoglu; Hüseyin Kafadar; Süleyman Erhan Deveci
Falls are one of the leading causes of admission to emergency and deaths. There is more than one classification of the falls. In this study we classified falls according to height of the falls: High level (>5 meters) and low level (<5 meters). We didn’t include flat ground falls to our study. In this study, we reviewed 1218 fall cases retrospectively between January 2000 to December 2004 including 779 men and 439 women whose average age is 22.2 + 22.9 (the youngest is 1 age and the oldest is 95 age) years at Firat Medical Center. Nine hundred twenty seven of these cases are low level falls and 213 are high level falls. Of these falls, the level of the fall was not specified in 78 cases. The cases are evaluated according to the sex, age, age groups, the level of fall, simple medical intervention, life threatening, Glasgow Coma Score (GKS), injured body part, mortality and monthly timeframe. Sex and age differences are not significant according to the high and low level fallings (p = 0.1). 37.6% of high level falls are lile threatening compared to 20.4% of low level falls (p=0.0001). Similarly the Glasgow Coma Scores were poorer in high level falls compared to low level falls. The falls are most prevalent among children (59.2%) and lower among adults (32.7%) and elderly (8.1%). We conclude that the falls should be handled with care because of mortality and morbidity risk and burden to health system. It is often seen at childhood therefore the families have to be educated for preventive measures. Also, it is necessary to take some security precautions at the windows and balconies.Keywords: Falling, height, life threatening, glasgow coma score.Düflmeye ba¤l› yaralanmalar; acil servise baflvurmalarda ve yaralanmalara ba¤l› ölümlerde önde gelen nedenlerden biridir. Düflmeler de¤iflik flekillerde s›n›fland›r›lmaktad›r. Çal›flmam›zda, yüksek seviyeden (≥5metre) ve alçak seviyeden (<5metre) düflme fleklinde olan s›n›fland›rma kullan›ld›. Düz zemindeki düflmeler çal›flmam›za dahil edilmedi. Bu çal›flmada F›rat Üniversitesi, F›rat T›p Merkezine Ocak 2000-Aral›k 2004 y›llar› aras›nda baflvuran 779’u erkek, 439’u kad›n, yafl ortalamas› 22.2±22.9 (en küçük 1, en büyük 95 yafl) olan toplam 1218 düflme olgusu retrospektif olarak incelendi. Olgular›n, 927’si alçak, 213’ü yüksek, 78’i ise bilinmeyen bir seviyeden düflmüfltür. Olgular; cinsiyet, yafl, yafl gruplar›, düflme seviyesi, basit t›bbi müdahale, yaflamsal tehlike, Glasgow Koma Skoru (GKS), yaralanan vücut bölgesi, mortalite oran›, aylara göre da¤›l›m› aç›s›ndan de¤erlendirildi. Yüksek ve alçak seviyeden düflme aç›s›ndan cinsiyet ve yafl fark› tespit edilmedi (p=0.1). Yüksek seviyeden düflmelerde yaflamsal tehlikeye maruz kalma %37.6 iken, alçak seviyeden düflmelerde ise bu oran›n %20.4 oldu¤u saptand› (p=0.0001). Benzer flekilde yüksek seviyeden düflmelerde GKS’nin, alçak seviyeden düflmelere göre daha düflük puanlarda oldu¤u belirlendi (p=0.0001). Düflmelerin pediatrik yafl grubunda (%59.2) daha yüksek, eriflkin (%32.7) ve yafll›larda (%8.1) daha düflük oldu¤u tespit edildi. Sonuç olarak; düflmeler mortalite ve morbidite riski tafl›malar› ve sa¤l›k sistemine önemli bir yük getirmeleri aç›s›ndan dikkate al›nmal›d›r. Pediatrik yafl grubunda s›kl›kla görülmesinden dolay›; anne baba e¤itimi, oyun esnas›nda çocu¤un gözetlenmesi, pencere ve balkonlarda güvenli¤i sa¤layacak önlemlerin al›nmas› gerekmektedir. Anahtar kelimeler: Düflme, yükseklik, yaflamsal tehlike, glasgow koma skoru.
Occupational Medicine | 2008
Yasemin Açik; S. Erhan Deveci; Gülsen Güneş; Canan Gülbayrak; Sennur Dabak; Günay Saka; Gülşen Vural; Gunay Can; Nursel Gamsız Bilgin; Pınar Erbay Dündar; Toker Erguder; Mehmet Tokdemir