Meinhard Neugebauer
University of Bonn
Human Genetics | 1989
A. Gal; Albert Schinzel; Ulrike Orth; Neil A. Fraser; Florindo Mollica; Ian Craig; Torben A. Kruse; Marco Mächler; Meinhard Neugebauer; Liesbeth M. Bleeker-Wagemakers
SummaryCongenital stationary night blindness is characterized by disturbed or absent night vision that is always present at or shortly after birth and nonprogressive. The X-linked form of the disease (CSNBX; McKusick catalog no. 31050) differs from the autosomal types in that the former is frequently associated with myopia. X-chromosome-specific polymorphic DNA markers were used to carry out linkage analysis in three European families segregating for CSNBX. Close linkage without recombination was found between the disease locus and the anonymous locus DXS7, mapped to Xp11.3, assigning the mutation to the proximal short arm of the X chromosome. Linkage data obtained with markers flanking DXS7 provided further support for this localization of the gene locus. Thus, in addition to retinitis pigmentosa and Norrie disease, CSNBX represents the third well-known hereditary eye disease the locus of which is mapped on the proximal Xp and closely linked to DXS7.
Genomics | 1988
Brunhilde Wirth; Michael J. Denton; Jia-De Chen; Meinhard Neugebauer; Francis B. Halliday; Mary van Schooneveld; Jennifer A. Donald; Peter L. Pearson; A. Gal
Linkage analysis was carried out in three large multigenerational kindreds with X-linked retinitis pigmentosa using DNA markers on Xp. About 10% recombination has been found between the retinitis pigmentosa locus (RP2) and the marker locus DXS7, assigned to band Xp11.3, which was reported earlier to be closely linked to RP2 in several independent families. In the kindreds described in this paper, however, RP2 shows close linkage and no recombination with the marker loci OTC and DXS148, both assigned to Xp21, indicating that, contrary to previous linkage studies, there is evidence of an RP locus distal to DXS7. This suggests that X-linked retinitis pigmentosa is genetically heterogeneous, i.e., caused by mutations at different loci.
Human Immunology | 1987
William Klitz; Sing Kai Lo; Meinhard Neugebauer; Max P. Baur; Ekkehard D. Albert; Glenys Thomson
Segregation distortion, the non-Mendelian segregation of gametes, has been well documented among diverse groups of organisms. These cases are characterized by extreme segregation ratios found only in males. Previous reports have suggested the existence of segregation distortion operating in the HLA system of humans, a tightly linked complex of genes which regulates the immune system. In mice, some alleles of the T/t complex, which is linked to H-2 (the HLA homologue of mice), cause extreme segregation distortion in wild mice populations. Here we report on the examination of a large body of pedigree data on non-diseased families, scored for the alleles of five HLA region loci. We searched for segregation distortion on the basis of five different models of inheritance: allelic, haplotypic, genotypic, diffuse occurrence in families, and autosomal effects on the sex ratio. There was no clear evidence for segregation distortion. In particular, the possibility of extreme levels of segregation distortion was firmly rejected in the populations examined, thus reducing the likelihood of common distortion-causing HLA associated haplotypes in our species.
International Journal of Immunogenetics | 1994
M. Thomsen; Meinhard Neugebauer; J. Arnaud; N. Borot; A. Sevin; Max P. Baur; Anne Cambon-Thomsen
In the large genetic survey ‘Provinces Françaises’ the recombination fractions in the HLA system have been estimated by a family analysis programme (FAP). A total of 1332 families were analysed and in general the findings were in agreement with recombination fractions reported previously. The maternal recombination rates were on average 1.8 times higher than the corresponding ones for males. The comparison of the recombination fractions with the corresponding physical distances suggests the existence of hot spots of recombination. The analysis did not show deviations from expected values for HLA‐A and B alleles on HLA‐A/B recombinant haplotypes. However, analysis of HLA‐B/DR recombinant haplotypes showed a skewed distribution of B and DR alleles. The significance of the findings is difficult to evaluate as all results are estimated numbers and frequencies but a manual analysis of the recombinant families confirmed the observations. HLA‐B/DR recombinant haplotypes carried often HLA‐DR3 and DR11 whereas DR2 and DR7 were more rarely present on recombinant haplotypes. DR4 had an increased incidence on BF/DR recombinant haplotypes but not on A/B or B/BF recombinant haplotypes. Some of the haplotypes with the strongest linkage disequilibria as A1, B8, DR3 and A3, B7, DR2 seem to be less frequently involved in recombinations than other haplotypes. Variations of recombination rates depending on certain alleles or haplotypes might partially explain the conservation of some haplotypes or part of haplotypes in Caucasoids.
Human Genetics | 1987
J. Weber; C. Aulehla-Scholz; R. Kaiser; A. Eigel; Meinhard Neugebauer; J. Horst; K. Olek
SummaryTwo hundred and thirty five subjects from 48 German cystic fibrosis (CF) families were typed for restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) detected by the probes pmet H, pmet D, and pJ 3.11, known to be tightly linked to the CF gene. Gene and haplotype frequencies suggest a linkage disequilibrium with the CF locus. The analysis of the predictive value of this typing in individual CF families indicates that the combined use of these probes provides a powerful diagnostic system both for carrier detection and prenatal diagnosis. In 33 out of 48 families carriers and non-carriers could be identified, and in 26 of these 33 families prenatal diagnosis could discriminate between affected and unaffected offspring.
Human Genetics | 1988
Brunhilde Wirth; Falko H. Herrmann; Meinhard Neugebauer; Elizabeth F. Gillard; Karin Wulff; Christina Stein; Kurt von Figura; Malcolm A. Ferguson-Smith; A. Gal
SummaryLinkage analysis has been carried out in nine unrelated families segregating for X-linked ichthyosis (steroid sulfatase deficiency) using seven polymorphic DNA markers from the distal Xp. Close linkage was found between the disease locus and the loci DXS16, DXS89, and DXS143. In all families except one, Southern hybridization with the human steroid sulfatase cDNA and GMGX9 probes showed a deletion of corresponding loci in affected males. Three patients belonging to the same family had no evident deletion with either of the two above-mentioned probes. None of the other six DNA loci included in the linkage analysis were found to be deleted.
Ophthalmic Genetics | 1990
Mary J. van Schooneveld; Ulrike Orth; Meinhard Neugebauer; Th. Hogenkamp; Andreas Gal
X-linked juvenile retinoschisis usually results in a rather serious visual handicap in affected males. However, occasionally patients can present with very subtle clinical signs without subjective complaints. For this reason, the family history can be misleading and caution is necessary when analysing the pedigree and giving genetic advice. In this report a family with X-linked retinoschisis is described in which segregation analysis with DNA probes strongly suggests that the deceased grandfather, who was said to have had good vision, had been affected by juvenile retinoschisis.
Human Genetics | 1987
Brunhilde Wirth; Klaus Zerres; M. Fischbach; Dorothea Claus; Hartmut P. H. Neumann; T. Lennert; J. Brodehl; Meinhard Neugebauer; Dirk E. Müller-Wiefel; J. Geisert; A. Gal
American Journal of Medical Genetics | 1991
Marcella Rietschel; Waltraut Friedl; Siegfried Uhlhaas; Meinhard Neugebauer; D. Heimann; Klaus Zerres
American Journal of Medical Genetics | 1991
Anke Watty; Félix Prieto; Magdalena Beneyto; Meinhard Neugebauer; Andreas Gal