
Nature | 2013

Signatures of mutational processes in human cancer

Ludmil B. Alexandrov; Serena Nik-Zainal; David C. Wedge; Samuel Aparicio; Sam Behjati; Andrew V. Biankin; Graham R. Bignell; Niccolo Bolli; Åke Borg; Anne Lise Børresen-Dale; Sandrine Boyault; Birgit Burkhardt; Adam Butler; Carlos Caldas; Helen Davies; Christine Desmedt; Roland Eils; Jórunn Erla Eyfjörd; John A. Foekens; Mel Greaves; Fumie Hosoda; Barbara Hutter; Tomislav Ilicic; Sandrine Imbeaud; Marcin Imielinsk; Natalie Jäger; David T. W. Jones; David Jones; Stian Knappskog; Marcel Kool

All cancers are caused by somatic mutations; however, understanding of the biological processes generating these mutations is limited. The catalogue of somatic mutations from a cancer genome bears the signatures of the mutational processes that have been operative. Here we analysed 4,938,362 mutations from 7,042 cancers and extracted more than 20 distinct mutational signatures. Some are present in many cancer types, notably a signature attributed to the APOBEC family of cytidine deaminases, whereas others are confined to a single cancer class. Certain signatures are associated with age of the patient at cancer diagnosis, known mutagenic exposures or defects in DNA maintenance, but many are of cryptic origin. In addition to these genome-wide mutational signatures, hypermutation localized to small genomic regions, ‘kataegis’, is found in many cancer types. The results reveal the diversity of mutational processes underlying the development of cancer, with potential implications for understanding of cancer aetiology, prevention and therapy.

Nature | 2007

Patterns of somatic mutation in human cancer genomes

Christopher Greenman; Philip Stephens; Raffaella Smith; Gillian L. Dalgliesh; Chris Hunter; Graham R. Bignell; Helen Davies; Jon Teague; Adam Butler; Claire Stevens; Sarah Edkins; Sarah O’Meara; Imre Vastrik; Esther Schmidt; Tim Avis; Syd Barthorpe; Gurpreet Bhamra; Gemma Buck; Bhudipa Choudhury; Jody Clements; Jennifer Cole; Ed Dicks; Simon A. Forbes; Kris Gray; Kelly Halliday; Rachel Harrison; Katy Hills; Jon Hinton; Andy Jenkinson; David Jones

Cancers arise owing to mutations in a subset of genes that confer growth advantage. The availability of the human genome sequence led us to propose that systematic resequencing of cancer genomes for mutations would lead to the discovery of many additional cancer genes. Here we report more than 1,000 somatic mutations found in 274 megabases (Mb) of DNA corresponding to the coding exons of 518 protein kinase genes in 210 diverse human cancers. There was substantial variation in the number and pattern of mutations in individual cancers reflecting different exposures, DNA repair defects and cellular origins. Most somatic mutations are likely to be ‘passengers’ that do not contribute to oncogenesis. However, there was evidence for ‘driver’ mutations contributing to the development of the cancers studied in approximately 120 genes. Systematic sequencing of cancer genomes therefore reveals the evolutionary diversity of cancers and implicates a larger repertoire of cancer genes than previously anticipated.

Nature | 2012

Clonal evolution in cancer

Mel Greaves; Carlo C. Maley

Cancers evolve by a reiterative process of clonal expansion, genetic diversification and clonal selection within the adaptive landscapes of tissue ecosystems. The dynamics are complex, with highly variable patterns of genetic diversity and resulting clonal architecture. Therapeutic intervention may destroy cancer clones and erode their habitats, but it can also inadvertently provide a potent selective pressure for the expansion of resistant variants. The inherently Darwinian character of cancer is the primary reason for this therapeutic failure, but it may also hold the key to more effective control.

The New England Journal of Medicine | 2013

Somatic CALR Mutations in Myeloproliferative Neoplasms with Nonmutated JAK2

Jyoti Nangalia; Gunes Gundem; Edward Avezov; Jingjin Li; Karoline Kollmann; Athar Aziz; Jonathan Hinton; Inigo Martincorena; P. Van Loo; Paola Guglielmelli; Patrick Tarpey; Keiran Raine; Stuart McLaren; M. Bianchi; Yvonne Silber; D. Dimitropoulou; David Bloxham; Laura Mudie; Mark Maddison; Ben Robinson; Clodagh Keohane; Cathy MacLean; Katherine L. Hill; Kim H. Orchard; Sudhir Tauro; Mel Greaves; David G. Bowen; David Ron; Elli Papaemmanuil

BACKGROUND Somatic mutations in the Janus kinase 2 gene (JAK2) occur in many myeloproliferative neoplasms, but the molecular pathogenesis of myeloproliferative neoplasms with nonmutated JAK2 is obscure, and the diagnosis of these neoplasms remains a challenge. METHODS We performed exome sequencing of samples obtained from 151 patients with myeloproliferative neoplasms. The mutation status of the gene encoding calreticulin (CALR) was assessed in an additional 1345 hematologic cancers, 1517 other cancers, and 550 controls. We established phylogenetic trees using hematopoietic colonies. We assessed calreticulin subcellular localization using immunofluorescence and flow cytometry. RESULTS Exome sequencing identified 1498 mutations in 151 patients, with medians of 6.5, 6.5, and 13.0 mutations per patient in samples of polycythemia vera, essential thrombocythemia, and myelofibrosis, respectively. Somatic CALR mutations were found in 70 to 84% of samples of myeloproliferative neoplasms with nonmutated JAK2, in 8% of myelodysplasia samples, in occasional samples of other myeloid cancers, and in none of the other cancers. A total of 148 CALR mutations were identified with 19 distinct variants. Mutations were located in exon 9 and generated a +1 base-pair frameshift, which would result in a mutant protein with a novel C-terminal. Mutant calreticulin was observed in the endoplasmic reticulum without increased cell-surface or Golgi accumulation. Patients with myeloproliferative neoplasms carrying CALR mutations presented with higher platelet counts and lower hemoglobin levels than patients with mutated JAK2. Mutation of CALR was detected in hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells. Clonal analyses showed CALR mutations in the earliest phylogenetic node, a finding consistent with its role as an initiating mutation in some patients. CONCLUSIONS Somatic mutations in the endoplasmic reticulum chaperone CALR were found in a majority of patients with myeloproliferative neoplasms with nonmutated JAK2. (Funded by the Kay Kendall Leukaemia Fund and others.).

Nature | 2011

Genetic variegation of clonal architecture and propagating cells in leukaemia

Kristina Anderson; Christoph Lutz; Frederik W. van Delft; Caroline M. Bateman; Yanping Guo; Susan M. Colman; Helena Kempski; Anthony V. Moorman; Ian Titley; John Swansbury; Lyndal Kearney; Tariq Enver; Mel Greaves

Little is known of the genetic architecture of cancer at the subclonal and single-cell level or in the cells responsible for cancer clone maintenance and propagation. Here we have examined this issue in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia in which the ETV6–RUNX1 gene fusion is an early or initiating genetic lesion followed by a modest number of recurrent or ‘driver’ copy number alterations. By multiplexing fluorescence in situ hybridization probes for these mutations, up to eight genetic abnormalities can be detected in single cells, a genetic signature of subclones identified and a composite picture of subclonal architecture and putative ancestral trees assembled. Subclones in acute lymphoblastic leukaemia have variegated genetics and complex, nonlinear or branching evolutionary histories. Copy number alterations are independently and reiteratively acquired in subclones of individual patients, and in no preferential order. Clonal architecture is dynamic and is subject to change in the lead-up to a diagnosis and in relapse. Leukaemia propagating cells, assayed by serial transplantation in NOD/SCID IL2Rγnull mice, are also genetically variegated, mirroring subclonal patterns, and vary in competitive regenerative capacity in vivo. These data have implications for cancer genomics and for the targeted therapy of cancer.

Nature Reviews Cancer | 2003

Origins of chromosome translocations in childhood leukaemia

Mel Greaves; Joseph L. Wiemels

Chromosome translocations are often early or initiating events in leukaemogenesis, occurring prenatally in most cases of childhood leukaemia. Although these genetic changes are necessary, they are usually not sufficient to cause leukaemia. How, when and where do translocations arise? And can these insights aid our understanding of the natural history, pathogenesis and causes of leukaemia?

The Lancet | 1999

Prenatal origin of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia in children.

Joseph L. Wiemels; Giovanni Cazzaniga; M Daniotti; Osborn B. Eden; Gm Addison; Giuseppe Masera; Vaskar Saha; Andrea Biondi; Mel Greaves

BACKGROUND There is little current insight into the natural history of childhood leukaemia or the timing of relevant mutational events. TEL-AML1 gene fusion due to chromosomal translocation is frequently seen in the common form of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. We investigated whether this abnormality arises prenatally. METHODS We identified, by reverse-transcriptase PCR screening of blood or bone marrow, TEL-AML1 fusion in 12 children, plus a pair of identical twins, aged 2-5 years from Italy and the UK, who had newly diagnosed acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. We amplified and sequenced the genomic TEL-AML1 fusion gene with a long-distance inverse PCR method. Primers were designed that could be used in short-range PCR to screen for patient-specific, leukaemia clone-specific TEL-AML1 genomic fusion sequences in neonatal blood spots from each child. FINDINGS We initially identified TEL-AML1 fusion sequences in blood spots from the identical twins, diagnosed with concordant acute lymphoblastic leukaemia at age 4 years, who shared a single or clonotypic TEL-AML1 sequence that suggested prenatal origin in one twin. Three children were excluded because control genes could not be amplified. Of the other nine patients, six had positive blood spots. Blood spots that were classified as negative were uninformative. INTERPRETATION Our findings showed that childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia is frequently initiated by a chromosome translocation event in utero. Studies in identical twins show however that such an event is insufficient for clinical leukaemia and that a postnatal promotional event is also required.

The New England Journal of Medicine | 2016

Genomic Classification and Prognosis in Acute Myeloid Leukemia

Elli Papaemmanuil; Moritz Gerstung; Lars Bullinger; Verena I. Gaidzik; Peter Paschka; Nicola D. Roberts; Nicola E Potter; Michael Heuser; Felicitas Thol; Niccolo Bolli; Gunes Gundem; Peter Van Loo; Inigo Martincorena; Peter Ganly; Laura Mudie; Stuart McLaren; Sarah O'Meara; Keiran Raine; David R. Jones; Jon Teague; Adam Butler; Mel Greaves; Arnold Ganser; Konstanze Döhner; Richard F. Schlenk; Hartmut Döhner; Peter J. Campbell

BACKGROUND Recent studies have provided a detailed census of genes that are mutated in acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Our next challenge is to understand how this genetic diversity defines the pathophysiology of AML and informs clinical practice. METHODS We enrolled a total of 1540 patients in three prospective trials of intensive therapy. Combining driver mutations in 111 cancer genes with cytogenetic and clinical data, we defined AML genomic subgroups and their relevance to clinical outcomes. RESULTS We identified 5234 driver mutations across 76 genes or genomic regions, with 2 or more drivers identified in 86% of the patients. Patterns of co-mutation compartmentalized the cohort into 11 classes, each with distinct diagnostic features and clinical outcomes. In addition to currently defined AML subgroups, three heterogeneous genomic categories emerged: AML with mutations in genes encoding chromatin, RNA-splicing regulators, or both (in 18% of patients); AML with TP53 mutations, chromosomal aneuploidies, or both (in 13%); and, provisionally, AML with IDH2(R172) mutations (in 1%). Patients with chromatin-spliceosome and TP53-aneuploidy AML had poor outcomes, with the various class-defining mutations contributing independently and additively to the outcome. In addition to class-defining lesions, other co-occurring driver mutations also had a substantial effect on overall survival. The prognostic effects of individual mutations were often significantly altered by the presence or absence of other driver mutations. Such gene-gene interactions were especially pronounced for NPM1-mutated AML, in which patterns of co-mutation identified groups with a favorable or adverse prognosis. These predictions require validation in prospective clinical trials. CONCLUSIONS The driver landscape in AML reveals distinct molecular subgroups that reflect discrete paths in the evolution of AML, informing disease classification and prognostic stratification. (Funded by the Wellcome Trust and others; number, NCT00146120.).

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2002

Chromosome translocations and covert leukemic clones are generated during normal fetal development

Hiroshi Mori; Susan M. Colman; Zhijian Xiao; Anthony M. Ford; Lyn E. Healy; C. Donaldson; Jill Hows; Cristina Navarrete; Mel Greaves

Studies on monozygotic twins with concordant leukemia and retrospective scrutiny of neonatal blood spots of patients with leukemia indicate that chromosomal translocations characteristic of pediatric leukemia often arise prenatally, probably as initiating events. The modest concordance rate for leukemia in identical twins (≈5%), protracted latency, and transgenic modeling all suggest that additional postnatal exposure and/or genetic events are required for clinically overt leukemia development. This notion leads to the prediction that chromosome translocations, functional fusion genes, and preleukemic clones should be present in the blood of healthy newborns at a rate that is significantly greater than the cumulative risk of the corresponding leukemia. Using parallel reverse transcriptase–PCR and real-time PCR (Taqman) screening, we find that the common leukemia fusion genes, TEL-AML1 or AML1-ETO, are present in cord bloods at a frequency that is 100-fold greater than the risk of the corresponding leukemia. Single-cell analysis by cell enrichment and immunophenotype/fluorescence in situ hybridization multicolor staining confirmed the presence of translocations in restricted cell types corresponding to the B lymphoid or myeloid lineage of the leukemias that normally harbor these fusion genes. The frequency of positive cells (10−4 to 10−3) indicates substantial clonal expansion of a progenitor population. These data have significant implications for the pathogenesis, natural history, and etiology of childhood leukemia.

Nature Reviews Cancer | 2006

Infection, immune responses and the aetiology of childhood leukaemia

Mel Greaves

Childhood leukaemia is the principal subtype of paediatric cancer and, despite success in treatment, its causes remain enigmatic. A plethora of candidate environmental exposures have been proposed, but most lack a biological rationale or consistent epidemiological evidence. Although there might not be a single or exclusive cause, an abnormal immune response to common infection(s) has emerged as a plausible aetiological mechanism.

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