
Placenta | 2011

The expression and localization of the human placental prorenin/renin-angiotensin system throughout pregnancy: Roles in trophoblast invasion and angiogenesis?

Kirsty G. Pringle; Melissa A. Tadros; Robert J. Callister; Eugenie R. Lumbers

The renin-angiotensin system (RAS) is thought to regulate placentation, however, the expression and localization of RAS pathways in early gestation human placenta is not known. Here we describe the expression of prorenin (REN), (pro)renin receptor (ATP6AP2), angiotensinogen (AGT), angiotensin-converting enzyme 1 and 2 (ACE; ACE2), angiotensin II type 1 and 2 receptors (AGTR1; AGTR2) and angiotensin 1-7 receptor (MAS1), as well as the angiogenic factor, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), and transforming growth factor-β1 (TGF-β1), in early gestation (6-16 weeks) and term (>37 weeks) human placentae. We also describe the location of all of the key RAS proteins in the early gestation placentae. The highest levels of REN, ATP6AP2, AGT, AGTR1 and ACE2 mRNAs were found in early gestation, whereas ACE1 mRNA was highest at term. AGTR2 and MAS1 mRNA expression were low to undetectable in all samples. REN, ATP6AP2 and AGTR1 mRNA levels were correlated with VEGF expression, but not with TGF-β1 mRNA. In early gestation placentae, prorenin, (pro)renin receptor and the angiotensin II type 1 receptor (AT(1)R) were localized to extravillous trophoblast cells, suggesting they play a key role in trophoblast migration. ACE2 in syncytiotrophoblasts could regulate release of Ang 1-7 into the maternal circulation contributing to the vasodilation of the maternal vasculature. ACE was only found in fetal vascular endothelium and may specifically target the growing fetal placental vessels. Because REN, ATP6AP2 and AGTR1 show strong correlations with expression of VEGF this pathway is likely to be important in placental angiogenesis.

The Journal of Physiology | 2011

Probing glycine receptor stoichiometry in superficial dorsal horn neurones using the spasmodic mouse

Brett A. Graham; Melissa A. Tadros; Peter R. Schofield; Robert J. Callister

Non‐technical summary  Glycine receptors (GlyRs) play an important role in inhibiting neurone activity in the spinal cord. Until recently adult GlyRs were thought to comprise α1 and β subunits. A new form of the receptor containing α3 subunits has been discovered in the superficial dorsal horn (SDH), a region of the spinal cord important for pain. This raises questions about the precise subunit composition of GlyRs and glycinergic synapses in the SDH. We used the spasmodic mouse, where α1 subunit containing GlyRs have altered agonist sensitivity and electrophysiological properties, to ask how α1 and α3 subunits are assembled to form GlyRs on SDH neurones. We found most (∼75%) GlyRs and glycinergic synapses in the SDH contain α1 subunits and few are composed exclusively of α3 subunits. Therefore, future efforts to design pain drugs that target the α3 subunit must consider the potential interaction between α1 and α3 subunits in the GlyR.

Psychoneuroendocrinology | 2014

Altered nociceptive, endocrine, and dorsal horn neuron responses in rats following a neonatal immune challenge

Ihssane Zouikr; Melissa A. Tadros; Javad Barouei; Kenneth W. Beagley; Vicki L. Clifton; Robert J. Callister; Deborah M. Hodgson

The neonatal period is characterized by significant plasticity where the immune, endocrine, and nociceptive systems undergo fine-tuning and maturation. Painful experiences during this period can result in long-term alterations in the neurocircuitry underlying nociception, including increased sensitivity to mechanical or thermal stimuli. Less is known about the impact of neonatal exposure to mild inflammatory stimuli, such as lipopolysaccharide (LPS), on subsequent inflammatory pain responses. Here we examine the impact of neonatal LPS exposure on inflammatory pain sensitivity and HPA axis activity during the first three postnatal weeks. Wistar rats were injected with LPS (0.05mg/kg IP, Salmonella enteritidis) or saline on postnatal days (PNDs) 3 and 5 and later subjected to the formalin test at PNDs 7, 13, and 22. One hour after formalin injection, blood was collected to assess corticosterone responses. Transverse spinal cord slices were also prepared for whole-cell patch clamp recording from lumbar superficial dorsal horn neurons (SDH). Brains were obtained at PND 22 and the hypothalamus was isolated to measure glucocorticoid (GR) and mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) transcript expression using qRT-PCR. Behavioural analyses indicate that at PND 7, no significant differences were observed between saline- or LPS-challenged rats. At PND 13, LPS-challenged rats exhibited enhanced licking (p<.01), and at PND 22, increased flinching in response to formalin injection (p<.05). LPS-challenged rats also displayed increased plasma corticosterone at PND 7 and PND 22 (p<.001) but not at PND 13 following formalin administration. Furthermore, at PND 22 neonatal LPS exposure induced decreased levels of GR mRNA and increased levels of MR mRNA in the hypothalamus. The intrinsic properties of SDH neurons were similar at PND 7 and PND 13. However, at PND 22, ipsilateral SDH neurons in LPS-challenged rats had a lower input resistance compared to their saline-challenged counterparts (p<.05). These data suggest neonatal LPS exposure produces developmentally regulated changes in formalin-induced behavioural responses, corticosterone levels, and dorsal horn neuron properties following noxious stimulation later in life. These findings highlight the importance of immune activation during the neonatal period in shaping pain sensitivity later in life. This programming involves both spinal cord neurons and the HPA axis.

The Journal of Physiology | 2012

Are all spinal segments equal: intrinsic membrane properties of superficial dorsal horn neurons in the developing and mature mouse spinal cord

Melissa A. Tadros; B. M. Harris; Wayne B. Anderson; Alan M. Brichta; Brett A. Graham; Robert J. Callister

Key points  •  Much of what we know about pain signalling in the spinal cord comes from studies undertaken in lumbosacral spinal segments that innervate the hindlimb. •  Clinical evidence suggests sensory information from viscera and head and neck tissues is processed differently from sensations arising in the hindlimb. •  Here we show that intrinsic membrane properties, a major determinate of neuronal output, change dramatically during development in superficial dorsal horn (SDH) neurons from lumbar, thoracic and upper cervical segments in the mouse. In contrast, intrinsic membrane properties are generally conserved in SDH neurons along the length of the spinal cord in both neonates and adults. •  Our data suggest the intrinsic membrane properties of SDH neurons involved in pain signalling do not contribute to the marked differences in pain experienced in the limbs, viscera and head and neck.

PLOS ONE | 2013

Low Formalin Concentrations Induce Fine-Tuned Responses That Are Sex and Age-Dependent: A Developmental Study

Ihssane Zouikr; Melissa A. Tadros; Vicki L. Clifton; Kenneth W. Beagley; Deborah M. Hodgson

The formalin test is increasingly applied as a model of inflammatory pain using high formalin concentrations (5–15%). However, little is known about the effects of low formalin concentrations on related behavioural responses. To examine this, rat pups were subjected to various concentrations of formalin at four developmental stages: 7, 13, 22, and 82 days of age. At postnatal day (PND) 7, sex differences in flinching but not licking responses were observed with 0.5% formalin evoking higher flinching in males than in females. A dose response was evident in that 0.5% formalin also produced higher licking responses compared to 0.3% or 0.4% formalin. At PND 13, a concentration of 0.8% formalin evoked a biphasic response. At PND 22, a concentration of 1.1% evoked higher flinching and licking responses during the late phase (10–30 min) in both males and females. During the early phase (0–5 min), 1.1% evoked higher licking responses compared to 0.9% or 1% formalin. 1.1% formalin produced a biphasic response that was not evident with 0.9 or 1%. At PND 82, rats displayed a biphasic pattern in response to three formalin concentrations (1.25%, 1.75% and 2.25%) with the presence of an interphase for both 1.75% and 2.25% but not for 1.25%. These data suggest that low formalin concentrations induce fine-tuned responses that are not apparent with the high formalin concentration commonly used in the formalin test. These data also show that the developing nociceptive system is very sensitive to subtle changes in formalin concentrations.

Journal of Neurophysiology | 2016

Intrinsic excitability differs between murine hypoglossal and spinal motoneurons

Melissa A. Tadros; Andrew J. Fuglevand; Alan M. Brichta; Robert J. Callister

Motoneurons differ in the behaviors they control and their vulnerability to disease and aging. For example, brain stem motoneurons such as hypoglossal motoneurons (HMs) are involved in licking, suckling, swallowing, respiration, and vocalization. In contrast, spinal motoneurons (SMs) innervating the limbs are involved in postural and locomotor tasks requiring higher loads and lower movement velocities. Surprisingly, the properties of these two motoneuron pools have not been directly compared, even though studies on HMs predominate in the literature compared with SMs, especially for adult animals. Here we used whole cell patch-clamp recording to compare the electrophysiological properties of HMs and SMs in age-matched neonatal mice (P7-P10). Passive membrane properties were remarkably similar in HMs and SMs, and afterhyperpolarization properties did not differ markedly between the two populations. HMs had narrower action potentials (APs) and a faster upstroke on their APs compared with SMs. Furthermore, HMs discharged APs at higher frequencies in response to both step and ramp current injection than SMs. Therefore, while HMs and SMs have similar passive properties, they differ in their response to similar levels of depolarizing current. This suggests that each population possesses differing suites of ion channels that allow them to discharge at rates matched to the different mechanical properties of the muscle fibers that drive their distinct motor functions.

Journal of Neurophysiology | 2015

Electrical maturation of spinal neurons in the human fetus: comparison of ventral and dorsal horn

Melissa A. Tadros; Rebecca Lim; David I. Hughes; Alan M. Brichta; Robert J. Callister

The spinal cord is critical for modifying and relaying sensory information to, and motor commands from, higher centers in the central nervous system to initiate and maintain contextually relevant locomotor responses. Our understanding of how spinal sensorimotor circuits are established during in utero development is based largely on studies in rodents. In contrast, there is little functional data on the development of sensory and motor systems in humans. Here, we use patch-clamp electrophysiology to examine the development of neuronal excitability in human fetal spinal cords (10-18 wk gestation; WG). Transverse spinal cord slices (300 μm thick) were prepared, and recordings were made, from visualized neurons in either the ventral (VH) or dorsal horn (DH) at 32°C. Action potentials (APs) could be elicited in VH neurons throughout the period examined, but only after 16 WG in DH neurons. At this age, VH neurons discharged multiple APs, whereas most DH neurons discharged single APs. In addition, at 16-18 WG, VH neurons also displayed larger AP and after-hyperpolarization amplitudes than DH neurons. Between 10 and 18 WG, the intrinsic properties of VH neurons changed markedly, with input resistance decreasing and AP and after-hyperpolarization amplitudes increasing. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that VH motor circuitry matures more rapidly than the DH circuits that are involved in processing tactile and nociceptive information.

The Journal of Physiology | 2018

Moving functional classification of dorsal horn neurons from art to science

Melissa A. Tadros; Brett A. Graham; Robert J. Callister

In this issue of the Journal of Physiology, Balachandar and Prescott (2018) model the action potential discharge patterns (ie, spiking types) that have long been used to classify superficial dorsal horn (SDH: lamina I-II) neurons by varying the expression levels of two potassium conductances. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

Frontiers in Neurology | 2018

Excitability of Rat Superficial Dorsal Horn Neurons Following a Neonatal Immune Challenge

Melissa A. Tadros; Ihssane Zouikr; Deborah M. Hodgson; Robert J. Callister

Previous studies have shown that neonatal exposure to a mild inflammatory challenge, such as lipopolysaccharide (LPS, Salmonella enteriditis) results in altered pain behaviors later in life. To further characterize the impact of a neonatal immune challenge on pain processing, we examined the excitability of superficial dorsal horn (SDH) neurons following neonatal LPS exposure and subsequent responses to noxious stimulation at three time-points during early postnatal development. Wistar rats were injected with LPS (0.05 mg/kg i.p.) or saline on postnatal days (PNDs) 3 and 5, and later subjected to the formalin test at PNDs 7, 13, and 22. One hour after formalin injection into the plantar hindpaw, animals were euthanized (Ketamine, 100 mg/kg i.p.) and transverse slices from the lumbosacral spinal cord were prepared. Whole-cell patch-clamp recordings were made from SDH neurons (KCH3SO4-based internal, 22–24°C) on the ipsi- and contralateral sides of the spinal cord. Depolarising current steps were injected into SDH neurons to categorize action potential (AP) discharge. In both saline- and LPS-treated rats we observed age-related increases the percentage of neurons exhibiting tonic-firing, with concurrent decreases in single-spiking, between PND 7 and 22. In contrast, neonatal exposure to LPS failed to alter the proportions of AP discharge patterns at any age examined. We also assessed the subthreshold currents that determine AP discharge in SDH neurons. The rapid outward potassium current, IAr decreased in prevalence with age, but was susceptible to neonatal LPS exposure. Peak IAr current amplitude was greater in ipsilateral vs. contralateral SDH neurons from LPS-treated rats. Spontaneous excitatory synaptic currents (sEPSCs) were recorded to assess network excitability. Age-related increases were observed in sEPSC frequency and time course, but not peak amplitude, in both saline- and LPS-treated rats. Furthermore, sEPSC frequency was higher in ipsilateral vs. contralateral SDH neurons in LPS-treated animals. Taken together, these data suggest a neonatal immune challenge does not markedly affect the intrinsic properties of SDH neurons, however, it can increase the excitability of local spinal cord networks via altering the properties of rapid A-type currents and excitatory synaptic connections. These changes, made in neurons within spinal cord pain circuits, have the capacity to alter nociceptive signaling in the ascending pain pathway.

Journal of Neurophysiology | 2014

Intrinsic and synaptic homeostatic plasticity in motoneurons from mice with glycine receptor mutations

Melissa A. Tadros; Kristen E. Farrell; Peter R. Schofield; Alan M. Brichta; Brett A. Graham; Andrew J. Fuglevand; Robert J. Callister

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