Melvyn L. Goldstein
Goddard Space Flight Center
Featured researches published by Melvyn L. Goldstein.
Physics of Fluids | 1984
S. Peter Gary; Charles W. Smith; M. A. Lee; Melvyn L. Goldstein; D. W. Forslund
The linear theory of electromagnetic instabilities driven by an energetic ion beam streaming parallel to a magnetic field in a homogeneous Vlasov plasma is considered. Numerical solutions of the full dispersion equation are presented. At propagation parallel to the magnetic field, there are four distinct instabilities. A sufficiently energetic beam gives rise to two unstable modes with right‐hand polarization, one resonant with the beam, the other nonresonant. A beam with sufficiently large T⊥/T∥ gives rise to the left‐hand ion cyclotron anisotropy instability at relatively small beam velocities, and a sufficiently hot beam drives unstable a left‐hand beam resonant mode. The parametric dependences of the growth rates for the three high beam velocity instabilities are presented here. In addition, some properties at oblique propagation are examined. It is demonstrated that, as the beam drift velocity is increased, relative maxima in growth rates can arise at harmonics of the ion cyclotron resonance for both...
Journal of Geophysical Research | 2005
C. A. Cattell; J. Dombeck; J. R. Wygant; J. F. Drake; M. Swisdak; Melvyn L. Goldstein; W. R. Keith; Andrew N. Fazakerley; M. André; Elizabeth A. Lucek; A. Balogh
Cluster observations of electron holes in association with magnetotail reconnection and comparison to simulations
The Astrophysical Journal | 1974
K. Papadopoulos; Melvyn L. Goldstein; Robert A. Smith
It is shown that the electron streams that give rise to Type 3 solar radio bursts are stable and will not be decelerated while propagating out of the solar corona. The stabilization mechanism depends on the parametric oscillating two-stream instability. Radiation is produced near the fundamental and second harmonic of the local electron plasma frequency. Estimates of the emission at the second harmonic indicate that the wave spectra created by the oscillating two- stream instability can account for the observed intensities of Type 3 bursts. (auth)
Journal of Geophysical Research | 2000
A. V. Usmanov; Melvyn L. Goldstein; Bruno P. Besser; Johannes M. Fritzer
We use a steady state global axisymmetric MHD model to reproduce quantitatively the Ulysses observations during its first fast latitude traversal in 1994–1995. In particular, we are able to account for the transformation of a surface dipole magnetic field near the Sun into the configuration observed at large heliocentric distances. The MHD equations are solved by combining a time relaxation numerical technique with a marching-along-radius method. We assume that Alfven waves, propagating outward from the Sun, provide additional heating and acceleration to the flow. Only solutions with waves reproduce the plasma parameters observed in the high-latitude fast solar wind. We show that the meridional distribution of solar wind plasma and magnetic field parameters is dominated by two processes. First, inside ∼24 R⊙ both the plasma velocity and magnetic field relax toward a latitude-independent profile outside the equatorial current sheet (where magnetic forces dominate over thermal and wave gradient forces). Second, outside ∼24 R⊙ there is another meridional redistribution due to a poleward thermal pressure gradient that produces a slight poleward gradient in the radial velocity and an equatorward gradient in the radial component of the magnetic field. We reproduce the observed bimodal structure and morphology of both fast and slow wind and show that computed parameters are generally in agreement with both in situ data and conditions inferred to be characteristic of the solar corona.
Physical Review Letters | 1982
William H. Matthaeus; Melvyn L. Goldstein; Charles W. Smith
A technique for the measurement of magnetic helicity from values of the two point magnetic field correlation matrix under the assumption of spatial homogeneity is presented. Knowledge of a single scalar function of space, derivable from the correlation matrix, suffices to determine the magnetic helicity. The technique is illustrated by reporting the first measurement of the magnetic helicity of the solar wind.
Physics of Plasmas | 1999
Melvyn L. Goldstein; D. Aaron Roberts
Recent work in describing the solar wind as an MHD turbulent fluid has shown that the magnetic fluctuations are adequately described as time stationary and to some extent as spatially homogeneous. Spectra of the three rugged invariants of incompressible MHD are the principal quantities used to characterize the velocity and magnetic field fluctuations. Unresolved issues concerning the existence of actively developing turbulence are discussed.
Geophysical Research Letters | 1995
B. E. Goldstein; E. J. Smith; A. Balogh; T. S. Horbury; Melvyn L. Goldstein; D. A. Roberts
The Ulysses mission provides an opportunity to study the evolution of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence in pure high-speed solar wind streams. The absence at high heliocentric latitudes of the strong shears in solar wind velocity generally present near the heliocentric current sheet allows investigation of how fluctuations in the magnetic field and plasma relax and evolve in the radially expanding solar wind. We report results of an analysis of the radial and latitudinal variation of the turbulence properties of the fluctuations, especially various plasma-field correlations, in high latitude regions. The results constrain current theories of the evolution of MHD turbulence in the solar wind. Compared to similar observations at 0.3 AU by Helios, we find spectra that are similar in having a large frequency band with an f¹ power spectrum in the outward traveling component of the waves, followed at higher frequencies by a steeper spectrum. Ulysses observations establish that at high latitudes the turbulence is less evolved (i.e., has a smaller inertial range) than it is in the ecliptic at the same heliocentric distance, apparently due to the absence of strong velocity shear. Once Ulysses is in the polar coronal hole, properties of the turbulence appear to be determined by the heliocentric distance of the spacecraft rather than by its helio-latitude.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 2005
James M. Weygand; M. G. Kivelson; Krishan K. Khurana; H. K. Schwarzl; Sarah M. Thompson; R. L. McPherron; Andre Balogh; L. M. Kistler; Melvyn L. Goldstein; J. E. Borovsky; D. A. Roberts
Cluster fluxgate magnetometer (FGM) and ion spectrometer (CIS) data are employed to analyze magnetic field fluctuations within the plasma sheet during passages through the magnetotail region in the summers of 2001 and 2002 and, in particular, to look for characteristics of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence. Power spectral indices determined from power spectral density functions are on average larger than Kolmogorovs theoretical value for fluid turbulence as well as Kraichnans theoretical value for MHD plasma turbulence. Probability distribution functions of the magnetic fluctuations show a scaling law over a large range of temporal scales with non-Gaussian distributions at small dissipative scales and inertial scales and more Gaussian distribution at large driving scales. Furthermore, a multifractal analysis of the magnetic field components shows scaling behavior in the inertial range of the fluctuations from about 20 s to 13 min for moments through the fifth order. Both the scaling behavior of the probability distribution functions and the multifractal structure function suggest that intermittent turbulence is present within the plasma sheet. The unique multispacecraft aspect and fortuitous spacecraft spacing allow us to examine the turbulent eddy scale sizes. Dynamic autocorrelation and cross correlation analysis of the magnetic field components allow us to determine that eddy scale sizes fit within the plasma sheet. These results suggest that magnetic field turbulence is occurring within the plasma sheet resulting in turbulent energy dissipation.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2012
F. Sahraoui; G. Belmont; Melvyn L. Goldstein
The nature of solar wind (SW) turbulence below the proton gyroscale is a topic that is being investigated extensively nowadays, both theoretically and observationally. Although recent observations gave evidence of the dominance of kinetic Alfven waves (KAWs) at sub-ion scales with ω ωci) is more relevant. Here, we study key properties of the short-wavelength plasma modes under limited, but realistic, SW conditions, typically β i β e ~ 1 and for high oblique angles of propagation 80° ≤ Θ kB ωci) or KAW (ω < ωci), although the mode is essentially the same. This contrasts with the well-accepted idea that the whistler branch always develops as a continuation at high frequencies of the fast magnetosonic mode. We show, furthermore, that the whistler branch is more damped than the KAW one, which makes the latter the more relevant candidate to carry the energy cascade down to electron scales. We discuss how these new findings may facilitate resolution of the controversy concerning the nature of the small-scale turbulence, and we discuss the implications for present and future spacecraft wave measurements in the SW.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2013
P. Wu; S. Perri; K. T. Osman; Minping Wan; William H. Matthaeus; M. A. Shay; Melvyn L. Goldstein; Homa Karimabadi; Sandra C. Chapman
Low-density astrophysical plasmas may be described by magnetohydrodynamics at large scales, but require kinetic description at ion scales in order to include dissipative processes that terminate the cascade. Here kinetic plasma simulations and high-resolution spacecraft observations are compared to facilitate the interpretation of signatures of various dissipation mechanisms. Kurtosis of increments indicates that kinetic scale coherent structures are present, with some suggestion of incoherent activity near ion scales. Conditioned proton temperature distributions suggest heating associated with coherent structures. The results reinforce the association of intermittent turbulence, coherent structures, and plasma dissipation.