Metin Karadag
Ege University
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Featured researches published by Metin Karadag.
Regional Studies | 2005
Metin Karadag; A. Özlem Önder; Ertugrul Deliktas
Karadağ, M., Önder, A. O. and DElİktaş, E. (2005) Growth of factor productivity in the Turkish manufacturing industry at provincial level, Regional Studies 39 , 213–223. This paper estimates the total factor productivity (TFP) change of the private and public sectors in the Turkish manufacturing industry in the selected provinces for 1990–98. It uses data envelopment analysis to compute Malmquist productivity indices decomposed into two components, namely efficiency change and technical change. The results show that many of the provinces show improvement in TFP on average for the public sector, while in the private sector, only half the provinces show growth in TFP. Overall evidence of catching up can be observed only in the private sector. The results also reveal that technical progress plays the main role in productivity growth.
European Planning Studies | 2010
A. Özlem Önder; Ertugrul Deliktas; Metin Karadag
The effect of public capital on regional output and private sector productivity has been the subject of considerable research in the field of regional development literature. However, there have been only a few studies that develop linkages between public capital and regional economic convergence. This study examines the dynamic effects of public capital and transportation capital stocks on output per capita in terms of regional convergence in Turkey at NUTS 2 level. A conditional convergence model based on per capita gross domestic product and per capita public capital and transportation capital stocks is estimated using the panel data set for the Turkish regions for the time period of 1980–2001. The results reveal that public capital has a positive and significant effect on output per capita and thus on regional convergence in some of the models in the Turkish regions,. However, the transportation component of public capital stock has a negative effect on regional convergence in all models employed in the study. This implies that transportation capital stock leads to larger regional disparities between the Turkish regions.
European Planning Studies | 2013
Ertugrul Deliktas; A. Özlem Önder; Metin Karadag
The aim of this study is two-fold. Firstly, this study examines the size distribution of cities by using Zipfs law. The second objective of this study is to investigate the effects of determinants of urban growth in Turkey by using the data for the 1980–2007 time period. The main findings of the study show that there is some evidence that Zipfs law holds in Turkey. Moreover, according to the rank-minus-half rule, the results suggest stronger support for Zipfs law in size distribution of the cities. Furthermore, the regression results indicate that fertility rate, location of the city, migration, agglomeration in services and specialization in manufacturing industry have positive impact, whereas schooling rate has a negative effect on growth of the urban population regarding Turkey.
Ege Academic Review | 2017
Kamalbek Karimsakov; Metin Karadag
The main aim of this paper is to construct a latest Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) for Kyrgyzstan economy for the year 2010. The constructed SAM shows the interaction between production, income, consumption and capital accumulation in the economy. The dataset for the SAM is mainly based on the input-output table and national account system data for the country. The SAM can be used to provide an analysis of the interrelationship between the production structure of the economy and the distribution of incomes and expenditures of different household groups in the country. In addition, it can be used as a data base for the CGE modelling for the Kyrgyz economy for different policy simulations. The constructed SAM consists of 20 production sectors of the economy, two factors of production and ten categories of households. It also has the accounts for government and the rest of the World.
Ege Academic Review | 2014
Ayse Yavuzdurmaz; Metin Karadag
Bu calismanin temel amaci Turkiye’de bolgesel kamu yatirim politikalarinin belirlenmesinde hangi faktorlerin etkili oldugunu incelemektir. Calismanin amaci dogrultusunda, IBBS Duzey 3 bolgelerine ait 1987-2001 yillarina ait panel veri yontemi kullanilarak ekonometrik modelleme yardimiyla tahminleme yapilmistir. Calisma sonuclari Turkiye’de kamu yatirimlarinin bolgesel dagiliminda; bolgelerin nufus yogunlugu, sanayi sektorunun toplam uretim icindeki payi, gibi faktorlerin negatif, ote yandan tarim kesiminin toplam uretim icerisindeki payinin ise pozitif bir etkiye sahip oldugunu gostermektedir. Diger taraftan calisma sonuclari, siyasi faktorlerin ve kisi basina dusen gelirin yapilan yatirimlar uzerinde herhangi bir etkiye sahip olmadigini gostermektedir.
Ege Academic Review | 2013
Barış Gök; Metin Karadag
Bir ulkede sosyo-ekonomik aktarimlari gosteren sosyal hesaplar matrisi (SHM), politika degisiklilerini analiz etmek amaciyla olusturulan ekonomik modeller icin temel veri seti olarak da kullanilmaktadir. Bu calismanin temel amaci, hesaplanabilir genel denge modelleri icin temel veri seti teskil edecek nitelikte Turkiye icin 2002 yilina ait sosyal hesaplar matrisi olusturmaktir. Bu amacla en guncel veri setini olusturmak icin 2002 yili girdi cikti tablosu, dis ticaret istatistikleri, net vergi matrisi ve kamu kesimi istatistikleri veri kaynaklari olarak kullanilmistir. Ayrica politika degisikliklerinin gelir dagilimi ve hane halklarinin refah seviyesi uzerindeki etkilerinin analiz edilebilmesi amaciyla, hane halki butce arastirmasi ve hane halki tuketim harcamalari anketleri kullanilmis ve SHM’deki hane halki hesabi gelir seviyesi (% 20’lik dilimler halinde) ve yerlesim yerine gore (kent, kir) 10 farkli gruba ayristirilmistir. Bu calismada SHM’nin temel ozelliklerine kisaca deginildikten sonra, Turkiye ekonomisi icin 2002 yilina ait SHM’nin olusturulma yontemi ayrintili olarak aciklanmistir.
Annals of Regional Science | 2009
Ertugrul Deliktas; A. Özlem Önder; Metin Karadag
Archive | 2007
A. Özlem Önder; Metin Karadag; Ertugrul Deliktas
Archive | 1999
Metin Karadag; Tony Westaway
Ege Academic Review | 2010
Metin Karadag