Metin Koray Albay
Mehmet Akif Ersoy University
Featured researches published by Metin Koray Albay.
Tropical Animal Health and Production | 2012
Sima Sahinduran; Metin Koray Albay; Kenan Sezer; Ozlem Ozmen; Nuri Mamak; Mehmet Haligur; Cagri Karakurum; Ramazan Yildiz
The aim of this study was to examine the coagulation profile in peste des petits ruminant (PPR) in kids. Five kids from a group of 150 animals (72 goats and 78 kids) were brought to the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital from a farm in Burdur province (Turkey) with nasal and ocular discharges and diarrhea. Fifteen goats and 41 kids had died due to diarrhea and three kids were presented to the Department of Pathology for diagnosis. Blood samples were taken from 12 ill animals (infected group) for haematological and biochemical analysis. In addition, five healthy kids were examined from another healthy flock (control group). Leukocyte and lymphocyte numbers of infected group showed significant declinations in comparison to control group (≤0.001). Haemorrhages in all organs of digestive system and small haemorrhagic areas in liver were caused to decrease in erythrocyte and haematocrit values (p ≤ 0.001) in infected group. Concentrations of blood urea nitrogen (BUN) (p ≤ 0.01) and creatinine (p ≤ 0.001) in infected group were significantly higher than control group. Compared to control group, significant increases were determined in serum concentrations of alkaline phosphatase (ALP) (p ≤ 0.01), aspartate aminotransferase (AST) (p ≤ 0.001) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) (p ≤ 0.001) in the infected group. No significant differences were observed between the infected and control groups for serum gamma glutamyl-transferase (GGT) concentration value. In our study, thrombocytopenia (p ≤ 0.001) together with prolonged activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT; p ≤ 0.01) and prothrombin time (PT; p ≤ 0.001) may show that disseminated intravascular coagulopathy which can occur in kids with PPR.
Acta Scientiae Veterinariae | 2018
Sibel Yavru; Orhan Yapici; Mehmet Kale; Sima Sahinduran; Faruk Pehlivanoglu; Metin Koray Albay; Oguzhan Avci
Background: Bovine coronavirus (BoCV) is common with high seroprevalence in dairy cattle. It is reported in many countries. Also, BoCV causes diarrhea in dairy calves. The transmission of BoCV is the fecal-oral/aerosol-nasal routes. Feces from clinical cases or clinically normal dairy cattle are source of infection, also contamination of feed and water. The purpose of the current study was to investigate BoCV infection in diarrheic calves (age and sex) and their dams (age). For this reason, the serological and virological methods were used. Haematological parameters of the calves and their dams were compared using the statistical methods. Materials, Methods & Results: In this study, following clinical examination of 3500 cattle and their calves from 25 number of dairy farms 184 calves with diarrhoea and their dams (183) (≥2 - ≤6 age) were sampled for BoCV presence by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Additionally, all blood samples were examined by hematological methods. 172 (93.99%) cows and 172 (93.99%) calves were found antibodies (Ab) positive (+). The high levels of Ab for BoCV were detected as 36.05 % in dams 6 years and older ages. In the calves, Ab to BoCV were found at the highest level (25.26%) in the female calves ≥5 - ≤6 months ages. BoCV antigen (Ag) was detected in only faecal sample of a (0.54%) calf. When the haematological parameters were compared between BoCV Ab (+) and BoCV Ab negative (-) dams, only white blood cell (WBC) values were found statistically significant (P 5 and < 6 months of age. BoCV Ag (+) presence was detected in only one faecal sample of one calf out of 184. Researchers were found same or higher BoCV Ag(+) rates in faeces of diarrheic calves. In the study lymphocyte counts of seropositive cows and in Ab(+)/Ag(+) calves determined decrease. However, the counts in seropositive calves were increased. Leukocytes levels were also high in seropositive calves. Haematocrit values were decreased in seropositive cows, calves and in Ab(+)/Ag(-) calves. BoCV infections were detected at low level in diarrheic calves. But, BoCV seropositive mature and diarrheic calves were found at high levels. Haematological application methods could be used to be supportive with the serological and virological methods. All farm managements should be maintained with strict hygiene practices. Milking bottle, calf pens or hutches need to be sanitized. The calves must be prevent contamination from faeces and urine of other calves. The protective vaccination must be applied all animals.
Atatürk Üniversitesi Veteriner Bilimleri Dergisi | 2016
Mehmet Çağrı Karakurum; Metin Koray Albay; Şima Şahinduran
Intestinal lenfangiektazi, intestinal lenfatik dolasimin obstruksiyonu veya disfonksiyonu sonucu gelisen hipoproteinemi ile karakterize bir hastaliktir. Bu olguda, kronik ishal ve zayiflama sikâyeti bulunan 4 yasli, disi Setter irki kopekte saptanan intestinal lenfangiektazi tanimlandi. Hematolojik ve biyokimyasal analizlerde lenfopeniyle birlikte siddetli hipoproteinemi ve hipokolesterolemi tespit edildi. Semptomatik ve destekleyici tedavi yapilmasina ragmen sagaltima yanit alinamadi. Hasta tedaviden 2 ay sonra kaybedildi. Sonuc olarak, kopeklerde kronik ishal ile seyreden hastaliklarin tanisinda lenfangiektazi’nin de goz onunde bulundurulmasi gerektigi ancak, ozellikle tani ve tedavinin gecikmis oldugu vakalarda prognozunun daha da kotu olabilecegi kanisina varildi.
Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances | 2010
Sima Sahinduran; Kenan Sezer; Tulay Buyukoglu; Metin Koray Albay; Mehmet Çağrı Karakurum
Tropical Animal Health and Production | 2008
Ozlem Ozmen; Sima Sahinduran; Mehmet Haligur; Metin Koray Albay
Turkish Journal of Veterinary & Animal Sciences | 2006
Şima Şahinduran; Kenan Sezer; Tülay Ileri Büyükoğlu; Bayram Ali Yukari; Metin Koray Albay
Kafkas Universitesi Veteriner Fakultesi Dergisi | 2011
Metin Koray Albay; Sima Sahinduran; Ramazan Adanir; Bayram Ali Yukari; Onur Kose
Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Veterinary Sciences | 2018
Metin Koray Albay
Revista Mvz Cordoba | 2016
Mehmet Çağrı Karakurum; Metin Koray Albay; Şima Şahinduran; Kenan Sezer; Ramazan Yildiz; Necmettin Sarp Sevgisunar
Kafkas Universitesi Veteriner Fakultesi Dergisi | 2015
Fatma Karakaş Oğuz; Kadir Emre Buğdayci; Mustafa Numan Oğuz; Metin Koray Albay; Sima Şahinduran; Jale Öner; Hıdır Gümüş