Michael A. Huston
Texas State University
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Featured researches published by Michael A. Huston.
The American Naturalist | 1979
Michael A. Huston
A new hypothesis, based on differences in the rates at which populations of competing species approach competitive equilibrium (reduction or exclusion of some species), is proposed to explain patterns of species diversity. The hypothesis assumes that most communities exist in a state of nonequilibrium where competitive equilibrium is prevented by periodic population reductions and environmental fluctuations. When competitive equilibrium is prevented, a dynamic balance may be established between the rate of competitive displacement and the frequency of population reduction, which results in a stable level of diversity. Under conditions of infrequent reductions, an increase in the population growth rates of competitors generally results in decreased diversity. This model clarifies an underlying pattern of variation in diversity and points out the common elements of previous hypotheses. Rather than arguing that either competition, predation, or productivity control diversity, it demonstrates that all of these may contribute to the same basic mechanism. In doing so, it not only explains the correlations of the other hypotheses with patterns of diversity, but also explains the exceptions that these hypotheses could not explain. This hypothesis may be applied to variations of diversity both on a latitudinal gradient and within specific regions.
Oecologia | 1997
Michael A. Huston
Abstract Interactions between biotic and abiotic processes complicate the design and interpretation of ecological experiments. Separating causality from simple correlation requires distinguishing among experimental treatments, experimental responses, and the many processes and properties that are correlated with either the treatments or the responses, or both. When an experimental manipulation has multiple components, but only one of them is identified as the experimental treatment, erroneous conclusions about cause and effect relationships are likely because the actual cause of any observed response may be ignored in the interpretation of the experimental results. This unrecognized cause of an observed response can be considered a “hidden treatment.” Three types of hidden treatments are potential problems in biodiversity experiments: (1) abiotic conditions, such as resource levels, or biotic conditions, such as predation, which are intentionally or unintentionally altered in order to create differences in species numbers for “diversity” treatments; (2) non-random selection of species with particular attributes that produce treatment differences that exceed those due to “diversity” alone; and (3) the increased statistical probability of including a species with a dominant negative or positive effect (e.g., dense shade, or nitrogen fixation) in randomly selected groups of species of increasing number or “diversity.” In each of these cases, treatment responses that are actually the result of the “hidden treatment” may be inadvertently attributed to variation in species diversity. Case studies re-evaluating three different types of biodiversity experiments demonstrate that the increases found in such ecosystem properties as productivity, nutrient use efficiency, and stability (all of which were attributed to higher levels of species diversity) were actually caused by “hidden treatments” that altered plant biomass and productivity.
Ecology | 1997
Milena Holmgren; Marten Scheffer; Michael A. Huston
If plants cannot simultaneously acclimate to shade and drought because of physiological trade-offs, then plants are expected to be less tolerant to shading under drier conditions. One observation that, at first sight, seems incompatible with this idea is the fact that the establishment of new plants in dry areas is often restricted to shady sites under the canopy of other plants, called “nurse plants.” We use a graphical model to resolve this paradox. The model visualizes how facilitative patterns can be understood from the simultaneous effects of plant canopies on microsite light and moisture, and the growth responses of establishing seedlings to those factors. The approach emphasizes the fact that positive and negative effects of plant canopies always occur simultaneously. In the presented light–water model, facilitation only occurs when the improvement of plant water relations under the canopy exceeds the costs caused by lower light levels. This may be true under dry conditions, whereas in less dry sit...
The American Naturalist | 1987
Michael A. Huston; Thomas M. Smith
An approach based on competition among individual plants is presented as an explanation for species replacements during plant succession. Inverse correlations among life history and physiological traits that confer competitive ability under different environmental conditions are shown to be sufficient to produce successional replacements but not sufficient for understanding the complex variety of successional patterns unless they are applied at the individual level rather than at the population level or higher. With models based on competition among individual plants, various combinations of life history and physiological traits can produce the great variety of population dynamics found in natural successions. The classic successional pattern of species replacement results from a particular structure of correlations among life history and physiological characteristics. Atypical patterns of succession result when this correlation structure is altered. Both primary and secondary succession are modeled as nonequilibrium processes, capable of interacting with disturbances to produce steady-state communities whose properties depend on abiotic conditions, such as temperature and resource levels, and on the type and frequency of disturbances.
Oikos | 1999
Michael A. Huston
Determining the causes of variation in species diversity requires linking the scales at which variation in diversity is measured to the scales at which the processes hypothesized to affect diversity actually operate. Published analyses of the relative effects of local versus regional processes on species diversity have failed to measure diversity at spatial scales relevant to local processes. The effects of local processes. such as competition, can only be detected at appropriately small local scales, and are obscured by large samples that aggregate environmental heterogeneity. Relatively few ecological and evolutionary processes can be identified as uniquely regional in scale. and local processes are expected to produce regional-scale differences between regions that differ consistently in environmental conditions that affect local processes. The relative contributions of regional properties and local processes are hypothesized to vary predictably along certain environmental gradients, and to produce locally regulated patterns of species diversity at scales ranging from a few millimeters to the entire globe.
Plant Ecology | 1989
Thomas M. Smith; Michael A. Huston
An individual-based model of plant competition for light that uses a definition of plant functional types based on adaptations for the simultaneous use of water and light can reproduce the fundamental spatial and temporal patterns of plant communities. This model shows that succession and zonation result from the same basic processes. Succession is interpreted as a temporal shift in species dominance, primarily in response to autogenic changes in light availability. Zonation is interpreted as a spatial shift in species dominance, primarily in response to the effect of allogenic changes in water availability on the dynamics of competition for light. Patterns of succession at different points along a moisture gradient can be used to examine changes in the ecological roles of various functional types, as well as to address questions of shifts in patterns of resource use through time. Our model is based on the cost-benefit concept that plant adaptations for the simultaneous use of two or more resources are limited by physiological and life history constraints. Three general sets of adaptive constraints produce inverse correlations in the ability of plants to efficiently use (1) light at both high and low availability, (2) water at both high and low availability, and (3) both water and light at low availabilities. The results of this type of individual-based model can be aggregated to examine phenomena at several levels of system organization (i.e., subdisciplines of ecology), including (1) plant growth responses over a range of environmental conditions, (2) population dynamics and size structure, (3) experimental and field observations on the distribution of species across environmental gradients, (4) studies of successional pattern, (5) plant physiognomy and community structure across environmental gradients, and (6) nutrient cycling.
The American Naturalist | 1994
Michael A. Huston; Donald L. DeAngelis
Classical resource competition theory can be generalized to apply to a variety of specific resource types and specific supply media (e.g., soil, water, or air). We develop a general model that relaxes the assumptions that (1) resources and organisms are sufficiently mixed that all organisms experience the same resource concentration and (2) the organisms themselves regulate the resource concentration of their shared environment. These assumptions are shown to apply to a limited subset of conditions in which the resource input rate is low and the resource transport rate in the environment is high. Under such conditions, the coexistence criteria of our general model converge with those of classical resource competition models. Such conditions may be met in some aquatic environments, but under other conditions, in which resource transport rates may be low or input fluxes high, the general model makes predictions that differ radically from those of the classical models. Specifically, our model predicts that, instead of a 1:1 ratio between limiting resources and locally coexisting species, a large number of species can coexist on a single limiting resource under steady-state conditions. Shifts from limitation by one type of resource to limitation by another type can dramatically alter the nature and intensity of competitive interactions. This phenomenon is proposed as the explanation for the ubiquitous unimodel curve of autotroph diversity along productivity gradients.
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology | 1991
Jennifer W. Chason; Dennis D. Baldocchi; Michael A. Huston
Abstract Two indirect gap fraction methods for estimating leaf area index (LAI) are compared with estimates from litterfall collections in a mixed-age oak-hickory forest. One indirect method uses averaged, direct beam penetration data obtained with a moving tram. The second uses a portable light sensor system that measures diffuse light penetration for five sky sectors between zenith angles 0 and 75°. Data were collected from September 1989 to January 1990. The Poisson model and the negative binomial model of gap frequency were applied to estimate LAI from observed transmittances. With the Poisson model, an assumption of a random leaf spatial distribution contributes to an underestimation of LAI by as much as 45%; this is because leaves at this site are actually clumped at both large and small scales. The negative binomial, which requires determination of a clumping parameter, produces estimates comparable with those of the litterfall method. Both indirect techniques accurately describe temporal changes in leaf area using either the Poisson or negative binomial model. The portable system also allows easy estimation of the spatial variation in leaf area within the site or between sites, and it can be used to obtain a vertical profile of leaf area.
Journal of Biogeography | 1980
Michael A. Huston
Analysis of published data for forty-six Costa Rican forest sites indicates a negative correlation between soil nutrient availability and tree species richness. P, K, Ca, Na, total bases, base saturation, and cation exchange capacity showed significant (P< 0.01) correlations, while available nitrogen, total nitro- gen, organic matter, Mn, and Mg were not significantly correlated wth species richness. With six measures of soil nutrients, a stepwise regression gave an R2 of 0.71. Correlations between species richness, precipitation, tree density, tree height, and soil fertility, are consistent with the interpretation that the highest species richness occurs under poor growth conditions. Results of field and glass- house fertilization experiments are reviewed.
Ecological Monographs | 2009
Michael A. Huston; Steve Wolverton
The distribution of the diversity and abundance of life on Earth is thought to be shaped by the patterns of plant growth (net primary production, NPP) in the oceans and on land. The well-known latitudinal gradient of species diversity reaches its maximum in tropical rain forests, which are considered to be the most productive ecosystems on the planet. However, this high tropical productivity on land is the opposite of the well-documented distribution of marine productivity, which is greatest in the high-latitude oceans around the poles. This paradox can be resolved by a reevaluation of the terrestrial productivity gradient. Compilations of direct measurements of forest NPP show that annual NPP in tropical forests is no different than annual NPP in temperate forests, contrary to recent syntheses and to the output of global vegetation models. Other properties of forest ecosystems, such as basal area of trees, wood density, and the ratio of wood to leaf production, as well as animal properties such as body size, population density, and reproductive rates, support the conclusion that ecologically relevant terrestrial productivity is actually highest in the temperate latitudes, reaching a maximum between 30° and 50° before declining toward the poles. This “reversal” of the latitudinal productivity gradient, if substantiated by a systematic global sampling effort, will necessitate a major reevaluation of ecological and evolutionary theory, as well as conservation strategies and international development policies.