
Featured researches published by Michael E. Ries.

Journal of Physical Chemistry B | 2010

Viscosity of cellulose-imidazolium-based ionic liquid solutions.

Romain Sescousse; Kim Anh Le; Michael E. Ries; Tatiana Budtova

The viscosities of microcrystalline cellulose dissolved in 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium acetate (EMIMAc) and in 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride (BMIMCl) were studied in detail as a function of polymer concentration and temperature. The goal was to compare the flow of solutions, macromolecule hydrodynamic properties in each solvent, and the activation energies of viscous flow. Intrinsic viscosities were determined using the truncated form of the general Huggins equation. In both solvents cellulose intrinsic viscosity decreases with increasing temperature, indicating the decrease of solvent thermodynamic quality. The activation energies for both types of cellulose solutions were calculated. For cellulose-EMIMAc the Arrhenius plot showed a concave shape, and thus the Vogel-Tamman-Fulcher (VTF) approach was used. We suggest an improved method of data analysis for the determination of VTF constants and demonstrate that cellulose-EMIMAc solution viscosity obeys VTF formalism. Once the dependences of Arrhenius activation energy and VTF pseudo-activation energy were obtained for the whole range of concentrations studied, they were all shown to be described by a simple power-law function of polymer concentration.

Journal of Physical Chemistry B | 2012

Macroscopic and microscopic study of 1-ethyl-3-methyl-imidazolium acetate-water mixtures.

Asanah Radhi; Kim Anh Le; Michael E. Ries; Tatiana Budtova

Mixtures of 1-ethyl-3-methyl-imidazolium acetate ([C2mim][OAc]) and water across the entire composition range, from pure [C2mim][OAc] to pure water, have been investigated using density, viscosity, and NMR spectroscopy, relaxometry, and diffusion measurements. These results have been compared to ideal mixing laws for the microscopic data obtained from the NMR results and macroscopic data through the viscosity and density. It was also found that the mixing of the two fluids is exothermal. The proton spectra indicate though that [C2mim][OAc] and water are interacting without the formation of new compounds. The maximal deviations of experimental data from theoretical mixing rules were all found to occur within the range 0.74 ± 0.06 mol fraction of water, corresponding to approximately three water molecules per [C2mim][OAc] molecule.

British Journal of Radiology | 2013

Quantitative parametric MRI of articular cartilage: a review of progress and open challenges

D. Binks; Richard Hodgson; Michael E. Ries; Richard Foster; Stephen W. Smye; Dennis McGonagle; Aleksandra Radjenovic

With increasing life expectancies and the desire to maintain active lifestyles well into old age, the impact of the debilitating disease osteoarthritis (OA) and its burden on healthcare services is mounting. Emerging regenerative therapies could deliver significant advances in the effective treatment of OA but rely upon the ability to identify the initial signs of tissue damage and will also benefit from quantitative assessment of tissue repair in vivo. Continued development in the field of quantitative MRI in recent years has seen the emergence of techniques able to probe the earliest biochemical changes linked with the onset of OA. Quantitative MRI measurements including T(1), T(2) and T(1ρ) relaxometry, diffusion weighted imaging and magnetisation transfer have been studied and linked to the macromolecular structure of cartilage. Delayed gadolinium-enhanced MRI of cartilage, sodium MRI and glycosaminoglycan chemical exchange saturation transfer techniques are sensitive to depletion of cartilage glycosaminoglycans and may allow detection of the earliest stages of OA. We review these current and emerging techniques for the diagnosis of early OA, evaluate the progress that has been made towards their implementation in the clinic and identify future challenges in the field.

Biomacromolecules | 2014

Diffusion of 1-ethyl-3-methyl-imidazolium acetate in glucose, cellobiose, and cellulose solutions.

Michael E. Ries; Asanah Radhi; Alice S. Keating; Owen Parker; Tatiana Budtova

Solutions of glucose, cellobiose and microcrystalline cellulose in the ionic liquid 1-ethyl-3-methyl-imidazolium ([C2mim][OAc]) have been examined using pulsed-field gradient 1H NMR. Diffusion coefficients of the cation and anion across the temperature range 20–70 °C have been determined for a range of concentrations (0–15% w/w) of each carbohydrate in [C2mim][OAc]. These systems behave as an “ideal mixture” of free ions and ions that are associated with the carbohydrate molecules. The molar ratio of carbohydrate OH groups to ionic liquid molecules, α, is the key parameter in determining the diffusion coefficients of the ions. Master curves for the diffusion coefficients of cation, anion and their activation energies are generated upon which all our data collapses when plotted against α. Diffusion coefficients are found to follow an Arrhenius type behavior and the difference in translational activation energy between free and associated ions is determined to be 9.3 ± 0.9 kJ/mol.

Interface Focus | 2011

Construction and validation of anisotropic and orthotropic ventricular geometries for quantitative predictive cardiac electrophysiology

Alan P. Benson; Olivier Bernus; Hans Dierckx; Stephen H. Gilbert; John P. Greenwood; Arun V. Holden; Kevin Mohee; Sven Plein; Aleksandra Radjenovic; Michael E. Ries; Godfrey L. Smith; Steven Sourbron; Richard D. Walton

Reaction–diffusion computational models of cardiac electrophysiology require both dynamic excitation models that reconstruct the action potentials of myocytes as well as datasets of cardiac geometry and architecture that provide the electrical diffusion tensor D, which determines how excitation spreads through the tissue. We illustrate an experimental pipeline we have developed in our laboratories for constructing and validating such datasets. The tensor D changes with location in the myocardium, and is determined by tissue architecture. Diffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging (DT-MRI) provides three eigenvectors ei and eigenvalues λi at each voxel throughout the tissue that can be used to reconstruct this architecture. The primary eigenvector e1 is a histologically validated measure of myocyte orientation (responsible for anisotropic propagation). The secondary and tertiary eigenvectors (e2 and e3) specify the directions of any orthotropic structure if λ2 is significantly greater than λ3—this orthotropy has been identified with sheets or cleavage planes. For simulations, the components of D are scaled in the fibre and cross-fibre directions for anisotropic simulations (or fibre, sheet and sheet normal directions for orthotropic tissues) so that simulated conduction velocities match values from optical imaging or plunge electrode experiments. The simulated pattern of propagation of action potentials in the models is partially validated by optical recordings of spatio-temporal activity on the surfaces of hearts. We also describe several techniques that enhance components of the pipeline, or that allow the pipeline to be applied to different areas of research: Q ball imaging provides evidence for multi-modal orientation distributions within a fraction of voxels, infarcts can be identified by changes in the anisotropic structure—irregularity in myocyte orientation and a decrease in fractional anisotropy, clinical imaging provides human ventricular geometry and can identify ischaemic and infarcted regions, and simulations in human geometries examine the roles of anisotropic and orthotropic architecture in the initiation of arrhythmias.

Macromolecules | 1998

Rouse and Reptation Dynamics of Linear Polybutadiene Chains Studied by 2H NMR Transverse Relaxation

P. G. Klein; Christine H. Adams; M. G. Brereton; Michael E. Ries; Timothy Nicholson; Lian R. Hutchings; Randal W. Richards

Deuterium NMR has been used to investigate two different types of dynamics of linear polybutadiene chains in the melt. The transverse relaxations of short Rouse chains of molecular weight 640- 3000 were biexponential, which has been attributed to separate decays of the methylene and methine deuterons. Interpretation of the transverse relaxation rates using a model for Rouse dynamics, combined with molecular simulations, gave the shortest Rouse unit as approximately 4.4 monomers and the shortest Rouse time as 8.3 × 10 -7 s. The reptation dynamics of higher molecular weight entangled chains were investigated using ABA isotopic triblock copolymers, of total molecular weight 14000-135000, where A is protonated polybutadiene of molecular weight greater than the entanglement molecular weight and B is a deuterated block. These polymers were specifically synthesized so that the fast motion of the Rouselike chain ends should not complicate the signal. The fundamental parameters found for the Rouse chain were used in the reptation model, assuming fast dynamics, and gave an entanglement molecular weight, M e , of 5380 or approximately 21 Rouse units. This M e is more than twice the conventional value, obtained from rheology, and is more suggestive of the critical molecular weight M c , consistent with previous NMR work. The theoretical analysis used in this work is based on the assumption that the chain dynamics are fast on the time scale set by the NMR deuterium quadrupolar interaction. The highest molecular weight samples were found to not satisfy this criterion and indicate the molecular weight at which a new theoretical approach is needed.

Polymer | 2002

Relationship between the transverse NMR decay and the dipolar interaction in elastomers: a comparison of two models

Manfred Knörgen; Heike Menge; Günter Hempel; Horst Schneider; Michael E. Ries

Abstract The analysis of the transverse magnetization decay is a well-established method to obtain information about network parameters of elastomers or polymeric melts. The starting point is the scaling concept introduced by Cohen-Addad, which reduces the detailed description of the atomic bond-vector motion to that of a larger scaled subchain motion. When considering polymer networks some simplifications in the calculation of the NMR response are widely used. In the frozen bond assumption all the crosslink positions in a network are taken to be at fixed points, with the intercrosslink network end-to-end vectors having a Gaussian distribution. In the second moment approximation it is assumed that there is a Gaussian distribution of dipolar interactions, and additionally an exponential correlation function of the motion is used. Both models are able to explain the non-exponential magnetization decay (FID of a Hahn-echo NMR experiment). We will compare these different starting points to give some relations between them. Both models are tested by a NMR-relaxation experiment.

Biomaterials | 2010

Liquid-crystalline aromatic–aliphatic copolyester bioresorbable polymers

Horacio Montes de Oca; Joanne Wilson; Andrew Penrose; David M. Langton; Anthony Dagger; Melissa Anderson; David Farrar; Christopher S. Lovell; Michael E. Ries; I. M. Ward; Andrew D. Wilson; Stephen J. Cowling; Isabel M. Saez; John W. Goodby

The synthesis and characterisation of a series of liquid-crystalline aromatic-aliphatic copolyesters are presented. Differential scanning calorimetry showed these polymers have a glass transition temperature in the range 72 degrees C-116 degrees C. Polarised optical microscopy showed each polymer exhibits a nematic mesophase on heating to the molten state at temperatures below 165 degrees C. Melt processing is demonstrated by the production of injection moulded and compression moulded specimens with Youngs modulus of 5.7 +/- 0.3 GPa and 2.3 +/- 0.3 GPa, respectively. Wide-angle X-ray scattering data showed molecular orientation is responsible for the increase of mechanical properties along the injection direction. Degradation studies in the temperature range 37 degrees C-80 degrees C are presented for one polymer of this series and a kinetic constant of 0.002 days(-1) is obtained at 37 degrees C assuming a first order reaction. The activation energy (83.4 kJ mol(-1)) is obtained following the Arrhenius analysis of degradation, showing degradation of this material is less temperature sensitive compared with other commercially available biodegradable polyesters. In vitro and in vivo biocompatibility data are presented and it is shown the unique combination of degradative, mechanical and biological properties of these polymers may represent in the future an alternative for medical device manufacturers.

international conference on functional imaging and modeling of heart | 2009

Intravoxel Fibre Structure of the Left Ventricular Free Wall and Posterior Left-Right Ventricular Insertion Site in Canine Myocardium Using Q-Ball Imaging

Hans Dierckx; Alan P. Benson; Stephen H. Gilbert; Michael E. Ries; Arun V. Holden; Henri Verschelde; Olivier Bernus

Q-ball imaging (QBI) is an established high-angular resolution diffusion MRI technique enabling to resolve intravoxel fibre structure. Here, we present a detailed study of myocardial fibre orientation using QBI. We compare standard diffusion tensor MRI (DTI) versus QBI in the canine left ventricular free wall (LVFW) and posterior left-right ventricular insertion site. Most voxels within the LVFW show high fractional anisotropy (FA), Gaussian diffusion profiles, and a single population of aligned fibres. In these, the difference between fibre helix angles estimated by DTI and QBI is below 5 degrees. However, we show that reduced FA near the anterior papillary muscle in the LVFW and in most of the left-right ventricular fusion site correlates with non-Gaussian diffusion. The QBI orientation distribution functions (ODF) in these regions reveal complex intravoxel fibrous structure, which cannot be inferred using DTI. Extensive ODF maps of myocardial fibre orientation are presented and discussed for the first time to our knowledge.

Osteoarthritis and Cartilage | 2012

Spin–lattice relaxation rates and water content of freeze-dried articular cartilage

Robin A. Damion; S.S. Pawaskar; Michael E. Ries; Eileen Ingham; Sophie Williams; Z M Jin; Aleksandra Radjenovic

OBJECTIVE Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spin-lattice relaxation rates were measured in bovine and porcine articular cartilage as a function of water content. METHODS Water content was varied by freeze-drying samples for short periods of time (up to 15 min). The samples were weighed at all stages of drying so that water content could be quantified. Spin-lattice relaxation rates were measured using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). RESULTS Linear correlations were observed between relaxation rate and two measures of inverse water content: (1) solid-to-water ratio (ρ), expressed as a ratio of the mass of the solid component of the cartilage (m(s)) and the mass of water at each freeze-drying time point (m(w)), and (2) a ratio of the total mass of the fully-hydrated cartilage and m(w) (1/w). These correlations did not appear significantly different for the bovine and porcine data. However, fitting the data to a piecewise-linear model revealed differences between these two species. We interpret the first two segments of the piecewise model as the depletion of different water phases but conjecture that the third segment is partially caused by changes in relaxation rates as a result of a reduction in macromolecular mobilities. CONCLUSIONS Whilst we can produce linear correlations which broadly describe the dependence of the measured spin-lattice relaxation rate on (inverse) water content, the linear model seems to obscure a more complicated relationship which potentially provides us with more information about the structure of articular cartilage and its extracellular water.

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