Michael H. Freilich
Oregon State University
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Featured researches published by Michael H. Freilich.
Journal of Climate | 2001
Dudley B. Chelton; Steven K. Esbensen; Michael G. Schlax; Nicolai Thum; Michael H. Freilich; Frank J. Wentz; Chelle Gentemann; Michael J. McPhaden; Paul S. Schopf
Satellite measurements of surface wind stress from the QuikSCAT scatterometer and sea surface temperature (SST) from the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission Microwave Imager are analyzed for the three-month period 21 July‐20 October 1999 to investigate ocean‐atmosphere coupling in the eastern tropical Pacific. Oceanic tropical instability waves (TIWs) with periods of 20‐40 days and wavelengths of 1000‐2000 km perturb the SST fronts that bracket both sides of the equatorial cold tongue, which is centered near 1 8S to the east of 1308W. These perturbations are characterized by cusp-shaped features that propagate systematically westward on both sides of the equator. The space‐time structures of these SST perturbations are reproduced with remarkable detail in the surface wind stress field. The wind stress divergence is shown to be linearly related to the downwind component of the SST gradient with a response on the south side of the cold tongue that is about twice that on the north side. The wind stress curl is linearly related to the crosswind component of the SST gradient with a response that is approximately half that of the wind stress divergence response to the downwind SST gradient. The perturbed SST and wind stress fields propagate synchronously westward with the TIWs. This close coupling between SST and wind stress supports the Wallace et al. hypothesis that surface winds vary in response to SST modification of atmospheric boundary layer stability.
Monthly Weather Review | 2005
Dudley B. Chelton; Michael H. Freilich
Wind measurements by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) scatterometer (NSCAT) and the SeaWinds scatterometer on the NASA QuikSCAT satellite are compared with buoy observations to establish that the accuracies of both scatterometers are essentially the same. The scatterometer measurement errors are best characterized in terms of random component errors, which are about 0.75 and 1.5 m s 1 for the along-wind and crosswind components, respectively. The NSCAT and QuikSCAT datasets provide a consistent baseline from which recent changes in the accuracies of 10-m wind analyses from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) and the U.S. National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) operational numerical weather prediction (NWP) models are assessed from consideration of three time periods: September 1996–June 1997, August 1999–July 2000, and February 2002–January 2003. These correspond, respectively, to the 9.5-month duration of the NSCAT mission, the first 12 months of the QuikSCAT mission, and the first year after both ECMWF and NCEP began assimilating QuikSCAT observations. There were large improvements in the accuracies of both NWP models between the 1997 and 2000 time periods. Though modest in comparison, there were further improvements in 2002, at least partly attributable to the assimilation of QuikSCAT observations in both models. There is no evidence of bias in the 10-m wind speeds in the NCEP model. The 10-m wind speeds in the ECMWF model, however, are shown to be biased low by about 0.4 m s 1 . While it is difficult to eliminate systematic errors this small, a bias of 0.4 m s 1 corresponds to a typical wind stress bias of more than 10%. This wind stress bias increases to nearly 20% if atmospheric stability effects are not taken into account. Biases of these magnitudes will result in significant systematic errors in ocean general circulation models that are forced by ECMWF winds.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 1999
Michael H. Freilich; R. Scott Dunbar
The overall accuracies of vector wind measurements from the NASA scatterometer (NSCAT) are quantified by comparisons with collocated data from operational U.S. National Data Buoy Center ocean buoys. A vector correlation statistic is used to examine the geographical distribution of full-mission NSCAT-buoy differences. The dependences of the vector correlation on collocation radius and scatterometer errors such as wind speed offset and random component errors are quantified. For purposes of NSCAT validation, 30 ocean moored buoys having high full-mission sample correlations are considered. When applied to this set of ocean buoys, a nonlinear analysis shows that the 25-km resolution NSCAT wind speeds have unity gain, an offset of −0.3 m s−1, an rms error of 1.3 m s−1, and component standard deviations of ∼1.3 m s−1. For wind speeds greater than 6 m s−1, fewer than 3% of all collocated solutions have significant ambiguity removal errors. The rms directional difference for the remaining vectors is less than 17°. At lower wind speeds the frequency of ambiguity removal errors increases and the directional accuracy of the “correct” vectors decreases with decreasing wind speed, consistent with the assumptions of the random error model underlying the nonlinear wind speed regression approach. While the primary emphasis of this paper is on determining the quantitative accuracy of the NSCAT wind velocity measurements, the analysis techniques and interpretations have more general application to validation studies involving vector quantities.
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology | 2004
Ralph F. Milliff; Jan Morzel; Dudley B. Chelton; Michael H. Freilich
Abstract Surface vector wind datasets from scatterometers provide essential high-resolution surface forcing information for analyses and models of global atmosphere–ocean processes affecting weather and climate. The importance of realistic amplitude, high-wavenumber, surface wind forcing from scatterometer data has been demonstrated in a variety of ocean modeling applications. However, the radar backscatter signal from which surface vector wind estimates are retrieved is attenuated and/or contaminated in heavy rain. The QuikSCAT (QSCAT) dataset flags rain-contaminated wind vector cells where retrievals are either highly uncertain or not available. Zonal and annual averages of wind stress curl and divergence for 2000, 2001, and 2002 are derived and compared across three surface wind datasets: QSCAT only, reanalysis winds from the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP reanalysis), and blended QSCAT+NCEP. Missing QSCAT surface wind retrievals due to rain contamination lead to statistically sign...
Monthly Weather Review | 2000
Dudley B. Chelton; Michael H. Freilich; Steven K. Esbensen
Measurements of near-surface winds by the NASA scatterometer (NSCAT) from October 1996 through June 1997 are analyzed to investigate the three major wind jets along the Pacific coast of Central America that blow over the Gulfs of Tehuantepec, Papagayo, and Panama. Each jet is easily identifiable as locally intense offshore winds in the lee of low-elevation gaps through the Sierra Madre mountain range. The jets have relatively narrow cross-stream width but often extend several hundred kilometers or more into the Pacific. The Tehuantepec and Papagayo jets sometimes merge with the northeast trade winds of the Pacific. The Tehuantepec jet was highly energetic with characteristic timescales of about 2 days. Events were triggered by high pressures associated with cold surges into the Gulf of Mexico that originated over the Great Plains of North America. The Papagayo and Panama jets were much more persistent than the Tehuantepec jets. The winds at both of these lower-latitude locations exhibited a strong seasonal variation with almost exclusively offshore flow from late November 1996 through late May 1997 and periods of onshore flow in October and November during the late stages of the 1996 Central American monsoon season. Superimposed on this low-frequency seasonal variation were events with characteristic timescales of a few days. Based on NSCAT data, the spatial and temporal evolution of major wind events is described in detail for three representative case studies. In December 1996, the jets developed sequentially from north to south, consistent with the notion that wind events in the two lower-latitude jets are associated with cold-air outbreaks that trigger the Tehuantepec jet a day or so earlier. In November 1996 and March 1997, the Papagayo and Panama jets were strongly influenced by tropical phenomena that had little apparent association with the Tehuantepec jet. These latter two case studies, together with the distinction between the statistical characteristics of the three jets, suggest that the Papagayo and Panama jets are predominantly controlled by a mechanism that is very different from the across-gap pressure gradients associated with high pressure systems of midlatitude origin that control the Tehuantepec jet.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 2000
Ricardo M. Letelier; David M. Karl; Mark R. Abbott; P. Flament; Michael H. Freilich; Roger Lukas; P. Ted Strub
The present research was funded by NSF grants OCE-93-03094 (to Roger Lukas), OCE 93-01368 (to David M. Karl), OCE 96-01850 (to David Karl, Roger Lukas and Pierre Flament) and NASA grant NAGW-4596 (to Mark R. Abbott).
Monthly Weather Review | 2006
Dudley B. Chelton; Michael H. Freilich; Joseph M. Sienkiewicz; Joan M. Von Ahn
The value of Quick Scatterometer (QuikSCAT) measurements of 10-m ocean vector winds for marine weather prediction is investigated from two Northern Hemisphere case studies. The first of these focuses on an intense cyclone with hurricane-force winds that occurred over the extratropical western North Pacific on 10 January 2005. The second is a 17 February 2005 example that is typical of sea surface temperature influence on low-level winds in moderate wind conditions in the vicinity of the Gulf Stream in the western North Atlantic. In both cases, the analyses of 10-m winds from the NCEP and ECMWF global numerical weather prediction models considerably underestimated the spatial variability of the wind field on scales smaller than 1000 km compared with the structure determined from QuikSCAT observations. The NCEP and ECMWF models both assimilate QuikSCAT observations. While the accuracies of the 10-m wind analyses from these models measurably improved after implementation of the QuikSCAT data assimilation, the information content in the QuikSCAT data is underutilized by the numerical models. QuikSCAT data are available in near–real time in the NOAA/NCEP Advanced Weather Interactive Processing System (N-AWIPS) and are used extensively in manual analyses of surface winds. The high resolution of the QuikSCAT data is routinely utilized by forecasters at the NOAA/NCEP Ocean Prediction Center, Tropical Prediction Center, and other NOAA weather forecast offices to improve the accuracies of wind warnings in marine forecasts.
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology | 2001
Michael G. Schlax; Dudley B. Chelton; Michael H. Freilich
Abstract Sampling patterns and sampling errors from various scatterometer datasets are examined. Four single and two tandem scatterometer mission scenarios are considered. The single scatterometer missions are ERS (with a single, narrow swath), NSCAT and ASCAT (dual swaths), and QuikSCAT (a single, broad swath obtained from the SeaWinds instrument). The two tandem scenarios are combinations of the broad-swath SeaWinds scatterometer with ASCAT and QuikSCAT. The dense, nearly uniform distribution of measurements within swaths, combined with the relatively sparse, nonuniform placement of the swaths themselves create complicated space–time sampling patterns. The temporal sampling of all of the missions is characterized by bursts of closely spaced samples separated by longer gaps and is highly variable in both latitude and longitude. Sampling errors are quantified by the expected squared bias of particular linear estimates of component winds. Modifications to a previous method that allow more efficient expecte...
Monthly Weather Review | 2000
Dudley B. Chelton; Michael H. Freilich; Steven K. Esbensen
Abstract Satellite estimates of winds at 10 m above the sea surface by the NASA scatterometer (NSCAT) during the 9-month period October 1996–June 1997 are analyzed to investigate the correlations between the three major wind jets along the Pacific coast of Central America and their relationships to the wind and pressure fields in the Inter-American Seas and eastern tropical Pacific. Comparisons with sea level pressure confirm the conventional view that Tehuantepec wind variations are driven by pressure variations in the Gulf of Mexico associated with North American cold-air outbreaks. The three jets sometimes developed sequentially from north to south. Statistically, however, the Papagayo and Panama jets were poorly correlated with variations of the Tehuantepec jet over the NSCAT observational period. The Papagayo and Panama jets were significantly correlated with each other and were coupled to coherent variations of the trade winds extending from the Caribbean Sea to the eastern tropical Pacific. The det...
Journal of Geophysical Research | 2003
Chris Chickadel; Robert A. Holman; Michael H. Freilich
[1] We present an optical method (optical current meter) to measure the longshore component of nearshore surface currents by measuring the alongshore drift of persistent sea foam in the surf zone. The method uses short time series of video data collected from an alongshore array of pixels. These space-time data are first Fourier transformed to a frequency-wave number spectrum and, finally, to a velocity spectrum. A model of the velocity spectrum is fit to the observed spectrum to estimate the foam drift velocity. Confidence intervals and other measures of the input and output data quality are calculated. Field test comparisons were made against an in situ bidirectional electromagnetic current meter on the basis of 1 month of video data from the 1997 Sandy Duck field experiment. The root mean square error between the two approaches was 0.10 m/s. Linear regression analysis showed the gain between the two instruments to not be statistically different from one. Differences between the surface and interior measurements were compared to forcing mechanisms that may cause surface velocity shear. Velocity offsets and alongshore wind stress were well correlated for cases when waves and wind were not aligned to within ±45°, when wind- and wave-forced currents are reasonably separable. Calculated wind-dependent surface current shear, modeled as a surface boundary layer, correlated well with the observed velocity offsets for observations of nonalignment between wind and waves. This technique can be applied to study large-scale coastal behavior.