Michael Karanikas
Democritus University of Thrace
Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management | 2012
Paul Zarogoulidis; Theodoros Kontakiotis; Kosmas Tsakiridis; Michael Karanikas; Christos Simoglou; Konstantinos Porpodis; Alexandros Mitrakas; Agisilaos Esebidis; Maria Konoglou; Nikolaos Katsikogiannis; Vasilis Zervas; Christina Aggelopoulou; Dimitrios Mikroulis; Konstantinos Zarogoulidis
Management of a “difficult airway” remains one of the most relevant and challenging tasks for anesthesiologists and pulmonary physicians. Several conditions, such as inflammation, trauma, tumor, and immunologic and metabolic diseases, are considered responsible for the difficult intubation of a critically ill patient. In this case report we present the case of a 46-year-old male with postintubation tracheal stenosis. We will focus on the method of intubation used, since the patient had a “difficult airway” and had to be intubated immediately because he was in a life-threatening situation. Although technology is of utter importance, clinical examination and history-taking remain invaluable for the appropriate evaluation of the critically ill patient in everyday medical life. Every physician who will be required to perform intubation has to be familiar with the evaluation of the difficult airway and, in the event of the unanticipated difficult airway, to be able to use a wide variety of tools and techniques to avoid complications and fatality.
Journal of multidisciplinary healthcare | 2012
Konstantinos Porpodis; Michael Karanikas; Paul Zarogoulidis; Theodoros Kontakiotis; Alexandros Mitrakas; Agisilaos Esebidis; Maria Konoglou; Kalliopi Domvri; Alkis Iordanidis; Nikolaos Katsikogiannis; Nikolaos Courcoutsakis; Konstantinos Zarogoulidis
Carcinoid bronchopulmonary tumors represent approximately 25% of all carcinoid tumors and 1%–2% of all lung neoplasms. The most common symptoms are: persistent cough, asthma-like wheezing, chest pain, dyspnea, hemoptysis and obstructive pneumonitis. We present a case of a young adult diagnosed with a typical carcinoid tumor. The diagnosis was established on the basis of imaging examination and bronchoscopic biopsy. The patient was treated with bronchoscopic electrocautery therapy to relieve the obstructed airway, followed by surgical lobectomy in order to entirely remove the exophytic damage. This approach was not only a palliative management to bronchial obstruction but also avoided pneumonectomy. Recent studies support the use of such interventional resection methods, as they may result in a more conservative surgical resection.
Cases Journal | 2009
Theodosios Birbilis; Petros Zezos; Nikolaos Liratzopoulos; Anastasia Oikonomou; Michael Karanikas; Kosmas Kontogianidis; Georgios Kouklakis
Ventriculoperitoneal shunt placement is an effective treatment of hydrocephalus diverting the cerebrospinal fluid into the peritoneal cavity. Unfortunately, the shunt devices have a high incidence of malfunction mainly due to catheter obstruction or infection and are associated with various complications, 25% of which are abdominal. Spontaneous bowel perforation is a rare potentially fatal complication of ventriculoperitoneal shunt occurring anytime, few weeks to several years, after the placement of the ventriculoperitoneal shunt device. A 54-year-old Greek man with spontaneous perforation of sigmoid colon as a complication of distal ventriculoperitoneal shunt migration was treated successfully by antibiotic prophylaxis and abdominal surgery. Clinicians managing patients with ventriculoperitoneal shunt must be familiar with its possible complications and be aware for early recognition of them.
International Journal of General Medicine | 2012
Konstantinos Porpodis; Michael Karanikas; Paul Zarogoulidis; Maria Konoglou; Kalliopi Domvri; Alexandros Mitrakas; Panagiotis Boglou; Stamatia Bakali; Alkis Iordanidis; Vasilis Zervas; Nikolaos Courcoutsakis; Nikolaos Katsikogiannis; Konstantinos Zarogoulidis
Fat embolism syndrome is usually associated with surgery for large bone fractures. Symptoms usually occur within 36 hours of hospitalization after traumatic injury. We present a case with fat embolism syndrome due to femur fracture. Prompt supportive treatment of the patient’s respiratory system and additional pharmaceutical treatment provided the positive clinical outcome. There is no specific therapy for fat embolism syndrome; prevention, early diagnosis, and adequate symptomatic treatment are very important. Most of the studies in the last 20 years have shown that the incidence of fat embolism syndrome is reduced by early stabilization of the fractures and the risk is even further decreased with surgical correction rather than conservative management.
Journal of multidisciplinary healthcare | 2011
Panagiotis Touzopoulos; Michael Karanikas; Paul Zarogoulidis; Alexandros Mitrakas; Konstantinos Porpodis; Nikolaos Katsikogiannis; Vasilis Zervas; Ioannis Kouroumichakis; Theodoros C. Constantinidis; Dimitrios Mikroulis; Konstantinos Tsimogiannis
Thyroid nodules are a common clinical problem for surgeons. The clinical importance of nodules is the need to exclude thyroid cancer, which occurs in 5%–15% of patients. If fine needle aspiration cytology is positive, or suspicious for malignancy, surgery is recommended. During the past decade, with the tendency to develop smaller incisions, an endoscopic approach has been applied to thyroid surgery, called minimally invasive video-assisted thyroidectomy. This approach was immediately followed by other minimally invasive or scarless neck techniques, such as the breast approach, axillary-breast approach, and robot-assisted method. All these techniques follow the same principles of surgery and oncology. This review presents the current surgical management of the thyroid gland, including the surgical techniques and compares them by describing benefits and drawbacks of each one.
Case Reports in Gastroenterology | 2012
Michael Karanikas; Panagiotis Touzopoulos; Alexandros Mitrakas; Petros Zezos; Paul Zarogoulidis; Nikolaos Machairiotis; Eleni I Efremidou; Nikolaos Liratzopoulos; Alexandros Polychronidis; George Kouklakis
Post-radiation stricture is a rare complication after pelvis irradiation, but must be in the mind of the clinician evaluating a lower gastrointestinal obstruction. Endoscopy has gained an important role in chronic radiation proctitis with several therapeutic options for management of intestinal strictures. The treatment of rectal strictures has been limited to surgery with high morbidity and mortality. Therefore, a less invasive therapeutic approach for benign rectal strictures, endoscopic balloon dilation with or without intralesional steroid injection, has become a common treatment modality. We present a case of benign post-radiation rectal stricture treated successfully with balloon dilation and adjuvant intralesional triamcinolone injection. A 70-year-old woman presented to the emergency room complaining for 2 weeks of diarrhea and meteorism, 11 years after radiation of the pelvis due to adenocarcinoma of the uterus. Colonoscopy revealed a stricture at the rectum and multiple endoscopic biopsies were obtained from the stricture. The stricture was treated with endoscopic balloon dilation and intralesional triamcinolone injection. The procedure appears to have a high success rate and a very low complication rate. Histologic examination of the biopsies revealed non-specific inflammatory changes of the rectal mucosa and no specific changes of the mucosa due to radiation. All biopsies were negative for malignancy. The patient is stricture-free 12 months post-treatment.
Case Reports in Gastroenterology | 2012
Michael Karanikas; Konstantinos Porpodis; Paul Zarogoulidis; Alexandros Mitrakas; Panagiotis Touzopoulos; Nikolaos Lyratzopoulos; George Kouklakis; Nikolaos Courcoutsakis; Alexandros Polychronidis
Peritoneal tuberculosis is rare with increased incidence rates in recent years. The absence of characteristic clinical features of the disease often makes its diagnosis difficult and elusive. We present the case of 61-year-old female with peritoneal tuberculosis. The patient suffered from abdominal pain for a period of 5 months prior to admission. The diagnosis was established on the basis of findings from an abdominal computed tomography scan, a chest radiograph and histopathological analysis of the laparoscopic resection of the two masses. The patient was discharged from hospital receiving a fourfold antituberculous treatment with isoniazid, rifampicin, pyrazinamide and ethambutol. A high index of suspicion and a combination of radiologic, endoscopic, microbiologic and histopathological examination achieves diagnostic accuracy and prevents clinical mismanagement.
OncoTargets and Therapy | 2012
Michael Karanikas; Nikolaos Machairiotis; Paul Zarogoulidis; Aikaterini Stylianaki; Nikolaos Corcoutsakis; Alexandros Mitrakas; Panagiotis Touzopoulos; Nikolaos Lyratzopoulos; George Kouklakis; Manolis Spanoudakis; Alexandros Polychronidis
We report the case of a 64-year-old woman with a gastrointestinal stromal tumor and a diffuse large cell lymphoma. For this case, we conducted a literature review in an attempt to correlate these two neoplasms on a molecular basis. Diffuse large cell lymphoma is a subtype of non-Hodgkin lymphomas. The etiologic factor of these lymphomas is considered to be the mutations or allelic losses of the TP53 tumor suppressor gene and the overexpression of the bcl-2 oncogene. Gastrointestinal stromal tumors are mesenchymal tumors, which are typically defined by the expression of c-KIT (CD117) and CD34 genes in the tumor cells. Although there are references to dispersants in the literature about patients with both non-Hodgkin lymphoma and gastrointestinal stromal tumors, there is no common molecular pathway between these two diseases. In conclusion, there is no indication that these two neoplasms are relevant on a molecular basis.
Journal of multidisciplinary healthcare | 2011
Panagiotis Touzopoulos; Paul Zarogoulidis; Alexandros Mitrakas; Michael Karanikas; Panagiotis Milothridis; Dimitrios Matthaios; Ioannis Kouroumichakis; Stella Proikaki; Paschalis Pavlioglou; Nikolaos Katsikogiannis; Theodoros C. Constantinidis
Chemical burn injuries are a result of exposure to acid, alkali, or organic compounds. In this retrospective study, a total of 21 patients suffering occupational chemical burns, came to the emergency room at the University General Hospital of Alexandroupolis, from 2008 to 2010; 76.2% were workers, 19% were farmers, and 4.8% were desk officers. The majority of burns were due to exposure to acid (61.9%). Upper extremities were the most frequently injured area followed by the lower extremities and thorax. None of the patients needed further hospital care, but in the follow-up, four of the patients suffered keloid. Proper surgical treatment at the emergency room decreases the length of hospital stay for patients who suffer chemically induced burns.
International Journal of General Medicine | 2011
Konstantinos Porpodis; Maria Konoglou; Paul Zarogoulidis; Evangelos Kaimakamis; Theodoros Kontakiotis; Despoina Papakosta; Vasilis Zervas; Nikolaos Katsikogiannis; Nikolaos Courcoutsakis; Alexandros Mitrakas; Panagiotis Touzopoulos; Michael Karanikas; Konstantinos Zarogoulidis; Aikaterini Markopoulou
In recent years, there has been a major advance in the treatment of pulmonary hypertension. New medications are continually added to the therapeutic arsenal. The prostanoids are among the first agents used to treat pulmonary hypertension and are currently considered the most effective. This case study describes a 63-year-old man who was diagnosed with chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension and successfully treated with subcutaneously administered treprostenil for 6 months before a successful pulmonary thromboendarterectomy. Treatment of chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension often requires a multidisciplinary approach before surgery. Further evaluation of prostanoids is needed to define their role and time of initiation of medical therapy in these patients.