
web search and data mining | 2011

Recommender systems with social regularization

Hao Ma; Dengyong Zhou; Chao Liu; Michael R. Lyu; Irwin King

Although Recommender Systems have been comprehensively analyzed in the past decade, the study of social-based recommender systems just started. In this paper, aiming at providing a general method for improving recommender systems by incorporating social network information, we propose a matrix factorization framework with social regularization. The contributions of this paper are four-fold: (1) We elaborate how social network information can benefit recommender systems; (2) We interpret the differences between social-based recommender systems and trust-aware recommender systems; (3) We coin the term Social Regularization to represent the social constraints on recommender systems, and we systematically illustrate how to design a matrix factorization objective function with social regularization; and (4) The proposed method is quite general, which can be easily extended to incorporate other contextual information, like social tags, etc. The empirical analysis on two large datasets demonstrates that our approaches outperform other state-of-the-art methods.

IEEE Transactions on Services Computing | 2011

QoS-Aware Web Service Recommendation by Collaborative Filtering

Zibin Zheng; Hao Ma; Michael R. Lyu; Irwin King

With increasing presence and adoption of Web services on the World Wide Web, Quality-of-Service (QoS) is becoming important for describing nonfunctional characteristics of Web services. In this paper, we present a collaborative filtering approach for predicting QoS values of Web services and making Web service recommendation by taking advantages of past usage experiences of service users. We first propose a user-collaborative mechanism for past Web service QoS information collection from different service users. Then, based on the collected QoS data, a collaborative filtering approach is designed to predict Web service QoS values. Finally, a prototype called WSRec is implemented by Java language and deployed to the Internet for conducting real-world experiments. To study the QoS value prediction accuracy of our approach, 1.5 millions Web service invocation results are collected from 150 service users in 24 countries on 100 real-world Web services in 22 countries. The experimental results show that our algorithm achieves better prediction accuracy than other approaches. Our Web service QoS data set is publicly released for future research.

Applied Mathematics and Computation | 2007

A hybrid particle swarm optimization-back-propagation algorithm for feedforward neural network training

Jing-Ru Zhang; Jun Zhang; Tat-Ming Lok; Michael R. Lyu

The particle swarm optimization algorithm was showed to converge rapidly during the initial stages of a global search, but around global optimum, the search process will become very slow. On the contrary, the gradient descending method can achieve faster convergent speed around global optimum, and at the same time, the convergent accuracy can be higher. So in this paper, a hybrid algorithm combining particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm with back-propagation (BP) algorithm, also referred to as PSO-BP algorithm, is proposed to train the weights of feedforward neural network (FNN), the hybrid algorithm can make use of not only strong global searching ability of the PSOA, but also strong local searching ability of the BP algorithm. In this paper, a novel selection strategy of the inertial weight is introduced to the PSO algorithm. In the proposed PSO-BP algorithm, we adopt a heuristic way to give a transition from particle swarm search to gradient descending search. In this paper, we also give three kind of encoding strategy of particles, and give the different problem area in which every encoding strategy is used. The experimental results show that the proposed hybrid PSO-BP algorithm is better than the Adaptive Particle swarm optimization algorithm (APSOA) and BP algorithm in convergent speed and convergent accuracy.

IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology | 2005

A comprehensive method for multilingual video text detection, localization, and extraction

Michael R. Lyu; Jiqiang Song; Min Cai

Text in video is a very compact and accurate clue for video indexing and summarization. Most video text detection and extraction methods hold assumptions on text color, background contrast, and font style. Moreover, few methods can handle multilingual text well since different languages may have quite different appearances. This paper performs a detailed analysis of multilingual text characteristics, including English and Chinese. Based on the analysis, we propose a comprehensive, efficient video text detection, localization, and extraction method, which emphasizes the multilingual capability over the whole processing. The proposed method is also robust to various background complexities and text appearances. The text detection is carried out by edge detection, local thresholding, and hysteresis edge recovery. The coarse-to-fine localization scheme is then performed to identify text regions accurately. The text extraction consists of adaptive thresholding, dam point labeling, and inward filling. Experimental results on a large number of video images and comparisons with other methods are reported in detail.

international conference on web services | 2009

WSRec: A Collaborative Filtering Based Web Service Recommender System

Zibin Zheng; Hao Ma; Michael R. Lyu; Irwin King

As the abundance of Web services on the World Wide Web increase,designing effective approaches for Web service selection and recommendation has become more and more important. In this paper, we present WSRec, a Web service recommender system, to attack this crucial problem. WSRec includes a user-contribution mechanism for Web service QoS information collection and an effective and novel hybrid collaborative filtering algorithm for Web service QoS value prediction. WSRec is implemented by Java language and deployed to the real-world environment. To study the prediction performance, A total of 21,197 public Web services are obtained from the Internet and a large-scale real-world experiment is conducted, where more than 1.5 millions test results are collected from 150 service users in different countries on 100 publicly available Web services located all over the world. The comprehensive experimental analysis shows that WSRec achieves better prediction accuracy than other approaches.

international conference on web services | 2010

Distributed QoS Evaluation for Real-World Web Services

Zibin Zheng; Yilei Zhang; Michael R. Lyu

Quality-of-Service (QoS) is widely employed for describing non-functional characteristics of Web services. Although QoS of Web services has been investigated in a lot of previous works, there is a lack of real-world Web service QoS datasets for validating new QoS based techniques and models of Web services. To study the performance of real-world Web services as well as provide reusable research datasets for promoting the research of QoS-driven Web services, we conduct several large-scale evaluations on real-world Web services. Firstly, addresses of 21,358 Web services are obtained from the Internet. Then, invocation failure probability performance of 150 Web services is assessed by 100 distributed service users. After that, response time and throughput performance of 5,825 Web services are evaluated by 339 distributed service users. Detailed experimental results are presented in this paper and comprehensive Web service QoS datasets are publicly released for future research.

computer vision and pattern recognition | 2006

Learning Distance Metrics with Contextual Constraints for Image Retrieval

Steven C. H. Hoi; Wei Liu; Michael R. Lyu; Wei-Ying Ma

Relevant Component Analysis (RCA) has been proposed for learning distance metrics with contextual constraints for image retrieval. However, RCA has two important disadvantages. One is the lack of exploiting negative constraints which can also be informative, and the other is its incapability of capturing complex nonlinear relationships between data instances with the contextual information. In this paper, we propose two algorithms to overcome these two disadvantages, i.e., Discriminative Component Analysis (DCA) and Kernel DCA. Compared with other complicated methods for distance metric learning, our algorithms are rather simple to understand and very easy to solve. We evaluate the performance of our algorithms on image retrieval in which experimental results show that our algorithms are effective and promising in learning good quality distance metrics for image retrieval.

international conference on software engineering | 2007

Software Reliability Engineering: A Roadmap

Michael R. Lyu

Software reliability engineering is focused on engineering techniques for developing and maintaining software systems whose reliability can be quantitatively evaluated. In order to estimate as well as to predict the reliability of software systems, failure data need to be properly measured by various means during software development and operational phases. Moreover, credible software reliability models are required to track underlying software failure processes for accurate reliability analysis and forecasting. Although software reliability has remained an active research subject over the past 35 years, challenges and open questions still exist. In particular, vital future goals include the development of new software reliability engineering paradigms that take software architectures, testing techniques, and software failure manifestation mechanisms into consideration. In this paper, we review the history of software reliability engineering, the current trends and existing problems, and specific difficulties. Possible future directions and promising research subjects in software reliability engineering are also addressed.

IEEE Transactions on Services Computing | 2013

Collaborative Web Service QoS Prediction via Neighborhood Integrated Matrix Factorization

Zibin Zheng; Hao Ma; Michael R. Lyu; Irwin King

With the increasing presence and adoption of web services on the World Wide Web, the demand of efficient web service quality evaluation approaches is becoming unprecedentedly strong. To avoid the expensive and time-consuming web service invocations, this paper proposes a collaborative quality-of-service (QoS) prediction approach for web services by taking advantages of the past web service usage experiences of service users. We first apply the concept of user-collaboration for the web service QoS information sharing. Then, based on the collected QoS data, a neighborhood-integrated approach is designed for personalized web service QoS value prediction. To validate our approach, large-scale real-world experiments are conducted, which include 1,974,675 web service invocations from 339 service users on 5,825 real-world web services. The comprehensive experimental studies show that our proposed approach achieves higher prediction accuracy than other approaches. The public release of our web service QoS data set provides valuable real-world data for future research.

IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks | 2010

Discriminative Semi-Supervised Feature Selection Via Manifold Regularization

Zenglin Xu; Irwin King; Michael R. Lyu; Rong Jin

Feature selection has attracted a huge amount of interest in both research and application communities of data mining. We consider the problem of semi-supervised feature selection, where we are given a small amount of labeled examples and a large amount of unlabeled examples. Since a small number of labeled samples are usually insufficient for identifying the relevant features, the critical problem arising from semi-supervised feature selection is how to take advantage of the information underneath the unlabeled data. To address this problem, we propose a novel discriminative semi-supervised feature selection method based on the idea of manifold regularization. The proposed approach selects features through maximizing the classification margin between different classes and simultaneously exploiting the geometry of the probability distribution that generates both labeled and unlabeled data. In comparison with previous semi-supervised feature selection algorithms, our proposed semi-supervised feature selection method is an embedded feature selection method and is able to find more discriminative features. We formulate the proposed feature selection method into a convex-concave optimization problem, where the saddle point corresponds to the optimal solution. To find the optimal solution, the level method, a fairly recent optimization method, is employed. We also present a theoretic proof of the convergence rate for the application of the level method to our problem. Empirical evaluation on several benchmark data sets demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed semi-supervised feature selection method.

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