Michael Riedel
McGill University
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Featured researches published by Michael Riedel.
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors | 1996
Rolf Däßler; D. A. Yuen; Shun-ichiro Karato; Michael Riedel
Abstract We have investigated the effects of the latent-heat release on the kinetics of the olivine-spinel phase transition to clarify the role of the thermo-kinetic coupling process for the structure of the metastable olivine-wedge in subducting slabs. We have laid out the mathematical formulation of a two-dimensional time-dimensional time-dependent model consisting of the kinetic equations, which are cast as a system of four nonlinear ordinary differential equations (ODE) at each spatial grid point and the time-dependent partial differential equation (PDE) for the temperature, which is coupled to the kinetics by virtue of latent-heat release. This set of ODE-PDE system has been solved by the differential-algebraic method. The structure of the kinetic phase boundary is strongly determined by thermo-kinetic coupling effects during the phase transition. For slow, warm slabs a very narrow phase boundary is obtained near the typical depth for equilibrium phase transformations. From laboratory data we obtain a small latent-heat release ( −1 ), which results in a small heating up of the slab (around 50°). Hence thermo-kinetic coupling effects will not significantly influence the structure of the phase boundary in this regime. For fast, cold slabs narrow regions with metastable olivine may be pushed down to a depth of about 600 km while the thermo-kinetic coupling due to the latent-heat release drastically reduces the depth and the width of the region where olivine and spinel coexist in the cold slab interior. Below the metastable wedge the latent-heat results in a significant and localized heating of the cold slab interior (around 150°), because in this regime the heat release is three times higher. The depth of the metastable wedge in the subducting slab is found to be very sensitive to certain thermodynamic parameters such as the activation energy for growth and the internal slab heating caused by the phase transformation. We propose that deep or intermediate earthquakes occur due to a thermal runaway-effect caused by shear instabilities while these effects are enhanced by the latent-heat release associated with the olivine-spinel transformation. The correlation between fast subducting velocity and the concentration of deep-focus earthquakes at around 600 km depth, as shown for the Tonga-Kermadec trench, can be predicted by this 2-D thermo-kinetic model.
Geophysics | 2009
Michael Riedel; Gilles Bellefleur; Stephanie Mair; Thomas A. Brent; Scott R. Dallimore
We combine acoustic impedance inversion of 3D seismic data, log-to-seismic correlation, and seismic attribute analyses to de- lineate gas-hydrate zones at the Mallik site, Mackenzie Delta, Northwest Territories, Canada. Well-log data define three dis- tinct hydrate zones over a depth range of 890–1100 m. Synthetic seismic modeling indicates the base of the two deeper hydrate zones are prominent reflectors. The uppermost gas-hydrate zone correlates to seismic data with a lower degree of confidence. The extent and geometry of the two lower hydrate zones suggest that local geology plays a significant role in the lateral and vertical distribution of gas hydrate at Mallik. The reliability of the hy- drate concentrations calculated from the inverted impedances is qualified by the match between original and synthetic seismic data to produce confidence maps for the two lower gas-hydrate- bearing intervals. A total in-place volume estimate of solid gas hydrate for an area of 1.44 km2 around well 5L-38 yields a value of approximately 45 equivalently, 6.6 of gas. We further qualify our mapping of gas hydrates by some amount of continuous resource, defined as lateral continuity measured by seismic attribute similarity and sand-dominated rock. Using these attributes, the continuous amount of hydrate at Mallik is about half the in-place volume. Else- where within the 3D seismic cube, the seismic impedance inver- sion yields evidence of potential gas-hydrate deposits near wells A-06 and P-59 at levels near the predicted base of the hydrate sta- bility zone.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 2007
Gilles Bellefleur; Michael Riedel; Tom Brent; Fred Wright; Scott R. Dallimore
Wave attenuation is an important physical property of hydrate-bearing sediments that is rarely taken into account in site characterization with seismic data. We present a field example showing improved images of hydrate-bearing sediments on seismic data after compensation of attenuation effects. Compressional quality factors estimated from zero-offset Vertical Seismic Profiling data acquired at Mallik, Northwest Territories, Canada, demonstrate significant wave attenuation for hydrate-bearing sediments. These results are in agreement with previous attenuation estimates obtained from sonic logs and crosshole data at different frequency intervals. The application of an inverse Q-filter to compensate attenuation effects of permafrost and hydrate-bearing sediments improved the resolution of surface 3D seismic data and its correlation with log data, particularly for the shallowest gas hydrate interval. Compensation of the attenuation effects of the permafrost likely explains most of the improvements for the shallow gas hydrate zone. Our results show that characterization of the Mallik gas hydrates with seismic data not corrected for attenuation would tend to overestimate thicknesses and lateral extent of hydrate-bearing strata and hence, the volume of hydrates in place.
Geophysics | 2007
Marc-André P. Chen; Michael Riedel; R. D. Hyndman; Stan E. Dosso
We examine the usefulness of amplitude versus offset (AVO) analysis of bottom-simulating reflections (BSRs) for estimating associated marine gas hydrate and free-gas concentrations. A nonlinear Bayesian inversion is applied to estimate marginal probability distributions (MPDs) of physical parameters at a BSR interface, which are related to overlying gas hydrate and underlying free-gas concentrations via rock physics modeling. The problem is constrained further by prior information and re-parameterization of inversion results. Inversion of BSR AVO data from offshore Vancouver Island, Canada, shows that gas hydrate and free-gas concentrations are, respectively, 0%–23% and0%–2% of the pore volume, at a 90% credibility level. This result indicates that the data do not provide sufficient information to independently resolve gas hydrate and free-gas concentrations to useful accuracy. The study is directed primarily at AVO for gas-hydrate-related BSRs, but may have important applicability in testing the degree o...
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America | 2001
Stan E. Dosso; Michael Riedel
This work presents a new approach to array element localization (AEL) for the sensors of a towed marine seismic array based on regularized inversion of direct and bottom‐reflected acoustic ray travel times picked from recorded seismic sections. Depth‐sensor measurements at a number of points along the array are included as a priori estimates (with uncertainties) in the inversion. The smoothest array shape consistent with the acoustic data and prior estimates is determined by minimizing the array curvature or roughness. A smooth array shape is physically reasonable; in addition, minimizing array curvature provides an a priori model for the correlation between hydrophone positions that allows the estimation of both the offset and depth of hydrophones that record only one (or even no) acoustic arrival due to the shadowing effects of water‐column refraction or reflection from arbitrary bathymetry. The AEL inversion is applied to a 102‐sensor, 1.2‐km towed array to correct receiver positions in the seismic velocity analysis of a seabed gas hydrate survey.
Geophysics | 2009
Tao He; George D. Spence; Warren T. Wood; Michael Riedel; R. D. Hyndman
The Bullseye vent, an approximately 500-m -diameter deep-sea, hydrate-related cold vent on the midslope offshore Vancouver Island, was imaged in a high-resolution multichannel survey by the Deep-towed Acoustics and Geophysics System (DTAGS) The structure was drilled by the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program at site U1328. Towed about 300 m above the seafloor, the high-frequency (220–820 Hz) DTAGS system provides a high vertical and lateral resolution image. The major problems in imaging with DTAGS data are nonlinear variations of the source depths and receiver locations. The high-frequency, short-wavelength data require very accurate positioning of source and receivers for stacking and velocity analyses. New routines were developed for optimal processing, including receiver cable geometry estimation from node depths, direct arrivals and sea-surface reflections using a genetic algorithm inversion method, and acoustic image stitching based on relative source positioning bycrosscorrelating redundant data betw...
Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems | 2016
Miriam Römer; Michael Riedel; Martin Scherwath; Martin Heesemann; George D. Spence
Long-term monitoring over one year revealed high temporal variability of gas emissions at a cold seep in 1250 m water depth offshore Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Data from the North East Pacific Time series Underwater Networked Experiment observatory operated by Ocean Networks Canada were used. The site is equipped with a 260 kHz Imagenex sonar collecting hourly data, conductivity-temperature-depth sensors, bottom pressure recorders, current meter, and an ocean bottom seismograph. This enables correlation of the data and analyzing trigger mechanisms and regulating criteria of gas discharge activity. Three periods of gas emission activity were observed: (a) short activity phases of few hours lasting several months, (b) alternating activity and inactivity of up to several day-long phases each, and (c) a period of several weeks of permanent activity. These periods can neither be explained by oceanographic conditions nor initiated by earthquakes. However, we found a clear correlation of gas emission with bottom pressure changes controlled by tides. Gas bubbles start emanating during decreasing tidal pressure. Tidally induced pressure changes also influence the subbottom fluid system by shifting the methane solubility resulting in exsolution of gas during falling tides. These pressure changes affect the equilibrium of forces allowing free gas in sediments to emanate into the water column at decreased hydrostatic load. We propose a model for the fluid system at the seep, fueled by a constant sub-surface methane flux and a frequent tidally controlled discharge of gas bubbles into the ocean, transferable to other gas emission sites in the worlds oceans.
Nature Communications | 2018
Klaus Wallmann; Michael Riedel; Woo-Pyo Hong; Henry Patton; Alun Hubbard; Thomas Pape; Chieh-Wei Hsu; Christopher Schmidt; J. E. Johnson; Marta E. Torres; Karin Andreassen; Christian Berndt; Gerhard Bohrmann
Methane seepage from the upper continental slopes of Western Svalbard has previously been attributed to gas hydrate dissociation induced by anthropogenic warming of ambient bottom waters. Here we show that sediment cores drilled off Prins Karls Foreland contain freshwater from dissociating hydrates. However, our modeling indicates that the observed pore water freshening began around 8 ka BP when the rate of isostatic uplift outpaced eustatic sea-level rise. The resultant local shallowing and lowering of hydrostatic pressure forced gas hydrate dissociation and dissolved chloride depletions consistent with our geochemical analysis. Hence, we propose that hydrate dissociation was triggered by postglacial isostatic rebound rather than anthropogenic warming. Furthermore, we show that methane fluxes from dissociating hydrates were considerably smaller than present methane seepage rates implying that gas hydrates were not a major source of methane to the oceans, but rather acted as a dynamic seal, regulating methane release from deep geological reservoirs.Methane seepage from continental slopes has been attributed to gas hydrate dissociation induced by anthropogenic bottom water warming. Here, the authors show that hydrates dissociated before the Anthropocene when the isostatic rebound induced by deglaciation of the Arctic ice sheet outpaced eustatic sea-level rise.
Geological Society, London, Special Publications | 2009
Michael Riedel; T. Collett; M. J. Malone
Abstract A transect of four sites (U1325, U1326, U1327 and U1329) across the northern Cascadia margin was established during Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 311 to study the occurrence and formation of gas hydrate in accretionary complexes. In addition to the transect sites, a fifth site (U1328) was established at a cold vent with active fluid flow. The four transect sites represent different typical geological environments of gas hydrate occurrence across the northern Cascadia margin from the earliest occurrence on the westernmost first accreted ridge (Site U1326) to the eastward limit of the gas hydrate occurrence in shallower water (Site U1329). Expedition 311 complements previous gas hydrate studies along the Cascadia accretionary complex, especially ODP Leg 146 and Leg 204 by extending the aperture of the transect sampled and introducing new tools to systematically quantify the gas hydrate content of the sediments. Among the most significant findings of the expedition was the occurrence of up to 20 m thick sand-rich turbidite intervals with gas hydrate concentrations locally exceeding 50% of the pore space at Sites U1326 and U1327. Moreover, these anomalous gas hydrate intervals occur at unexpectedly shallow depths of 50–120 metres below seafloor, which is the opposite of what was expected from previous models of gas hydrate formation in accretionary complexes, where gas hydrate was predicted to be more concentrated near the base of the gas hydrate stability zone just above the bottom-simulating reflector. Gas hydrate appears to be mainly concentrated in turbidite sand layers. During Expedition 311, the visual correlation of gas hydrate with sand layers was clearly and repeatedly documented, strongly supporting the importance of grain size in controlling gas hydrate occurrence. The results from the transect sites provide evidence for a structurally complex, lithology-controlled gas hydrate environment on the northern Cascadia margin. Local shallow occurrences of high gas hydrate concentrations contradict the previous model of gas hydrate formation at an accretionary prism. However, long-lived fluid flow (part of the old model) is still required to explain the shallow high gas hydrate concentrations, although it is most likely not pervasive throughout the entire accretionary prism, but rather localized and focused by the tectonic processes. Differences in the fluid flow regime across all of the transect drill sites indicate site-specific and probably disconnected (compartmented) deeper fluid sources in the various parts of the accretionary prism. The data and future analyses will yield a better understanding of the geologic controls, evolution and ultimate fate of gas hydrate in an accretionary prism as an important contribution to the role of gas hydrate methane gas in slope stability and possibly in climate change.
Archive | 2008
Iulia Stoian; Keun-Pil Park; Dong-Geun Yoo; R. R. Haacke; R. D. Hyndman; Michael Riedel; George D. Spence
It has recently been recognized that abundant gas hydrates occur in localized zones of upwelling fluids, with concentrations much higher than in regional distributions associated with bottomsimulating reflectors (BSRs). We report a study of multi-channel seismic reflection data across such structures in the Ulleung Basin, East Sea backarc offshore Korea, an area with few BSRs. The structures are commonly up to several km across and a few hundred meters in depth extent, and are characterized by reduced reflectivity and bowed-up sediment reflectors on time-migrated sections. The seismic pull-up mainly results from higher velocities, although physical deformation due to folding and faulting is not ruled out. Some of the features extend upward close to the seafloor and others only partway through the gas hydrate stability zone. The base of gas hydrate stability zone (BGHSZ), calculated assuming a regional average constant heat flow of 110 mW/m, is confirmed by the presence of gas inferred from reduced instantaneous frequencies and high instantaneous amplitudes, and from a decrease in seismic velocities. The ∗ Corresponding author: Phone: +1 250 721 6188 Fax +1 250 472 4620 E-mail: [email protected] Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Gas Hydrates (ICGH 2008), Vancouver, British Columbia, CANADA, July 6-10, 2008.