
Featured researches published by Michael Simone-Finstrom.

Apidologie | 2010

Propolis and bee health: the natural history and significance of resin use by honey bees*

Michael Simone-Finstrom; Marla Spivak

Social immunity, which describes how individual behaviors of group members effectively reduce disease and parasite transmission at the colony level, is an emerging field in social insect biology. An understudied, but significant behavioral disease resistance mechanism in honey bees is their collection and use of plant resins. Honey bees harvest resins with antimicrobial properties from various plant species and bring them back to the colony where they are then mixed with varying amounts of wax and utilized as propolis. Propolis is an apicultural term for the resins when used by bees within a hive. While numerous studies have investigated the chemical components of propolis that could be used to treat human diseases, there is a lack of information on the importance of propolis in regards to bee health. This review serves to provide a compilation of recent research concerning the behavior of bees in relation to resins and propolis, focusing more on the bees themselves and the potential evolutionary benefits of resin collection. Future research goals are also established in order to create a new focus within the literature on the natural history of resin use among the social insects and role that propolis plays in disease resistance.ZusammenfassungDie „soziale Immunität“ als neues Forschungsfeld bei sozialen Insekten beschreibt, wie das individuelle Verhalten von Mitgliedern einer Gruppe wirkungsvoll die Verbreitung von Krankheiten und Parasiten auf der Ebene des Sozialstaates verhindern kann. Ein bisher zwar wenig untersuchtes aber wichtiges Verhaltensmerkmal zur Krankheitsabwehr bei Honigbienen ist die Verwendung von Pflanzenharzen. Honigbienen sammeln Harze mit antimikrobiellen Eigenschaften von verschiedenen Pflanzen, mischen diese dann im Bienenvolk mit unterschiedlichen Mengen von Wachs und benutzen dies als Propolis (Abb. 1–4). Propolis ist demnach der bienenkundliche Begriff für Harze, die im Bienenstock verwendet werden. Während es zahlreiche Untersuchungen zur Verwendung bestimmter Bestandteile des Propolis zur Krankheitsbekämpfung beim Menschen gibt, sind kaum Informationen über die Bedeutung von Propolis für die Bienengesundheit vorhanden.Dieses Review ist eine Zusammenstellung neuerer Forschungsergebnisse zum Verhalten der Bienen in Bezug auf Harze und Propolis mit dem Schwerpunkt auf die möglichen evolutiven Vorteile des Harzsammelns für die Honigbienen. Die Verwendung von Harzen durch Bienenvölker (Apis mellifera) ist weit verbreitet. Während es erhebliche Unterschiede zwischen einzelnen Völkern bzgl. der Menge an gesammelten Harzen und Propolis gibt, scheinen alle — und dabei insbesondere die wildlebenden — Bienenvölker das Propolis zur Auskleidung des gesamten Stockinneren zu benutzen. Es wird angenommen, dass Propolis dazu beiträgt, die Homöostase innerhalb des Bienenstockes aufrecht zu erhalten. Konkret könnte das Propolis dabei das mikrobielle Wachstum an den Beutenwänden reduzieren, unkontrollierten Luftzug ins Beuteninnere verhindern und zusätzlich mechanische Barrieren gegenüber Eindringlingen bilden. Einige Forschungsprojekte zeigen eindeutig, dass Propolis im Bienenstock direkt gegenüber Krankheitserregern (z.B. Amerikanische Faulbrut) und Parasiten (z.B. Kleiner Beutenkäfer, Varroa destructor) wirkt. Daneben scheint es aber auch eine subtilere Wirkung über die Unterstützung des individuellen Immunsystems zu geben. Die weiteren Forschungen sollten sich auf das bessere Verständnis der Verwendung von Harzen durch Honigbienen und andere soziale Insekten konzentrieren. Dafür gibt es eine Vielzahl an Forschungsfeldern, von den pharmazeutischen Möglichkeiten des Propolis für die menschliche Gesundheit über die Mechanismen der Sammelstrategie von Propolis auf den Ebenen der Einzelbienen und des Bienenvolkes bis hin zu einer möglichen Anwendung von Propolis als Bekämpfung von Bienenkrankheiten. Schließlich ermöglichen Informationen zur Verwendung von Harzen und deren Aufnahme in den Bienenstock spannende Forschungsansätze zum Einfluss der Umwelt auf Krankheitsresistenz und soziale Immunität.

PLOS ONE | 2012

Increased resin collection after parasite challenge: a case of self-medication in honey bees?

Michael Simone-Finstrom; Marla Spivak

The constant pressure posed by parasites has caused species throughout the animal kingdom to evolve suites of mechanisms to resist infection. Individual barriers and physiological defenses are considered the main barriers against parasites in invertebrate species. However, behavioral traits and other non-immunological defenses can also effectively reduce parasite transmission and infection intensity. In social insects, behaviors that reduce colony-level parasite loads are termed “social immunity.” One example of a behavioral defense is resin collection. Honey bees forage for plant-produced resins and incorporate them into their nest architecture. This use of resins can reduce chronic elevation of an individual bees immune response. Since high activation of individual immunity can impose colony-level fitness costs, collection of resins may benefit both the individual and colony fitness. However the use of resins as a more direct defense against pathogens is unclear. Here we present evidence that honey bee colonies may self-medicate with plant resins in response to a fungal infection. Self-medication is generally defined as an individual responding to infection by ingesting or harvesting non-nutritive compounds or plant materials. Our results show that colonies increase resin foraging rates after a challenge with a fungal parasite (Ascophaera apis: chalkbrood or CB). Additionally, colonies experimentally enriched with resin had decreased infection intensities of this fungal parasite. If considered self-medication, this is a particularly unique example because it operates at the colony level. Most instances of self-medication involve pharmacophagy, whereby individuals change their diet in response to direct infection with a parasite. In this case with honey bees, resins are not ingested but used within the hive by adult bees exposed to fungal spores. Thus the colony, as the unit of selection, may be responding to infection through self-medication by increasing the number of individuals that forage for resin.

PLOS ONE | 2013

In Vitro Infection of Pupae with Israeli Acute Paralysis Virus Suggests Disturbance of Transcriptional Homeostasis in Honey Bees (Apis mellifera)

Humberto Boncristiani; Jay D. Evans; Yanping Chen; Jeff Pettis; Charles Murphy; Dawn Lopez; Michael Simone-Finstrom; Micheline K. Strand; David R. Tarpy; Olav Rueppell

The ongoing decline of honey bee health worldwide is a serious economic and ecological concern. One major contributor to the decline are pathogens, including several honey bee viruses. However, information is limited on the biology of bee viruses and molecular interactions with their hosts. An experimental protocol to test these systems was developed, using injections of Israeli Acute Paralysis Virus (IAPV) into honey bee pupae reared ex-situ under laboratory conditions. The infected pupae developed pronounced but variable patterns of disease. Symptoms varied from complete cessation of development with no visual evidence of disease to rapid darkening of a part or the entire body. Considerable differences in IAPV titer dynamics were observed, suggesting significant variation in resistance to IAPV among and possibly within honey bee colonies. Thus, selective breeding for virus resistance should be possible. Gene expression analyses of three separate experiments suggest IAPV disruption of transcriptional homeostasis of several fundamental cellular functions, including an up-regulation of the ribosomal biogenesis pathway. These results provide first insights into the mechanisms of IAPV pathogenicity. They mirror a transcriptional survey of honey bees afflicted with Colony Collapse Disorder and thus support the hypothesis that viruses play a critical role in declining honey bee health.

Journal of Apicultural Research | 2016

Standard methods for Apis mellifera propolis research

Vassya Bankova; Davide Bertelli; Renata S. Borba; Bruno José Conti; Ildenize Barbosa da Silva Cunha; Carolina Danert; Marcos N. Eberlin; Soraia Falcão; María Inés Isla; María I. Nieva Moreno; Giulia Papotti; Milena Popova; Karina Basso Santiago; Ana Lilia Salas; Alexandra Christine Helena Frankland Sawaya; Nicolas V. Schwab; José Maurício Sforcin; Michael Simone-Finstrom; Marla Spivak; Boryana Trusheva; Miguel Vilas-Boas; Michael L. Wilson; Catiana Zampini

Propolis is one of the most fascinating honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) products. It is a plant derived product that bees produce from resins that they collect from different plant organs and with which they mix beeswax. Propolis is a building material and a protective agent in the bee hive. It also plays an important role in honey bee social immunity, and is widely used by humans as an ingredient of nutraceuticals, over-the-counter preparations and cosmetics. Its chemical composition varies by geographic location, climatic zone and local flora. The understanding of the chemical diversity of propolis is very important in propolis research. In this manuscript, we give an overview of the available methods for studying propolis in different aspects: propolis in the bee colony; chemical composition and plant sources of propolis; biological activity of propolis with respect to bees and humans; and approaches for standardization and quality control for the purposes of industrial application.

Scientific Reports | 2016

Migratory management and environmental conditions affect lifespan and oxidative stress in honey bees

Michael Simone-Finstrom; Hongmei Li-Byarlay; Ming H. Huang; Micheline K. Strand; Olav Rueppell; David R. Tarpy

Most pollination in large-scale agriculture is dependent on managed colonies of a single species, the honey bee Apis mellifera. More than 1 million hives are transported to California each year just to pollinate the almonds, and bees are trucked across the country for various cropping systems. Concerns have been raised about whether such “migratory management” causes bees undue stress; however to date there have been no longer-term studies rigorously addressing whether migratory management is detrimental to bee health. To address this issue, we conducted field experiments comparing bees from commercial and experimental migratory beekeeping operations to those from stationary colonies to quantify effects on lifespan, colony health and productivity, and levels of oxidative damage for individual bees. We detected a significant decrease in lifespan of migratory adult bees relative to stationary bees. We also found that migration affected oxidative stress levels in honey bees, but that food scarcity had an even larger impact; some detrimental effects of migration may be alleviated by a greater abundance of forage. In addition, rearing conditions affect levels of oxidative damage incurred as adults. This is the first comprehensive study on impacts of migratory management on the health and oxidative stress of honey bees.

Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology | 2010

Tactile learning in resin foraging honeybees

Michael Simone-Finstrom; Joel Gardner; Marla Spivak

Honeybees harvest and use plant resins in a mixture called propolis to seal cracks and smooth surfaces in the nest architecture. Resins in the nest may be important in maintaining a healthy colony due to their antimicrobial properties. This study had two main objectives: (1) Provide initial insight on the learning capabilities of resin foraging honeybees; (2) analyze the sensitivity of resin foraging honeybees to tactile stimuli to elucidate its possible role as a mechanism behind resin foraging. The first objective provides insight into the phenotype of these bees as compared to other forager types, while the second creates a starting point for further work on behavioral mechanisms of resin foraging. Using tactile proboscis extension response conditioning, we found that resin foragers learned to associate two different tactile stimuli, the presence of a gap between two plates and a rough sandpaper surface, with a sucrose reward significantly better than pollen foragers. The results of differential tactile conditioning exhibited no significant difference in the ability of resin foragers to discriminate between smooth and rough surfaces as compared to pollen foragers. We also determined that the sucrose response thresholds (SRTs) of returning resin foragers were lower compared to returning pollen foragers, but both resin foragers and pollen foragers learned a floral odor equally well. This is the first study to examine SRTs and conditioning to tactile and olfactory stimuli with resin foraging honeybees. The results provide new information and identify areas for future research on resin collectors, an understudied foraging phenotype.

Insects | 2017

Propolis Counteracts Some Threats to Honey Bee Health

Michael Simone-Finstrom; Renata S. Borba; Michael L. Wilson; Marla Spivak

Honey bees (Apis mellifera) are constantly dealing with threats from pathogens, pests, pesticides and poor nutrition. It is critically important to understand how honey bees’ natural immune responses (individual immunity) and collective behavioral defenses (social immunity) can improve bee health and productivity. One form of social immunity in honey bee colonies is the collection of antimicrobial plant resins and their use in the nest architecture as propolis. We review research on the constitutive benefits of propolis on the honey bee immune system, and its known therapeutic, colony-level effects against the pathogens Paenibacillus larvae and Ascosphaera apis. We also review the limited research on the effects of propolis against other pathogens, parasites and pests (Nosema, viruses, Varroa destructor, and hive beetles) and how propolis may enhance bee products such as royal jelly and honey. Although propolis may be a source of pesticide contamination, it also has the potential to be a detoxifying agent or primer of detoxification pathways, as well as increasing bee longevity via antioxidant-related pathways. Throughout this paper, we discuss opportunities for future research goals and present ways in which the beekeeping community can promote propolis use in standard colonies, as one way to improve and maintain colony health and resiliency.

Biology Letters | 2016

Genetic diversity confers colony-level benefits due to individual immunity

Michael Simone-Finstrom; Megan Walz; David R. Tarpy

Several costs and benefits arise as a consequence of eusociality and group-living. With increasing group size, spread of disease among nest-mates poses selective pressure on both individual immunity and group-level mechanisms of disease resistance (social immunity). Another factor known to influence colony-level expression of disease is intracolony genetic diversity, which in honeybees (Apis mellifera) is a direct function of the number of mates of the queen. Colonies headed by queens with higher mating numbers have less variable infections of decreased intensity, though the underlying mechanisms remain unclear. By pathogen-challenging larvae in vitro, we decoupled larval immune response from mechanisms of social immunity. Our results show that baseline immunity and degree of immune response do not vary with genetic diversity. However, intracolony variance in antimicrobial peptide production after pathogen challenge decreases with increasing genetic diversity. This reduction in variability of the larval immune response could drive the mitigation of disease observed in genetically diverse colonies.

Experimental Gerontology | 2016

Honey bee (Apis mellifera) drones survive oxidative stress due to increased tolerance instead of avoidance or repair of oxidative damage

Hongmei Li-Byarlay; Ming Hua Huang; Michael Simone-Finstrom; Micheline K. Strand; David R. Tarpy; Olav Rueppell

Oxidative stress can lead to premature aging symptoms and cause acute mortality at higher doses in a range of organisms. Oxidative stress resistance and longevity are mechanistically and phenotypically linked; considerable variation in oxidative stress resistance exists among and within species and typically covaries with life expectancy. However, it is unclear whether stress-resistant, long-lived individuals avoid, repair, or tolerate molecular damage to survive longer than others. The honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) is an emerging model system that is well-suited to address this question. Furthermore, this species is the most economically important pollinator, whose health may be compromised by pesticide exposure, including oxidative stressors. Here, we develop a protocol for inducing oxidative stress in honey bee males (drones) via Paraquat injection. After injection, individuals from different colony sources were kept in common social conditions to monitor their survival compared to saline-injected controls. Oxidative stress was measured in susceptible and resistant individuals. Paraquat drastically reduced survival but individuals varied in their resistance to treatment within and among colony sources. Longer-lived individuals exhibited higher levels of lipid peroxidation than individuals dying early. In contrast, the level of protein carbonylation was not significantly different between the two groups. This first study of oxidative stress in male honey bees suggests that survival of an acute oxidative stressor is due to tolerance, not prevention or repair, of oxidative damage to lipids. It also demonstrates colony differences in oxidative stress resistance that might be useful for breeding stress-resistant honey bees.

Journal of Insect Behavior | 2014

Impact of Food Availability, Pathogen Exposure, and Genetic Diversity on Thermoregulation in Honey Bees (Apis mellifera)

Michael Simone-Finstrom; B. Foo; David R. Tarpy; Philip T. Starks

Accurate thermoregulation in honey bees is crucial for colony survival. Multiple factors influence how colonies manage in-hive temperature, including genetic diversity. We explored the influence of genetic diversity on thermoregulatory behavior under three conditions: natural foraging, supplemental feeding, and exposure to the fungal pathogen shown to induce a social fever in honey bees. Our data suggest that (1) the degree of genetic diversity expected under normal conditions is not predictive of thermoregulatory stability, (2) the social fever response of honey bees is not a simple stimulus–response mechanism but appears to be influenced by ambient temperature conditions, and (3) a temperature-based circadian rhythm emerges under high nectar flow conditions. Taken together, these data suggest that a richer, context-dependent thermoregulatory system exists in honey bees than previously understood.

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