Michael W. Jack
Bioresource Technology | 2011
M. Imroz Sohel; Michael W. Jack
The aim of this paper is to present an exergy analysis of bioethanol production process from lignocellulosic feedstock via a biochemical process to asses the overall thermodynamic efficiency and identify the main loss processes. The thermodynamic efficiency of the biochemical process was found to be 35% and the major inefficiencies of this process were identified as: the combustion of lignin for process heat and power production and the simultaneous scarification and co-fermentation process accounting for 67% and 27% of the lost exergy, respectively. These results were also compared with a previous analysis of a thermochemical process for producing biofuel. Despite fundamental differences, the biochemical and thermochemical processes considered here had similar levels of thermodynamic efficiency. Process heat and power production was the major contributor to exergy loss in both of the processes. Unlike the thermochemical process, the overall efficiency of the biochemical process largely depends on how the lignin is utilized.
Bioresource Technology | 2013
Roger H. Newman; Alankar A. Vaidya; M. Imroz Sohel; Michael W. Jack
A mathematical model for costing enzymatic hydrolysis of lignocellulosics is presented. This model is based on three variable parameters describing substrate characteristics and three unit costs for substrate, enzymes and incubation. The model is used to minimize the cost of fermentable sugars, as intermediate products on the route to ethanol or other biorefinery products, by calculating optimized values of enzyme loading and incubation time. This approach allows comparisons between substrates, with processing conditions optimized independently for each substrate. Steam-exploded pine wood was hydrolyzed in order to test the theoretical relationship between sugar yield and processing conditions.
Optics Communications | 2002
Tao Hong; Michael W. Jack; Makoto Yamashita; Takaaki Mukai
Enhancement of optical Kerr nonlinearity for self-action by electro-magnetically induced transparency in a four-level atomic system including dephasing between the ground states is studied in detail by solving the density matrix equations for the atomic levels. We discern three major contributions, from energy shifts of the ground states induced by the probe light, to the third-order susceptibility in the four-level system. In this four-level system with the frequency-degenerate probes, quantum interference amongst the three contributions can, not only enhance the third-order susceptibility more effectively than in the three-level system with the same characteristic parameters, but also make the ratio between its real and imaginary part controllable. Due to dephasing between the two ground states and constructive quantum interference, the most effective enhancement generally occurs at an offset that is determined by the atomic transition frequency difference and the coupling Rabi frequency.
Bioresource Technology | 2010
M. Imroz Sohel; Michael W. Jack
In an integrated geothermal biorefinery, low-grade geothermal heat is used as process heat to allow the co-products of biofuel production to become available for higher-value uses. In this paper we consider integrating geothermal heat into a biochemical lignocellulosic biorefinery so that the lignin-enriched residue can be used either as a feedstock for chemicals and materials or for on-site electricity generation. Depending on the relative economic value of these two uses, we can maximize revenue of a biorefinery by judicious distribution of the lignin-enriched residue between these two options. We quantify the performance improvement from integrating geothermal energy for an optimized system. We then use a thermodynamic argument to show that integrating geothermal heat into a biorefinery represents an improvement in overall resource utilization efficiency in all cases considered. Finally, possible future technologies for electricity generation are considered which could improve this efficiency further.
Bioresource Technology | 2012
M. Imroz Sohel; Michael W. Jack
This paper presents a thermodynamic analysis of a high-yield biochemical process for biofuel production from lignocelluosic biomass based on a previously proposed process. Unlike the standard biochemical process, which ferments sugar intermediates to ethanol, the process under consideration converts sugars to acetic acid which is esterified and hydrogenated to produce ethanol. This process has a significantly higher yield and produces no carbon dioxide. However, we find that the thermodynamic efficiency of the process is not increased in proportion to the yield gain. An additional survey of various biofuel production processes showed no direct correlation between yield and thermodynamic efficiency. This survey and the detailed thermodynamic analyses lead us to conclude that yield alone is an unreliable performance metric for biofuel technologies.
Physical Review A | 1999
Michael W. Jack; Martin Naraschewski; M. J. Collett; D. F. Walls
The regions of validity of the Markov approximation for the coupling of atoms out of an atomic trap are determined. We consider radio-frequency output coupling in the presence of gravity and collisional repulsion, and Raman output coupling. The Markov approximation is crucial in most theoretical descriptions of an atom laser that assume a continuous process of output coupling from a trapped Bose-Einstein condensate. In this regime many techniques proved to be useful for modeling the optical laser, such as master equations, can be used to describe the dynamics of the damping of the condensate mode undergoing output coupling.
Physical Review A | 2005
Michael W. Jack; Makoto Yamashita
We consider the Bose-Hubbard model of atoms in an optical lattice potential when the atom-atom interactions are attractive. If the lowest-energy lattice sites are degenerate (such as in the homogeneous case), then, at a critical value of the interaction strength, a phase-coherent condensate becomes unstable to a quantum superposition such that the number distribution of each of the degenerate sites becomes double peaked. In the limit when the interaction dominates, the superposition becomes macroscopic and has the form vertical bar {psi}>{proportional_to}{sigma}{sub j}e{sup i{phi}j}b{sub j}{sup {dagger}}{sup N} vertical bar vac>, where N is the total number of atoms and the sum ranges over the energy-degenerate sites.
Physical Review E | 2013
K. J. Challis; Michael W. Jack
We present a theoretical investigation of thermal fluctuation statistics in a molecular motor. Energy transfer in the motor is described using a multidimensional discrete master equation with nearest-neighbor hopping. In this theory, energy transfer leads to statistical correlations between thermal fluctuations in different degrees of freedom. For long times, the energy transfer is a multivariate diffusion process with constant drift and diffusion. The fluctuations and drift align in the strong-coupling limit enabling a one-dimensional description along the coupled coordinate. We derive formal expressions for the probability distribution and simulate single trajectories of the system in the near- and far-from-equilibrium limits both for strong and weak coupling. Our results show that the hopping statistics provide an opportunity to distinguish different operating regimes.
Journal of Spatial Science | 2012
B. K. Hock; L. Blomqvist; P. Hall; Michael W. Jack; Bernd Möller; S. J. Wakelin
In New Zealand, residues from the harvest of plantation forests have been identified as the largest potential source of biomass for energy production to replace fossil fuels. Barriers to the increased use of biomass include uncertainty of supply as local plantations may not have an even age distribution, and the cost of delivery as forests are frequently remote from energy users. A GIS-based model was developed to predict supply curves of forest biomass material for a site or group of sites, both now and in the future. The GIS biomass supply model was used to assist the New Zealand Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authoritys development of a national target for biomass use for industrial heat production, to determine potential forest residue volumes for industrial heat and their delivery costs for 19 processing plants of the dairy company Fonterra, and towards investigating options for electricity generation from local resources for small, remote settlements. The results of these applications are presented and potential further developments to the model are outlined.
Physical Review A | 2004
Tao Hong; Michael W. Jack; Makoto Yamashita
We propose a method for producing on-demand single-photon states based on collision-induced exchanges of photons and unbalanced linear absorption between two single-mode light fields. These two effects result in an effective nonlinear absorption of photons in one of the modes, which can lead to single-photon states. A quantum nonlinear attenuator based on such a mechanism can absorb photons in a normal input light pulse and terminate the absorption at a single-photon state. Because the output light pulses containing single photons preserve the properties of the input pulses, we expect this method to be a means for building a highly controllable single-photon source.