
Preventive Veterinary Medicine | 2003

Escherichia coli O157 in feedlot cattle feces and water in four major feeder-cattle states in the USA

Jan M. Sargeant; Michael W. Sanderson; Robert A. Smith; Dee Griffin

The prevalence of Escherichia coli O157 was determined in 10662 fecal samples, 2130 water and 1132 water tank-sediment samples collected during the summer months in 2001 from 711 pens in 73 feedlots located in Kansas, Nebraska, Texas, or Oklahoma, USA. Overall, 10.2% of fecal samples were positive for E. coli O157, with 52% of the pens and 95.9% of the feedlots having at least one positive fecal sample. There were no differences among states or months in the fecal prevalences. Water or water tank-sediment was positive in 13.1% of the water tanks, and 60.3% of feedlots had at least one positive tank. Cattle were more likely to be shedding E. coli O157 in pens with positive water tanks, and water was more likely to be positive when E. coli O157 was detected in the sediment.

Journal of Food Protection | 2008

Associations between the Presence and Magnitude of Escherichia coli O157 in Feces at Harvest and Contamination of Preintervention Beef Carcasses

J. T. Fox; David G. Renter; Michael W. Sanderson; A. L. Nutsch; X. Shi; T. G. Nagaraja

To quantify associations at slaughter between Escherichia coli O157 carcass contamination, fecal-positive animals, and high-shedding animals within truckloads of finished cattle, we sampled up to 32 cattle from each of 50 truckloads arriving at a commercial abattoir in the Midwest United States during a 5-week summer period. Carcass swab samples collected pre-evisceration and fecal samples collected postevisceration were matched within animals and analyzed for the presence of E. coli O157, using enrichment, immunomagnetic separation, and plating on selective media (IMS). In addition, a direct plating procedure was performed on feces to identify high-shedding animals. E. coli O157 was isolated from 39 (2.6%) of 1,503 carcass samples in 15 (30%) truckloads, and 127 (8.5%) of 1,495 fecal samples in 37 (74%) truckloads. Fifty-five (3.7%) high-shedding animals were detected from 26 (52%) truckloads. Truckload high-shedder (Spearman rank-order correlation coefficient [r(s)] = 0.68), IMS-positive (r(s) = 0.48), and combined fecal (r(s) = 0.61) prevalence were significantly correlated with carcass prevalence. The probability of isolating E. coli O157 from a carcass was not significantly associated with the high-shedder or fecal IMS status of the animal from which the carcass was derived. However, the probability of carcass contamination was significantly associated with all truckload-level measures of fecal E. coli O157, particularly whether or not a high shedder was present within the truckload (odds ratio = 16.2; 95% confidence interval, 6.3-43.6). Our results suggest that high shedders within a truckload at slaughter could be a target for mitigation strategies to reduce the probability of preevisceration carcass contamination.

Applied and Environmental Microbiology | 2003

Prevalence of Escherichia coli O157 in Cattle Feeds in Midwestern Feedlots

Charles C. Dodd; Michael W. Sanderson; Jan M. Sargeant; T. G. Nagaraja; Richard D. Oberst; Robert A. Smith; Dee Griffin

ABSTRACT Comparisons of enrichment methods (with or without antibiotics and with or without a preenrichment step) using gram-negative (GN) broth or tryptic soy broth (TSB) were conducted with feeds inoculated with Escherichia coli O157:H7. TSB was more sensitive than GN broth, and TSB with a preenrichment step followed by TSB with antibiotics was more sensitive than plain TSB enrichment, in detecting E. coli O157 in inoculated feeds. Feed samples were collected from feed bunks from 54 feedlots to determine the prevalence of E. coli O157 in cattle feeds. TSB preenrichment followed by TSB with antibiotics and the standard GN broth enrichment were used for each feed sample. All samples underwent immunomagnetic separation and were plated onto sorbitol MacConkey agar with cefixime and potassium tellurite. Identification of E. coli O157 was based on indole production, positive latex agglutination for O157 antigen, API 20E test strip results, PCR for the eaeA gene, and the presence of at least one Shiga toxin. E. coli O157 was detected in 52 of 504 feed samples (10.3%) by using GN broth enrichment and in 46 of 504 feed samples (9.1%) by using TSB followed by TSB supplemented with cefixime and vancomycin. E. coli O157 was detected in 75 of 504 feed bunk samples (14.9%) by one or both methods. There was no correlation between E. coli O157 prevalence and generic coliform counts in feeds. The prevalence of E. coli O157 in cattle feed warrants further studies to increase our knowledge of the on-farm ecology of E. coli O157 in order to develop strategies to prevent food-borne disease in humans.

Javma-journal of The American Veterinary Medical Association | 2012

Comparison of three-view thoracic radiography and computed tomography for detection of pulmonary nodules in dogs with neoplasia

Laura J. Armbrust; David S. Biller; Aubrey Bamford; Ruthanne Chun; Laura D. Garrett; Michael W. Sanderson

OBJECTIVE To compare the detection of pulmonary nodules by use of 3-view thoracic radiography and CT in dogs with confirmed neoplasia. DESIGN Prospective case series. ANIMALS 33 dogs of various breeds. PROCEDURES 3 interpreters independently evaluated 3-view thoracic radiography images. The location and size of pulmonary nodules were recorded. Computed tomographic scans of the thorax were obtained and evaluated by a single interpreter. The location, size, margin, internal architecture, and density of pulmonary nodules were recorded. Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value were calculated for thoracic radiography (with CT as the gold standard). RESULTS 21 of 33 (64%) dogs had pulmonary nodules or masses detected on CT. Of the dogs that had positive CT findings, 17 of 21 (81%) had pulmonary nodules or masses detected on radiographs by at least 1 interpreter. Sensitivity of radiography ranged from 71% to 95%, and specificity ranged from 67% to 92%. Radiography had a positive predictive value of 83% to 94% and a negative predictive value of 65% to 89%. The 4 dogs that were negative for nodules on thoracic radiography but positive on CT were all large-breed to giant-breed dogs with osteosarcoma. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE CT was more sensitive than radiography for detection of pulmonary nodules. This was particularly evident in large-breed to giant-breed dogs. Thoracic CT is recommended in large-breed to giant-breed dogs with osteosarcoma if the detection of pulmonary nodules will change treatment.

Applied and Environmental Microbiology | 2006

Longitudinal Emergence and Distribution of Escherichia coli O157 Genotypes in a Beef Feedlot

Michael W. Sanderson; Jan M. Sargeant; Xiarong Shi; T. G. Nagaraja; Ludek Zurek; M. J. Alam

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to describe the prevalence and longitudinal distribution of Escherichia coli O157 in feedlot cattle and the feedlot environment. Pen floors, water tanks, other cattle in the feedlot, feed, and bird feces were sampled for 2 weeks prior to entry of the study cattle. Twelve pens of study cattle were sampled twice weekly. At each sample time cattle feces, water from tanks in each pen, bunk feed, feed components, bird feces, and houseflies were collected. Bunk feed samples were collected before and after cattle had access to the feed. Overall, 28% of cattle fecal samples, 3.9% of bird fecal samples, 25% of water samples, 3.4% of housefly samples, 1.25% of bunk feed before calf access, and 3.25% of bunk feed samples after cattle had access to the feed were positive for E. coli O157. Genetic analysis of E. coli O157 isolates was done using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). PFGE types identified in sampling of the feedlot prior to calf entry were different than the majority of types identified following calf entry. A single strain type predominated in the samples collected after entry of the cattle. It was first identified 5 days after entry of the first pen of cattle and was subsequently identified in all pens. Data support that the incoming cattle introduced a new strain that became the predominant strain in the feedlot.

PLOS ONE | 2015

Spatial-Temporal Dynamics of High-Resolution Animal Networks: What Can We Learn from Domestic Animals?

Shi Chen; Amiyaal Ilany; Brad J. White; Michael W. Sanderson; Cristina Lanzas

Animal social network is the key to understand many ecological and epidemiological processes. We used real-time location system (RTLS) to accurately track cattle position, analyze their proximity networks, and tested the hypothesis of temporal stationarity and spatial homogeneity in these networks during different daily time periods and in different areas of the pen. The network structure was analyzed using global network characteristics (network density), subgroup clustering (modularity), triadic property (transitivity), and dyadic interactions (correlation coefficient from a quadratic assignment procedure) at hourly level. We demonstrated substantial spatial-temporal heterogeneity in these networks and potential link between indirect animal-environment contact and direct animal-animal contact. But such heterogeneity diminished if data were collected at lower spatial (aggregated at entire pen level) or temporal (aggregated at daily level) resolution. The network structure (described by the characteristics such as density, modularity, transitivity, etc.) also changed substantially at different time and locations. There were certain time (feeding) and location (hay) that the proximity network structures were more consistent based on the dyadic interaction analysis. These results reveal new insights for animal network structure and spatial-temporal dynamics, provide more accurate descriptions of animal social networks, and allow more accurate modeling of multiple (both direct and indirect) disease transmission pathways.

Javma-journal of The American Veterinary Medical Association | 2010

Comparison of urine dipstick, sulfosalicylic acid, urine protein-to-creatinine ratio, and species-specific ELISA methods for detection of albumin in urine samples of cats and dogs.

Shane D. Lyon; Michael W. Sanderson; Shelly L. Vaden; Michael R. Lappin; Wayne A. Jensen; Gregory F. Grauer

OBJECTIVE To evaluate the use of dipstick, sulfosalicylic acid (SSA), and urine protein-to-creatinine ratio (UP:C) methods for use in detection of canine and feline albuminuria. DESIGN Evaluation study. SAMPLE POPULATION 599 canine and 347 feline urine samples. PROCEDURES Urine was analyzed by use of dipstick, SSA, and UP:C methods; results were compared with those for a species-specific ELISA to determine sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV), negative predictive value, and positive and negative likelihood ratios. RESULTS Positive results for dipstick and SSA tests (trace reaction or greater) in canine urine had moderate specificity (dipstick, 81.2%; SSA, 73.3%) and poor PPV (dipstick, 34.0%; SSA, 41.8%). Values improved when stronger positive results (>or= 2+) for the dipstick and SSA tests were compared with ELISA results (specificity, 98.9% and 99.0% for the urine dipstick and SSA tests, respectively; PPV, 90.7% and 90.2% for the dipstick and SSA tests, respectively). Data obtained for cats revealed poor specificity (dipstick, 11.0%; SSA, 25.4%) and PPV (dipstick, 55.6%; SSA, 46.9%). Values improved slightly when stronger positive test results (>or= 2+) were used (specificity, 80.0% and 94.2% for the dipstick and SSA tests, respectively; PPV, 63.5% and 65.2% for the dipstick and SSA tests, respectively). The UP:C had high specificity for albuminuria in dogs and cats (99.7% and 99.2%, respectively) but low sensitivity (28.7% and 2.0%, respectively). CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE Caution should be used when interpreting a positive test result of a dipstick or SSA test for canine or feline albuminuria.

Veterinary Clinics of North America-food Animal Practice | 2002

Biosecurity for reproductive diseases

Michael W. Sanderson; David P Gnad

Application of rational principles of risk management in designing an effective biosecurity plan for reproductive diseases can be an important part of a profitable operation. Knowledge of the disease status of the particular herd, the effective strategies for disease exclusion including test performance and reservoirs is necessary. Vaccination can be an effective part of a biosecurity program by increasing herd immunity and decreasing the impact of an outbreak, but by itself will not prevent infections and losses. A more comprehensive approach to disease control is needed. Development and implementation of a biosecurity program is an individualized effort undertaken for a particular operation. Knowledge of the disease status of the herd for each agent of concern and prioritization of the diseases most important in the herd is necessary. The biosecurity plan is then specific for the herd and the particular agent(s) of concern. Practitioners can apply knowledge of the epidemiology and ecology of disease agents to identify and implement logical control points for the individual herd. Many control strategies may be effective for more than one disease. A comprehensive look at the operation is necessary to make sure that the cost of the biosecurity plan does not exceed the return in prevented disease and increased production over the planning period.

Scientific Reports | 2015

Highly dynamic animal contact network and implications on disease transmission

Shi Chen; Bradley J. White; Michael W. Sanderson; David E. Amrine; Amiyaal Ilany; Cristina Lanzas

Contact patterns among hosts are considered as one of the most critical factors contributing to unequal pathogen transmission. Consequently, networks have been widely applied in infectious disease modeling. However most studies assume static network structure due to lack of accurate observation and appropriate analytic tools. In this study we used high temporal and spatial resolution animal position data to construct a high-resolution contact network relevant to infectious disease transmission. The animal contact network aggregated at hourly level was highly variable and dynamic within and between days, for both network structure (network degree distribution) and individual rank of degree distribution in the network (degree order). We integrated network degree distribution and degree order heterogeneities with a commonly used contact-based, directly transmitted disease model to quantify the effect of these two sources of heterogeneity on the infectious disease dynamics. Four conditions were simulated based on the combination of these two heterogeneities. Simulation results indicated that disease dynamics and individual contribution to new infections varied substantially among these four conditions under both parameter settings. Changes in the contact network had a greater effect on disease dynamics for pathogens with smaller basic reproduction number (i.e. R0 < 2).

Journal of Veterinary Medical Education | 2008

Comparison of Student Performance after Lecture-Based and Case-Based/Problem-Based Teaching in a Large Group

Gregory F. Grauer; S. Dru Forrester; Cindy Shuman; Michael W. Sanderson

The purpose of this study was to compare traditional lecture-based (LB) and case-based/problem-based (CB/PB) learning in a large group. Year 3 veterinary students at Kansas State University were asked to participate in a randomized controlled study. Students were grouped and randomly assigned to be taught by a CB/PB or a LB method. Students took identical multiple-choice examinations, one given within a week of the last class and a different one given four months later. There was no direct effect of teaching method on group scores for either examination. CB/PB students scored higher on higher-difficulty questions on the first examination (p < 0.003), but there was no effect on questions of lower and medium difficulty. There was no effect of teaching method on student performance for the second examination; however, the question difficulty category scores were all different (p < 0.017). Evaluation of examination scores suggests that the two teaching methods were of similar efficacy.

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