
Biochemical Pharmacology | 2011

Exosomes as intercellular signalosomes and pharmacological effectors

Michel Record; Caroline Subra; Sandrine Silvente-Poirot; Marc Poirot

Cell secretion is a general process involved in various biological responses. Exosomes are part of this process and have gained considerable scientific interest in the past five years. Several steps through investigations across the last 20 years can explain this interest. First characterized during reticulocyte maturation, they were next evidenced as a key player in the immune response and cancer immunotherapy. More recently they were reported as vectors of mRNAs, miRNAs and also lipid mediators able to act on target cells. They are the only type of vesicles released from an intracellular compartment from cells in viable conditions. They appear as a vectorized signaling system operating from inside a donor cell towards either the periphery, the cytosol, or possibly to the nucleus of target cells. Exosomes from normal cells trigger positive effects, whereas those from pathological ones, such as tumor cells or infected ones may trigger non-positive health effects. Therefore regulating the biogenesis and secretion of exosomes appear as a pharmacological challenge to intervene in various pathophysiologies. Exosome biogenesis and molecular content, interaction with target cells, utilisation as biomarkers, and functional effects in various pathophysiologies are considered in this review.

Biochemical Journal | 2004

Mast cell- and dendritic cell-derived exosomes display a specific lipid composition and an unusual membrane organization

Karine Laulagnier; Claude Motta; Safouane Hamdi; Sébastien Roy; Florence Fauvelle; Jean-François Pageaux; Toshihide Kobayashi; Jean-Pierre Salles; Bertrand Perret; Christian Bonnerot; Michel Record

Exosomes are small vesicles secreted from multivesicular bodies, which are able to stimulate the immune system leading to tumour cell eradication. We have analysed lipids of exosomes secreted either upon stimulation from rat mast cells (RBL-2H3 cells), or constitutively from human dendritic cells. As compared with parent cells, exosomes displayed an enrichment in sphingomyelin, but not in cholesterol. Phosphatidylcholine content was decreased, but an enrichment was noted in disaturated molecular species as in phosphatidylethanolamines. Lyso(bis)phosphatidic acid was not enriched in exosomes as compared with cells. Fluorescence anisotropy demonstrated an increase in exosome-membrane rigidity from pH 5 to 7, suggesting their membrane reorganization between the acidic multivesicular body compartment and the neutral outer cell medium. NMR analysis established a bilayer organization of exosome membrane, and ESR studies using 16-doxyl stearic acid demonstrated a higher flip-flop of lipids between the two leaflets as compared with plasma membrane. In addition, the exosome membrane exhibited no asymmetrical distribution of phosphatidylethanolamines. Therefore exosome membrane displays a similar content of the major phospholipids and cholesterol, and is organized as a lipid bilayer with a random distribution of phosphatidylethanolamines. In addition, we observed tight lipid packing at neutral pH and a rapid flip-flop between the two leaflets of exosome membranes. These parameters could be used as a hallmark of exosomes.

Biochimica et Biophysica Acta | 2014

Exosomes as new vesicular lipid transporters involved in cell-cell communication and various pathophysiologies.

Michel Record; Kevin Carayon; Marc Poirot; Sandrine Silvente-Poirot

Exosomes are nanovesicles that have emerged as a new intercellular communication system between an intracellular compartment of a donor cell towards the periphery or an internal compartment of a recipient cell. The bioactivity of exosomes resides not only in their protein and RNA contents but also in their lipidic molecules. Exosomes display original lipids organized in a bilayer membrane and along with the lipid carriers such as fatty acid binding proteins that they contain, exosomes transport bioactive lipids. Exosomes can vectorize lipids such as eicosanoids, fatty acids, and cholesterol, and their lipid composition can be modified by in-vitro manipulation. They also contain lipid related enzymes so that they can constitute an autonomous unit of production of various bioactive lipids. Exosomes can circulate between proximal or distal cells and their fate can be regulated in part by lipidic molecules. Compared to their parental cells, exosomes are enriched in cholesterol and sphingomyelin and their accumulation in cells might modulate recipient cell homeostasis. Exosome release from cells appears to be a general biological process. They have been reported in all biological fluids from which they can be recovered and can be monitors of specific pathophysiological situations. Thus, the lipid content of circulating exosomes could be useful biomarkers of lipid related diseases. Since the first lipid analysis of exosomes ten years ago detailed knowledge of exosomal lipids has accumulated. The role of lipids in exosome fate and bioactivity and how they constitute an additional lipid transport system are considered in this review.

Journal of Lipid Research | 2010

Exosomes account for vesicle-mediated transcellular transport of activatable phospholipases and prostaglandins

Caroline Subra; David Grand; Karine Laulagnier; Alexandre Stella; Gérard Lambeau; Michael R. Paillasse; Philippe de Medina; Bernard Monsarrat; Bertrand Perret; Sandrine Silvente-Poirot; Marc Poirot; Michel Record

Exosomes are bioactive vesicles released from multivesicular bodies (MVB) by intact cells and participate in intercellular signaling. We investigated the presence of lipid-related proteins and bioactive lipids in RBL-2H3 exosomes. Besides a phospholipid scramblase and a fatty acid binding protein, the exosomes contained the whole set of phospholipases (A2, C, and D) together with interacting proteins such as aldolase A and Hsp 70. They also contained the phospholipase D (PLD) / phosphatidate phosphatase 1 (PAP1) pathway leading to the formation of diglycerides. RBL-2H3 exosomes also carried members of the three phospholipase A2 classes: the calcium-dependent cPLA2-IVA, the calcium-independent iPLA2-VIA, and the secreted sPLA2-IIA and V. Remarkably, almost all members of the Ras GTPase superfamily were present, and incubation of exosomes with GTPγS triggered activation of phospholipase A2 (PLA2)and PLD2. A large panel of free fatty acids, including arachidonic acid (AA) and derivatives such as prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) and 15-deoxy-Δ12,14-prostaglandinJ2 (15-d PGJ2), were detected. We observed that the exosomes were internalized by resting and activated RBL cells and that they accumulated in an endosomal compartment. Endosomal concentrations were in the micromolar range for prostaglandins; i.e., concentrations able to trigger prostaglandin-dependent biological responses. Therefore exosomes are carriers of GTP-activatable phospholipases and lipid mediators from cell to cell.

Biochimica et Biophysica Acta | 1984

Studies on ether phospholipids. II: Comparative composition of various tissues from human, rat and guinea pig

Ama Diagne; Josette Fauvel; Michel Record; Hugues Chap; Louis Douste-Blazy

The ether phospholipid composition of various tissues (brain, heart, lung, liver, kidney, testis, erythrocytes and plasma) has been investigated in human, rat and guinea pig, using a new method of determination (El Tamer, A., Record, M., Fauvel, J., Chap, H. and Douste-Blazy, L. (1984) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 793, 213-220). This is based on the selective removal of diacyl phospholipid species by phospholipase A1 degradation followed by acidolysis of the plasmalogens. Our results fit rather well with other literature data available for human and rat tissues, illustrating the good reliability of the method. Among various differences noted between the three mammalian species, guinea pig is characterized by a relatively higher content of 1-alkyl-2-acyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (alkylacyl-GPC) and of ethanolamine plasmalogens in blood plasma. Alkylacyl-GPC, a putative precursor of platelet activating factor (PAF-acether or 1-alkyl-2-acetyl-GPC), is also more abundant in guinea pig lung and in human kidney. This study also revealed a striking parallelism between the tissue content of alkylacyl-GPC and alkylacyl-GPE (1-alkyl-2-acyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine). This new observation is discussed in relation to a possible metabolic link between these two phospholipids.

FEBS Letters | 2004

PLD2 is enriched on exosomes and its activity is correlated to the release of exosomes

Karine Laulagnier; David Grand; Arnaud Dujardin; Safouane Hamdi; Hélène Vincent-Schneider; Danielle Lankar; Jean-Pierre Salles; Christian Bonnerot; Bertrand Perret; Michel Record

Exosomes are small vesicles secreted by different immune cells and which display anti‐tumoral properties. Stimulation of RBL‐2H3 cells with ionomycin triggered phospholipase D2 (PLD2) translocation from plasma membrane to intracellular compartments and the release of exosomes. Although exosomes carry the two isoforms of PLD, PLD2 was enriched and specifically sorted on exosomes when overexpressed in cells. PLD activity present on exosomes was clearly increased following PLD2 overexpression. PLD2 activity in cells was correlated to the amount of exosome released, as measured by FACS. Therefore, the present work indicates that exosomes can vehicle signaling enzymes.

Biochimica et Biophysica Acta | 1984

Studies on ether phospholipids: I. A new method of determination using phospholipase A1 from guinea pig pancreas: Application to krebs ii ascites cells

Ahmed El Tamer; Michel Record; Josette Fauvel; Hugues Chap; Louis Douste-Blazy

A new method for ether phospholipid analysis has been devised, based on the selective destruction of diacyl phospholipids by guinea pig phospholipase A1 and of plasmalogens by acidolysis. The paper describes optimal conditions allowing a specific degradation of diacyl phospholipids by the enzyme(s). This requires the incubation of a total lipid extract in the presence of 2.4 mM sodium deoxycholate, at pH 8.0, at a temperature of 42 degrees C. As shown with various radioactive markers, all the diacyl phospholipids become degraded, whereas sphingomyelin and ether phospholipids remain refractory to phospholipase A1 attack. Phospholipids are then separated by a bidimensional thin-layer chromatography involving the exposure of the plates to HCl fumes between the two runs, in order to hydrolyse plasmalogens. Selectivity of both hydrolytic procedures is further demonstrated upon analysis of acetyl diacylglycerol derived from phospholipids. Various phospholipids can thus be determined by phosphorus measurement using sphingomyelin as an internal standard. By this way, it is shown that Krebs II cells present a very high content of ether phospholipid species (around 25% of total). Among these, about 50% are alkyl forms in ethanolamine phosphoglycerides, whereas this value reaches 70% in choline phosphoglycerides.

Molecular Cancer Therapeutics | 2008

Microsomal antiestrogen-binding site ligands induce growth control and differentiation of human breast cancer cells through the modulation of cholesterol metabolism

Bruno Payré; Philippe de Medina; Nadia Boubekeur; Loubna Mhamdi; Justine Bertrand-Michel; François Tercé; Isabelle Fourquaux; Dominique Goudounèche; Michel Record; Marc Poirot; Sandrine Silvente-Poirot

The microsomal antiestrogen-binding site (AEBS) is a high-affinity membranous binding site for the antitumor drug tamoxifen that selectively binds diphenylmethane derivatives of tamoxifen such as PBPE and mediates their antiproliferative properties. The AEBS is a hetero-oligomeric complex consisting of 3β-hydroxysterol-Δ8-Δ7-isomerase and 3β-hydroxysterol-Δ7-reductase. High-affinity AEBS ligands inhibit these enzymes leading to the massive intracellular accumulation of zymostenol or 7-dehydrocholesterol (DHC), thus linking AEBS binding to the modulation of cholesterol metabolism and growth control. The aim of the present study was to gain more insight into the control of breast cancer cell growth by AEBS ligands. We report that PBPE and tamoxifen treatment induced differentiation in human breast adenocarcinoma cells MCF-7 as indicated by the arrest of cells in the G0-G1 phase of the cell cycle, the increase in the cell volume, the accumulation and secretion of lipids, and a milk fat globule protein found in milk. These effects were observed with other AEBS ligands and with zymostenol and DHC. Vitamin E abrogates the induction of differentiation and reverses the control of cell growth produced by AEBS ligands, zymostenol, and DHC, showing the importance of the oxidative processes in this effect. AEBS ligands induced differentiation in estrogen receptor-negative mammary tumor cell lines SKBr-3 and MDA-MB-468 but with a lower efficiency than observed with MCF-7. Together, these data show that AEBS ligands exert an antiproliferative effect on mammary cancer cells by inducing cell differentiation and growth arrest and highlight the importance of cholesterol metabolism in these effects. [Mol Cancer Ther 2008;7(12):3707–18]

Chemistry and Physics of Lipids | 2011

Importance of cholesterol and oxysterols metabolism in the pharmacology of tamoxifen and other AEBS ligands

Philippe de Medina; Michael R. Paillasse; Gregory Segala; Farid Khallouki; Severine Brillouet; Florence Dalenc; Frederic Courbon; Michel Record; Marc Poirot; Sandrine Silvente-Poirot

Tamoxifen is one of the major drugs used for the hormonotherapy of estrogen receptor positive breast cancers. However, its therapeutic efficacy can be limited by acquired resistance and tumor recurrence can occur after several years of treatment. Tamoxifen is known as the prototypical modulator of estrogen receptors, but other targets have been identified that could account for its pharmacology. In particular, tamoxifen binds with high affinity to the microsomal antiestrogen binding site (AEBS) and inhibits cholesterol esterification at therapeutic doses. We have recently shown that the AEBS was a hetero-oligomeric complex composed of 3β-hydroxysterol-Δ(8)-Δ(7)-isomerase and 3β-hydroxysterol-Δ(7)-reductase, that binds different structural classes of ligands, including selective estrogen receptor modulators, several sigma receptor ligands, poly-unsaturated fatty acids and ring B oxysterols. We established a link between the modulation of cholesterol metabolism by tamoxifen and other AEBS ligands and their capacity to induce breast cancer cell differentiation, apoptosis and autophagy. Moreover, we showed that the AEBS carries out cholesterol-5,6-epoxide hydrolase activity and established that cholesterol-5,6-epoxide hydrolase is a new target for tamoxifen and other AEBS ligands. Finally in this review, we report on recent data from the literature showing how the modulation of cholesterol and oxysterol metabolism can be linked to the antitumor and chemopreventive properties of tamoxifen, and give new perspectives to improve the clinical outcome of the hormonotherapy of breast cancers.

FEBS Letters | 1989

Differential activation by fMet‐Leu‐Phe and phorbol ester of a plasma membrane phosphatidylcholine‐specific phospholipase D in human neutrophil

Pascale Gelas; Gérard Ribbes; Michel Record; François Tercé; Hugues Chap

Signal transduction involving phosphatidylcholine hydrolysis has been investigated in human neutrophils (PMN) after in situ generation of [3H]alkylacyl‐sn‐glycero‐3‐phosphocholine [3H]alkylacyl‐GPC) by cell incubation with [3H]alkylacetyl‐GPC. When PMN were stimulated with the chemotactic peptide N‐formyl‐Met‐Leu‐Phe (fMLP) or phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) in the presence of cytochalasin B, both 1‐O‐alkyl‐2‐acyl‐sn‐glycero‐3‐phosphate (PA) and 1‐O‐alkyl‐2‐acyl‐sn‐glycerol (AAG) were generated. On addition of the agonists in the presence of ethanol, phosphatidylethanol (PE) was formed with a concomitant decrease in PA and AAG. These results indicate the presence of a phospholipase D (PLD) acting on phosphatidylcholine in human PMN. The kinetics of hydrolysis were quite different according to the stimulus. Whereas fMLP induced a maximum rise in PA and AAG at 30–45 s, these products began to appear only after 1 min upon cell incubation with PMA. Similar amounts of products were formed at 1 min with fMLP and only at 5 min with PMA. Although similar time courses of PA generation were obtained in the absence of cytochalasin B, AAG were no longer involved and therefore cannot account for intracellular second messenger under physiological conditions. Subcellular distribution studies demonstrated the exclusive location of PA and PE in the plasma membrane. The possible involvement of PA in respiratory burst activation is discussed.

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