Michele Manunta
National Research Council
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Featured researches published by Michele Manunta.
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing | 2004
Riccardo Lanari; Oscar Mora; Michele Manunta; Jordi J. Mallorqui; P. Berardino; Eugenio Sansosti
This paper presents a differential synthetic aperture radar (SAR) interferometry (DIFSAR) approach for investigating deformation phenomena on full-resolution DIFSAR interferograms. In particular, our algorithm extends the capability of the small-baseline subset (SBAS) technique that relies on small-baseline DIFSAR interferograms only and is mainly focused on investigating large-scale deformations with spatial resolutions of about 100/spl times/100 m. The proposed technique is implemented by using two different sets of data generated at low (multilook data) and full (single-look data) spatial resolution, respectively. The former is used to identify and estimate, via the conventional SBAS technique, large spatial scale deformation patterns, topographic errors in the available digital elevation model, and possible atmospheric phase artifacts; the latter allows us to detect, on the full-resolution residual phase components, structures highly coherent over time (buildings, rocks, lava, structures, etc.), as well as their height and displacements. In particular, the estimation of the temporal evolution of these local deformations is easily implemented by applying the singular value decomposition technique. The proposed algorithm has been tested with data acquired by the European Remote Sensing satellites relative to the Campania area (Italy) and validated by using geodetic measurements.
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing | 2006
Eugenio Sansosti; P. Berardino; Michele Manunta; Francesco Serafino; Gianfranco Fornaro
Accurate subpixel registration of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images is an issue that is again growing interest since its initial developments related to two-pass interferometry. Recent progress in coherent (multichannel) SAR processing raises the need for accurate registration of data takes acquired with large baseline spans, high temporal coverage, and with different frequency and/or operational modes. In this paper, we discuss a SAR image-registration procedure, based on the use of external measures which allows obtaining a very accurate alignment of SAR images. The presented technique makes use of a digital elevation model and of the precise information about the acquisition flight tracks, to compute the warping functions that map the position of each pixel in the different takes, thus avoiding any approximation. The resulting algorithm is simple, robust, precise, and very efficient; as a matter of fact, it may achieve high accuracy even in critical areas, such as steep topography regions. Moreover, the availability of an analytical and exact model allows performing a detailed sensitivity analysis that can be useful in evaluating the applicability of this technique even to future high-precision satellite systems. Extensive testing, carried out on several real European Remote Sensing and ENVISAT datasets, clearly shows the effectiveness of such algorithm in registering critical SAR images
International Journal of Remote Sensing | 2012
Manuela Bonano; Michele Manunta; Maria Marsella; Riccardo Lanari
We extend the small baseline subset (SBAS) differential synthetic aperture radar (SAR) interferometry (DInSAR) approach to allow the generation of deformation time-series by processing, at the full spatial resolution scale, long sequences of European Remote Sensing (ERS-1 and ERS-2) and Environmental Satellite (ENVISAT) SAR data acquired with the same illumination geometry. In particular, we avoid the generation of ERS/ENVISAT cross-interferograms, which are severely affected by noise phenomena due to the carrier frequency separation of the two SAR systems, and we focus on single-platform interferograms only (i.e. ERS/ERS and ENVISAT/ENVISAT interferograms) that are properly combined by applying the singular value decomposition (SVD)-based SBAS approach. Moreover, we exploit the Doppler centroid variations of the post-2000 acquisitions of the ERS-2 sensor and the carrier frequency difference between the ERS-1/2 and the ENVISAT systems, in order to maximize the number of investigated SAR pixels and to improve their geocoding. The presented results, achieved on two data sets relevant to the Napoli Bay area and to the Murge region, both located in southern Italy, confirm the effectiveness of the extended SBAS technique and demonstrate the relevance of deformation analysis carried out at the scale of single buildings or human-made structures with more than 15 years of ERS and ENVISAT acquisitions.
Geophysical Research Letters | 2016
Giusy Lavecchia; R. Castaldo; R. de Nardis; V. De Novellis; F. Ferrarini; Susi Pepe; F. Brozzetti; Giuseppe Solaro; Daniele Cirillo; Manuela Bonano; Paolo Boncio; Francesco Casu; C. De Luca; R. Lanari; Michele Manunta; M. Manzo; Antonio Pepe; Ivana Zinno; Pietro Tizzani
We investigate the ground deformation and source geometry of the 2016 Amatrice earthquake (Central Italy) by exploiting ALOS2 and Sentinel-1 coseismic differential interferometric synthetic aperture radar (DInSAR) measurements. They reveal two NNW-SSE striking surface deformation lobes, which could be the effect of two distinct faults or the rupture propagation of a single fault. We examine both cases through a single and a double dislocation planar source. Subsequently, we extend our analysis by applying a 3-D finite elements approach jointly exploiting DInSAR measurements and an independent, structurally constrained, 3-D fault model. This model is based on a double fault system including the two northern Gorzano and Redentore-Vettoretto faults (NGF and RVF) which merge into a single WSW dipping fault surface at the hypocentral depth (8 km). The retrieved best fit coseismic surface deformation pattern well supports the exploited structural model. The maximum displacements occur at 5–7 km depth, reaching 90 cm on the RVF footwall and 80 cm on the NGF hanging wall. The von Mises stress field confirms the retrieved seismogenic scenario.
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing | 2014
Francesco Casu; Stefano Elefante; Pasquale Imperatore; Ivana Zinno; Michele Manunta; Claudio De Luca; Riccardo Lanari
The aim of this paper is to design a novel parallel computing solution for the processing chain implementing the Small BAseline Subset (SBAS) Differential SAR Interferometry (DInSAR) technique. The proposed parallel solution (P-SBAS) is based on a dual-level parallelization approach and encompasses combined parallelization strategies, which are fully discussed in this paper. Moreover, the main methodological aspects of the proposed approach and their implications are also addressed. Finally, an experimental analysis, aimed at quantitatively evaluating the computational efficiency of the implemented parallel prototype, with respect to appropriate metrics, has been carried out on real data; this analysis confirms the effectiveness of the proposed parallel computing solution. In the current scenario, characterized by huge SAR archives relevant to the present and future SAR missions, the P-SBAS processing chain can play a key role to effectively exploit these big data volumes for the comprehension of the surface deformation dynamics of large areas of Earth.
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing | 2013
Manuela Bonano; Michele Manunta; Antonio Pepe; Luca Paglia; Riccardo Lanari
We investigate the capability improvement of the advanced differential interferometric synthetic aperture radar (DInSAR) techniques to map deformation phenomena affecting urban areas by exploiting multitemporal SAR data acquired by the new X-band sensors with respect to those of the previous C-band systems. In particular, we perform a comparative analysis of the deformation time-series retrieved by applying the full-resolution Small BAseline Subset DInSAR technique to selected sequences of SAR data acquired by the ENVISAT and RADARSAT-1 sensors (both operating at C-band) and by the X-band radar systems onboard the SAR sensors of the COSMO-SkyMed (CSK) constellation. This study, focused on the city of Napoli (Italy), allows us to quantify the dramatic increase of the DInSAR coherent pixel density achieved by exploiting the high-resolution X-band CSK SAR images (a few meters), resulting in an improvement factor of about 320% and 550%, with respect to the RADARSAT-1 and ENVISAT products, respectively. This improvement permits us to analyze nearly all the structures located within the investigated urbanized area and, in many cases, also portions of the same building. The improved coherent pixel spatial densities, combined with the reduced revisit times of the new X-band SAR missions, allow us to significantly increase the effectiveness of the advanced DInSAR methodologies, further extending the role of those Earth Observation data in the development of monitoring scenarios.
Structure and Infrastructure Engineering | 2014
Stefania Arangio; Fabiana Calò; Maria Di Mauro; Manuela Bonano; Maria Marsella; Michele Manunta
The remote sensing technique known as Differential Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Interferometry (DInSAR) allows the detection and monitoring of ground settlements, by generating deformation velocity maps and displacement time-series having centimeter to millimeter accuracy. These measurements can contribute to the evaluation of the structural conditions of the constructions. Given the settlements, different approaches exist for the assessment of the structural damage, ranging from empirical estimates to detailed finite element calculations. In this work, we integrate the results of a DInSAR analysis with an intermediate semi-empirical model to investigate three buildings located in the southern part of the city of Rome. The model, originally proposed by Finno et al. [(2005). ASCEJournal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 131(10), 1199–1210], considers each building as an equivalent laminated beam, where the layers represent the floors and the core material reproduces the infill walls. The results obtained by the model have been compared to the damages observed on the buildings, showing a good agreement and demonstrating that the proposed approach represents an effective and, at the same time, simple assessment tool for rapidly evaluating the conditions of several structures.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 2008
Simone Atzori; Michele Manunta; Gianfranco Fornaro; Athanassios Ganas; Stefano Salvi
[1] In September 1999, a moderate (Mw = 5.9) earthquake struck the Attica plain, causing unexpected and extensive damage to Athens and its population. In this work, we exploit the potential of multitemporal Differential Interferometry by Synthetic Aperture Radar (DInSAR) analysis, using about a hundred European Remote Sensing (ERS) 1/2 images to calculate the displacement time series from 1992 to 2002. This analysis allows us to clearly separate a strictly coseismic signal from a postseismic gradual subsidence, reaching a maximum value of about 3 cm in the following 2.5 years. We model this signal in terms of afterslip on the seismogenic fault. The afterslip distribution, retrieved by linear inversion, reflects the coseismic slip distribution and occurs mainly downdip of the area that ruptured during the main shock. The analysis of the static stress transfer suggests that the afterslip was triggered by the main shock, then it propagated aseismically through the fault plane. A partial overlap between the coseismic and aseismic slip area at the hypocentral region indicates that the 1999 rupture surface was not ‘‘healed’’ at least until the date of the last postseismic image (April 2002). The results obtained with a time series approach for this moderate magnitude earthquake suggest that multitemporal DInSAR analysis should become an important methodology for the study of large earthquake ruptures.
Pure and Applied Geophysics | 2015
Davide Notti; Fabiana Calò; Francesca Cigna; Michele Manunta; Gerardo Herrera; Matteo Berti; Claudia Meisina; Deodato Tapete; Francesco Zucca
Recent advances in multi-temporal Differential Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Interferometry (DInSAR) have greatly improved our capability to monitor geological processes. Ground motion studies using DInSAR require both the availability of good quality input data and rigorous approaches to exploit the retrieved Time Series (TS) at their full potential. In this work we present a methodology for DInSAR TS analysis, with particular focus on landslides and subsidence phenomena. The proposed methodology consists of three main steps: (1) pre-processing, i.e., assessment of a SAR Dataset Quality Index (SDQI) (2) post-processing, i.e., application of empirical/stochastic methods to improve the TS quality, and (3) trend analysis, i.e., comparative implementation of methodologies for automatic TS analysis. Tests were carried out on TS datasets retrieved from processing of SAR imagery acquired by different radar sensors (i.e., ERS-1/2 SAR, RADARSAT-1, ENVISAT ASAR, ALOS PALSAR, TerraSAR-X, COSMO-SkyMed) using advanced DInSAR techniques (i.e., SqueeSAR™, PSInSAR™, SPN and SBAS). The obtained values of SDQI are discussed against the technical parameters of each data stack (e.g., radar band, number of SAR scenes, temporal coverage, revisiting time), the retrieved coverage of the DInSAR results, and the constraints related to the characterization of the investigated geological processes. Empirical and stochastic approaches were used to demonstrate how the quality of the TS can be improved after the SAR processing, and examples are discussed to mitigate phase unwrapping errors, and remove regional trends, noise and anomalies. Performance assessment of recently developed methods of trend analysis (i.e., PS-Time, Deviation Index and velocity TS) was conducted on two selected study areas in Northern Italy affected by land subsidence and landslides. Results show that the automatic detection of motion trends enhances the interpretation of DInSAR data, since it provides an objective picture of the deformation behaviour recorded through TS and therefore contributes to the understanding of the on-going geological processes.
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing | 2011
Antonio Pepe; Leonardo Daniel Euillades; Michele Manunta; Riccardo Lanari
We present an efficient space-time phase unwrapping (PhU) algorithm that allows us to process sequences of multitemporal full resolution differential synthetic aperture radar (SAR) interferograms for the generation of deformation time-series. The core of the proposed technique, dealing with sparse data grids, is represented by the extended minimum cost flow (MCF) (EMCF) PhU algorithm that was originally developed for the analysis of sequences of multilook interferograms. In particular, our method relies on the joint analysis of the spatial and temporal relationships among a set of properly selected multitemporal differential interferograms, which are compatible with the Small BAseline subset (SBAS) deformation time-series technique. The key point of the approach is the idea to split the complex MCF network problem, representing the overall PhU operation, into that of simpler subnetworks. More precisely, we start by identifying and solving a primary network that involves a proper selection of coherent pixels of the computed interferograms, representing the backbone structure of the overall network. Subsequently, this result is applied for constraining the solution of the subnetworks connected to the primary one, involving the entire set of analyzed pixels. To achieve this task, we solve a constrained optimization problem based on the computation of a constrained Delaunay triangulation in the azimuth/range domain. The overall procedure is implemented through two successive processing steps that are both carried out by using the EMCF PhU technique, which has been slightly modified to take into account the Doppler centroid differences of the exploited interferometric SAR data pairs. The experimental results, achieved by applying the proposed approach to a data set consisting of European Remote Sensing (ERS) SAR data acquired from June 1992 to August 2007 over the Napoli (Italy) bay area, confirm the effectiveness of the proposed PhU approach.