
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research | 2003

Experimental and textural constraints on mafic enclave formation in volcanic rocks

Michelle L. Coombs; John C. Eichelberger; Malcolm J. Rutherford

Abstract We have used experiments and textural analysis to investigate the process of enclave formation during magma mixing at Southwest Trident volcano, Alaska. Andesite enclaves are present throughout the four dacite lava flows produced by the eruption, and resemble mafic enclaves commonly found in other volcanic rocks. Our experiments replicate the pressure–temperature–time path taken by enclave-forming andesite magma as it is engulfed in dacite during magma mixing. Pressure and temperature information for the andesite and dacite are from [Coombs et al., Contrib. Mineral. Petrol. 140 (2000) 99–118]. The andesite was annealed at 1000°C, and then cooled to 890°C at rates of 110°C h−1, 10°C h−1, and 2°C h−1. Once cooled to 890°C, andesite was held at this lower temperature from times ranging from 1 to 40 h. The andesite that was cooled at the slower rates of 2°C h−1 and 10°C h−1 most resembles enclave groundmass texturally and compositionally. Based on simple thermal calculations, these rates are more consistent with cooling of the andesite groundmass below an andesite–dacite interface than with cooling of enclave-sized spheres. If enclaves do crystallize as spheres, post-crystallization disaggregation must occur. Calculations using the MELTS algorithm [Ghiorso and Sack, Contrib. Mineral. Petrol. 119 (1995) 197–212] show that for incoming andesite to become less dense than the dacite ∼34 volume % of its groundmass must crystallize to undergo ∼18 volume % vesiculation; these values are similar to those determined for Southwest Trident enclaves. Thus such crystallization may lead to ‘flotation’ of enclaves and be a viable mechanism for enclave formation and dispersal. The residual melt in the cooling experiments did not evolve to rhyolitic compositions such as seen in natural enclaves due to a lack of a decompression step in the experiments. Decompression experiments on Southwest Trident dacite suggest an average ascent rate for the eruption of ∼2–3 MPa h−1. An andesite experiment that was cooled and then decompressed at this rate contains melt that matches that of the natural enclaves. It is apparent that decompression (ascent)-induced crystallization occurs in enclaves, but not in the form of microlites as happens in the dacite host, due either to insufficient residence time at chamber temperatures or to the pre-existing microphenocrysts which act as sites for new growth.

Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union | 2006

The reawakening of Alaska's Augustine volcano

John A. Power; Christopher J. Nye; Michelle L. Coombs; Rick Lee Wessels; Peter Cervelli; J. Dehn; Kristi L. Wallace; Jeffery T. Freymueller; Michael P. Doukas

Augustine volcano, in south central Alaska, ended a 20-year period of repose on 11 January 2006 with 13 explosive eruptions in 20 days. Explosive activity shifted to a quieter effusion of lava in early February, forming a new summit lava dome and two short, blocky lava flows by late March (Figure 1). The eruption was heralded by eight months of increasing seismicity, deformation, gas emission, and small phreatic eruptions, the latter consisting of explosions of steam and debris caused by heating and expansion of groundwater due to an underlying heat source.

American Mineralogist | 2004

Reaction rim growth on olivine in silicic melts: Implications for magma mixing

Michelle L. Coombs; J. E. Gardner

Abstract Finely crystalline amphibole or pyroxene rims that form during reaction between silicic host melt and cognate olivine xenocrysts, newly introduced during magma mixing events, can provide information about the timing between mixing and volcanic eruptions. We investigated rim growth experimentally by placing forsteritic olivine in rhyolitic and rhyodacitic melts for times between 25 and 622 h at 50 and 150 MPa, H2O-saturated, at the Ni-NiO buffer. Rims of orthopyroxene microlites formed from high-silica rhyolite and rhyodacite melts at 885˚C and 50 MPa, and in the rhyolite at 150 MPa and 885˚C. Rims of amphibole with lesser orthopyroxene formed in the rhyolite at 150 MPa and 800˚C and in the rhyodacite at 150 MPa and 885˚C. Irregular, convolute olivine edges and mass balance between olivine, melt, and rim phases show that olivine partly dissolved at all conditions. Iron-rich zones at the exteriors of olivines, which increased in width parabolically with time, show that Fe-Mg interdiffusion occurring in olivines was not outpaced by olivine dissolution. Linear increases of the square of rim widths with time suggest that diffusion within the melt is the rate-controlling process for olivine dissolution and rim growth. Rims grew one-half to one order-of-magnitude faster when melt water contents were doubled, unless conditions were far above the liquidus. Rim growth rate in rhyolite increases from 0.055 ± 0.01 μm2/h at 885˚C and 50 MPa to 0.64 ± 0.13 μm2/h at 800˚C and 150 MPa. Melt composition has a lesser effect on rim growth rates, with growth rate increasing as melt SiO2 content decreases. Pyroxene rims on olivines in andesite erupted from Arenal volcano (Costa Rica) grew at a rate of 3.0 ± 0.2 μm2/h over an eleven-year period. This rate is faster than those of the experiments due to lower melt viscosity and higher temperatures, and suggests that a magma mixing event preceded the start of the eruption by days

Geology | 2001

Shallow-storage conditions for the rhyolite of the 1912 eruption at Novarupta, Alaska

Michelle L. Coombs; J. E. Gardner

Recent studies have proposed contrasting models for the plumbing system that fed the 1912 eruption of Novarupta, Alaska. Here, we investigate the conditions under which the rhyolitic part of the erupted magma last resided in the crust prior to eruption. Geothermometry suggests that the rhyolite was held at ∼800–850 °C, and analyses of melt inclusions suggest that it was fluid saturated and contained ∼4 wt% water. Hydrothermal, water-saturated experiments on rhyolite pumice reveal that at those temperatures the rhyolite was stable between 40 and 100 MPa, or a depth of 1.8–4.4 km. These results suggest that pre-eruptive storage and crystal growth of the rhyolite were shallow; if the rhyolite ascended from greater depths, it did so slowly enough for unzoned phenocrysts to grow as it passed through the shallow crust.

Earth and Planetary Science Letters | 2004

Ultra-high chlorine in submarine Kı̄lauea glasses: evidence for direct assimilation of brine by magma

Michelle L. Coombs; Thomas W. Sisson; Jun-Ichi Kimura

Basaltic glass grains from the submarine south flank of Kilauea, Hawai′i, have Cl concentrations of 0.01–1.68 wt%, the latter being the highest Cl content yet recorded for a Hawaiian glass. The high-Cl glass grains are products of brine assimilation by tholeiite magma. The glasses are grains in a sandstone clast from bedded breccias draping the southwestern margin of Kilauea’s submarine midslope bench. The clast contains two distinct suites of glass grains: abundant degassed tholeiites, perhaps derived from subaerial lavas of Mauna Loa that shattered upon ocean entry, and a smaller population of Kea-type tholeiite (n=17 analyzed) that erupted subaqueously, based on elevated S (780–1050 ppm), H2O (0.42–1.27 wt%), and CO2 ( 1000 ppm, six >5000 ppm, and two grains have >10 000 ppm dissolved Cl. Abundances of H2O, Na2O, K2O, and several trace elements increase regularly with Cl concentration, and we estimate that Cl enrichment was due to up to 13 wt% addition of a brine consisting of 78% H2O (wt), 13% Cl, 4.4% Na, 2.6% K, 2.6% Ca, 620 ppm Ba, 360 ppm Sr, 65 ppm Rb, and 7 ppm Pb. The large amounts of brine addition argue against bulk assimilation of low-porosity brine-bearing rock. The brine’s composition is appropriate for a seawater-derived hydrothermal fluid that reacted with basaltic wall rocks at T>100°C, losing Mg and S and gaining K, Ca, Rb, Ba, Sr, and Pb, followed by phase separation near 500°C and ∼50 MPa (5 km below sea level at hydrostatic pressure). Brine was assimilated at or near the depth it formed, as estimated on petrologic grounds, but under lithostatic conditions. The highest extents of assimilation either forced volatile saturation of the magma or enriched already coexisting magmatic vapor in H2O. Possible mechanisms for assimilation are: (1) forcible injection of brine into magma during bursting of overpressured pockets heated by new dikes, or (2) intrusion of magma into lenses or sills occupied by trapped brine.

Geological Society of America Bulletin | 2012

Geology and 40Ar/39Ar geochronology of the medium- to high-K Tanaga volcanic cluster, western Aleutians

Brian R. Jicha; Michelle L. Coombs; Andrew T. Calvert; Brad S. Singer

We used geologic mapping and geochemical data augmented by 40 Ar/ 39 Ar dating to establish an eruptive chronology for the Tanaga volcanic cluster in the western Aleutian arc. The Tanaga volcanic cluster is unique in comparison to other central and western Aleutian volcanoes in that it consists of three closely spaced, active, volumetrically significant edifices (Sajaka, Tanaga, and Takawangha), the eruptive products of which have unusually high K 2 O contents. Thirty-five new 40 Ar/ 39 Ar ages obtained in two different laboratories constrain the duration of Pleistocene–Holocene subaerial volcanism to younger than 295 ka. The eruptive activity has been mostly continuous for the last 150 k.y., unlike most other well-characterized arc volcanoes, which tend to grow in discrete pulses. More than half of the analyzed Tanaga volcanic cluster lavas are basalts that have erupted throughout the lifetime of the cluster, although a considerable amount of basaltic andesite and basaltic trachyandesite has also been produced since 200 ka. Major- and trace-element variations suggest that magmas from Sajaka and Tanaga volcanoes are likely to have crystallized pyroxene and/or amphibole at greater depths than the older Takawangha magmas, which experienced a larger percentage of plagioclase-dominated fractionation at shallower depths. Magma output from Takawangha has declined over the last 86 k.y. At ca. 19 ka, the focus of magma flux shifted to the west beneath Tanaga and Sajaka volcanoes, where hotter, more mafic magma erupted.

Frontiers of Earth Science in China | 2018

Alaska Volcano Observatory Alert and Forecasting Timeliness: 1989–2017

Cheryl E. Cameron; Stephanie G. Prejean; Michelle L. Coombs; Kristi L. Wallace; John A. Power; Diana C. Roman

The Alaska Volcano Observatory (AVO) monitors volcanoes in Alaska and issues notifications and warnings of volcanic unrest and eruption. We evaluate the timeliness and accuracy of eruption forecasts for 53 eruptions at 20 volcanoes, beginning with Mount Redoubt’s 1989–1990 eruption. Successful forecasts are defined as those where AVO issued a formal warning before eruption onset. These warning notifications are now part of AVO’s Aviation Color Code and Volcanic Alert Level. This analysis considers only the start of an eruption, although many eruptions have multiple phases of activity. For the 21 eruptions at volcanoes with functioning local seismic networks, AVO has high forecasting success at volcanoes with: >15 yr repose intervals and magmatic eruptions (4 out of 4, 100%); or larger eruptions (Volcanic Explosivity Index (VEI) 3 or greater; 6 out of 10, 60%). AVO successfully forecast all four monitored, longer-repose period, VEI 3+ eruptions: Redoubt 1989-1990 and 2009, Spurr 1992, and Augustine 2005–2006. For volcanoes with functioning seismic monitoring networks, success rates are lower for: volcanoes with shorter repose periods (3 out of 16, 19%); more mafic compositions (3 out of 18, 17%); or smaller eruption size (VEI 2 or less, 1 out of 11, 9%). These eruptions (Okmok, Pavlof, Veniaminof, and Shishaldin) often lack detectable precursory signals. For 32 eruptions at volcanoes without functioning local seismic networks, the forecasting success rate is much lower (2, 6%; Kasatochi 2008 and Shishaldin 2014). For remote volcanoes where the main hazard is to aviation, rapid detection is a goal in the absence of in situ monitoring. Eruption detection has improved in recent years, shown by a decrease in the time between eruption onset and notification. Even limited seismic monitoring can detect precursory activity at volcanoes with certain characteristics (intermediate composition, longer repose times, larger eruptions), but difficulty persists in detecting subtle precursory activity at frequently active volcanoes with more mafic compositions. This suggests that volcano-specific characteristics should be considered when designing monitoring programs and evaluating forecasting success. More proximally-located sensors and data types are likely needed to forecast eruptive activity at frequently-active, more mafic volcanoes that generally produce smaller eruptions.

Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems | 2014

Cogenetic late Pleistocene rhyolite and cumulate diorites from Augustine Volcano revealed by SIMS 238U‐230Th dating of zircon, and implications for silicic magma generation by extraction from mush

Michelle L. Coombs; Jorge A. Vazquez

Augustine Volcano, a frequently active andesitic island stratocone, erupted a late Pleistocene rhyolite pumice fall that is temporally linked through zircon geochronology to cumulate dioritic blocks brought to the surface in Augustines 2006 eruption. Zircon from the rhyolite yield a 238U-230Th age of ∼25 ka for their unpolished rims, and their interiors yield a bimodal age populations at ∼26 ka and a minority at ∼41 ka. Zircon from dioritic blocks, ripped from Augustines shallow magmatic plumbing system and ejected during the 2006 eruption, have interiors defining a ∼26 ka age population that is indistinguishable from that for the rhyolite; unpolished rims on the dioritic zircon are dominantly younger (≤12 ka) indicating subsequent crystallization. Zircon from rhyolite and diorite overlap in U, Hf, Ti, and REE concentrations although diorites also contain a second population of high-U, high temperature grains. Andesites that brought dioritic blocks to the surface in 2006 contain zircon with young (≤9 ka) rims and a scattering of older ages, but few zircon that crystallized during the 26 ka interval. Both the Pleistocene-age rhyolite and the 2006 dioritic inclusions plot along a whole-rock compositional trend distinct from mid-Holocene–present andesites and dacites, and the diorites, rhyolite, and two early Holocene dacites define linear unmixing trends often oblique to the main andesite array and consistent with melt (rhyolite) extraction from a mush (dacites), leaving behind a cumulate amphibole-bearing residue (diorites). Rare zircon antecrysts up to ∼300 ka from all rock types indicate that a Quaternary center has been present longer than preserved surficial deposits.

Frontiers of Earth Science in China | 2018

Short-Term Forecasting and Detection of Explosions During the 2016–2017 Eruption of Bogoslof Volcano, Alaska

Michelle L. Coombs; Aaron G. Wech; Matthew M. Haney; John J. Lyons; David J. Schneider; Hans F. Schwaiger; Kristi L. Wallace; David Fee; Jeffrey T. Freymueller; Janet R. Schaefer; Gabrielle Tepp

We describe a multidisciplinary approach to forecast, rapidly detect, and characterize explosive events during the 2016–2017 eruption of Bogoslof volcano, a back-arc shallow submarine volcano in Alaska’s Aleutian arc. The eruptive sequence began in December 2016 and included over 60 discrete explosive events. Because the volcano has no local monitoring stations, we used distant stations on the nearest volcanoes, Okmok (54 km) and Makushin (72 km), combined with regional infrasound sensors and lightning detection from the Worldwide Lightning Location Network (WWLLN). Monitoring of activity used a combination of scheduled checks combined with automated alarms. Alarms triggered on real-time data included real-time seismic amplitude measurement (RSAM); infrasound from several arrays, the closest being on Okmok; and lightning strokes detected from WWLLN within a 20-km radius of the volcano. During periods of unrest, a multidisciplinary response team of four people fulfilled specific roles to evaluate geophysical and remote-sensing data, event-specific ash-cloud dispersion modeling, interagency coordination, and development and distribution of formalized warning products. Using this approach, for events that produced ash clouds ≥7.5 km above sea level, AVO called emergency response partners 15 minutes, and issued written notices 30 minutes, after event onset (mean times). Factors that affect timeliness of written warnings include event size and number of data streams available; bigger events and more data both decrease uncertainty and allow for faster warnings. In remote areas where airborne ash is the primary hazard, the approach used at Bogoslof is an effective strategy for hazard mitigation.

Archive | 2015

Aleutian Arc Fluid Geochemical Data

Deborah Bergfeld; Tina Neal; Game McGimsey; Cindy Werner; Chris Waythomas; Jen Lewicki; Taryn Lopez; Maggie Mangan; Tom Miller; A. K. Diefenbach; Janet R. Schaefer; Michelle L. Coombs; Bronwen Wang; Kirsten P. Nicolaysen; Pavel E. Izbekov; Zebulon Maharrey; Mark A. Huebner; Andrew G. Hunt; John A. Fitzpatrick; Gary Freeburg

This report contains the chemical and isotopic data from thermal waters and gases collected from the Aleutian Arc over the past 20 years, where such data remain unpublished or only published in part.

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