Michiaki Hamada
Waseda University
Nucleic Acids Research | 2009
Kengo Sato; Michiaki Hamada; Kiyoshi Asai; Toutai Mituyama
The CentroidFold web server (http://www.ncrna.org/centroidfold/) is a web application for RNA secondary structure prediction powered by one of the most accurate prediction engine. The server accepts two kinds of sequence data: a single RNA sequence and a multiple alignment of RNA sequences. It responses with a prediction result shown as a popular base-pair notation and a graph representation. PDF version of the graph representation is also available. For a multiple alignment sequence, the server predicts a common secondary structure. Usage of the server is quite simple. You can paste a single RNA sequence (FASTA or plain sequence text) or a multiple alignment (CLUSTAL-W format) into the textarea then click on the ‘execute CentroidFold’ button. The server quickly responses with a prediction result. The major advantage of this server is that it employs our original CentroidFold software as its prediction engine which scores the best accuracy in our benchmark results. Our web server is freely available with no login requirement.
Bioinformatics | 2009
Michiaki Hamada; Hisanori Kiryu; Kengo Sato; Toutai Mituyama; Kiyoshi Asai
MOTIVATION Recent studies have shown that the methods for predicting secondary structures of RNAs on the basis of posterior decoding of the base-pairing probabilities has an advantage with respect to prediction accuracy over the conventionally utilized minimum free energy methods. However, there is room for improvement in the objective functions presented in previous studies, which are maximized in the posterior decoding with respect to the accuracy measures for secondary structures. RESULTS We propose novel estimators which improve the accuracy of secondary structure prediction of RNAs. The proposed estimators maximize an objective function which is the weighted sum of the expected number of the true positives and that of the true negatives of the base pairs. The proposed estimators are also improved versions of the ones used in previous works, namely CONTRAfold for secondary structure prediction from a single RNA sequence and McCaskill-MEA for common secondary structure prediction from multiple alignments of RNA sequences. We clarify the relations between the proposed estimators and the estimators presented in previous works, and theoretically show that the previous estimators include additional unnecessary terms in the evaluation measures with respect to the accuracy. Furthermore, computational experiments confirm the theoretical analysis by indicating improvement in the empirical accuracy. The proposed estimators represent extensions of the centroid estimators proposed in Ding et al. and Carvalho and Lawrence, and are applicable to a wide variety of problems in bioinformatics. AVAILABILITY Supporting information and the CentroidFold software are available online at: http://www.ncrna.org/software/centroidfold/.
BMC Bioinformatics | 2010
Martin C. Frith; Michiaki Hamada; Paul Horton
BackgroundGenome sequence alignments form the basis of much research. Genome alignment depends on various mundane but critical choices, such as how to mask repeats and which score parameters to use. Surprisingly, there has been no large-scale assessment of these choices using real genomic data. Moreover, rigorous procedures to control the rate of spurious alignment have not been employed.ResultsWe have assessed 495 combinations of score parameters for alignment of animal, plant, and fungal genomes. As our gold-standard of accuracy, we used genome alignments implied by multiple alignments of proteins and of structural RNAs. We found the HOXD scoring schemes underlying alignments in the UCSC genome database to be far from optimal, and suggest better parameters. Higher values of the X-drop parameter are not always better. E-values accurately indicate the rate of spurious alignment, but only if tandem repeats are masked in a non-standard way. Finally, we show that γ-centroid (probabilistic) alignment can find highly reliable subsets of aligned bases.ConclusionsThese results enable more accurate genome alignment, with reliability measures for local alignments and for individual aligned bases. This study was made possible by our new software, LAST, which can align vertebrate genomes in a few hours http://last.cbrc.jp/.
Bioinformatics | 2013
Yukiteru Ono; Kiyoshi Asai; Michiaki Hamada
MOTIVATION PacBio sequencers produce two types of characteristic reads (continuous long reads: long and high error rate and circular consensus sequencing: short and low error rate), both of which could be useful for de novo assembly of genomes. Currently, there is no available simulator that targets the specific generation of PacBio libraries. RESULTS Our analysis of 13 PacBio datasets showed characteristic features of PacBio reads (e.g. the read length of PacBio reads follows a log-normal distribution). We have developed a read simulator, PBSIM, that captures these features using either a model-based or sampling-based method. Using PBSIM, we conducted several hybrid error correction and assembly tests for PacBio reads, suggesting that a continuous long reads coverage depth of at least 15 in combination with a circular consensus sequencing coverage depth of at least 30 achieved extensive assembly results. AVAILABILITY PBSIM is freely available from the web under the GNU GPL v2 license (http://code.google.com/p/pbsim/).
intelligent systems in molecular biology | 2011
Kengo Sato; Yuki Kato; Michiaki Hamada; Tatsuya Akutsu; Kiyoshi Asai
Motivation: Pseudoknots found in secondary structures of a number of functional RNAs play various roles in biological processes. Recent methods for predicting RNA secondary structures cover certain classes of pseudoknotted structures, but only a few of them achieve satisfying predictions in terms of both speed and accuracy. Results: We propose IPknot, a novel computational method for predicting RNA secondary structures with pseudoknots based on maximizing expected accuracy of a predicted structure. IPknot decomposes a pseudoknotted structure into a set of pseudoknot-free substructures and approximates a base-pairing probability distribution that considers pseudoknots, leading to the capability of modeling a wide class of pseudoknots and running quite fast. In addition, we propose a heuristic algorithm for refining base-paring probabilities to improve the prediction accuracy of IPknot. The problem of maximizing expected accuracy is solved by using integer programming with threshold cut. We also extend IPknot so that it can predict the consensus secondary structure with pseudoknots when a multiple sequence alignment is given. IPknot is validated through extensive experiments on various datasets, showing that IPknot achieves better prediction accuracy and faster running time as compared with several competitive prediction methods. Availability: The program of IPknot is available at http://www.ncrna.org/software/ipknot/. IPknot is also available as a web server at http://rna.naist.jp/ipknot/. Contact: satoken@k.u-tokyo.ac.jp; ykato@is.naist.jp Supplementary information: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.
Bioinformatics | 2006
Michiaki Hamada; Koji Tsuda; Taku Kudo; Taishin Kin; Kiyoshi Asai
MOTIVATION In detection of non-coding RNAs, it is often necessary to identify the secondary structure motifs from a set of putative RNA sequences. Most of the existing algorithms aim to provide the best motif or few good motifs, but biologists often need to inspect all the possible motifs thoroughly. RESULTS Our method RNAmine employs a graph theoretic representation of RNA sequences and detects all the possible motifs exhaustively using a graph mining algorithm. The motif detection problem boils down to finding frequently appearing patterns in a set of directed and labeled graphs. In the tasks of common secondary structure prediction and local motif detection from long sequences, our method performed favorably both in accuracy and in efficiency with the state-of-the-art methods such as CMFinder. AVAILABILITY The software is available upon request.
Nucleic Acids Research | 2011
Michiaki Hamada; Kengo Sato; Kiyoshi Asai
Considerable attention has been focused on predicting the secondary structure for aligned RNA sequences since it is useful not only for improving the limiting accuracy of conventional secondary structure prediction but also for finding non-coding RNAs in genomic sequences. Although there exist many algorithms of predicting secondary structure for aligned RNA sequences, further improvement of the accuracy is still awaited. In this article, toward improving the accuracy, a theoretical classification of state-of-the-art algorithms of predicting secondary structure for aligned RNA sequences is presented. The classification is based on the viewpoint of maximum expected accuracy (MEA), which has been successfully applied in various problems in bioinformatics. The classification reveals several disadvantages of the current algorithms but we propose an improvement of a previously introduced algorithm (CentroidAlifold). Finally, computational experiments strongly support the theoretical classification and indicate that the improved CentroidAlifold substantially outperforms other algorithms.
Bioinformatics | 2009
Michiaki Hamada; Kengo Sato; Hisanori Kiryu; Toutai Mituyama; Kiyoshi Asai
MOTIVATION The importance of accurate and fast predictions of multiple alignments for RNA sequences has increased due to recent findings about functional non-coding RNAs. Recent studies suggest that maximizing the expected accuracy of predictions will be useful for many problems in bioinformatics. RESULTS We designed a novel estimator for multiple alignments of structured RNAs, based on maximizing the expected accuracy of predictions. First, we define the maximum expected accuracy (MEA) estimator for pairwise alignment of RNA sequences. This maximizes the expected sum-of-pairs score (SPS) of a predicted alignment under a probability distribution of alignments given by marginalizing the Sankoff model. Then, by approximating the MEA estimator, we obtain an estimator whose time complexity is O(L(3)+c(2)dL(2)) where L is the length of input sequences and both c and d are constants independent of L. The proposed estimator can handle uncertainty of secondary structures and alignments that are obstacles in Bioinformatics because it considers all the secondary structures and all the pairwise alignments as input sequences. Moreover, we integrate the probabilistic consistency transformation (PCT) on alignments into the proposed estimator. Computational experiments using six benchmark datasets indicate that the proposed method achieved a favorable SPS and was the fastest of many state-of-the-art tools for multiple alignments of structured RNAs. AVAILABILITY The software called CentroidAlign, which is an implementation of the algorithm in this article, is freely available on our website: http://www.ncrna.org/software/centroidalign/. CONTACT hamada-michiaki@aist.go.jp SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.
Bioinformatics | 2009
Michiaki Hamada; Kengo Sato; Hisanori Kiryu; Toutai Mituyama; Kiyoshi Asai
Motivation: Secondary structure prediction of RNA sequences is an important problem. There have been progresses in this area, but the accuracy of prediction from an RNA sequence is still limited. In many cases, however, homologous RNA sequences are available with the target RNA sequence whose secondary structure is to be predicted. Results: In this article, we propose a new method for secondary structure predictions of individual RNA sequences by taking the information of their homologous sequences into account without assuming the common secondary structure of the entire sequences. The proposed method is based on posterior decoding techniques, which consider all the suboptimal secondary structures of the target and homologous sequences and all the suboptimal alignments between the target sequence and each of the homologous sequences. In our computational experiments, the proposed method provides better predictions than those performed only on the basis of the formation of individual RNA sequences and those performed by using methods for predicting the common secondary structure of the homologous sequences. Remarkably, we found that the common secondary predictions sometimes give worse predictions for the secondary structure of a target sequence than the predictions from the individual target sequence, while the proposed method always gives good predictions for the secondary structure of target sequences in all tested cases. Availability: Supporting information and software are available online at: http://www.ncrna.org/software/centroidfold/ismb2009/. Contact: hamada-michiaki@aist.go.jp Supplementary information:Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.
Nucleic Acids Research | 2011
Michiaki Hamada; Koichiro Yamada; Kengo Sato; Martin C. Frith; Kiyoshi Asai
Although secondary structure predictions of an individual RNA sequence have been widely used in a number of sequence analyses of RNAs, accuracy is still limited. Recently, we proposed a method (called ‘CentroidHomfold’), which includes information about homologous sequences into the prediction of the secondary structure of the target sequence, and showed that it substantially improved the performance of secondary structure predictions. CentroidHomfold, however, forces users to prepare homologous sequences of the target sequence. We have developed a Web application (CentroidHomfold-LAST) that predicts the secondary structure of the target sequence using automatically collected homologous sequences. LAST, which is a fast and sensitive local aligner, and CentroidHomfold are employed in the Web application. Computational experiments with a commonly-used data set indicated that CentroidHomfold-LAST substantially outperformed conventional secondary structure predictions including CentroidFold and RNAfold.