
Journal of High Energy Physics | 2004

Superconformal Chern-Simons theories

Miguel A. Bandres; Arthur E. Lipstein; John H. Schwarz

A Lagrangian description of a maximally supersymmetric conformal field theory in three dimensions was constructed recently by Bagger and Lambert (BL). The BL theory has SO(4) gauge symmetry and contains scalar and spinor fields that transform as 4-vectors. We verify that this theory has OSp(8|4) superconformal symmetry and that it is parity conserving despite the fact that it contains a Chern–Simons term. We describe several unsuccessful attempts to construct theories of this type for other gauge groups and representations. This experience leads us to conjecture the uniqueness of the BL theory. Given its large symmetry, we expect this theory to play a significant role in the future development of string theory and M-theory.

Optics Express | 2007

Airy-Gauss beams and their transformation by paraxial optical systems

Miguel A. Bandres; Julio C. Gutiérrez-Vega

We introduce the generalized Airy-Gauss (AiG) beams and analyze their propagation through optical systems described by ABCD matrices with complex elements in general. The transverse mathematical structure of the AiG beams is form-invariant under paraxial transformations. The conditions for square integrability of the beams are studied in detail. The model of the AiG beam describes in a more realistic way the propagation of the Airy wave packets because AiG beams carry finite power, retain the nondiffracting propagation properties within a finite propagation distance, and can be realized experimentally to a very good approximation.

Optics Letters | 2004

Ince-Gaussian beams

Miguel A. Bandres; Julio C. Gutiérrez-Vega

We demonstrate the existence of the Ince-Gaussian beams that constitute the third complete family of exact and orthogonal solutions of the paraxial wave equation. Their transverse structure is described by the Ince polynomials and has an inherent elliptical symmetry. Ince-Gaussian beams constitute the exact and continuous transition modes between Laguerre and Hermite-Gaussian beams. The propagating characteristics are discussed as well.

Optics Letters | 2004

Parabolic nondiffracting optical wave fields

Miguel A. Bandres; Julio C. Gutiérrez-Vega; Sabino Chávez-Cerda

We demonstrate the existence of parabolic beams that constitute the last member of the family of fundamental nondiffracting wave fields and determine their associated angular spectrum. Their transverse structure is described by parabolic cylinder functions, and contrary to Bessel or Mathieu beams their eigenvalue spectrum is continuous. Any nondiffracting beam can be constructed as a superposition of parabolic beams, since they form a complete orthogonal set of solutions of the Helmholtz equation. A novel class of traveling parabolic waves is also introduced for the first time.

Journal of High Energy Physics | 2008

Studies of the ABJM theory in a formulation with manifest SU(4) R-symmetry

Miguel A. Bandres; Arthur E. Lipstein; John H. Schwarz

We examine the three-dimensional Script N = 6 superconformal Chern-Simons theory with U(N) × U(N) gauge symmetry, which was recently constructed by Aharony, Bergman, Jafferis, and Maldacena (ABJM). Using a formulation with manifest SU(4) R-symmetry and no auxiliary fields, we verify in complete detail both the Poincare supersymmetry and the conformal supersymmetry of the action. Together, these imply the complete OSp(6|4) superconformal symmetry of the theory. The potential, which is sixth order in scalar fields, is recast as a sum of squares.

Journal of High Energy Physics | 2008

Ghost-free superconformal action for multiple M2-branes

Miguel A. Bandres; Arthur E. Lipstein; John H. Schwarz

The Bagger-Lambert construction of Script N = 8 superconformal field theories (SCFT) in three dimensions is based on 3-algebras. Three groups of researchers recently realized that an arbitrary semisimple Lie algebra can be incorporated by using a suitable Lorentzian signature 3-algebra. The SU(N) case is a candidate for the SCFT describing coincident M2-branes. However, these theories contain ghost degrees of freedom, which is unsatisfactory. We modify them by gauging certain global symmetries. This eliminates the ghosts from these theories while preserving all of their desirable properties. The resulting theories turn out to be precisely equivalent to Script N = 8 super Yang-Mills theories.

Journal of The Optical Society of America A-optics Image Science and Vision | 2005

Helmholtz–Gauss waves

Julio C. Gutiérrez-Vega; Miguel A. Bandres

A detailed study of the propagation of an arbitrary nondiffracting beam whose disturbance in the plane z = 0 is modulated by a Gaussian envelope is presented. We call such a field a Helmholtz-Gauss (HzG) beam. A simple closed-form expression for the paraxial propagation of the HzG beams is written as the product of three factors: a complex amplitude depending on the z coordinate only, a Gaussian beam, and a complex scaled version of the transverse shape of the nondiffracting beam. The general expression for the angular spectrum of the HzG beams is also derived. We introduce for the first time closed-form expressions for the Mathieu-Gauss beams in elliptic coordinates and for the parabolic Gauss beams in parabolic coordinates. The properties of the considered beams are studied both analytically and numerically.

Journal of The Optical Society of America A-optics Image Science and Vision | 2004

Ince–Gaussian modes of the paraxial wave equation and stable resonators

Miguel A. Bandres; Julio C. Gutiérrez-Vega

We present the Ince-Gaussian modes that constitute the third complete family of exact and orthogonal solutions of the paraxial wave equation in elliptic coordinates and that are transverse eigenmodes of stable resonators. The transverse shape of these modes is described by the Ince polynomials and is structurally stable under propagation. Ince-Gaussian modes constitute the exact and continuous transition modes between Laguerre- and Hermite-Gaussian modes. The expansions between the three families are derived and discussed. As with Laguerre-Gaussian modes, it is possible to construct helical Ince-Gaussian modes that exhibit rotating phase features whose intensity pattern is formed by elliptic rings and whose phase rotates elliptically.

Optics Letters | 2008

Accelerating parabolic beams

Miguel A. Bandres

We demonstrate the existence of accelerating parabolic beams that constitute, together with the Airy beams, the only orthogonal and complete families of solutions of the two-dimensional paraxial wave equation that exhibit the unusual ability to remain diffraction-free and freely accelerate during propagation. Since the accelerating parabolic beams, like the Airy beams, carry infinite energy, we present exact finite-energy accelerating parabolic beams that still retain their unusual features over several diffraction lengths.

Optics Letters | 2004

Observation of Ince-Gaussian modes in stable resonators.

Ulrich T. Schwarz; Miguel A. Bandres; Julio C. Gutiérrez-Vega

We report what is to our knowledge the first observation of Ince-Gaussian modes directly generated in a stable resonator. By slightly breaking the symmetry of the cavity of a diode-pumped Nd:YVO4 laser and its pump beam configuration we were able to generate single high-order Ince-Gaussian modes of high quality. The observed transverse modes have an inherent elliptic structure and exhibit remarkable agreement with theoretical predictions.

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