
Featured researches published by Mikio Kurita.

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society | 2004

Variable stars in the Magellanic Clouds: results from OGLE and SIRIUS

Yoshifusa Ita; Toshihiko Tanabe; Noriyuki Matsunaga; Yasushi Nakajima; Chie Nagashima; Takahiro Nagayama; Daisuke Kato; Mikio Kurita; Tetsuya Nagata; Shuji Sato; Motohide Tamura; Hidehiko Nakaya; Yoshikazu Nakada

We have performed a cross-identification between Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment II (OGLE-II) data and single-epoch Simultaneous three-colour Infrared Imager for Unbiased Surveys (SIRIUS) near-infrared (NIR) JHK survey data in the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds (LMC and SMC, respectively). After eliminating obvious spurious variables, variables with too few good data and variables that seem to have periods longer than the available baseline of the OGLE-II data, we determined the pulsation periods for 8852 and 2927 variables in the LMC and SMC, respectively. Based on these homogeneous data, we studied the pulsation properties and metallicity effects on period–K magnitude (PK) relations by comparing the variable stars in the LMC and SMC. The sample analysed here is much larger than the previous studies, and we found the following new features in the PK diagram. (1) Variable red giants in the SMC form parallel sequences on the PK plane, just like those found by Wood in the LMC. (2) Both sequences A and B of Wood have discontinuities, and they occur at the K-band luminosity of the tip of the red giant branch. (3) The sequence B of Wood separates into three independent sequences B± and C′. (4) A comparison between the theoretical pulsation models and observational data suggests that the variable red giants on sequences C and newly discovered C′ are pulsating in the fundamental and first overtone modes, respectively. (5) The theory cannot explain the pulsation mode of sequences A± and B±, and they are unlikely to be the sequences for the first and second overtone pulsators, as was previously suggested. (6) The zero-points of PK relations of Cepheids in the metal deficient SMC are fainter than those of the LMC by ≈0.1 mag but those of SMC Miras are brighter than those of the LMC by ≈0.13 mag (adopting the distance modulus offset between the LMC and SMC to be 0.49 mag and assuming the slopes of the PK relations are the same in the two galaxies), which are probably due to metallicity effects.

The Astronomical Journal | 2005

Near-Infrared Imaging Survey of Bok Globules: Density Structure

Ryo Kandori; Yasushi Nakajima; Motohide Tamura; Ken'ichi Tatematsu; Yuri Aikawa; Takahiro Naoi; Koji Sugitani; Hidehiko Nakaya; Takahiro Nagayama; Tetsuya Nagata; Mikio Kurita; Daisuke Kato; Chie Nagashima; S. Sato

On the basis of near-infrared imaging observations, we derived the visual extinction (AV) distribution toward 10 Bok globules through measurements of both the color excess (EH-K) and the stellar density at J, H, and Ks (star count). Radial column density profiles for each globule were analyzed with the Bonnor-Ebert sphere model. Using the data of our 10 globules and four globules in the literature, we investigated the stability of globules on the basis of ξmax, which characterizes the Bonnor-Ebert sphere, as well as the stability of the equilibrium state against gravitational collapse. We found that more than half the starless globules are located near the critical state (ξmax = 6.5 ± 2). Thus, we suggest that a nearly critical Bonnor-Ebert sphere characterizes the typical density structure of starless globules. The remaining starless globules show clearly unstable states (ξmax > 10). Since unstable equilibrium states are not long maintained, we expect that these globules are on the way to gravitational collapse or that they are stabilized by nonthermal support. It was also found that all the star-forming globules show unstable solutions of ξmax > 10, which is consistent with the fact that they have started gravitational collapse. We investigated the evolution of a collapsing gas sphere whose initial condition is a nearly critical Bonnor-Ebert sphere. We found that the column density profiles of the collapsing sphere mimic those of the static Bonnor-Ebert spheres in unstable equilibrium. The collapsing gas sphere resembles marginally unstable Bonnor-Ebert spheres for a long time. We found that the frequency distribution of ξmax for the observed starless globules is consistent with that from model calculations of the collapsing sphere. In addition to the near-infrared observations, we carried out radio molecular line observations (C18O and N2H + ) toward the same 10 globules. We confirmed that most of the globules are dominated by thermal support. The line width of each globule was used to estimate the cloud temperature including the contribution from turbulence, with which we estimated the distance to the globules from the Bonnor-Ebert model fitting.

The Astrophysical Journal | 2005

A Distinct Structure inside the Galactic Bar

Shogo Nishiyama; Tetsuya Nagata; Daisuke Baba; Yasuaki Haba; Ryota Kadowaki; Daisuke Kato; Mikio Kurita; Chie Nagashima; Takahiro Nagayama; Yuka Murai; Yasushi Nakajima; Motohide Tamura; Hidehiko Nakaya; Koji Sugitani; Takahiro Naoi; Noriyuki Matsunaga; Toshihiko Tanabe; Nobuhiko Kusakabe; S. Sato

We present the result of a near-infrared (JHKs) survey along the Galactic plane, -105 ≤ l ≤ 105 and b = +1°, with the IRSF 1.4 m telescope and the SIRIUS camera. Ks versus H - Ks color-magnitude diagrams reveal a well-defined population of red clump stars whose apparent magnitude peak changes continuously along the Galactic plane, from Ks = 13.4 at l = -10° to Ks = 12.2 at l = 10° after dereddening. This variation can be explained by the barlike structure found in previous studies, but we find an additional inner structure at l 4°, where the longitude-apparent magnitude relation is distinct from the outer bar and where the apparent magnitude peak changes by only ≈0.1 mag over the central 8°. The exact nature of this inner structure is as yet uncertain.

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society | 2004

Variable stars in the Magellanic Clouds – II. The data and infrared properties

Yoshifusa Ita; Toshihiko Tanabe; Noriyuki Matsunaga; Yasushi Nakajima; Chie Nagashima; Takahiro Nagayama; Daisuke Kato; Mikio Kurita; Tetsuya Nagata; Shuji Sato; Motohide Tamura; Hidehiko Nakaya; Yoshikazu Nakada

The data of 8852 and 2927 variable stars detected by the OGLE survey in the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds are presented. They are cross-identified with the SIRIUS JHK survey data, and their infrared properties are discussed. Variable red giants are well separated on the period-(J - K) plane, suggesting that it could be a good tool to distinguish their pulsation mode and type.

Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific | 2005

TRISPEC: A Simultaneous Optical and Near-Infrared Imager, Spectrograph, and Polarimeter

Makoto Watanabe; Hidehiko Nakaya; Tomoyasu Yamamuro; Takahiro Zenno; Miki Ishii; Makoto Okada; Atsushi Yamazaki; Yusuke Yamanaka; Mikio Kurita; Masaru Kino; Ryuta Ijiri; Takanori Hirao; Tetsuya Nagata; S. Sato; Toshihide Kawai; Youko Nakamura; Toshikazu Sato; Noboru Ebizuka; J. Hough; A. Chrysostomou

We present the design, construction, and performance of TRISPEC (Triple Range Imager and Spectrograph), a simultaneous optical and near-infrared imager, spectrograph, and polarimeter. This instrument splits the incoming light from a telescope into the three beams—one optical channel (0.45-0.90 μm) and two infrared channels (0.90-1.85 and 1.85-2.5 μm)—by means of two dichroic mirrors. It is capable of simultaneous three-band imaging or spectroscopy, with or without polarimetry. Low-resolution grisms (R ~ 70-360) cover a wide wavelength range of 0.46-2.5 μm, simultaneously. The instrument employs three arrays—one 512 × 512 SITe CCD and two 256 × 256 SBRC InSb arrays—to cover the three channels. It has been commissioned in the imaging, spectroscopic, and polarimetric modes on the United Kingdom Infrared Telescope, the University of Hawaii 2.2 m telescope, and the Okayama Astrophysical Observatory 1.88 m telescope since 1999 June.

The Astrophysical Journal | 2002

Deep Near-Infrared Survey toward the M17 Region

Zhibo Jiang; Yongqiang Yao; Ji Yang; Minoru Ando; Daisuke Kato; Toshihide Kawai; Mikio Kurita; Tetsuya Nagata; Takahiro Nagayama; Yasushi Nakajima; Chie Nagashima; Shuji Sato; Motohide Tamura; Hidehiko Nakaya; Koji Sugitani

We conducted a deep JHK(s)-band imaging survey of the M17 region, using a near-infrared camera, the Simultaneous 3-color InfraRed Imager for Unbiased Survey ( SIRIUS), mounted on the InfraRed Survey Facility (IRSF) 1.4 m telescope at the South African Astronomical Observatory. This survey covers an area of similar to200 arcmin(2) with 10 sigma limiting magnitudes of J similar to 18.7, H similar to 18.2, and K-s similar to 17.5. The near-infrared (NIR) images reveal an unprecedented view of the region. The NIR nebulae are highly structured, with two nebular bars corresponding to, but a little larger than, the H II region defined by Felli, Massi, & Churchwell, constructing a conical shape. Fine structures are found all over the nebular area. The central region contains a congregation of intermediate- to high-mass stars. From the slope of the K-s-band luminosity function and the frequency of young stellar objects (YSOs) we infer that the central cluster has an age less than 3 Myr. The central OB cluster provides tremendous energy that heats and ionizes its surrounding materials, triggering the star formation of second-generation in the nebular bars. The second generation stars are so numerous that could they affect the star formation efficiency in the whole region. To the southwest of the central cluster and the nebular bars, where a giant molecular cloud core is located, a large number of red stars are detected. We argue that these red stars are most probably associated YSOs with intrinsic color excesses, not normal field stars reddened by the molecular cloud in front of them. Being located beyond the photodissociation region, the star-forming process in the molecular region could be independent of the impact of the central cluster.

The Astronomical Journal | 2005


Yasushi Nakajima; Daisuke Kato; Tetsuya Nagata; Motohide Tamura; Shuji Sato; Koji Sugitani; Chie Nagashima; Takahiro Nagayama; Ikuru Iwata; Yoshifusa Ita; Toshihiko Tanabe; Mikio Kurita; Hidehiko Nakaya; Daisuke Baba

We have carried out deep near-infrared imaging observations of the N159/N160 star-forming region in the Large Magellanic Cloud. We observed an area of ~380 arcmin2 (~80,000 pc2 at the distance of the LMC) in the J, H, and Ks bands. The observations are deep enough to detect Herbig Ae/Be stars down to ~3 M⊙ in the LMC. We discovered a total of 338 and 464 candidate Herbig Ae/Be and OB stars, respectively, based on the near-infrared colors and magnitudes. The Herbig Ae/Be candidates comprise 10 clusters, the OB star candidates 13. We discovered an embedded Herbig Ae/Be cluster in the N159 East giant molecular cloud (GMC) and a Herbig Ae/Be cluster at the northeast tip of the N159 South GMC. Together with two neighboring H II regions, the Herbig Ae/Be cluster at the tip of the N159S GMC provides a hint of the beginning of sequential cluster formation in N159S. The spatial distributions of the Herbig Ae/Be and OB clusters, in conjunction with previously known optical clusters and embedded massive stars, indicate (1) sequential cluster formation within each of the N159 and N160 star-forming regions and (2) large-scale sequential cluster formation over the entire observed region from N160 to N159S. Possible triggers for the large-scale cluster formation are the supergiant shell SGS 19 and an expanding superbubble. Some of the Herbig Ae/Be clusters in the N159/N160 complex are significantly larger in spatial extent than pre–main-sequence clusters of similar age in the Milky Way. Highly turbulent gas motion in the LMC is probably responsible for forming the large young clusters.

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society | 2002

Pulsation at the tip of the first giant branch

Yoshifusa Ita; Toshihiko Tanabe; Noriyuki Matsunaga; Yasushi Nakajima; Chie Nagashima; Takahiro Nagayama; Daisuke Kato; Mikio Kurita; Tetsuya Nagata; Shuji Sato; Motohide Tamura; Hidehiko Nakaya; Yoshikazu Nakada

The first results of our ongoing near-infrared (NIR) survey of the variable red giants in the Large Magellanic Cloud, using the Infrared Survey Facility (IRSF) and the SIRIUS infrared camera, are presented. Many very red stars were detected and we found that most of them are variables. In the observed colour‐magnitude diagram (J −K, K ) and the stellar K magnitude distribution, the tip of the first giant branch (TRGB), where helium burning in the core starts, is clearly seen. Apart from the genuine AGB variables, we found many variable stars at luminosities around the TRGB. From this result, we infer that a substantial fraction of them are RGB variables.

The Astrophysical Journal | 2004

Deep Near-Infrared Imaging toward the Vela Molecular Ridge C. I. A Remarkable Embedded Cluster in RCW 36

Daisuke Baba; Tetsuya Nagata; Takahiro Nagayama; Chie Nagashima; Daisuke Kato; Mikio Kurita; Shuji Sato; Y. Nakajima; Motohide Tamura; Hidehiko Nakaya; Koji Sugitani

We present deep near-infrared (J, H, and Ks) images toward an embedded cluster that lies in a C18O clump in cloud C of the Vela Molecular Ridge. This cluster has at least ~350 members and a radius of ~0.5 pc. The stellar surface number density is approximately 3000 stars pc-2 in the central 0.1 × 0.1 pc region of the cluster. This is much higher than most of the young clusters within 1 kpc of the Sun. From a comparison of the luminosity function and near-infrared excess fraction with those of other embedded clusters, we estimate that the age of this cluster is approximately 2-3 Myr. This cluster exhibits an excess of brighter stars in its central region, from which we conclude that the more massive stars are located near the cluster center.

Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan | 2007

Near-Infrared Imaging Polarimetry of the NGC 2071 Star-Forming Region with SIRPOL

Motohide Tamura; Ryo Kandori; Jun Hashimoto; Nobuhiko Kusakabe; Yasushi Nakajima; S. Sato; Chie Nagashima; Mikio Kurita; Tetsuya Nagata; Takahiro Nagayama; J. Hough; Tomoaki Matsumoto; A. Chrysostomou

We conducted deep JHKs imaging polarimetry of a 80 80 area of the NGC 2071 star-forming region. Our polarization data revealed various infrared reflection nebulae (IRNe) associated with the central IR young star cluster NGC 2071IR and identified their illuminating sources. There are at least 4 IRNe in NGC 2071IR, and several additional IRNe were identified around nearby young stars in the same field-of-view. Each illuminating source coincides with a known near-IR source, except for IRS 3, which is only a part of IRN 2 and is illuminated by the radio source 1c. Aperture polarimetry of each cluster source was used to detect unresolved circumstellar disk/outflow systems. Aperture polarimetry of the other point-like sources within the field was conducted in this region for the first time. The magnetic field structures (from 1 pc down to 0.1 pc) were derived using both aperture polarimetry of the point-like sources and imaging polarimetry of the shocked H2 emission that is seen as the dominant knotty nebulae in the Ks band image; both are of dichroic origin and the derived field directions are consistent with each other. The magnetic field direction projected on the sky is also consistent with that inferred from the 850 m thermal continuum emission polarimetry of the central 0.2 pc region, but is running roughly perpendicular ( 75i) to the direction of the large-scale outflow. We argue that the field strength is too weak to align the outflow in the large-scale field direction via magnetic braking.

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