Mikkel H. Schierup
Aarhus University
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Featured researches published by Mikkel H. Schierup.
Science | 2008
Pascal Preker; Jesper Buus Nielsen; Susanne Kammler; Søren Lykke-Andersen; Marianne S. Christensen; Christophe K. Mapendano; Mikkel H. Schierup; Torben Heick Jensen
Studies have shown that the bulk of eukaryotic genomes is transcribed. Transcriptome maps are frequently updated, but low-abundant transcripts have probably gone unnoticed. To eliminate RNA degradation, we depleted the exonucleolytic RNA exosome from human cells and then subjected the RNA to tiling microarray analysis. This revealed a class of short, polyadenylated and highly unstable RNAs. These promoter upstream transcripts (PROMPTs) are produced ∼0.5 to 2.5 kilobases upstream of active transcription start sites. PROMPT transcription occurs in both sense and antisense directions with respect to the downstream gene. In addition, it requires the presence of the gene promoter and is positively correlated with gene activity. We propose that PROMPT transcription is a common characteristic of RNA polymerase II (RNAPII) transcribed genes with a possible regulatory potential.
Nature | 2012
Aylwyn Scally; Julien Y. Dutheil; LaDeana W. Hillier; Gregory Jordan; Ian Goodhead; Javier Herrero; Asger Hobolth; Tuuli Lappalainen; Thomas Mailund; Tomas Marques-Bonet; Shane McCarthy; Stephen H. Montgomery; Petra C. Schwalie; Y. Amy Tang; Michelle C. Ward; Yali Xue; Bryndis Yngvadottir; Can Alkan; Lars Nørvang Andersen; Qasim Ayub; Edward V. Ball; Kathryn Beal; Brenda J. Bradley; Yuan Chen; Chris Clee; Stephen Fitzgerald; Tina Graves; Yong Gu; Paul Heath; Andreas Heger
Gorillas are humans’ closest living relatives after chimpanzees, and are of comparable importance for the study of human origins and evolution. Here we present the assembly and analysis of a genome sequence for the western lowland gorilla, and compare the whole genomes of all extant great ape genera. We propose a synthesis of genetic and fossil evidence consistent with placing the human–chimpanzee and human–chimpanzee–gorilla speciation events at approximately 6 and 10 million years ago. In 30% of the genome, gorilla is closer to human or chimpanzee than the latter are to each other; this is rarer around coding genes, indicating pervasive selection throughout great ape evolution, and has functional consequences in gene expression. A comparison of protein coding genes reveals approximately 500 genes showing accelerated evolution on each of the gorilla, human and chimpanzee lineages, and evidence for parallel acceleration, particularly of genes involved in hearing. We also compare the western and eastern gorilla species, estimating an average sequence divergence time 1.75 million years ago, but with evidence for more recent genetic exchange and a population bottleneck in the eastern species. The use of the genome sequence in these and future analyses will promote a deeper understanding of great ape biology and evolution.
Nature | 2013
Javier Prado-Martinez; Peter H. Sudmant; Jeffrey M. Kidd; Heng Li; Joanna L. Kelley; Belen Lorente-Galdos; Krishna R. Veeramah; August E. Woerner; Timothy D. O’Connor; Gabriel Santpere; Alexander Cagan; Christoph Theunert; Ferran Casals; Hafid Laayouni; Kasper Munch; Asger Hobolth; Anders E. Halager; Maika Malig; Jessica Hernandez-Rodriguez; Irene Hernando-Herraez; Kay Prüfer; Marc Pybus; Laurel Johnstone; Michael Lachmann; Can Alkan; Dorina Twigg; Natalia Petit; Carl Baker; Fereydoun Hormozdiari; Marcos Fernandez-Callejo
Most great ape genetic variation remains uncharacterized; however, its study is critical for understanding population history, recombination, selection and susceptibility to disease. Here we sequence to high coverage a total of 79 wild- and captive-born individuals representing all six great ape species and seven subspecies and report 88.8 million single nucleotide polymorphisms. Our analysis provides support for genetically distinct populations within each species, signals of gene flow, and the split of common chimpanzees into two distinct groups: Nigeria–Cameroon/western and central/eastern populations. We find extensive inbreeding in almost all wild populations, with eastern gorillas being the most extreme. Inferred effective population sizes have varied radically over time in different lineages and this appears to have a profound effect on the genetic diversity at, or close to, genes in almost all species. We discover and assign 1,982 loss-of-function variants throughout the human and great ape lineages, determining that the rate of gene loss has not been different in the human branch compared to other internal branches in the great ape phylogeny. This comprehensive catalogue of great ape genome diversity provides a framework for understanding evolution and a resource for more effective management of wild and captive great ape populations.
Nature | 2012
Kay Prüfer; Kasper Munch; Ines Hellmann; Keiko Akagi; Jason R. Miller; Brian Walenz; Sergey Koren; Granger Sutton; Chinnappa D. Kodira; Roger Winer; James Knight; James C. Mullikin; Stephen Meader; Chris P. Ponting; Gerton Lunter; Saneyuki Higashino; Asger Hobolth; Julien Y. Dutheil; Emre Karakoc; Can Alkan; Saba Sajjadian; Claudia Rita Catacchio; Mario Ventura; Tomas Marques-Bonet; Evan E. Eichler; Claudine André; Rebeca Atencia; Lawrence Mugisha; Jörg Junhold; Nick Patterson
Two African apes are the closest living relatives of humans: the chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) and the bonobo (Pan paniscus). Although they are similar in many respects, bonobos and chimpanzees differ strikingly in key social and sexual behaviours, and for some of these traits they show more similarity with humans than with each other. Here we report the sequencing and assembly of the bonobo genome to study its evolutionary relationship with the chimpanzee and human genomes. We find that more than three per cent of the human genome is more closely related to either the bonobo or the chimpanzee genome than these are to each other. These regions allow various aspects of the ancestry of the two ape species to be reconstructed. In addition, many of the regions that overlap genes may eventually help us understand the genetic basis of phenotypes that humans share with one of the two apes to the exclusion of the other.
PLOS Genetics | 2005
Asger Hobolth; Ole F. Christensen; Thomas Mailund; Mikkel H. Schierup
The genealogical relationship of human, chimpanzee, and gorilla varies along the genome. We develop a hidden Markov model (HMM) that incorporates this variation and relate the model parameters to population genetics quantities such as speciation times and ancestral population sizes. Our HMM is an analytically tractable approximation to the coalescent process with recombination, and in simulations we see no apparent bias in the HMM estimates. We apply the HMM to four autosomal contiguous human–chimp–gorilla–orangutan alignments comprising a total of 1.9 million base pairs. We find a very recent speciation time of human–chimp (4.1 ± 0.4 million years), and fairly large ancestral effective population sizes (65,000 ± 30,000 for the human–chimp ancestor and 45,000 ± 10,000 for the human–chimp–gorilla ancestor). Furthermore, around 50% of the human genome coalesces with chimpanzee after speciation with gorilla. We also consider 250,000 base pairs of X-chromosome alignments and find an effective population size much smaller than 75% of the autosomal effective population sizes. Finally, we find that the rate of transitions between different genealogies correlates well with the region-wide present-day human recombination rate, but does not correlate with the fine-scale recombination rates and recombination hot spots, suggesting that the latter are evolutionarily transient.
Genetics Research | 2000
Mikkel H. Schierup; Xavier Vekemans; Deborah Charlesworth
Simulations are used to investigate the expected pattern of variation at loci under different forms of multi-allelic balancing selection in a finite island model of a subdivided population. The objective is to evaluate the effect of restricted migration among demes on the distribution of polymorphism at the selected loci at equilibrium, and to compare the results with those expected for a neutral locus. The results show that the expected number of alleles maintained, and numbers of nucleotide differences between alleles, are relatively insensitive to the migration rate, and differentiation remains low even under very restricted migration. However, nucleotide divergence between copies of functionally identical alleles increases sharply when migration decreases. These results are discussed in relation to published surveys of allelic diversity in MHC and plant self-incompatibility systems, and to the possibility of inferring ancient population genetic events and processes. In addition, it is shown that, for sporophytic self-incompatibility systems, it is not necessarily true in a subdivided population that recessive alleles are more frequent than dominant ones.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2009
Ya-Long Guo; Jesper Bechsgaard; Tanja Slotte; Barbara Neuffer; Martin Lascoux; Detlef Weigel; Mikkel H. Schierup
Flowering plants often prevent selfing through mechanisms of self-incompatibility (S.I.). The loss of S.I. has occurred many times independently, because it provides short-term advantages in situations where pollinators or mates are rare. The genus Capsella, which is closely related to Arabidopsis, contains a pair of closely related diploid species, the self-incompatible Capsella grandiflora and the self-compatible Capsella rubella. To elucidate the transition to selfing and its relationship to speciation of C. rubella, we have made use of comparative sequence information. Our analyses indicate that C. rubella separated from C. grandiflora recently (≈30,000–50,000 years ago) and that breakdown of S.I. occurred at approximately the same time. Contrasting the nucleotide diversity patterns of the 2 species, we found that C. rubella has only 1 or 2 alleles at most loci, suggesting that it originated through an extreme population bottleneck. Our data are consistent with diploid speciation by a single, selfing individual, most likely living in Greece. The new species subsequently colonized the Mediterranean by Northern and Southern routes, at a time that also saw the spread of agriculture. The presence of phenotypic diversity within modern C. rubella suggests that this species will be an interesting model to understand divergence and adaptation, starting from very limited standing genetic variation.
European Journal of Human Genetics | 2009
Mathieu Emily; Thomas Mailund; Jotun Hein; Leif Schauser; Mikkel H. Schierup
Genome-wide association studies have identified a large number of single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that individually predispose to diseases. However, many genetic risk factors remain unaccounted for. Proteins coded by genes interact in the cell, and it is most likely that certain variants mainly affect the phenotype in combination with other variants, termed epistasis. An exhaustive search for epistatic effects is computationally demanding, as several billions of SNP pairs exist for typical genotyping chips. In this study, the experimental knowledge on biological networks is used to narrow the search for two-locus epistasis. We provide evidence that this approach is computationally feasible and statistically powerful. By applying this method to the Wellcome Trust Case–Control Consortium data sets, we report four significant cases of epistasis between unlinked loci, in susceptibility to Crohns disease, bipolar disorder, hypertension and rheumatoid arthritis.
Genome Research | 2011
Asger Hobolth; Julien Y. Dutheil; John Hawks; Mikkel H. Schierup; Thomas Mailund
We search the complete orangutan genome for regions where humans are more closely related to orangutans than to chimpanzees due to incomplete lineage sorting (ILS) in the ancestor of human and chimpanzees. The search uses our recently developed coalescent hidden Markov model (HMM) framework. We find ILS present in ∼1% of the genome, and that the ancestral species of human and chimpanzees never experienced a severe population bottleneck. The existence of ILS is validated with simulations, site pattern analysis, and analysis of rare genomic events. The existence of ILS allows us to disentangle the time of isolation of humans and orangutans (the speciation time) from the genetic divergence time, and we find speciation to be as recent as 9-13 million years ago (Mya; contingent on the calibration point). The analyses provide further support for a recent speciation of human and chimpanzee at ∼4 Mya and a diverse ancestor of human and chimpanzee with an effective population size of about 50,000 individuals. Posterior decoding infers ILS for each nucleotide in the genome, and we use this to deduce patterns of selection in the ancestral species. We demonstrate the effect of background selection in the common ancestor of humans and chimpanzees. In agreement with predictions from population genetics, ILS was found to be reduced in exons and gene-dense regions when we control for confounding factors such as GC content and recombination rate. Finally, we find the broad-scale recombination rate to be conserved through the complete ape phylogeny.
Nature Communications | 2014
Kristian W. Sanggaard; Jesper Bechsgaard; Xiaodong Fang; Jinjie Duan; Thomas F. Dyrlund; Vikas Gupta; Xuanting Jiang; Ling Cheng; Dingding Fan; Yue Feng; Lijuan Han; Zhiyong Huang; Zongze Wu; Li Liao; Virginia Settepani; Ida B. Thøgersen; Bram Vanthournout; Tobias Wang; Yabing Zhu; Peter Funch; Jan J. Enghild; Leif Schauser; Stig U. Andersen; Palle Villesen; Mikkel H. Schierup; Trine Bilde; Jun Wang
Spiders are ecologically important predators with complex venom and extraordinarily tough silk that enables capture of large prey. Here we present the assembled genome of the social velvet spider and a draft assembly of the tarantula genome that represent two major taxonomic groups of spiders. The spider genomes are large with short exons and long introns, reminiscent of mammalian genomes. Phylogenetic analyses place spiders and ticks as sister groups supporting polyphyly of the Acari. Complex sets of venom and silk genes/proteins are identified. We find that venom genes evolved by sequential duplication, and that the toxic effect of venom is most likely activated by proteases present in the venom. The set of silk genes reveals a highly dynamic gene evolution, new types of silk genes and proteins, and a novel use of aciniform silk. These insights create new opportunities for pharmacological applications of venom and biomaterial applications of silk.