Milda Stuknytė
University of Milan
Food Chemistry | 2014
Milda Stuknytė; Stefano Cattaneo; Maria Ambrogina Pagani; Alessandra Marti; Valérie Micard; J.A. Hogenboom; Ivano De Noni
The effects of low (LT) or high (HT) temperature drying on ultrastructural, molecular and in vitro digestibility properties of cooked spaghetti were studied. Starch swelling and denaturation/aggregation of proteins occurring at diverse stages, LT or HT drying and cooking, resulted in different in vitro digestibility of spaghetti. For the first time, these differences were assessed in terms of the release of free AA and simple sugars. Indeed, at the end of in vitro digestion, the total amount of released maltotriose, maltose and glucose significantly differentiated digestates of LT and HT spaghetti (12.6 and 15.9 g 100g⁻¹). In the same samples, diverse amounts (16.3 and 12.5 g 100g⁻¹ protein) of free amino acids were found. Chemical artifacts occurring at protein level impaired release of lysine in cooked HT spaghetti after in vitro digestion. These results increase the knowledge on digestibility of LT and HT cooked spaghetti.
Food Chemistry | 2015
Milda Stuknytė; Stefano Cattaneo; Fabio Masotti; Ivano De Noni
The occurrence of the casein-derived angiotensin converting enzyme-inhibitor (ACE-I) peptides VPP, IPP, RYLGY, RYLG, AYFYPEL, AYFYPE, LHLPLP and HLPLP were investigated in 12 different cheese samples by Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography/High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry. The total amount of ACE-I peptides was in the range 0.87-331mgkg(-1). VPP and IPP largely prevailed in almost all cheeses. Following in vitro static gastrointestinal digestion of Cheddar, Gorgonzola, Maasdam and Grana Padano cheeses, type and amount of ACE-I peptides changed, and only VPP, IPP, HLPLP and LHLPLP were detected in the intestinal digestates. The results evidenced that the degree of proteolysis itself cannot be regarded as a promoting or hindering factor for ACE-I peptide release during cheese digestion. Moreover, the data indicated that the ACE-I potential of cheeses cannot be inferred based on the type and amount of ACE-I peptides present in undigested samples.
Journal of Pineal Research | 2014
Claudio Gardana; Marcello Iriti; Milda Stuknytė; Ivano De Noni; Paolo Simonetti
Melatonin is a neurohormone, chronobiotic, and antioxidant compound found in wine and deriving directly from grapes and/or synthesized by yeast during alcoholic fermentation. In addition, a melatonin isomer has been detected in different foods, wine among them. The special interest for melatonin isomer related to the fact that it was found in greater quantities than melatonin and probably shares some of its biological properties. Despite this, its chemical structure has not yet been defined; although some researchers hypothesize, it could be melatonin with the ethylacetamide group shifted into position N1. Thus, the aim of our study was to identify the structures of the melatonin isomer. For this purpose, melatonin and melatonin isomer in Syrah wine were separated chromatographically by a sub‐2 μm particle column and detected by tandem mass spectrometry. The sample was then purified and concentrated by solid‐phase extraction, hydrolyzed with alkali or esterase, and substrates and products quantified by UPLC‐MS/MS. Moreover, melatonin, melatonin isomer, and their product ions were evaluated by high‐resolution mass spectrometry. The amount of melatonin isomer and melatonin in the wine was 84 ± 4 and 3 ± 0 ng/mL, respectively. In the solutions, containing diluted alkali or esterase, melatonin isomer was hydrolyzed in about 8 min. Correspondingly, tryptophan was detected, and its amount increased and reached the maximum concentration in about 8 min. Melatonin concentration was not affected by diluted alkali or esterase. The fragmentation pattern of melatonin isomer was different from that of melatonin but comparable to that of tryptophan‐ethylester. Finally, the so‐called melatonin isomer identity was verified by cochromatography with authentic standard of tryptophan‐ethylester.
Food Chemistry | 2015
Stefano Cattaneo; Alyssa Hidalgo; Fabio Masotti; Milda Stuknytė; Andrea Brandolini; Ivano De Noni
The effect of processing conditions on heat damage, starch digestibility, release of advanced glycation end products (AGEs) and antioxidant capacity of puffed cereals was studied. The determination of several markers arising from Maillard reaction proved pyrraline (PYR) and hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) as the most reliable indices of heat load applied during puffing. The considerable heat load was evidenced by the high levels of both PYR (57.6-153.4 mg kg(-1) dry matter) and HMF (13-51.2 mg kg(-1) dry matter). For cost and simplicity, HMF looked like the most appropriate index in puffed cereals. Puffing influenced starch in vitro digestibility, being most of the starch (81-93%) hydrolyzed to maltotriose, maltose and glucose whereas only limited amounts of AGEs were released. The relevant antioxidant capacity revealed by digested puffed kernels can be ascribed to both the new formed Maillard reaction products and the conditions adopted during in vitro digestion.
Food Chemistry | 2014
Stefano Cattaneo; Milda Stuknytė; L. Pellegrino; Ivano De Noni
In addition to proteose peptones (PP), the extent of plasminolysis in different classes of drinking milk during storage has been evaluated by the quantification of the peptides αs2-CN (f1-25) 4P and αs2-CN (f1-21) 4P by UPLC/HR-MS. The rate of increase in the levels of all the studied peptides during storage depended on the heating process. The samples of drinking milk showed different levels of plasminolysis at their expiration dates, as revealed by αs2-CN (f1-25) 4P and αs2-CN (f1-21) 4P amounts. The different treatments applied during the manufacturing of extended shelf life (ESL) milk samples resulted in different levels of plasminolysis, confirming the heterogeneity of this class of drinking milk. The peptides from αs2-CN accumulated faster than PP in all the samples with the exception of UHT milk. Therefore, these peptides can be considered as sensitive indices of early plasminolysis in pasteurised and ESL milk.
Food Chemistry | 2017
Stefano Cattaneo; Milda Stuknytė; Fabio Masotti; Ivano De Noni
Protein modifications occurring during sterilisation of infant formulas can affect protein digestibility and release of bioactive peptides. The effect of glycation and cross-linking on protein breakdown and release of β-casomorphins was evaluated during in vitro gastro-intestinal digestion (GID) of six sterilised model systems of infant formula. Protein degradation during in vitro GID was evaluated by SDS-PAGE and by measuring the nitrogen content of ultrafiltration (3kDa) permeates before and after in vitro GID of model IFs. Glycation strongly hindered protein breakdown, whereas cross-linking resulting from β-elimination reactions had a negligible effect. Only β-casomorphin 7 (β-CM7) was detected (0.187-0.858mgL(-1)) at the end of the intestinal digestion in all untreated IF model systems. The level of β-CM7 in the sterilised model systems prepared without addition of sugars ranged from 0.256 to 0.655mgL(-1). The release of this peptide during GID was hindered by protein glycation.
Journal of Dairy Science | 2016
M. Malvisi; Milda Stuknytė; G. Magro; Giulietta Minozzi; A. Giardini; I. De Noni; Renata Piccinini
Twenty-nine strains of mastitis pathogens were used to study the antibacterial activity of the cell-free supernatants (CFS) of 25 strains of Lactococcus lactis ssp. lactis. Out of the tested strains, only the CFS of L. lactis LL11 and SL153 were active, inhibiting and killing most of the pathogens. By means of ultra-performance liquid chromatography/high resolution mass spectrometry, they were shown to produce nisin A, a class I bacteriocin. A variable sensitivity to nisin A-containing CFS was observed among Streptococcus uberis and Enterococcus faecalis strains. Nonetheless, Streptococcus agalactiae, Strep. uberis, and E. faecalis displayed high minimum inhibitory concentration values, reaching 384 arbitrary units/mL. Interestingly, the minimum inhibitory values and the bactericidal concentrations were almost identical among them for each of the 2 stains, LL11 and SL153. Staphylococci were, on average, less sensitive than streptococci, but the 2 CFS inhibited and killed, at different dilutions, strains of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. The immune response to nisin A-containing CFS was tested using the bovine mammary epithelial cell line BME-UV1. Application of CFS did not damage epithelial integrity, as demonstrated by the higher activity of N-acetyl-β-d-glucosaminidase (NAGase) and lysozyme inside the cells, in both treated and control samples. On the other hand, the increase of released NAGase after 15 to 24h of treatment with LL11 or SL153 live cultures demonstrated an inflammatory response of epithelial cells. Similarly, a significantly higher lysozyme activity was detected in the cells treated with LL11 live culture confirming the stimulation of lysosomal activity. The treatment of epithelial cells with SL153 live culture induced a significant tumor necrosis factor-α downregulation in the cells, but did not influence IL-8 expression. The control of tumor necrosis factor-α release could be an interesting approach to reduce the symptoms linked to clinical intramammary infections. Due to their antibacterial activity and to the stimulation of lysosomal activity of mammary epithelial cells, the L. lactis strains SL153 and LL11 could be of interest for the development of alternative intramammary treatments to control cow mastitis.
Journal of Dairy Science | 2015
L. Basiricò; Elisabetta Catalani; P. Morera; Stefano Cattaneo; Milda Stuknytė; U. Bernabucci; I. De Noni; A. Nardone
The occurrence of 8 bovine casein-derived peptides (VPP, IPP, RYLGY, RYLG, AYFYPEL, AYFYPE, LHLPLP, and HLPLP) reported as angiotensin converting enzyme-inhibitors (ACE-I) was investigated in the 3-kDa ultrafiltered water-soluble extract (WSE) of Parmigiano Reggiano (PR) cheese samples by ultra-performance liquid chromatography coupled to high-resolution mass spectrometry via an electrospray ionization source. Only VPP, IPP, LHLPLP, and HLPLP were revealed in the WSE, and their total amount was in the range of 8.46 to 21.55 mg/kg of cheese. Following in vitro static gastrointestinal digestion, the same ACE-I peptides along with the newly formed AYFYPEL and AYFYPE were found in the 3 kDa WSE of PR digestates. Digestates presented high amounts (1,880-3,053 mg/kg) of LHLPLP, whereas the remaining peptides accounted for 69.24 to 82.82 mg/kg. The half-maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) values decreased from 7.92 ± 2.08 in undigested cheese to 3.20 ± 1.69 after in vitro gastrointestinal digestion. The 3-kDa WSE of digested cheeses were used to study the transport of the 8 ACE-I peptides across the monolayers of the Caco-2 cell culture grown on a semipermeable membrane of the transwells. After 1h of incubation, 649.20 ± 148.85 mg/kg of LHLPLP remained in the apical compartment, whereas VPP, IPP, AYFYPEL, AYFYPE, and HLPLP accounted in total for less than 36.78 mg/kg. On average, 0.6% of LHLPLP initially present in the digestates added to the apical compartment were transported intact to the basolateral chamber after the same incubation time. Higher transport rate (2.9%) was ascertained for the peptide HLPLP. No other intact ACE-I peptides were revealed in the basolateral compartment. For the first time, these results demonstrated that the ACE-I peptides HLPLP and LHLPLP present in the in vitro digestates of PR cheese are partially absorbed through an in vitro model of human intestinal epithelium.
Journal of Dairy Science | 2017
Fabio Masotti; Stefano Cattaneo; Milda Stuknytė; G. Battelli; Lisa Vallone; I. De Noni
Strachitunt, a blue-veined Italian cheese, received the Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) label in 2014. Its unique technological feature is represented by the dual-curd method of production. Strachitunt is produced from raw bovine milk with or without the inoculation of natural starter cultures of lactic acid bacteria, and the addition of secondary cultures of mold spores is not permitted by the product specification. Physico-chemical properties, proteolysis, and volatile profile of Strachitunt were investigated in 10 cheese samples (ripened for 75 d) made throughout spring 2015 and provided by the main cheese maker. Overall, composition parameters showed a large variability among samples. Cheese was characterized by an acid paste (pH 5.46) and a lower extent of proteolysis compared with other blue-veined varieties. The main chemical groups of volatile organic compounds were alcohols and esters, whereas ketones represented only a minor component. The erratic adventitious contamination by mold spores of the cheese milk, the unique dual-curd method of cheese-making, and the large time variability between the piercing time and the end of ripening could be highlighted as the main causes of both the distinctive analytical fingerprint and the scarce standardization of this blue-veined cheese.
Food Research International | 2016
Paola De Luca; Sara Bruschi; Margherita Maggioni; Milda Stuknytė; Stefano Cattaneo; Michela Bottani; Amelia Fiorilli; Filippo Rossi; Ivano De Noni; Anita Ferraretto
In the present work, Grana Padano (GP) and Trentingrana (TN) cheeses at different ripening time were in vitro digested. To study calcium uptake and utilization, the intact digestates (selected doses that do not alter cell viability and Transepithelial Electrical Resistance) were administered to Caco2/HT-29 70/30 cells, cultured on a semipermeable membrane in transwells, as a model of human intestinal epithelium. Intact digestates as well as the whole basolateral solutions (mimicking the passage of digestates through intestinal cells before reaching the blood flow and bone) in parallel were further administered to human osteoblast-like cells SaOS-2 to study the extracellular bone matrix formation. In vitro digestates deriving from GP and TN promoted calcium uptake and extracellular bone matrix formation independently of both the cheese type and its ripening period (13, 19 or 26months). The present study reports the ability of whole digestates of GP and TN cheeses to improve intestinal calcium absorption and bone matrix formation in vitro. Once fully explored at bone level, this finding could better support the role of cheese in ameliorating calcium deficiencies and associated diseases in vivo.