
Featured researches published by Miloslava Cerna.

conference on e-business, e-services and e-society | 2017

Benefits and Pitfalls in Utilization of the Internet by Elderly People

Libuše Svobodová; Miloslava Cerna

The role of advanced technologies is being discussed in public, academic and government environments. The paper deals with the current issue of computer literacy in the elderly people with focus not only on benefits but also on pitfalls connected with their use. The paper brings an insight into the technical literature review. It strives to summarize key beneficial outcomes and contrary unexpected obstacles which elderly people face when they use information and communication technology. A set of examples as practical demonstrations of real computer usage by elderly people illustrates the issue on the national scene. The research was run to explore the computer literacy in elderly people from three perspectives, roughly corresponding to three kinds of elderly people reflecting their physical and mental state. Findings from the surveys which were conducted with a group of elderly respondents in the senior homes and findings from the interview with a young lector teaching old generation show the issue in the local city environment. A question on benefits of organized course for the elderly from the questionnaire explores the survey from four perspectives and brings enriching findings. Findings from literature review correspond to findings gained from the research. Positive attributes of active utilization of the Internet contribute to active ageing, to the combat of the feelings of social isolation and loneliness.

International Conference on Blending Learning | 2016

User Evaluation of Language Websites as a Way of Students’ Engagement into Blended Learning Process Case Study

Miloslava Cerna

The paper deals with an interdisciplinary field of developing language and digital competences in university students via usability testing of English websites by students themselves. The researched issue covers two areas which mingle and influence each other: functionality of web-sites and educational benefits arising from non-standard approach in the university setting where language is used as a tool not as a main goal to fulfil technical tasks. Comparison of the outcomes gained from the user-testing forms conducted by part-time and full-time students showed their positive acceptance of the new approach to getting acquainted with selected websites and readiness to their incorporation into the process of education. Students are given a way of getting the mastery of exploring language websites and learning how to navigate themselves in them, use functionalities like connection to social applications, practice tests or self-diagnose of language competence.

International Conference on Blended Learning | 2017

Deployment of Cognitive and Affective Determinants in Blended Learning - Case Study

Miloslava Cerna

The paper discusses psycho-didactic framework which is applied to stimulate language development and test language competence in students of bachelor study programmes within Blended learning concept. Cognitive and affective determinants are unique to each student. When this perspective is simplified to the core it is possible to state that each student has his/her learning prerequisites like knowledge and has his/her attitudes, interests and self-esteem. In this presented research we tried to demonstrate the concept of determinants with real participants on the real teaching-learning stage. The goal is to maternize theory and visualize how theory aligns with practice.

international conference on hybrid learning and education | 2015

Potential of Social Media Not Only in Collaborative Learning: Expectations and Reality Case Study

Miloslava Cerna

There have been endless expectations in the potential of social media among academicians when this currently natural phenomenon entered and settled in our professional and private lives. The goal of this paper is to provide readers with an insight into the current trendy issue of social applications in university teaching/learning environment where aspect of real proven collaboration is highlighted. Students’ perspective forms another key aspect of the explored issue. The sub-goal is to compare the results of real active cooperation of students in the social media space with students’ perception of social media potential in the process of education. The paper brings both deep literature reviews on this issue and tangible results gained from series of conducted surveys and follow up semi directed discussions. Findings from the survey do not correspond to great expectations and stressed features of new virtual space and possibilities brought by Web 2.0 phenomenon that would fruitfully foster the process of education.

global engineering education conference | 2011

Senior citizens as a specific non-traditional group of students in a lifelong education

Monika Zumarova; Miloslava Cerna

The contribution is focused on senior citizens as a specific and growing group of the society all over the world. Currently education of senior citizens is being developed especially in the area of utilization of information technologies. The paper deals with specific features of education of seniors which is considered to be distinguished space for development of social creativity. Outcomes of the quantitative and qualitative research which was focused mainly on the comparison and evaluation of the current offer in the area of senior lifelong education are presented in here. Preferences and experience with ICT and use of current computer technology in the educational process of senior citizens are highlighted.

international conference on computational collective intelligence | 2018

Project Management Model with Designed Data Flow Diagram: The Case of ICT Hybrid Learning of Elderly People in the Czech Republic

Libuše Svobodová; Miloslava Cerna

The paper deals with the intergeneration municipality project on the development of computer literacy in the elderly people with focus on the management of conducted courses. The aim of the paper is to design and propose a model of the project management. The sub-goal is to identify which computer skills attendees of computer literacy courses have and which computer skills they would like to gain or develop. The next issue is to find whether pupils that give lectures to the elderly people have necessary computer skills. The main purpose of the research is to gain current data needed for the updating phase of the long-term project. Key data and findings are collected from own questionnaire investigation and interviews with the municipality, directors of elementary schools, teachers, pupils and attendees which were conducted during computer courses for elderly people. Results and recommendations will be used for the next run of courses that are organized twice a year by municipality in cooperation with primary schools. The biggest ratio of participants can use the Internet followed by email and Skype. MS Excel and Instagram represent the smallest ratio of applications that pupils can use. All other followed applications are used by more than 85%. Results are important for the project team so that they could monitor and evaluate the progress of the project and work out its updated phase.

Open Learning: The Journal of Open and Distance Learning | 2018

Psychodidactic Approach in the Development of Language Competences in University Students within Blended Learning.

Miloslava Cerna

Abstract The paper discusses the deployment of cognitive and affective components for teaching languages in a blended learning university setting. A modified expectancy model of motivation was designed and applied. The usability testing of a language education website was used as a framework with affective and cognitive features. The selection of the education website was based on findings gained from the language needs analysis. The level of students’ language competence representing the cognitive component was diagnosed based on their results in the placement tests in the DIALANG language website. Many students showed progress in language knowledge by the end of the semester. Results were higher than students had expected and enough to encourage further research. The affective part is discussed in the modified expectancy model of motivation that was designed and applied. The psychodidactic approach used in the research met students’ motivational and emotional needs without sacrificing their improved competence in language development.

International KES Conference on Smart Education and Smart E-Learning | 2018

The Elderly in SMART Cities

Miloslava Cerna; Petra Poulova; Libuše Svobodová

With the concept of Smart cities, computer literacy as an inseparable part of everyday life becomes a kind of ‘necessity’. This paper discusses requirements of the elderly people regarding skills in technologies and actual computer competency. The study, which is presented in this paper, brings findings from the research which was run by the authors on the local scene with a group of elderly people who attended computer courses within the frame of the ‘Internet for the Senior Citizens’ intergeneration project. The project is annually organized by municipality and primary schools to improve computer literacy in the senior attendees. Researchers applied quantitative and qualitative methods. Results relating to the respondents’ history in gaining computer skills showed that self-education and assistance from family members represent the main role in this field, nearly one third of attendees marked attendance of computer courses. As for skills, which the elderly would like to gain or practice, work with photography and files dominated. Most attendees were familiar with E-mail; they found learning to use Skype communication application more beneficial. The aim of the paper is to identify computer skills that the seniors attending the free courses would like have or develop in order to be able to participate partially or fully in Smart City without feeling ‘aside’. Research results were presented at the meeting of the directors and municipality representatives and are being incorporated into a next phase of the project with an updated design and content of the courses in a new learning environment.

International KES Conference on Smart Education and Smart E-Learning | 2018

Enhancing Students’ Involvement in the Process of Education Through Social Applications

Miloslava Cerna; Anna Borkovcová

Findings presented in this paper contribute to the exploration of the evolving role of social applications in teaching/learning languages in engineering education. Utilization of internet sources, language websites and applications in the survey is approached from the perspective of students; it is based on ‘Students’ Language Needs Analysis’. The aim of the paper is to present selected findings relating to current language needs of students, which are relevant to the long-time explored issue on utilization of Web 2.0 in the university environment. The sub-goal is to propose ways of students’ engagement into the studies reflecting their needs formulated in the ‘Students’ Language Needs Analysis’. Three quarters of students use the Internet for language study purposes. Website ‘Help for English’ is the most frequently used language portal, because it is a Czech portal and students know it from secondary school. Each participating respondent has his/her profile on the Facebook. But Facebook doesn’t seem to be the proper place for systematic language use in the university setting because of many disturbing factors. A convenient solution might be a G + and its offer. A great deal of students has their profile on this net due to the Android but they use Facebook as a main communication channel. We believe that creation own classroom in this environment is a new challenge for both tutors and students.

International Conference on Blended Learning | 2018

Development of Computer Competence Courses in Seniors - Shift from Learning Space with Computer-Based Activities to Virtual Platform - Case Study.

Miloslava Cerna; Libuše Svobodová

This paper deals with the issue of computer literacy development in elderly people in the local intergeneration project. The project is at the crossroads: continue conducting courses in the traditional way or updating the content of courses and learning environment to reflect the changes in technologies and society. Researchers have been involved into the project for the second year and are currently participating in the preparatory phase of suggesting solutions. The aim of the paper is to describe learning environment of current courses, define its weaknesses and justify its unavoidable update. Potential ways to the solution on virtual platform will be proposed for further consideration and implementation at the meeting of directors of involved primary schools with the municipality authority of the city of Hradec Kralove. Data stem from the primary and secondary sources. Results are important for authors of the updated courses, as they are considering shift from computer-based learning environment to web-based environment with the study materials online. Schools that organize courses for seniors do not use LMS or any other tools for sharing of materials; they use printed materials. The paper brings a set of potential solutions on updating organization of courses like Clasroom in G+ , or on-line communities.

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