Min Bao
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Featured researches published by Min Bao.
The Journal of Neuroscience | 2010
Min Bao; Lin Yang; Cristina Rios; Bin He; Stephen A. Engel
Training improves performance on most visual tasks. Such perceptual learning can modify how information is read out from, and represented in, later visual areas, but effects on early visual cortex are controversial. In particular, it remains unknown whether learning can reshape neural response properties in early visual areas independent from feedback arising in later cortical areas. Here, we tested whether learning can modify feedforward signals in early visual cortex as measured by the human electroencephalogram. Fourteen subjects were trained for >24 d to detect a diagonal grating pattern in one quadrant of the visual field. Training improved performance, reducing the contrast needed for reliable detection, and also reliably increased the amplitude of the earliest component of the visual evoked potential, the C1. Control orientations and locations showed smaller effects of training. Because the C1 arises rapidly and has a source in early visual cortex, our results suggest that learning can increase early visual area response through local receptive field changes without feedback from later areas.
NeuroImage | 2005
Xiwen Sun; Xiaochu Zhang; Xiangchuan Chen; Peng Zhang; Min Bao; Daren Zhang; Jing Chen; Sheng He; Xiaoping Hu
In this study, brain activation associated with forward and backward digit recall was examined in healthy old and young adults using functional MRI. A number of areas were activated during the recall. In young adults, greater activation was found in the left prefrontal cortex (BA9) and the left occipital visual cortex during backward digit recall than forward digit recall. In contrast, the activation in the right inferior frontal gyrus (BA 44/45) was more extensive in forward digit recall than in backward digit recall. In older adults, backward recall generated stronger activation than forward recall in most areas, including the frontal, the parietal, the occipital, and the temporal cortices. In the backward recall condition, the right inferior frontal gyrus (BA44/45) showed more activation in the old group than in the young group. These results suggest that different neural mechanisms may be involved in forward and backward digit recall and brain functions associated with these two types of recall are differentially affected by aging.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2012
Min Bao; Stephen A. Engel
To optimize perception, neurons in the visual system adapt to the current environment. What determines the durability of this plasticity? Longer exposures to an environment produce longer-lasting effects, which could be due to either (i) a single mechanism controlling adaptation that gains strength over time, or (ii) long-term mechanisms that become active after long-term exposure. Using recently developed technology, we tested adaptation durations an order of magnitude greater that those tested previously, and used a “deadaptation” procedure to reveal effects of a unique long-term mechanism in the longest adaptation periods. After 4 h of contrast adaptation, human observers were exposed to natural images for 15 min, which completely cancelled perceptual aftereffects of adaptation. Strikingly, during continued testing this deadaptation faded, and the original adaptation effects reappeared. This pattern strongly suggests that adaptation was maintained in a distinct long-term mechanism, whereas deadaptation affected a short-term mechanism.
Current Biology | 2009
Peng Zhang; Min Bao; MiYoung Kwon; Sheng He; Stephen A. Engel
What happens to neurons in visual cortex when they are deprived of their preferred stimuli? Long-term deprivation during development, spanning weeks, reduces the number of neurons selective for the deprived orientation [1-4]. In contrast, short-term deprivation in adults, for periods of seconds, can increase neural sensitivity relative to a stimulated baseline [5]. Effects over intermediate timescales remain largely unexplored, however. Here we introduce a new method for manipulating the visual environment of adult humans and report effects of four hours of orientation-specific deprivation. Subjects wore a head-mounted video camera that fed into a laptop computer that drove a head-mounted display. Software filtered the video stream in real time, allowing subjects to interact with the world while being deprived of visual input at a specified orientation. Four hours in this environment increased sensitivity to the deprived orientation, which likely reflected an increase in responsiveness of neurons in early visual cortex. Our results help distinguish between two theories of neural adaptation: the response increase optimized the responses of individual neurons, rather than increasing the efficiency of the population code. Our method should be able to produce a wide range of environmental manipulations useful for studying many topics in perception.
Vision Research | 2013
Juraj Mesik; Min Bao; Stephen A. Engel
The ability of the visual system to rapidly adjust to changing environmental conditions is one of its key characteristics. Environmental changes can occur over a variety of timescales, however, and it remains unknown how the visual system adapts to these. Does a single mechanism control adaptation across all timescales, or is adaptation subserved by multiple mechanisms, each of which is tuned to its preferred duration? To address this question, we conducted three experiments in which subjects viewed motion (Exp. 1 and 2) or faces (Exp. 3) in a sequence designed to produce opposing aftereffects. A first adapter was presented for a relatively long duration, while a second one was presented only long enough to extinguish the effects of the initial adapter. Continued measurement of aftereffects revealed a spontaneous recovery of adaptation caused by the initial, longer-lasting adapter in all three experiments. This pattern of results suggests that adaptation in the visual system generally reflects a combination of multiple temporally-tuned mechanisms.
Brain Research | 2006
Zhihao Li; Min Bao; Xiangchuan Chen; Daren Zhang; Shihui Han; Sheng He; Xiaoping Hu
When multiple items in working memory need to be accessed and manipulated, the internal attention should switch between them and, this switching process is time consuming. However, it is not clear how much of this switching cost is due to the existence or absence of the stimulus identification priming. With a figure identification and counting task, we demonstrate a small but significant priming contribution to this attention-switching cost. Furthermore, through 64-channel event-related potential (ERP) recordings, we found two ERP correlates (at 280 ms and 388 ms) of this internal attention-switching function. Source localization analysis shows dynamic brain activation starts from the temporal-occipital region and finishes in the left prefrontal cortex. The occipital-prefrontal and cingulate-prefrontal co-activations were orderly observed. We discuss the present ERP results along with our previous fMRI findings and suggest a dominant role of the left prefrontal cortex associated with attention shifts in verbal working memory.
Current Biology | 2014
Koen V. Haak; Elizabeth Fast; Min Bao; Michael S. Lee; Stephen A. Engel
Sensory systems continuously adjust their function to match changes in the environment. Such adaptation produces large perceptual effects, and its pervasiveness makes it a key part of understanding cortical function generally. In visual contrast adaptation, for example, brief exposure to vertical stripes can dramatically alter the apparent orientation and intensity of similarly oriented patterns (e.g., [4-7]). However, many environmental changes are long lasting. How does the visual system adjust to such challenges? Most past work on contrast adaptation has adapted subjects for just a few minutes. Only a few studies have examined durations greater than 1 hr, and none have exceeded 1 day. Here, we measured perceptual effects of adaptation in humans who viewed a world lacking vertical information for 4 days continuously. As expected, adaptation increased in magnitude during the first day, but it then showed a drop in strength. The decrease in adaptation is surprising because the adapting environment remained constant, and in short-term work, adaptation always strengthens or at least is maintained under such conditions. It indicates that the classical effects of contrast adaptation, which arise largely in primary visual cortex, are not maintained after approximately 1 day. Results from day 2 through day 4 further showed that slower adaptive processes can overcome this limit. Because adaptation is generally beneficial overall, its limits argue that the brain is sensitive to costs that arise when the neural code changes. These costs may determine when and how cortex can alter its function.
Neuroscience | 2017
Jianying Bai; Xue Dong; Sheng He; Min Bao
Ocular dominance has been extensively studied, often with the goal to understand neuroplasticity, which is a key characteristic within the critical period. Recent work on monocular deprivation, however, demonstrates residual neuroplasticity in the adult visual cortex. After deprivation of patterned inputs by monocular patching, the patched eye becomes more dominant. Since patching blocks both the Fourier amplitude and phase information of the input image, it remains unclear whether deprivation of the Fourier phase information alone is able to reshape eye dominance. Here, for the first time, we show that removing of the phase regularity without changing the amplitude spectra of the input image induced a shift of eye dominance toward the deprived eye, but only if the eye dominance was measured with a binocular rivalry task rather than an interocular phase combination task. These different results indicate that the two measurements are supported by different mechanisms. Phase integration requires the fusion of monocular images. The fused percept highly relies on the weights of the phase-sensitive monocular neurons that respond to the two monocular images. However, binocular rivalry reflects the result of direct interocular competition that strongly weights the contour information transmitted along each monocular pathway. Monocular phase deprivation may not change the weights in the integration (fusion) mechanism much, but alters the balance in the rivalry (competition) mechanism. Our work suggests that ocular dominance plasticity may occur at different stages of visual processing, and that homeostatic compensation also occurs for the lack of phase regularity in natural scenes.
Frontiers in Psychology | 2015
Gaoxing Mei; Xue Dong; Bo Dong; Min Bao
Prolonged exposure to a high contrast stimulus reduces the neural sensitivity to subsequent similar patterns. Recent work has disclosed that contrast adaptation is controlled by multiple mechanisms operating over differing timescales. Adaptation to high contrast for a relatively longer period can be rapidly eliminated by adaptation to a lower contrast (or meanfield in the present study). Such rapid deadaptation presumably causes a short-term mechanism to signal for a sensitivity increase, canceling ongoing signals from long-term mechanisms. Once deadaptation ends, the short-term mechanism rapidly returns to baseline, and the slowly decaying effects in the long-term mechanisms reemerge, allowing the perceptual aftereffects to recover during continued testing. Although this spontaneous recovery effect is considered strong evidence supporting the multiple mechanisms theory, it remains controversial whether the effect is mainly driven by visual memory established during the initial longer-term adaptation period. To resolve this debate, we used a modified Continuous Flash Suppression (CFS) and visual crowding paradigms to render the adapting stimuli invisible, but still observed the spontaneous recovery phenomenon. These results exclude the possibility that spontaneous recovery found in the previous work was merely the consequence of explicit visual memory. Our findings also demonstrate that contrast adaptation, even at the unconscious processing levels, is controlled by multiple mechanisms.
Journal of Vision | 2017
Gaoxing Mei; Xue Dong; Min Bao
The visual environment changes at multiple timescales. It has been recently demonstrated that visual adaptation is composed of multiple mechanisms operating at differing timescales to accommodate the environmental changes. However, whether multiple adaptation mechanisms correspond to different stages of visual processing remains unclear. To address this issue, in the current study, we compared the timescales of adaptation between the stages of early and mid-level visual processing by tracking the decay of the curvature aftereffect after adaptation to either a compound stimulus or a component stimulus. The results revealed a slower decay for the compound adaptation condition than for the component adaptation condition. Our finding indicates that neural mechanisms for visual adaptation are more sluggish at the mid level than those at the early stage of visual processing.