Minoru Nakano
Geophysical Research Letters | 1991
Zen-Ichiro Kawasaki; Tadashi Kanao; Kenji Matsuura; Minoru Nakano; Kenji Horii; Kohichi Nakamura
The electric field changes, the magnetic field changes, and UHF radiation were observed during the rocket-triggered lightning experiment in winter storms. A remarkable discrepancy is noticed between electromagnetic field changes of flashes triggered with a rocket and an isolated wire that struck a power tower and flashes with a rocket and a grounded wire. Flashes to tower have a distinguishable first pulse of a large amplitude, which, we speculate, occurs at the moment of attachment of a downward leader to the tower. The UHF radiation measurements indicate that the triggered lightning process starts with a pulse series resembling a negative stepped leader. The electric field change records of rockettriggered lightning in winter storms do not show the presence of rapid field variations typical for return strokes in natural cloud-to-ground flashes.
The Journal of The Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers | 1967
Minoru Nakano; Tomio Oyama; Noboru Yasumatsuya; Kiyoshi Kubo
工業用VTRのカラー化の一方式として, NTSCカラー信号を線順次色差信号に変換して録画するカラー変換装置を開発した.これを用いれば, この種の白黒用VTRの機構部を改造する必要がなく, 位相ひずみの多い伝送系でも色相の安定なカラー画像が再生できる.
The Journal of The Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers | 1964
Minoru Nakano; Minoru Takeda; Noboru Yasumatsuya
動きの遅い物体とか書画の映像をテレビ伝送する場合には帯域幅をいちじるしく狭くできる.特に, 横書き文書は縦方向に行間の空白があり, 絵素数は横方向ほど多くを必要としない.この点に着目して, 縦方向に線走査し狭帯域化を試みた (帯域幅200kc, 長残光性受像管使用).また, 1画面走査20秒, 帯域幅3kcでもビジコンが使用できることを示した.
Journal of atmospheric electricity | 1999
Mingli Chen; Nobuyuki Takagi; Teiji Watanabe; Daohong Wang; Kawasaki Z-I.; Tomoo Ushio; Minoru Nakano; Koichi Nakamura; S Sumi; C Wang; Xiaojun Liu; Xiushu Qie; C Guo
Ieej Transactions on Power and Energy | 1991
Zen-Ichiro Kawasaki; Kenji Matsuura; Kenji Yamamoto; Masahiro Nagatani; Hiroshi Nakada; Minoru Nakano; Tosio Takeuti
Ieej Transactions on Power and Energy | 1991
Nobuyuki Takagi; Teiji Watanabe; Izumi Arima; Hirohisa Itou; Zen-Ichirou Kawasaki; Minoru Nakano; Tosio Takeuti; Hitosi Kinosita; Makoto Suzuki; Yasuji Saikawa
Ieej Transactions on Power and Energy | 1991
Tadashi Kanao; Zen-Ichiro Kawasaki; Kenji Matsuura; Kenji Yamamoto; Kenji Horii; Minoru Nakano; Kohichi Nakamura; Tosio Takeuti
The Journal of The Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers | 1969
Minoru Nakano
The Journal of The Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers | 1968
Minoru Nakano; Minoru Takeda; Toshihiko Yoshino; Tatsuya Shimura
The Journal of The Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers | 1967
Noboru Yasumatsuya; Minoru Nakano