Mireille Van Gele
Ghent University Hospital
Nature Methods | 2013
Stephen A. Bustin; Vladimir Benes; Jeremy A. Garson; Jan Hellemans; Jim F. Huggett; Mikael Kubista; Reinhold Mueller; Tania Nolan; Michael W. Pfaffl; Gregory L. Shipley; Carl T. Wittwer; Peter Schjerling; Philip J. R. Day; Mónica Abreu; Begoña Aguado; Jean-François Beaulieu; Anneleen Beckers; Sara Bogaert; John A. Browne; Fernando Carrasco-Ramiro; Liesbeth Ceelen; Kate L. Ciborowski; Pieter Cornillie; Stephanie Coulon; Ann Cuypers; Sara De Brouwer; Leentje De Ceuninck; Jurgen De Craene; Hélène De Naeyer; Ward De Spiegelaere
Two surveys of over 1,700 publications whose authors use quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) reveal a lack of transparent and comprehensive reporting of essential technical information. Reporting standards are significantly improved in publications that cite the Minimum Information for Publication of Quantitative Real-Time PCR Experiments (MIQE) guidelines, although such publications are still vastly outnumbered by those that do not.
Genes, Chromosomes and Cancer | 1998
Jo Vandesompele; Nadine Van Roy; Mireille Van Gele; Genevieve Laureys; Peter P. Ambros; Pierre Heimann; Christine Devalck; Ed Schuuring; Penelope Brock; Jacques Otten; Jan Gyselinck; Anne De Paepe; Frank Speleman
Comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) analysis was performed on 36 neuroblastomas of both low and high stage of disease. This study significantly increases the number of neuroblastoma tumors studied by CGH. Analysis of larger series of tumors is particularly important in view of the different clinical subgroups that are recognized for this tumor. The present data and a comparison with all published CGH data on neuroblastoma provide further insights into the genetic heterogeneity of neuroblastoma. Stage 1, 2, and 4S tumors showed predominantly whole chromosome gains and losses. A similar pattern of whole chromosome imbalances, although less frequent, was observed in stage 3 and 4 tumors, in addition to partial chromosome gains and losses. An increase in chromosome 17 or 17q copy number was observed in 81% of tumors. The most frequent losses, either through partial or whole chromosome underrepresentation, were observed for 1p (25%), 3p (25%), 4p (14%), 9p (19%), 11q (28%), and 14q (31%). The presence of 3p, 11q or 14q deletions defines a genetic subset of neuroblastomas and contributes to the further genetic characterization of stage 3 and 4 tumors without MYCN amplification (MNA) and 1p deletion. The present study also provides additional evidence for a possible role of genes at 11q13 in neuroblastoma. In a few cases, 1p deletion or MNA detected by FISH or Southern blotting was not found by CGH, indicating that the use of a second, independent technique for evaluation of these genetic parameters is recommended. Genes Chromosomes Cancer 23:141–152, 1998.
Pigment Cell & Melanoma Research | 2009
Mireille Van Gele; Peter Dynoodt; Jo Lambert
Griscelli syndrome (GS) is a rare autosomal recessive disorder caused by mutations in either the myosin VA (GS1), RAB27A (GS2) or melanophilin (GS3) genes. The three GS subtypes are commonly characterized by pigment dilution of the skin and hair, due to defects involving melanosome transport in melanocytes. Here, we review how detailed studies concerning GS have contributed to a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms involved in vesicle transport and membrane trafficking processes. Additionally, we demonstrate that the identification and biological analysis of novel disease‐causing mutations highlighted the functional importance of the RAB27A‐MLPH‐MYO5A tripartite complex in intracellular melanosome transport. As the small GTPase Rab27a is able to interact with multiple effectors, including Slp2‐a and Myrip, we report on their presumed role in melanosome transport. Furthermore, we summarize data suggesting that RAB27B and RAB27A are functionally redundant and hereby provide further insight into the pathogenesis of GS2. Finally, we discuss how the gathered knowledge about the RAB27A‐MLPH‐MYO5A tripartite complex can be translated into a possible therapeutic application to reduce (hyper)pigmentation of the skin.
International Journal of Cancer | 2002
Mireille Van Gele; J. Helen Leonard; Nadine Van Roy; Heidi Van Limbergen; Simon Van Belle; Veronique Cocquyt; Helen R. Salwen; Anne De Paepe; Frank Speleman
Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC) is a rare aggressive neuroendocrine tumor of the skin. Cytogenetic studies have indicated that deletions and unbalanced translocations involving chromosome 1 short arm material occur in 40% of the investigated cases. Recurrent chromosomal imbalances detected by comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) analysis were loss of 3p, 10q, 13q and 17p and gains of 1q, 3q, 5p and 8q. In order to study genomic aberrations occurring in MCC in further detail, we combined karyotyping, CGH and multiplex‐fluorescence in situ hybridization (M‐FISH), a strategy that proved to be successful in the analysis of other malignancies. Analysis of 6 MCC cell lines and 1 MCC tumor revealed mostly near‐diploid karyotypes with an average of 5 chromosomal rearrangements. The observed karyotypic changes were heterogeneous, with 3–27 breakpoints per case, leading to imbalance of the involved chromosomal regions that was confirmed by CGH. Chromosomal rearrangements involving the short arm of chromosome 1, the long arm of chromosome 3 and gain of 5p material were the most frequently observed abnormalities in our study. In keeping with previous observations, this series of MCCs showed no evidence for high‐level amplification. We provid a detailed description of chromosomal translocations occurring in MCC that could be useful to direct future intensive investigation of these chromosomal regions.
International Journal of Cancer | 2002
J. Helen Leonard; Anthony L. Cook; Mireille Van Gele; Glen M. Boyle; Kelly J. Inglis; Frank Speleman; Richard A. Sturm
Merkel cells form part of the peripheral neuroendocrine system of the skin and act as mechanoreceptors in touch response. Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC) is a rare, aggressive disease with similarities to small cell lung cancer (SCLC), which is also of neuroendocrine origin. We previously identified a novel DNA binding protein complex specific for MCC suspension cell lines, termed Merkel nuclear factor (MNF) by its binding to the POU‐IV family DNA binding consensus sequence. Here we report that MNF contains the POU‐IV family member Brn‐3c and that Brn‐3c is expressed in normal Merkel cells. Additionally, Brn‐3c protein reactivity is restricted to a subset of MCC biopsies and is not seen in biopsies revealing adherent, variant cell lines lacking neuroendocrine markers. Recently, proper development of murine Merkel cells was shown to require the proneural basic helix‐loop‐helix transcription factor, atonal family member, MATH1. We demonstrate a correlation between Brn‐3c and HATH1 reactivity in MCC biopsies and cell lines with retention of neuroendocrine phenotype. In SCLC, the related basic helix‐loop‐helix transcription factor HASH1 is responsible for neuroendocrine phenotype, but HASH1 transcripts were not detected in MCC cell lines. We propose that HATH1 and Brn‐3c may form a transcriptional hierarchy responsible for determining neuroendocrine phenotype in Merkel cells and that lack of Brn‐3c and/or HATH1 in MCC may indicate a more aggressive disease requiring closer patient follow‐up.
European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences | 2011
Barbara Geusens; Tine Strobbe; Stefanie Bracke; Peter Dynoodt; Niek N. Sanders; Mireille Van Gele; Jo Lambert
Cutaneous gene delivery methods have been developed over the past decades as therapeutic strategies for the treatment of a variety of skin disorders. Both viral and non-viral techniques have been frequently described. Mainly due to safety concerns, the application of viral methods is being questioned and non-viral alternatives are gaining major interest. Lipid-based vesicles for the delivery of plasmid DNA by topical application onto the skin hold great potential and have been investigated thoroughly. Here, we give an overview of the different lipid vesicles that have been described in literature. Next to the conventional phospholipid liposomes, new generation liposomes like niosomes and Transfersomes® have been developed for enhanced (trans)dermal delivery. In addition, we draw attention to other lipid-based delivery systems, that could not be classified into one of these categories. Clearly, lipid-based delivery vehicles demonstrate very promising results for DNA delivery into and through the skin, especially for cutaneous vaccination purposes. Apart from simple topical application onto the skin, liposomes have also been described in combination with delivery enhancing techniques. Here we describe this combined approach for some specific skin disorders.
International Journal of Cancer | 2001
Mireille Van Gele; J. Helen Leonard; Nadine Van Roy; Anthony L. Cook; Anne De Paepe; Franki Speleman
Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC) is a rare, highly metastatic skin tumor of neuroectodermal origin. The disease shares clinical and histopathological features with small cell lung carcinoma (SCLC). The genetic mechanisms underlying the development and tumor progression of MCC are poorly understood. We recently showed by comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) that the pattern of chromosomal abnormalities in MCC resembles that of SCLC. One of the most frequently observed losses involved the entire chromosome 10 or partial loss of the chromosome 10 long arm (33% of examined MCC cases). The PTEN tumor‐suppressor gene has been mapped to 10q23.3 and was shown to be mutated in a variety of human cancers including SCLC. Germline PTEN mutations have been observed in familial predisposing cancer syndromes including Cowden disease. Interestingly, an association between Cowden syndrome and Merkel cell carcinoma has been reported. To study the possible role of PTEN in MCC oncogenesis, loss of heterozygosity (LOH) analysis for the 10q23 region was performed on 26 MCC tumor samples from 23 MCC patients. The PTEN locus was deleted in 9 of 21 (43%) informative MCC tumor samples [7 of 18 (39%) MCC patients]. Despite this high frequency of LOH at 10q23, mutation and homozygous deletion screening of the PTEN gene revealed only one tumor with a nonsense mutation and a second with a homozygous deletion of exon 9. These data suggest that either alternative mechanisms lead to inactivation of the PTEN gene or that other tumor‐suppressor genes at chromosome 10 are implicated in the development of MCC.
Journal of Investigative Dermatology | 2013
Peter Dynoodt; Pieter Mestdagh; Gert Van Peer; Jo Vandesompele; Karen Goossens; Luc Peelman; Barbara Geusens; Reinhart Speeckaert; Jo Lambert; Mireille Van Gele
The current treatments for hyperpigmentation are often associated with a lack of efficacy and adverse side effects. We hypothesized that microRNA (miRNA)-based treatments may offer an attractive alternative by specifically targeting key genes in melanogenesis. The aim of this study was to identify miRNAs interfering with the pigmentary process and to assess their functional role. miRNA profiling was performed on mouse melanocytes after three consecutive treatments involving forskolin and solar-simulated UV (ssUV) irradiation. Sixteen miRNAs were identified as differentially expressed in treated melan-a cells versus untreated cells. Remarkably, a 15-fold downregulation of miR-145 was detected. Overexpression or downregulation of miR-145 in melan-a cells revealed reduced or increased expression of Sox9, Mitf, Tyr, Trp1, Myo5a, Rab27a, and Fscn1, respectively. Moreover, a luciferase reporter assay demonstrated direct targeting of Myo5a by miR-145 in mouse and human melanocytes. Immunofluorescence tagging of melanosomes in miR-145-transfected human melanocytes displayed perinuclear accumulation of melanosomes with additional hypopigmentation of harvested cell pellets. In conclusion, this study has established an miRNA signature associated with forskolin and ssUV treatment. The significant down- or upregulation of major pigmentation genes, after modulating miR-145 expression, suggests a key role for miR-145 in regulating melanogenesis.
Oncogene | 2004
Mireille Van Gele; Glen M. Boyle; Anthony L. Cook; Jo Vandesompele; Tom Boonefaes; Pieter Rottiers; Nadine Van Roy; Anne De Paepe; Peter G. Parsons; J. Helen Leonard; Frank Speleman
Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC) is a rare aggressive skin tumor which shares histopathological and genetic features with small-cell lung carcinoma (SCLC), both are of neuroendocrine origin. Comparable to SCLC, MCC cell lines are classified into two different biochemical subgroups designated as ‘Classic’ and ‘Variant’. With the aim to identify typical gene-expression signatures associated with these phenotypically different MCC cell lines subgroups and to search for differentially expressed genes between MCC and SCLC, we used cDNA arrays to profile 10 MCC cell lines and four SCLC cell lines. Using significance analysis of microarrays, we defined a set of 76 differentially expressed genes that allowed unequivocal identification of Classic and Variant MCC subgroups. We assume that the differential expression levels of some of these genes reflect, analogous to SCLC, the different biological and clinical properties of Classic and Variant MCC phenotypes. Therefore, they may serve as useful prognostic markers and potential targets for the development of new therapeutic interventions specific for each subgroup. Moreover, our analysis identified 17 powerful classifier genes capable of discriminating MCC from SCLC. Real-time quantitative RT–PCR analysis of these genes on 26 additional MCC and SCLC samples confirmed their diagnostic classification potential, opening opportunities for new investigations into these aggressive cancers.
Genes, Chromosomes and Cancer | 2001
Nadine Van Roy; Heidi Van Limbergen; Jo Vandesompele; Mireille Van Gele; Bruce Poppe; Helen R. Salwen; Genevieve Laureys; Nunes Manoel; Anne De Paepe; Frank Speleman
Cancer cell lines are essential gene discovery tools and have often served as models in genetic and functional studies of particular tumor types. One of the future challenges is comparison and interpretation of gene expression data with the available knowledge on the genomic abnormalities in these cell lines. In this context, accurate description of these genomic abnormalities is required. Here, we show that a combination of M‐FISH with banding analysis, standard FISH, and CGH allowed a detailed description of the genetic alterations in 16 neuroblastoma cell lines. In total, 14 cryptic chromosome rearrangements were detected, including a balanced t(2;4)(p24.3;q34.3) translocation in cell line NBL‐S, with the 2p24 breakpoint located at about 40 kb from MYCN. The chromosomal origin of 22 marker chromosomes and 41 cytogenetically undefined translocated segments was determined. Chromosome arm 2 short arm translocations were observed in six cell lines (38%) with and five (31%) without MYCN amplification, leading to partial chromosome arm 2p gain in all but one cell line and loss of material in the various partner chromosomes, including 1p and 11q. These 2p gains were often masked in the GGH profiles due to MYCN amplification. The commonly overrepresented region was chromosome segment 2pter‐2p22, which contains the MYCN gene, and five out of eleven 2p breakpoints clustered to the interface of chromosome bands 2p16 and 2p21. In neuroblastoma cell line SJNB‐12, with double minutes (dmins) but no MYCN amplification, the dmins were shown to be derived from 16q22‐q23 sequences. The ATBF1 gene, an AT‐binding transcription factor involved in normal neurogenesis and located at 16q22.2, was shown to be present in the amplicon. This is the first report describing the possible implication of ATBF1 in neuroblastoma cells. We conclude that a combined approach of M‐FISH, cytogenetics, and CGH allowed a more complete and accurate description of the genetic alterations occurring in the investigated cell lines.