Moacir Antonio Berlato
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
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Featured researches published by Moacir Antonio Berlato.
Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira | 2005
Moacir Antonio Berlato; Homero Farenzena; Denise Cybis Fontana
The high interannual variability of corn yield in Rio Grande do Sul State is determined mostly by the variability of rainfall, which is mainly associated to El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO). Current availability of seasonal ENSO forecasts shows the possibility of using this information to minimize losses and maximize yield. However, it is necessary to assess the vulnerability of corn yield to this phenomenon. The objective of this work was to quantify the association between corn yield and rainfall variability due to ENSO. In order to perform the analysis, historical series of yields, monthly rainfalls, ENSO (El Nino and La Nina) phases, Sea Surface Temperature (SST) in equatorial Pacific, and the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) were used. Results show that there is a strong trend for El Nino to favor corn crops, providing opportunities for high yields, while in years when La Nina occurs there is a high frequency of low yields. The rainfall most associated with corn yields is the integrated one from October to March. This information is useful for decision making as to crop management alternatives when there is a forecast of El Nino or La Nina.
Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira | 2000
Joao Ito Bergonci; Homero Bergamaschi; Moacir Antonio Berlato; Antônio Odair Santos
RESUMO - Este trabalho foi desenvolvido na Estacao Experimental Agronomica da UniversidadeFederal do Rio Grande do Sul, localizada no municipio de Eldorado do Sul, nos anos agricolas de1993/94 e 1994/95. O objetivo foi avaliar o potencial da agua na folha como indicador do deficit hidrico,em milho (Zea mays L.), relacionando-o ao potencial da agua no solo. O experimento constou de tresniveis de irrigacao, desde a capacidade de campo ate a ausencia de irrigacao. Os valores do potencialminimo da agua na folha foram desde -1,2 a -1,5 MPa em plantas irrigadas (na capacidade de campo) ede -1,6 a -2,0 MPa em plantas nao irrigadas. O potencial minimo da agua na folha correlacionou-se como potencial matricial da agua no solo a 45 cm de profundidade (r
Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira | 2001
Denise Cybis Fontana; Moacir Antonio Berlato; Marcio Henrique Lauschner; Ricardo Wanke de Mello
Este trabalho teve como objetivo parametrizar e validar o modelo multiplicativo de Jensen modificado para a estimativa do rendimento da cultura da soja no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, em condicoes de lavoura. O ajuste foi feito usando dados meteorologicos de seis estacoes localizadas na regiao de producao significativa dessa cultura e dados de rendimento medio de todo o Estado, oriundos de estatisticas oficiais do IBGE, no periodo 1974/75 a 1994/95. O modelo apresentou bom ajuste, com coeficientes de determinacao de 0,86 para o modelo completo (novembro a abril) e 0,75 para o modelo reduzido (janeiro a marco). A validacao do modelo, feita com dados das safras 1995/96, 1996/97, 1997/98 e 1998/99, mostrou um bom desempenho, indicando que a agua e o fator isolado que maior influencia exerce na definicao do rendimento da soja no Rio Grande do Sul e, portanto, pode ser incorporado a programas de previsao de safras.
Journal of remote sensing | 2008
R. W. De Melo; Denise Cybis Fontana; Moacir Antonio Berlato; J. R. Ducati
Soybean yield is modelled from data gathered from crops in Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil. The model comprises an agrometeorological term, obtained by adjusting the multiplicative model of Jensen, modified by Berlato, and a spectral term, obtained from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) satellite images of the maximum Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI). The weather data used to calculate the relative evapotranspiration (ET r /ET 0) cover the period from 1975 to 2000, and the NDVI/NOAA images were obtained from 1982 to 2000. Application of the agrometeorological–spectral model produced better yield estimates (of about 5%) than Jensens model, allowing the further generation of yield maps for the most significant soybean production regions within the Rio Grande do Sul State.
Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agricola e Ambiental | 2006
Janice Freitas Leivas; Moacir Antonio Berlato; Denise Cybis Fontana
Conduziu-se o presente estudo com o objetivo de se avaliar o risco de ocorrencia de deficiencia hidrica decendial da metade sul do estado do Rio Grande do Sul; para tanto, obtiveram-se dados diarios de temperatura maxima e minima, insolacao e precipitacao pluvial de nove localidades, distribuidas nas cinco regioes ecoclimaticas (Campanha, Depressao Central, Grandes Lagoas, Litoral e Serra do Sudeste) da metade sul do Estado, do periodo 1961-1990. Realizaram-se balancos hidricos decendiais seriados pelo metodo de Thornthwaite-Mather com capacidade de armazenamento de agua no solo de 50 e 125 mm. A partir dai, obteve-se o indice hidrico decendial (IH = ETR/ETo). Para analisar o risco de ocorrencia de deficiencia hidrica adotou-se o limite 0,6 como valor critico. Os resultados mostram que a regiao da Campanha e a de maior probabilidade de ocorrencia de deficiencia hidrica decendial, principalmente no periodo compreendido entre o 2o decendio de dezembro e o 2o de janeiro.
Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira | 2004
Ricardo W. de Melo; Denise Cybis Fontana; Moacir Antonio Berlato
The State of Rio Grande do Sul is responsible for approximately 20% of the national soybean production. For this reason better knowledge about pointers of this crop production in this State becomes necessary. The objective of this work was to analyse, comparing to the agricultural zoning, some soybean production pointers in the counties that are part of the signicant production region of this crop in Rio Grande do Sul. The grouping analysis was carried by the Wards method. Counties were grouped according to the yield, the production and the ratio of the soybean harvested area and the total county area. The yield grouping analysis result was compared to the soybean agroclimatic zoning for the State. There is narrow relation among the groups formed by the three variables analysis. The soybean agroclimatic zoning in the State of Rio Grande do Sul presents a possible inconsistency in the grouping of the counties by yield. In the other groupings, this inconsistency is not observed.
Ciência e Natura | 2014
Eliana Veleda Klering; Denise Cybis Fontana; Rita de Cássia Marques Alves; Jansle V. Rocha; Moacir Antonio Berlato
Este trabalho teve como objetivo testar uma metodologia de baixo custo e facil implantacao, utilizando imagens MODIS, para definir as areas cultivadas com arroz irrigado no Rio Grande do Sul (RS) e monitorar o cultivo ao longo do ciclo para dez safras agricolas. O estudo foi realizado abrangendo as seis regioes orizicolas do Estado do RS. Foram utilizados dados oficiais de area cultivada com arroz irrigado e imagens NormalizedDifferenceVegetation Index/ ModerateResolutionImagingSpectroradiometer (NDVI/MODIS) referentes as safras agricolas de 2000/01 ate 2009/10. A metodologia testada baseou-se no comportamento espectro-temporal da cultura do arroz irrigado. As maiores diferencas entre os valores de area estimados e os oficiais, em nivel regional, foram de -11,5% na Planicie Interna e 5% na Depressao Central. Os menores desvios ocorreram nas regioes da Campanha e Fronteira Oeste, sendo respectivamente de 2,2% e -3,1%. Os resultados mostram que a metodologia proposta e eficiente e pode ser usada tanto para complementar o atual sistema nacional de previsao de safras, como para o monitoramento das areas cultivadas no RS.
Bragantia | 2016
Eliana Veleda Klering; Denise Cybis Fontana; Vinícius Serafini Roglio; Rita de Cássia Marques Alves; Moacir Antonio Berlato
The objective of this study was to estimate the irrigated rice grain yield through the adjustment of the agrometeorological-spectral model in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. For the six rice-growing regions of the State, the data on irrigated rice grain yield and crop area, meteorological data and the Normalized Difference of Vegetation Index (NDVI) images of moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS) sensor were used from August to April, for the 2000/2001 to 2009/2010 crop seasons. The minimum air temperature and NDVI are associated to the irrigated rice grain yield in several crop development periods. The agrometeorological-spectral model to estimate irrigated rice grain yield, adjusted through the oriented approach by the climate-plant relationship, is adequate for the estimates at regional levels. This could predict the estimates one month before the end of the harvest.
Ciencia Rural | 1991
Galileo Adeli Buriol; Valduino Estefanel; Flávio Miguel Schneider; Moacir Antonio Berlato
SUMMARY Availability variability of sunshine hours and total solar radiation at the Santa Maria (RS) region were determined. Data were colected at the Forest Experimental Station located in Boca do Monte, Experimental Station of Julio de Castilhos and Grass Experimental Station of Sao Gabriel as well from the standart meteorological station located at the Federal University of Santa Maria. It was concluded that daily sunshine availability and total solar radiation at Julio de Castilhos was greater than in Sao Gabriel and Santa Maria and the variability of these elements was high during all months but higher during winter. The probability of occuring more than one day without sunshine and days with global solar radiation less than 100 .day-1 and a sequency of more than one consecutive day with these levels was greater during winter month for the Santa Maria region.
Revista Brasileira de Geografia Física | 2016
Ana Paula Assumpção Cordeiro; Moacir Antonio Berlato; Denise Cybis Fontana; Rita de Cássia Marques Alves
1 Parte integrante de Projeto financiado pelo CNPq