Mohd Rasidi Ibrahim
Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia
soft computing | 2016
Haris Rachmat; Tatang Mulyana; Sulaiman Hasan; Mohd Rasidi Ibrahim
The design of tool holder was a crucial step to make sure the tool holder is enough to handle all forces on turning process. Because of the direct experimental approach is expensive, a few design of innovative ultrasonic vibration assisted tuning (In-UVAT) has proposed. This design has analyzed using finite element simulation to predict feasibility of tool holder displacement and effective stress. SS201 and AISI 1045 materials were used with sharp and ramp corners flexure hinges on design. To decide which one the design is selected was used MATLAB Fuzzy Logic Toolbox. The result shows that AISI 1045 material and which has ramp corner flexure hinge was the best choice to be produced. It has the Eff. Stress Static equal 3, Displacement Static equal 17.5, Eff. Stress Dynamic equal 3, Displacement Dynamic equal 17.5 and Durability Value is 86.4.
Materials Science Forum | 2017
Mohd Rasidi Ibrahim; Tharmaraj Sreedharan; Nurul Aisyah Fadhlul Hadi; Mohammad Sukri Mustapa; Al Emran Ismail; Mohd Fahrul Hassan; Ahmad Mubarak Tajul Arifin
Machining parameters is a main aspect in performing turning operations using lathe machines. Cutting parameters such as cutting speed, feed rate and depth of cut gives big influence on the dynamic behavior of the machining system. In machining parts, surface quality and tool wear are the most crucial customer requirements. This is because the major indication of surface quality on machined part is the surface roughness and the value of tool wear. Hence, to improve the surface roughness and minimize the forming of tool wear, the optimum feed rate and cutting speed will be determined. The input parameter such as cutting speed, feed rate and depth of cut always influence the tool wear, surface roughness, cutting force, cutting temperature, tool life and dimensional accuracy. The D2 steel was being investigated from the perspective of the effect of cutting speed and feed rate on its surface roughness and tool wear. The results show that cutting speed is the main parameter which affects the surface roughness where the most optimum parameter would be at cutting speed of 173, 231 and 288 m/min with feed rate of 0.15 mm/rev. The tool wear strongly affected by feed rate where at 0.15 mm/rev the tool wear value is the lowest. The combination of high cutting speed and low feed rate was the best parameter to achieve smooth surface roughness.
Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies | 2015
Erween Abd Rahim; N. M. Warap; Zazuli Mohid; Mohd Rasidi Ibrahim; Mohd Idris Shah Ismail
Abstract Laser assisted micro milling (LAMM) is one of the techniques used to enhance the ability to manufacture microscale products. Laser is used to preheat the workpiece materials prior the machining process. Compared with conventional machining, LAMM is a green manufacturing method due to reduction in cutting force during machining process. However, it needs to be controlled to avoid the melting and changing of materials properties. Determining the processing parameters and their effects on the processing characteristics, temperature measurement and the laser spot-to-cutting tool distance are crucially important. In this study, finite element analysis using ANSYS software was used to predict the heat distribution to characterise the melting and heat affected zone formation. The data at the centre of laser spot were recorded to obtain the appropriate distance between laser spot-to-cutting tool. From the results, the estimations of laser spot-to-cutting tool distance of Inconel 718 together with the allowable depth of cut were determined and applied in the actual LAMM experiment. Meanwhile, the analyses of cutting force and tool wear as an evidence in conjunction with the laser heating application to reduce the materials strength were performed.
Materials Science Forum | 2017
Suriyanti Kuddus; Mohammad Sukri Mustapa; Mohd Rasidi Ibrahim; Shazarel Shamsudin; Muhammad Irfan Ab Kadir; Mohd Amri Lajis
This research aims to investigate the effect on tensile strength of the recycled chip AA6061 aluminium alloy metal by using powder metallurgy method. Material used is recycled aluminium Chip AA6061 and Al powder. The recycled AA6061 chips mixed together with various compositions of Al powder content were fabricated to form a specimen by hot compaction technique. The compaction using hot pressed at 30 tons with holding time of 60 minutes. The final product was analyzed by tensile test shown the specimen A5 have higher ultimate tensile strength (UTS) 156.404 MPa and yield strength (YS) at 107.399 MPa. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) was conducted to observe the microstructure of fracture surface existing on the tensile specimens.
Materials Science Forum | 2017
Mohd Rasidi Ibrahim; Najah Mahadi; Afiff Latif; Zulafif Rahim; Zazuli Mohid; Mohammad Sukri Mustapa; Saiful Anwar Che Ghani
This paper studied chip morphology in end milling of aluminium alloy 6061 by various cutting parameter such as feed rate, cutting speed and depth of cut. Slot milling operation were conducted. The analysis consists of chip morphology, chip weight, chip thickness and chip length. Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) were used to obtain and examine the chips. Result shows that, end milling with higher cutting speed, feed rate and depth of cut generated short, small and light weigh of chips.
Materials Science Forum | 2017
Zazuli Mohid; Noor Hakim Rafai; Mohd Rasidi Ibrahim; Erween Abd Rahim
The study demonstrates laser welding of titanium alloy Ti6Al4V using middle range power Nd:YAG laser. Butt welding cross section views were analyzed to understand the influence of several scanning parameters to the welding beads shapes and material characteristic changes. Pulse laser was used to perform welding on titanium alloys Ti6Al4V. It was found out that fusion zone can appear in two layers which could give clues to internal temperature distribution during the scanning process.
Materials Science Forum | 2017
Ahmed Sahib Mahdi; Mohammad Sukri Mustapa; Mohd Radzi Mohamed Yunus; Mohd Rasidi Ibrahim; Muhammad Irfan Ab Kadir; Mohd Warikh Ab Rashid
The present study is aimed at investigating wear resistance of the heat treated of recycled aluminium type AA6061 for various reinforced methods (heat treatment reinforced by graphite and silica) using pin on disc method. In the study, weight loss value of the recycled chip of AA6061 was observed. Eight specimens were taken for the wear test. The results showed that the wear resistance increased for specimens treated by heat treatment. This increase in wear resistance is value of micro hardness which increased with the increase of the percentage of silica reinforcement. Thus, the weight loss decreased and the volume loss also decreased.
Materials Science Forum | 2017
Afiff Latif; Mohd Rasidi Ibrahim; Mohammad Sukri Mustapa; Noor Hakim Rafai; Charles Prakash
In this paper, a series of milling tests were carried out in order to identify the effects of variable pitch on cutting temperature, cutting force and surface roughness while end milling the stainless steel 316L using Nitico30 and conventional cutting tools. Slot-milling operations were conducted. The value of feed rate were choose between the range recommended by the manufactured for the both conventional and Nitico30 cutting tool. The effect of variable pitch on cutting temperature, cutting forces and surface roughness were discussed. Results showed that the cutting temperature increase with the increase of feed rate for both cutting tool. Further increasing the speed of feed rate, the cutting forces also gradually increase for both cutting tool. However, the comparison between both cutting tools, it was found that the cutting temperature, cutting force and surface roughness improve about 47.8%, 37.5% and 17.6% respectively for Nitico30 cutting tool.
Materials Science Forum | 2017
Zazuli Mohid; M. A. A. Rosely; Noor Hakim Rafai; Mohammad Zulafif Rahim; Mohd Rasidi Ibrahim; Erween Abd Rahim
Copper and aluminum are widely used in electronic industries for their excellence in electric and thermal conductivity. Joining these different material in scale of micro is hardly difficult for their obvious different in thermal properties. Melting these materials during welding process will create intermetallic compound which possesses new material properties. The melted zone became extremely brittle thus increase the possibility of failure due to cracks and concentrated loads. To overcome this problem, fundamental study is needed to characterize the material behavior against heat induction under various processing parameters. This study is an attempt to characterize the performance of Nd-YAG laser in micro joining of Al 1100 and Cu 101.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series | 2017
M. H. M. Amin; Ahmad Mubarak Tajul Arifin; Mohd Fahrul Hassan; Reazul Haq Abdul Haq; Mohd Nasrull Abdol Rahman; Al Emran Ismail; Mohammad Zulafif Rahim; Mohd Rasidi Ibrahim; Muhamad Zaini Yunos; R. Ismail
Nowadays, natural fibers getting attention from researchers and industries to optimize the use it, with combination of polymers as composite structure, due to environmental awareness. Furthermore, it show a few advantage, such as biodegradability, light in weight and non-toxic characteristic. In this study, kenaf natural fibers was used as reinforcement material, with combination of polyester as matrix material, known as polymer matrix composites. The main purpose of this study is to analysis the mechanical properties of kenaf natural fiber/polyester composite structure, in order to know the suitability of kenaf natural fibers as replacement material for table tennis blade structure, instead of using wood. The structural panel of composite laminates has been produced using hand lay-up technique. The experimental works are performed in tension, impact (Charpy) and shear condition. The characteristic of different condition on kenaf composite structure was studied. Based on the result, it found the properties of kenaf composite structure, and it will used as a benchmark, to compare with initial properties of table tennis blade made by wood. In addition, the strength and a weakness of that particular materials and lamination structure will be identified.