Moisés Razeira
University of Caxias do Sul
Featured researches published by Moisés Razeira.
International Journal of Modern Physics D | 2004
Moisés Razeira; C. A. Z. Vasconcellos
High density hadronic matter is studied in a generalized relativistic multi-baryon Lagrangian density mean field approach which contains nonlinear couplings of the σ, ω, ϱ fields. We compare the predictions of our model with estimates obtained within a phenomenological naive dimensional analysis based on the naturalness of the coefficients of the theory. Upon adjusting the model parameters to describe bulk static properties of ordinary nuclear matter, we show that our approach represents a natural modelling of nuclear matter under the extreme conditions of density as the ones found in the interior of neutron stars. Moreover, we show that naturalness play a major role in effective field theory and, in combination with experiment, could represent a relevant criterium to select a model among others in the description of global static properties of neutron stars.
International Journal of Modern Physics E-nuclear Physics | 2011
C. A. Z. Vasconcellos; Alexandre Mesquita; Moisés Razeira; Dimiter Hadjimichef; J. E. Costa
We study cold nuclear matter based on a mean field description of baryons bound by the exchange of scalar-isoscalar, vector-isoscalar, scalar-isovector and vector-isovector meson fields as well as the glueball field. For this task, we use an extended version of the effective model with derivative couplings with genuine many-body forces simulated by nonlinear self-couplings and meson-meson interaction terms involving scalar-isoscalar (σ, σ*), vector-isoscalar (ω, ɸ), vector-isovector (ϱ), scalar-isovector (δ) meson and the glueball fields. In our approach, the realization of the broken scale invariance of quantum chromodynamics is achieved through the introduction of a dilaton field. The effective model with dilatons is the applied to the description of neutron stars.
International Journal of Modern Physics E-nuclear Physics | 2007
Guilherme Frederico Marranghello; Moisés Razeira; Bardo E. J. Bodmann; José C. N. de Araujo
The next generation of gravitational wave observatories are promissing candidates to make the first detections. Once the detection occurs the GW characteristics permit to extract some information about the gravitational wave source. In the present work we focus on waves produced by neutron stars which can give stringent constraints on the nuclear matter equation of state. The microscopic description is based on a nonlinear field-theoretical model in order to construct such an equation of state. The model has free parameters, which from actual knowledge may not be pinned down by direct nuclear matter experiments. An important example is the hyperon-sigma meson coupling constant, currently determined by the spin-isospin SU(6) scheme. The coupling constant is of significant relevance for the structure of the equation of state, controlling its rigidity and, consequently, the properties of neutron stars and gravitational wave signals. We show, in this work, how one can constrain the hyperon-sigma meson coupling constant assuming the detection of a gravitational wave.
International Journal of Modern Physics D | 2004
V. Dexheimer; C. A. Z. Vasconcellos; Moisés Razeira; Manfred Dillig
For the nuclear many body problem at high densities, formulated in the framework of a relativistic mean-field theory, we investigate in detail the compression modulus of nuclear matter as a function of the effective nucleon mass. We include consistently in our modelling chemical equilibrium as well as baryon number and electric charge conservation and investigate properties of neutron stars. Among other predictions we focus on the dependence of the maximum mass of a sequence of neutron stars as a function of the compression modulus and the nucleon effective mass.
International Journal of Modern Physics E-nuclear Physics | 2011
Moisés Razeira; Alexandre Mesquita; C. A. Z. Vasconcellos; R. O. Gomes; Aurora Pérez Martínez; Hugo Pérez Rojas; Daryel Manreza Paret
A recently developed effective relativistic theory for nuclear matter is applied to the description of the cooling process of baryon degenerate neutron star matter through neutrino emission considering direct URCA processes. In our approach nucleons and antikaon condensates interact with σ, ω, ρ, δ and ς meson fields. Our results indicate a substantial decrease of the critical threshold density for the URCA process. This is because the presence of these interacting degrees of freedom increase the proportion of protons, producing simultaneously the reduction of the isospin asymmetry in nuclear matter. Our results also indicate that neutron stars with larger masses than MNE ~ 0.9M⊙, which represents the stellar critical threshold (the mass of the neutron star whose baryon central density reached the critical density) would be cooled efficiently and be outside the possibility of observation by heat radiation in a few years.
International Journal of Modern Physics D | 2010
Alexandre Mesquita; Moisés Razeira; C. A. Z. Vasconcellos; F. Fernández
We study the effects of the scalar-isovector meson δ and those of a new light scalar-isovector resonance ς on the phase transition of hadronic matter to hadronic matter with a condensate of antikaons, using an effective model with derivative couplings. In our formalism, nucleons interact through the exchange of σ, ω, ϱ, δ, and ς mesons in the presence of electrons and muons to accomplish electric charge neutrality and beta equilibrium. The phase-transition to the antikaon condensate was implemented through the Gibbs conditions combined with the mean-field approximation, giving rise to a mixed phase of coexistence between nucleon matter and the condensed antikaons. Scalar-isovector mesons operate for restoring isospin symmetry and reduce this way the value of the effective nucleon mass, independent of the depth of the optical potential for antikaons. Moreover, as expected we found that an increase of the depth of optical potential favors the population of antikaons. Finally, assuming neutrino-free matter, we observe a rapid decrease of the electron chemical potential produced by the gradual substitution of electrons by kaons to accomplish electric charge neutrality.
International Journal of Modern Physics D | 2010
F. Fernández; Alexandre Mesquita; Moisés Razeira; C. A. Z. Vasconcellos
We study the consequences of the presence of a negative electric charge condensate of antikaons in neutron stars using an effective model with derivative couplings. In our formalism, nucleons interact through the exchange of σ, ω and ϱ mesons, in the presence of electrons and muons, to accomplish electric charge neutrality and beta equilibrium. The phase transition to the antikaon condensate was implemented through the Gibbs conditions combined with the mean-field approximation, giving rise to a mixed phase of coexistence between nucleon matter and the antikaon condensate. Assuming neutrino-free matter, we observe a rapid decrease of the electron chemical potential produced by the gradual substitution of electrons by kaons to accomplish electric charge neutrality. The exotic composition of matter in neutron star including antikaon condensation and nucleons can yield a maximum mass of about Mns ~ 1.76 M⊙.
International Journal of Modern Physics E-nuclear Physics | 2007
Moisés Razeira; Alexandre Mesquita; C. A. Z. Vasconcellos; Bardo E. J. Bodmann; Manfred Dillig; G. F. Marranghello
We investigate the role of the strange σ*, ϕ and δ meson fields on the delineation of main properties of neutron stars using a parameterized Lagrangian density model in the effective baryon and meson sectors. We assume, strange quarks are localized within the hyperon fields, which carry the strangeness content of the model. Our main goal is to analyze stability conditions of neutron stars with large amount of strangeness per baryon. Our main result indicates the inclusion of the strange (anti-)quark containing meson field σ*, besides ϕ and δ into nuclear matter, turn the equation of state stiffer this way increasing the gravitational mass of the neutron star.
International Journal of Modern Physics D | 2007
Eduardo Lütz; Moisés Razeira; C. A. Z. Vasconcellos; Bardo E. J. Bodmann; Fernando Goncalves Pilotto
On the basis of a chiral symmetry transformation, we predict an isovector component for the family of light scalar mesons, i.e. partners of the σ-meson. Such a contribution may be necessary to tune the equation of state of nuclear matter in order to comply with severe constraints from a recent analysis of observational macroscopic properties of neutron stars.
International Journal of Modern Physics D | 2004
Sergio Souto Rocha; Moisés Razeira; C. A. Z. Vasconcellos; Manfred Dillig
We study dense hadronic matter in a generalized relativistic mean field approach which contains nonlinear couplings of the σ, ω, ϱ, δ fields and compare its predictions for properties of neutron stars with the corresponding results from different models found in the literature. Our predictions indicate a substantial modification in static global properties of nuclear matter and neutron stars with the inclusion of the δ meson into the formalism.