Mokded Rabhi
Tunis University
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Featured researches published by Mokded Rabhi.
Journal of Hazardous Materials | 2009
Abdelbasset Lakhdar; Mokded Rabhi; Tahar Ghnaya; Francesco Montemurro; Naceur Jedidi; Chedly Abdelly
Soil degradation and salinization are two of the utmost threat affecting agricultural areas, derived from the increasing use of low quality water and inappropriate cultural practices. The problem of low productivity of saline soils may be ascribed not only to their salt toxicity or damage caused by excess amounts of soluble salts but also arising from the lack of organic matter and available mineral nutrients especially N, P, and K. Concerns about salinization risk and environmental quality and productivity of agro-ecosystems have emphasized the need to develop management practices that maintain soil resources. Composted municipal solid waste (MSW) was commonly used to enhance soil productivity in the agricultural lands and rebuild fertility. However, their application could be also a promising alternative to alleviate the adverse effects caused by soil salinization. MSW compost, with high organic matter content and low concentrations of inorganic and organic pollutants allow an improvement of physical, chemical and biochemical characteristics and constitute low cost soil recovery.
Bioresource Technology | 2010
Mokded Rabhi; Siwar Ferchichi; Jihène Jouini; Mohamed Hédi Hamrouni; Hans-Werner Koyro; Annamaria Ranieri; Chedly Abdelly; Abderrazak Smaoui
In the present work, we studied the potential of the obligate halophyte, Sesuvium portulacastrum L., to desalinize an experimentally-salinized soil after the following criteria: (i) decrease in soil salinity and sodicity, (ii) plant biomass capacity to accumulate sodium ions, and (iii) phytodesalinized soil quality (equivalent to growth of a glycophytic test culture of Hordeum vulgare L.). The cultivation of the halophyte on the salinized soil (phytodesalination culture) led to a marked absorption of Na(+) ions by S. portulacastrum roots and their accumulation in the above-ground biomass up to 872 mg plant(-1) and 4.36 g pot(-1) (about 1 tha(-1)). The decrease in salinity and sodicity of the phytodesalinized soil significantly reduced the negative effects on growth of the test culture of H. vulgare. Furthermore, the phytodesalination enabled H. vulgare plants to keep a high water content and to develop a higher biomass with relatively high K and low Na contents.
Bioresource Technology | 2008
Abdelbasset Lakhdar; Chokri Hafsi; Mokded Rabhi; Ahmed Debez; Francesco Montemurro; Chedly Abdelly; Naceur Jedidi; Zeineb Ouerghi
The efficiency of composted municipal solid wastes (MSW) to reduce the adverse effects of salinity was investigated in Hordeum maritimum under greenhouse conditions. Plants were cultivated in pots filled with soil added with 0 and 40tha(-1) of MSW compost, and irrigated twice a week with tap water at two salinities (0 and 4gl(-1) NaCl). Harvests were achieved at 70 (shoots) and 130 (shoots and roots) days after sowing. At each cutting, dry weight (DW), NPK nutrition, chlorophyll, leaf protein content, Rubisco (ribulose-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase) capacity, and contents of potential toxic elements were determined. Results showed that compost supply increased significantly the biomass production of non salt-treated plants (+80%). This was associated with higher N and P uptake in both shoots (+61% and +80%, respectively) and roots (+48% and +25%, respectively), while lesser impact was observed for K+. In addition, chlorophyll and protein contents as well as Rubisco capacity were significantly improved by the organic amendment. MSW compost mitigated the deleterious effect of salt stress on the plant growth, partly due to improved chlorophyll and protein contents and Rubisco capacity (-15%, -27% and -14%, respectively, in combined treatment, against -45%, -84% and -25%, respectively, in salt-stressed plants without compost addition), which presumably favoured photosynthesis and alleviated salt affect on biomass production by 21%. In addition, plants grown on amended soil showed a general improvement in their heavy metals contents Cu2+, Pb2+, Cd2+, and Zn2+ (in combined treatment: 190%, 53%, 168% and 174% in shoots and 183%, 42%, 42% and 114% in roots, respectively) but remained lower than phytotoxic values. Taken together, these findings suggest that municipal waste compost may be safely applied to salt-affected soils without adverse effects on plant physiology.
Protoplasma | 2011
Abderrazak Smaoui; Zouhaier Barhoumi; Mokded Rabhi; Chedly Abdelly
The secreting glandular trichomes are recognized as an efficient structure that alleviates salt effects on Atriplex halimus. They are found on buds, young green stems, and leaves. They occupy both the leaf surfaces and give them a whitish color. Their histogenesis and ultrastructure were investigated in the third young leaves. They appear in early stage of plant development and its initiation continuous until just the leaf final development state. Each trichome contains two parts; a stalk which has high electron opacity, embedded in epidermal cells, and bears a second one which is unicellular, called bladder cell and has a low electron density. The bladder cell appears as a huge vacuole and the well-reduced cytoplasm which is pushed close to the wall, contains only a few organelles. Concurrently, the use of silver chloride precipitation technique shows that, in secretion process, salt follows a symplasmatic pathway which is consolidated by the presence of numerous plasmodesmata between the stalk cell(s), and the bladder one and the neighboring mesophyll cells. In addition, according to lanthanum-tracer study, salt can be excreted apoplastically. In fact, the heavy element can be transported via endocytosis vesicles, and by Golgi, endoplasmic reticulum, and lysosome (G.E.R.L.) network toward the storage vacuoles.
Plant Biology | 2009
Sabah Yousfi; Mokded Rabhi; Kamel Hessini; Chedly Abdelly; Mohamed Gharsalli
Physiological and biochemical responses of Hordeum maritimum and H. vulgare to salt stress were studied over a 60-h period. Growth at increasing salinity levels (0, 100, 200 and 300 mM NaCl) was assessed in hydroponic culture. H. maritimum was shown to be a true halophyte via its typical behaviour at high salinity. Shoot growth of cultivated barley was gradually reduced with increasing salinity, whereas that of wild barley was enhanced at 100 and 200 mm NaCl then slightly reduced at 300 mM NaCl. The higher salt tolerance of H. maritimum as compared to H. vulgare was due to its higher capacity to maintain cell turgor under severe salinity. Furthermore, H. maritimum exhibited fine regulation of Na(+) transport from roots to shoots and, unlike H. vulgare, it accumulated less Na(+) in shoots than in roots. In addition, H. maritimum can accumulate more Na(+) than K(+) in both roots and shoots without the appearance of toxicity symptoms, indicating that Na(+) was well compartmentalized within cells and substituted K(+) in osmotic adjustment. The higher degree of salt tolerance of H. maritimum is further demonstrated by its economic strategy: at moderate salt treatment (100 mm NaCl), it used inorganic solutes (such as Na(+)) for osmotic adjustment and kept organic solutes and a large part of the K(+) for metabolic activities. Indeed, K(+) use efficiency in H. maritimum was about twofold that in H. vulgare; the former started to use organic solutes as osmotica only at high salinity (200 and 300 mm NaCl). These results suggest that the differences in salt tolerance between H. maritimum and H. vulgare are partly due to (i) differences in control of Na(+) transport from roots to shoots, and (ii) H. maritimum uses Na(+) as an osmoticum instead of K(+) and organic solutes. These factors are differently reflected in growth.
International Journal of Phytoremediation | 2013
Arwa Jlassi; Walid Zorrig; Amine El Khouni; Abdelbasset Lakhdar; Abderrazak Smaoui; Chedly Abdelly; Mokded Rabhi
The aim of this investigation was to evaluate the ability of the indifferent halophyte Sulla carnosa Desf. to desalinize a moderately-salt-affected soil. Seeds were sown on a fertile soil added or not with 1.5 g NaCl. kg−1. Analogous treatments without plantation (control and salinized) were also used. Plant culture was performed under greenhouse conditions in non-perforated pots containing 10 kg soil each and irrigated with non-saline tap water. After 80 days of treatment, shoots were harvested. Soil samples were also collected after division of soil column in each pot into two horizons. Our results showed that salt addition increased electrical conductivity of saturation paste extract (ECe) from 3.3 to 8.4 dS. m−1 and soluble sodium concentration from 0.32 to 1.15 g. kg−1 soil in the upper horizon. In the lower horizon however, Na+ concentration was quasi-constant and then ECe was less increased. Plant culture inversed this pattern of sodium accumulation and salinity. Its productivity and phytodesalination capacity in 80 days were 5.0 t DW. ha−1 and 0.3 t Na+. ha−1 (24% of the added quantity), respectively. Interestingly, sodium dilution within biomass (41.5–45.6 mg. g−1 DW) and the non-altered nutrition make this plant suitable for forage as second use after phytodesalination.
Journal of Plant Physiology | 2010
Mokded Rabhi; D. Giuntini; Antonella Castagna; Damiano Remorini; Barbara Baldan; Abderrazak Smaoui; Chedly Abdelly; Annamaria Ranieri
Cuttings of Sesuvium portulacastrum L. (Aizoaceae) were taken from plants cultivated under severe saline conditions. The obtained seedlings were grown on sand and irrigated with nutrient solution over 5 weeks under no (0 mM NaCl), moderate (200 mM NaCl), or high (400 mM NaCl) salinity conditions. A follow-up of gas exchange was performed weekly and pigment levels and patterns of fully expanded leaves were determined after 3 and 5 weeks of treatment. At the end of the 5-week period, immunoblot analysis of the main polypeptides of photosystem I and II was performed with the aim to investigate salt-induced variations in photosystem composition. Net CO2 assimilation rate (Pn) increased under salinity up to 3 weeks of treatment then decreased to reach the value of 0mM-treated plants at the end of the experiment. For stomatal conductance (gs) and intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci), the opposite occurred. These results were concomitant with an increase in practically all pigment levels, mainly under high salinity, with the exception of zeaxanthin. The de-epoxidation index (DEPS index) was much lower under saline than non-saline conditions in the 3rd week, indicating light stress in 0mM-treated plants. At the end of the experiment, this index showed much lower values with no significant differences between treatments, which coincided with no significant differences in gas exchange as well. Protein amounts of D1, CP47, and CP43 did not show noticeable variations with salt treatment, whereas LHCII underwent a slight but significant decrease (-15%) at the highest NaCl concentration. LHCI polypeptides were unaffected by the salt treatments, where conversely, the highest concentration induced a significant decrease in PsaA/B amount (-18%).
Acta Physiologiae Plantarum | 2016
Nèjia Farhat; Amine Elkhouni; Walid Zorrig; Abderrazak Smaoui; Chedly Abdelly; Mokded Rabhi
Magnesium nutrition is often forgotten, while its absence adversely affects numerous functions in plants. Magnesium deficiency is a growing concern for crop production frequently observed in lateritic and leached acid soils. Competition with other cations (Ca2+, Na+, and K+) is also found to be an essential factor, inducing magnesium deficiency in plants. This nutrient is required for chlorophyll formation and plays a key role in photosynthetic activity. Moreover, it is involved in carbohydrate transport from source-to-sink organs. Hence, sugar accumulation in leaves that results from the impairment of their transport in phloem is considered as an early response to Mg deficiency. The most visible effect is often recorded in root growth, resulting in a significant reduction of root/shoot ratio. Carbohydrate accumulation in source leaves is attributed to the unique chemical proprieties of magnesium. As magnesium is a nutrient with high mobility in plants, it is preferentially transported to source leaves to prevent severe declines in photosynthetic activity. In addition, Mg is involved in the source-to-sink transport of carbohydrates. Hence, an inverse relationship between Mg shortage and sugar accumulation in leaves is often observed. We hereby review all these aspects with a special emphasis on the role of Mg in photosynthesis and the structural and functional effects of its deficiency on the photosynthetic apparatus.
Journal of Phycology | 2011
Nèjia Farhat; Mokded Rabhi; Hanen Falleh; Jihène Jouini; Chedly Abdelly; Abderrazak Smaoui
Dunaliella salina (Dunal) Teodor, when treated over 25 d with a wide range of NaCl salinities (0.6–4.5 M), showed its maximal growth potentialities at 1.5–3.0 M NaCl and was able to survive even at 4.5 M NaCl. Sodium concentrations increased significantly at the supraoptimal salinities, reaching up to 5 mmol · g−1 dry weight (dwt) at 4.5 M NaCl. Interestingly, ability of D. salina to take up essential mineral nutrients was not impaired by increased salinity. As for growth, chl concentrations were maximal in the 1.5–3.0 M NaCl range. Interestingly, carotenoid concentrations increased with the increasing salinity. The highest values of total antioxidant activity (5.2–6.9 mg gallic acid equivalents [GAE] · g−1 dwt), antiradical activity, and reducing power were measured at 1.5–3.0 M NaCl. As a whole, these results showed that at 1.5–3.0 M NaCl, D. salina produce appreciable antioxidant level. But, once it reaches its growth maximum, a salt addition up to 4.5 M could enhance its carotenoid yield.
Acta Biologica Hungarica | 2010
Mokded Rabhi; S. Hajji; Najoua Karray-Bouraoui; D. Giuntini; Antonella Castagna; Abderrazak Smaoui; Annamaria Ranieri; Chedly Abdelly
In the present investigation, we studied uptake and management of the major cations in the xerohalophyte, Tecticornia indica (Willd.) subsp. indica as subjected to salinity. Plants were grown under greenhouse conditions at various salinity levels (0, 100, 200 and 400 mM NaCl) over 110 days. At harvest, they were separated into shoots and roots then analyzed for water contents, dry weights (DW), and Na+, K+, Ca²+, and Mg²+ contents. Plants showed a growth optimum at 200 mM NaCl and much better tissue hydration under saline than non-saline conditions. At this salt concentration (200 mM NaCl), shoot Na+ content reached its highest value (7.9 mmol · g-⁻¹ DW). In spite of such stressful conditions, salt-treated plants maintained adequate K+, Ca²+, and Mg²+ status even under severe saline conditions. This was mainly due to their aptitude to selectively acquire these essential cations and efficiently use them for biomass production.