Mónica García-Barriuso
University of Salamanca
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Featured researches published by Mónica García-Barriuso.
Journal of Ethnopharmacology | 2010
José Antonio González; Mónica García-Barriuso; Francisco Amich
AIM OF THE STUDY We studied traditional knowledge (TK) and current uses of medicinal plants among the inhabitants of the Arribes del Duero-ARD-(Spain), documenting traditional medical practices. MATERIALS AND METHODS We interviewed 80 key informants (44 men and 36 women). Their average age was 72 years (range 48-98 years). We calculated the cultural importance for each species cited. To analyze how TK varies with the characteristics of the different informants, we performed an ANCOVA, taking the number of use-reports (URs) provided by each informant as a variable to model, and age and gender as explanatory variables. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS 156 medicinal remedies were recorded; they were based on a single species and were cited by at least three independent informants, and half of them are still in use today. These remedies are related to nine major organ systems and 54 therapeutic uses, and 70 species (belonging to 39 families) are used, most of which are herbs (64%). The most relevant family is the Lamiaceae (23 remedies, 8 species) and the species employed in the greatest number of remedies (8) is Urtica dioica L. However, the taxon with the greatest cultural value is Hypericum perforatum L. (CI=0.71). 31% of the variability of the TK can be explained in terms of the age and gender of the informants (R(2)=0.315), the age factor having a positive effect. Most of the remedies are related to the treatment of unimportant ailments, referring to disorders of the skin, and the respiratory and digestive systems. The leaves and fruits are the most frequently sought plant parts (40 and 17% of the plants mentioned, respectively), and infusions (34%) and decoctions (28%) are the main methods used for preparing the remedies. Likewise, we recorded remedies based on plant mixtures and ethnomedicinal novelties or rare uses, and comment on the influence exerted by superstition. Currently, many people preserve a rich TK about medicinal plants, and it may be affirmed that the folk medicine is still very much alive in the ARD, above all as regards the treatment of certain common afflictions or unimportant ailments.
Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution | 2011
José Antonio González; Mónica García-Barriuso; Francisco Amich
The collection and consumption of wild (including naturalized) and semi-domesticated (cultivated and reverted to wild status, and neglected cultivated plants for food) edible plants in the rural communities of the Arribes del Duero (western Spain), a highly heterogeneous Mediterranean agroecosystem, were analysed. Through semi-structured interviews with 80 informants, data on the gathering, preparation and consumption of 76 wild edible plant species were acquired. To analyze how traditional knowledge varies with the characteristics of the informants, we performed an ANCOVA. The “age” variable was found to have a significant effect. The most frequently cited species in the study area (i.e. Rubus ulmifolius, Foeniculum vulgare, Quercus ilex, Laurus nobilis, Origanum vulgare) are widely consumed in the Mediterranean region. Also, from a cluster analysis it was observed that the grouping succession this territory matches those of analysed areas of the Iberian southwest. Certain species have traditionally been consumed as an important supplement to the diet, particularly during food shortages (i.e. Rumex induratus, Chondrilla juncea). Several species are ethnobotanical novelties, among which are Erodium botrys and Astragalus pelecinus, whose immature fruits are eaten raw as a snack. Some ecological and cultural aspects of the gathering of wild plants for food are discussed.
Veterinary Research Communications | 2011
José Antonio González; Mónica García-Barriuso; Francisco Amich
Currently, traditional ethnoveterinary practices are rare in Europe and the plants used previously have been replaced by the modern drugs used by national veterinary services. However, in some rural areas of the Mediterranean basin these traditional practices persist. Here we analyze the plant resources still used, or that have been used up until recently, for the treatment of the health and comfort of animals in a region in the central-western part of the Iberian Peninsula, the Arribes del Duero. We document the use of 84 species, belonging to 39 families (with a total of 2243 use-reports), and 62 herbal remedies based on the use of a single plant species (43) and cited by at least three independent informants. The veterinary use of the Ranunculaceae Clematis campaniflora is reported for the first time. We also identify several plants used as bedding or fodder for livestock and discuss the relevance of some toxic plants and some “magical-curative” aspects reported in the territory.
Journal of Ethnopharmacology | 2011
José Antonio González; Mónica García-Barriuso; Marina Gordaliza; Francisco Amich
ETHNOPHARMACOLOGICAL RELEVANCE In several Spanish rural communities, simple and effective plant-based remedies are employed for the control of vector-borne diseases. Hence, the aim of this study was to assess the knowledge and usage custom of traditional insect control in the Arribes del Duero-ARD-(Salamanca-Zamora, W Spain). MATERIALS AND METHODS Between 2005 and 2009, 116 semi-structured interviews of 80 non-specialist people (44 men and 36 women; mean age, 72) were conducted. This community was located in the Arribes del Duero Natural Park, representative of a highly heterogeneous Mediterranean landscape with a strong decline in the population and a significant proportion (almost 40%) age 65 or greater. We calculated the cultural importance for each species cited. To analyze how traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) varies with the characteristics of the informants, we performed an ANCOVA. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS We documented the traditional use of 22 vascular plants as remedies to prevent or treat external parasites, and control mosquitoes, flies and other nuisance insects. There were described 27 plant remedies, of which 16 (59%) continue to be in use, including basil (Ocimum basilicum L. and Ocimum minimum L.) as a repellent for mosquitoes and houseflies. Most of the plant species contain phenols and/or terpenoids, and in several investigations bioassays have been performed to test their repellent and/or insecticidal properties. Three taxa (Ballota nigra L., Cicer arietinum L. and Ocimum minimum) have not been tested and these may offer excellent natural remedies. As well as allowing the discovery of new chemical compounds with insecticidal activity, this traditional knowledge may be paramount in the control of potential populations of vectors of emerging diseases in the Mediterranean region without harming the environment.
Plant Biosystems | 2009
Francisco Amich; Mónica García-Barriuso; Antonio L. Crespí; Sonia Bernardos
Abstract Ophrys sect. Pseudophrys shows a pronounced morphological variation, especially in Mediterranean Africa, a centre of radiation of this section. In Tunisia, different authors recognize between 9 and 13 species (and 5 subspecies). A multivariate analysis was performed in order to study the polymorphisms of eight critical species of Ophrys sect. Pseudophrys represented in Tunisia (O. africana, O. aspea, O. battandieri, O. eleonorae, O. gazella, O. numida, O. subfusca and O. vallesiana). The variation in 20 floral characters (including 5 ratios) were evaluated in 332 live plants belonging to 20 populations of the mentioned Tunisian representatives of sect. Pseudophrys. Two additional labellum characters were measured for the populations belonging to O. subfusca group (namely O. aspea, O. battandieri, O. numida and O. subfusca). In order to distinguish the different species, and identify characters defining their circumscription, we carried out detailed morphological analyses on two different data sets of sect. Pseudophrys, one consisting of all the currently recognized species, and another consisting of all the populations belonging to the controversial O. subfusca group. In order to summarize the overall morphological variation among Pseudophrys, a principal components analysis (PCA) and a cluster analysis of populations were conducted. To test the separation of population groups resulting from the PCA and cluster analyses, a canonical discriminant analysis (CDA) was conducted. The most discriminating characters are presented in the form of boxplots. Due to extensive overlapping in even the most distinguishing characters, it is not possible to accept O. africana as a distinct species from O. gazella, or O. numida as distinct from O. subfusca. Cytological data and chromosome counts are reported for the first time for eight Tunisian members of sect. Pseudophrys. All of the analysed species are diploids with 2n = 36 chromosomes. Neither polyploids nor aneuploids were detected. A key to the accepted species is provided.
Biologia | 2011
Mónica García-Barriuso; Sonia Bernardos; Cristina Nabais; Dolores Pereira; Francisco Amich
Serpentine outcrops are distinct from their background geological context, as they are often isolated from one another, and provide a home to a significant number of rare or endemic taxa. The aim of this study was to assess the Portuguese populations of one such taxon, Notholaena marantae subsp. marantae, including information on its biogeography, habitat, geographical range and conservation status. A detailed study was also made of the endemic association Notholaenetum marantae, a member of the Phagnalo saxatilis-Cheilanthion maderensis alliance, a type of vegetation included in the EU Habitats Directive 92/43/ECC. The distribution of Notholaena marantae was highly fragmented, with two sites accounting for over 50% of the total number of individuals recorded. The presence of N. marantae is associated with that of ultramafic rocks, which show specific geochemical features. The conservation status of the species is a cause for concern. We propose that the species be considered ‘vulnerable’ according to the criteria of the IUCN (2001), and that areas where its populations grow be protected. This study confirms the endemic status of N. marantae subsp. marantae in Portugal and the importance of the conservation of its serpentine habitats.
Acta Botanica Gallica | 2006
Sonia Bernardos; Daniel Tyteca; Mónica García-Barriuso; Antonio L. Crespí; Adriano Castro; Francisco Amich
Abstract Twenty eight orchids species and subspecies are presently recognised as indigenous in the Lusitan Duriensean biogeographical sector, which covers part of the Duero Basin of Portugal and Spain. Twenty one of these (75%) are rare or very rare in this sector and under threat from different agents. This paper provides a detailed study of their distribution and estimates of the sizes of their populations. The latter were based on our own census data, collected at the sites where the species are found. All potentially reproductive individuals were counted. The causes of rarity and the factors responsible for the regression that still affects many species are analysed; main threats are destruction of woods by human activities and overgrazing. These data may be of use to the nature conservation authorities of Portugal and Spain.
Economic Botany | 2012
José Antonio González; Mónica García-Barriuso; Manuel Pardo-de-Santayana; Francisco Amich
Plant Remedies against Witches and the Evil Eye in a Spanish “Witches’ Village.” An ethnobotanical survey was carried out to understand the traditional knowledge and current use of different preventive and curative plant remedies against witches and the evil eye in a Spanish rural community (Villarino de los Aires, Salamanca). Located in a Spanish region known as “Arribes del Duero,” this locality has historically been considered an important “witches’ village.” An anonymous questionnaire was answered by 52 people living in the village. The cultural importance index (CI) of each species was calculated. To analyze how knowledge varies as a function of the socio-demographic characteristics of the different informants, an analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was performed, taking as variable to model the use-reports provided, and as explanatory variables the age, gender, and educational status. Age was the only variable that explained the variety in the number of plant remedies known; people over 60 knew significantly more plant remedies. Fifteen vascular plants were mentioned. The preventive remedies were particularly associated with key moments of the religious calendar. Branches gathered from olive trees, laurel, and/or rosemary are blessed on Palm Sunday, and then placed on window sills to protect people’s homes. During the celebration of Saint John’s Bonfire, aromatic plants are burnt, and the purifying and protecting power of the smoke emerges. The traditional use of plants hung behind doors of houses and stables to repel witches, and rituals for curing evil eye affecting people, animals, or even possessions were also revealed. Even today in rural communities of western Spain, there is a clear connection between popular religious and magic beliefs and their relationship with nature, especially plants.AbstractRemedios vegetales contra las brujas y el mal de ojo en un “pueblo de brujas” español. Se ha llevado a cabo un estudio etnobotánico sobre el conocimiento tradicional y el uso actual de diferentes remedios vegetales preventivos y curativos contra las brujas y el mal de ojo en una comunidad rural española (Villarino de los Aires, Salamanca). Esta localidad, situada en el extremo centro-occidental de España, concretamente en la comarca de Arribes del Duero, es reconocida como un importante “pueblo de brujas” desde antiguo. Se ha entregado un cuestionario que han rellenado, de forma anónima y unipersonal, 52 habitantes de la localidad. Se ha calculado el índice de importancia cultural (CI) para las diferentes especies vegetales citadas. Para analizar cómo varía el conocimiento en función de las características de los diferentes informantes, se ha realizado un análisis de covarianza (ANCOVA), tomando como variable del modelo los “registros de uso” aportados, y como variables explicativas la edad, el sexo y el nivel educativo. Solamente afecta, positivamente, la variable “edad,” habiendo aportado un mayor número de remedios vegetales las personas mayores de 60 años. Un total de 15 plantas vasculares han sido mencionadas. Los remedios preventivos tienen especial relación con momentos clave del calendario religioso. Durante el Domingo de Ramos se bendicen ramos confeccionados con olivo, laurel y/o romero, que posteriormente se colocan en ventanas para proteger las casas. Durante la celebración de la hoguera de San Juan se queman plantas aromáticas y se aprovecha el poder purificador y protector del humo. Asimismo, se ha recogido el uso tradicional de plantas repelentes de las brujas, plantas que son colgadas detrás de las puertas de casas y cuadras, y de rituales de curación de personas, animales, e incluso posesiones. Se puede asegurar que en comunidades rurales del occidente español, aún en la actualidad, la religiosidad popular y la magia aparecen claramente relacionadas con la naturaleza, sobre todo con el entorno vegetal.
Annales Botanici Fennici | 2011
Mónica García-Barriuso; Cristina Nabais; Antonio L. Crespí; Carmen Fernández-Castellano; Sonia Bernardos; Francisco Amich
This study provides preliminary evidence of morphometric variation within and among species of the Antirrhinum section Streptosepalum (Plantaginaceae) that allows further development of hypotheses concerning species boundaries. Multivariate statistical analyses of the measurements of ten morphological characters suggest that the Antirrhinum occurring on the serpentine outcrops in the province of Trás-os-Montes, NE Portugal, is a species different from A. braun-blanquetii and A. meonanthum. Its ecological preferences are also different. Antirrhinum rothmaleri (Pinto da Silva) Amich, Bernardos & García-Barriuso comb. & stat. nov. is described and illustrated. Notes on its distribution, ecology, karyology, and taxonomic relationships are presented. The diagnostic differences among A. rothmaleri, A. braun-blanquetii and A. meonanthum are provided.
Lazaroa | 2009
Mónica García-Barriuso; Eva Mª Ávila; Mª Ángeles Sánchez-Anta; Javier Fernández-Díez; Sonia Bernardos; Francisco Amich
En el presente trabajo analizamos diversos caracteres macromorfologicos (caliz, corola y capsula) y micromorfologicos (pelosidad del caliz y pedicelos florales) para diagnosticar y clarificar la posicion taxonomica de Silene marizii frente a otras especies proximas (p.e. S. latifolia ), con las que en ocasiones ha sido confundida. Asimismo aportamos nuevos datos acerca de su comportamiento fitosociologico y sobre el estado de sus poblaciones en el centro occidente iberico.