
Physical Review Letters | 2012

Valley-polarized metals and quantum anomalous Hall effect in silicene.

Motohiko Ezawa

Silicene is a monolayer of silicon atoms forming a two-dimensional honeycomb lattice, which shares almost every remarkable property with graphene. The low-energy structure of silicene is described by Dirac electrons with relatively large spin-orbit interactions due to its buckled structure. The key observation is that the band structure is controllable by applying electric field to silicene. We explore the phase diagram of silicene together with exchange field M and by applying electric field E(z). A quantum anomalous Hall (QAH) insulator, valley polarized metal (VPM), marginal valley polarized metal (M-VPM), quantum spin Hall insulator, and band insulator appear. They are characterized by the Chern numbers and/or by the edge modes of a nanoribbon. It is intriguing that electrons have been moved from a conduction band at the K point to a valence band at the K point for E(z) > 0 in the VPM. We find in the QAH phase that almost flat gapless edge modes emerge and that spins form a momentum-space Skyrmion to yield the Chern number. It is remarkable that a topological quantum phase transition can be induced simply by changing electric field in a single silicene sheet.

Journal of the Physical Society of Japan | 2015

Monolayer Topological Insulators: Silicene, Germanene, and Stanene

Motohiko Ezawa

We report the recent progress on the theoretical aspects of monolayer topological insulators including silicene, germanene and stanene, which are monolayer honeycomb structures of silicon, germanium and tin, respectively. They show quantum spin Hall effects in nature due to the spin–orbit interaction. The band gap can be tuned by applying perpendicular electric field, which induces a topological phase transition. We also analyze the topological properties of generic honeycomb systems together with the classification of topological insulators. Phase diagrams of topological insulators and superconductors in honeycomb systems are explicitly determined. We also investigate topological electronics including a topological field-effect transistor, the topological Kirchhoff’s law and the topological spin-valleytronics.We report the recent progress on the theoretical aspects of monolayer topological insulators including silicene, germanene and stanene, which are monolayer honeycomb structures of silicon, germanium and tin, respectively. They show quantum spin Hall effects in nature due to the spin–orbit interaction. The band gap can be tuned by applying perpendicular electric field, which induces a topological phase transition. We also analyze the topological properties of generic honeycomb systems together with the classification of topological insulators. Phase diagrams of topological insulators and superconductors in honeycomb systems are explicitly determined. We also investigate topological electronics including a topological field-effect transistor, the topological Kirchhoff’s law and the topological spin-valleytronics.

Physical Review B | 2012

Spin-valley optical selection rule and strong circular dichroism in silicene

Motohiko Ezawa

Silicene (a monolayer of silicon atoms) is a topological insulator, which undergoes a topological phase transition to a band insulator under an external electric field. The spin polarization is unique and opposite at the K and K points due to the spin-orbit coupling. Accordingly, silicene exhibits a strong circular dichroism with respect to optical absorption, obeying a certain spin-valley selection rule. It is remarkable that this selection rule is drastically different between these two types of insulators owing to a band inversion taking place at the phase transition point. Hence we can tell experimentally whether silicene is in the topological or band insulator phase by circular dichroism. Furthermore the selection rule enables us to excite electrons with definite spin and valley indices by optical absorption. Photo-induced current is spin polarized, where the spin direction is different between the topological and band insulators. It is useful for future spintronics applications.

Physical Review Letters | 2010

Giant Skyrmions Stabilized by Dipole-Dipole Interactions in Thin Ferromagnetic Films

Motohiko Ezawa

Motivated by a recent magnetization reversal experiment on a TbFeCo thin film, we study a topological excitation in the anisotropic nonlinear sigma model together with the Zeeman and magnetic dipole-dipole interactions. Dipole-dipole interactions turn a ferromagnet into a frustrated spin system, which allows a nontrivial spin texture such as a giant Skyrmion. We derive an analytic formula for the Skyrmion radius. The radius is controllable by the external magnetic field. It is intriguing that a Skyrmion may have already been observed as a magnetic domain. A salient feature is that a single Skyrmion can be created or destroyed experimentally. An analysis is made also on Skyrmions in chiral magnets.

Journal of the Physical Society of Japan | 2012

Quantum Hall Effects in Silicene

Motohiko Ezawa

We investigate quantum Hall effects in silicene by applying electric field E z parallel to magnetic field. Silicene is a monolayer of silicon atoms forming a two-dimensional honeycomb lattice, and shares almost every remarkable property with graphene. A new feature is its buckled structure, due to which the band structure can be controlled externally by changing E z . The low energy physics of silicene is described by massive Dirac fermions, where the mass is a function of E z and becomes zero at the critical field E cr . We show that there are no zero energy states due to the Dirac mass term except at the critical electric field E cr . Furthermore it is shown that the 4-fold degenerate zero-energy states are completely resolved even without considering Coulomb interactions. These features are highly contrasted with those in graphene, demonstrating that silicene has a richer structure. The prominent feature is that, by applying the electric field, we can control the valley degeneracy. As a function of E z...

Journal of the Physical Society of Japan | 2007

Intrinsic zeeman effect in graphene

Motohiko Ezawa

The intrinsic Zeeman energy is precisely one half of the cyclotron energy for electrons in graphene. As a result a Landau-level mixing occurs to create the energy spectrum comprised of the 4 j -fold degenerated zero-energy level and 4-fold degenerated nonzero-energy levels in the j -layer graphene, where j =1,2,3 for monolayer, bilayer and trilayer, respectively. The degeneracy manifests itself in the quantum Hall (QH) effect. We study how the degeneracy is removed by the Coulomb interactions. With respect to the zero-energy level, an excitonic gap opens by making a BCS-type condensation of electron–hole pairs at the filling factor ν=0. It gives birth to the Ising QH ferromagnet at ν=±1 for monolayer, ν=±1,±3 for bilayer, and ν=±1,±3,±5 for trilayer graphene from the zero-energy degeneracy. With respect to the nonzero-energy level, a remarkable consequence is derived that the effective Coulomb potential depends on spins, since a single energy level contains up-spin and down-spin electrons belonging to dif...

European Physical Journal B | 2012

Topological phase transition and electrically tunable diamagnetism in silicene

Motohiko Ezawa

Silicene is a monolayer of silicon atoms forming a honeycomb lattice. The lattice is actually made of two sublattices with a tiny separation. Silicene is a topological insulator, which is characterized by a full insulating gap in the bulk and helical gapless edges. It undergoes a phase transition from a topological insulator to a band insulator by applying external electric field. Analyzing the spin Chern number based on the effective Dirac theory, we find the origin to be a pseudospin meron in the momentum space. The peudospin degree of freedom arises from the two-sublattice structure. Our analysis makes clear the mechanism how a phase transition occurs from a topological insulator to a band insulator under increasing electric field. We propose a method to determine the critical electric field with the aid of diamagnetism of silicene. Diamagnetism is tunable by the external electric field, and exhibits a singular behaviour at the critical electric field. Our result is important also from the viewpoint of cross correlation between electric field and magnetism. Furthermore, nano-electromechanic devices transforming electric force to mechanical force may be feasible. Our finding will be important for future electro-magnetic correlated devices.

Journal of the Physical Society of Japan | 2012

Quasi-Topological Insulator and Trigonal Warping in Gated Bilayer Silicene

Motohiko Ezawa

Bilayer silicene has richer physical properties than bilayer graphene due to its buckled structure together with its trigonal symmetric structure. The trigonal symmetry originates in a particular w...

Physical Review B | 2010

Dirac fermions in a graphene nanodisk and a graphene corner: Texture of vortices with an unusual winding number

Motohiko Ezawa

We analyze the zero-energy sector of the trigonal zigzag nanodisk and corner based on the Dirac theory of graphene. The zero-energy states are shown to be indexed by the edge momentum and grouped according to the irreducible representation of the trigonal symmetry group

EPL | 2012

Dirac theory and topological phases of silicon nanotube

Motohiko Ezawa


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