Muhammed Fatih Önsüz
Marmara University
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Featured researches published by Muhammed Fatih Önsüz.
Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention | 2014
Muhammed Fatih Önsüz; Seyhan Hıdıroğlu; Abdullah Sarioz; Selma Metintas; Melda Karavuş
PURPOSE The aim of the study was to evaluate knowledge, attitudes and behaviors of Turkish women over 20 years old on cervix cancer. MATERIALS AND METHODS This descriptive study was performed at a primary care center covering 246 women using a questionnaire composed of 3 sections and 38 questions. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, chi-square test in univariate analysis and multivariate hierarchical logistic regression analysis. RESULTS Of the 93.7% women who knew about cervical cancer, 68.0% of them had heard pap smear test and 46.1% had actually undergone a Pap smear once or more throughout their lives. According to the results of the hierarchical logistic regression analysis about factors affecting the Pap smear test; in Model 1, increase in age and education levels, in Model 2 and Model 3 increase in age and cervical cancer information points were determined. The most important information source for cervical cancer was TV-radio/media (59.9%) and health care workers (62.8%) for pap smear test. CONCLUSIONS Although most women have heard of cervical cancer, knowledge about cervical cancer and also Pap smear screening rate are significantly lower. Having Pap smear test for women was affected by age and knowledge level about cervical cancer. Informing women about cervical cancer would be an important intervention.
Northern clinics of Istanbul | 2015
Onur Özlem Köse; Muhammed Fatih Önsüz; Ahmet Topuzoğlu
OBJECTIVE: The aim of the present study was to determine knowledge levels and attitudes about organ donation and transplantation among university students. METHODS: This descriptive study was performed with third-grade students of medicine, pharmacy, and law at a university. Samples weren’t selected in the study and it was executed with 145 students who had agreed to participate in the study. The data was collected using a questionnaire of 19 questions. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the data. RESULTS: 71.7% of students had positive views about transplantation of their own organs to a suitable recipient, with half of them giving being useful to others as a reason. Among students who had negative views about organ donation, the most important reason given was that it would mean a loss of bodily integrity. 44.1% of participants had positive views about transplantation of their relatives’ organs to another person after death. 51.7% of participants had positive views about transplantation of the organs of a homeless person to another person after death. CONCLUSION: Students had generally positive views about organ donation. However; organ transplantation and donation should be included in the students’ educational programs in order to increase positive attitudes and organ donations, and transform attitudes into behaviors.
Türk Oftalmoloji Dergisi | 2018
Zeynep Demirtaş; Gökçe Dağtekin; Muhammed Fatih Önsüz; Aziz Soysal; Nilgun Yildirim; Selma Metintas
Objectives: The present study was conducted to develop an instrument for measuring adults’ glaucoma knowledge levels and to establish the instrument’s validity and reliability. Materials and Methods: The study group consisted of 811 persons aged 40-80 years who presented to primary health care institutions and did not have a glaucoma diagnosis. A 27-item questionnaire measuring level of glaucoma knowledge was created by the study team. Following expert consultation, it was structurally evaluated. The difficulty index and discrimination index were calculated for each item. Factor analysis was used to determine construct validity, Cronbach’s alpha internal consistency coefficient and item-total correlations were calculated to determine reliability. Confirmatory factor analysis was used to assess the extent to which the factor structure of the scale fit. We analysed correlation with the National Eye Health Education Program (NEHEP) Eye-Q scale in order to evaluate the validity of the scale. Results: The final glaucoma knowledge level questionnaire comprised 10 items in one dimension. The discrimination index and difficulty index ranged between 0.28 to 0.65 and 33 to 61%, respectively. According to factor analysis, the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin score was 0.760 and Bartlett’s test indicated p<0.001. Confirmatory factor analysis showed acceptable scale fit and fit indices. Validity assessment revealed a positive correlation between the total score of the items of the NEHEP scale and glaucoma knowledge level questionnaire score (r=0.522; p<0.001). Scores were higher in participants who were aged 40-64, living in the city, had education level of high school or above and had previous eye examination or intraocular pressure measurement. Conclusion: The glaucoma knowledge level questionnaire has the distinction of being the first valid and reliable scale for assessing level of glaucoma knowledge in Turkey.
Osmangazi Journal of Medicine | 2017
Burcu Işıktekin Atalay; Muhammed Fatih Önsüz; Burhanettin Işıklı; Gülsüm Öztürk Emiral; Emine Ayhan; Selma Metintas
Oz: Calismada Eskisehir’deki mevsimlik tarim iscileri ve ailelerinin saglik kuruluslarina basvuru tercihlerinin ve etkileyen faktorlerin belirlenmesi amaclandi. Calisma, 2014 yaz mevsimi suresince Eskisehir Osmangazi Universitesi Egitim Arastirma Bolgesinde bulunan cadir bolgelerinde calismanin oldugu gunlerde bulunan ve arastirmaya katilmayi kabul eden 1041 mevsimlik tarim iscisi uzerinde yapilan kesitsel bir arastirmadir. Calismada mevsimlik tarim iscilerinin cadir bolgesi, yasi, cinsiyeti ve icinde bulunduklari sezon icerisinde basvuru yaptiklari saglik kuruluslari ve basvuru sayilari, basvuru nedenleri, basvuru sonucu aldiklari tani ve mudahaleleri sorgulayan sorulardan olusan bir anket kullanildi. Birinci basamak saglik kurulusuna basvuru sikligi ikinci basamak saglik kurulusuna basvurudan daha dusuk idi. Coklu lojistik regresyon analizi sonuclarina gore birinci basamak saglik kuruluslarina basvuruda yas gruplari ve cadir bolgesinin merkeze uzakligi etkili bagimsiz degiskenler olarak bulundu. Ikinci basamak saglik kuruluslarina basvurmada 0-5 yas grubuna gore 6-14 yas grubunda basvuru sikligi azalmaktaydi. Kadinlarda ikinci basamak saglik kurulusuna basvurma sikligi erkeklere gore daha fazla idi. Merkeze yakin cadir bolgesinde oturanlar ikinci basamak saglik hizmetlerini tercih etmekteydiler. Mevsimlik tarim iscilerinden %46.6’sinin acil durumlarda (kaza, yaralanma), %38.5’inin hasta oldugunda, %12.6’sinin asi yapilacagi zaman birinci basamak saglik kuruluslarina basvurdugu bulundu. Mevsimlik tarim iscilerinin calismak uzere gittikleri ve yilin buyuk bir kismini gecirdikleri bolgelerde karsilastiklari pek cok sorundan biri de saglik konusundaki sorunlaridir. Saglik ile ilgili sorunlarinin cozumunde en onemli mudahale mevsimlik tarim iscisi koruyucu saglik hizmetlerinin on planda oldugu birinci basamak saglik hizmetlerine yonlendirilmesi olacaktir.
Turkish Journal of Public Health | 2016
Mehmet Enes Gökler; Egemen Ünal; Reşat Aydın; Gülsüm Öztürk Emiral; Selma Metintas; Burhanettin Işıklı; Muhammed Fatih Önsüz
Amac: Calismada, Toplum Sagligi Merkezi (TSM) sorumlu hekimlerinin gorusleriyle TSM’lerin genel ozelliklerinin belirlenmesi amaclandi. Gerec ve Yontem: Calisma, Turkiye’deki TSM sorumlu hekimleri (n=971) ile yapilan kesitsel tipte bir arastirmadir. Sorumlu hekimlerin Turkiye’deki dagilimi NUTS bolgeleri esas alinarak yapildi. Hazirlanan anket formu, hekimlerin sosyo-demografik ve mesleki ozelliklerini, TSM’lerin fiziksel olanaklarini ve TSM hekimligi ile ilgili dusuncelerini sorgulamaktaydi. Bulgular: Toplam 611 (%62.9) TSM sorumlu hekimine ulasildi. Calismaya katilan hekimlerin %66.6’si erkekti; %81.3’u ilce merkezlerinde gorev yapmakta iken %37.8’inin ilk gorev yeri TSM’lerdi. Calisma grubunda ortalama hekimlik suresi 8.1±7.7 yil, TSM hekimligi calisma suresi ise ortalama 2.2±1.9 yildi. TSM sorumlu hekimlerinin %63.8’i TSM hekimliginin sayginligi, %43.9’u gelecegi, %76.6’si sorumluluklarina gore yetkileri ve %64.2’si gorevinde kalici olmak konularinda olumsuz bir degerlendirme icindedir. Hekimlerin %43.7’si TSM personelini sayica, %57.3’u nitelik acisindan yeterli gormezken, %68.9’u TSM’nin fiziksel olanaklarini yeterli bulmamaktadir. Sonuc: TSM’lerle ilgili politikalarin gelistirilmesi gereklidir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Toplum Sagligi Merkezleri, saglik hizmetleri, sorumlu hekim
Northern clinics of Istanbul | 2016
Özkan Özay; Emine Ayhan; Muhammed Fatih Önsüz; Burhanettin Işıklı; Selma Metintas
OBJECTIVE: The aim of the study was to determine participation rates of people living in the rural area of Eskisehir in field researches, and the factors influencing this. METHODS: This descriptive study was performed with 1,482 people aged 18 and above in two districts of Eskisehir. Data were collected with a 16 question questionnaire using the face-to-face interview technique. Data were analysed with descriptive statistics, chi- square test, logistic regression analysis, and factors affecting rates of participation in field researches. RESULTS: The most important reason (46.9%) given by participating for participant in field researches was the intention of “helping the interviewer”. The other reasons were; believing in the usefulness of the researches (35.0%), contribution to public improvement (14.9%) and taking pleasure in talking with various people (3.2%). The most important reason (34.6%) for not participating in field researches was “considering field researches a waste of time”. The other important reasons for non-participation were unnecessarily long questions in the research questionnaire forms (32.7%) and being uninformed of the research results (31.9%). In logistic regression analysis, age was found to be an influential factor in participation rates. CONCLUSION: Lower rates of participation in field researches cause bias. As far as possible high participation in field researches is important. For the achievement of higher participation rates in field researches, training courses must be provided to both research workers and the public.
Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi/Journal Of Adnan Menderes University Medical Faculty | 2015
Muhammed Fatih Önsüz; Onur Özlem Köse; Figen Demir
GEREÇ VE YÖNTEMLER: Tanımlayıcı tipteki bu araştırma bir hastanenin Obstetrik Polikliniği’nde takipli ve araştırmaya katılmayı kabul eden 118 gebe ile yürütüldü. Araştırmanın verileri 23 soru ve iki bölümden oluşan anket formunun yüzyüze gözlem altında uygulanması yoluyla toplandı. Verilerin istatistik analizlerinde tanımlayıcı istatistikler, ki-kare ve Fisher’in kesin testi kullanıldı ve p<0.05 istatistiksel anlamlılık düzeyi olarak kabul edildi.
Marmara Medical Journal | 2008
Muhammed Fatih Önsüz; Ahmet Topuzoğlu; Utku Can Cöbek; Sercan Ertürk; Fatma Yılmaz; Selim Birol
Archive | 2008
Muhammed Fatih Önsüz; Ahmet Topuzoğlu; Utku Can Cöbek; Sercan Ertürk; Fatma Yılmaz; Selim Birol
Archive | 2008
Muhammed Fatih Önsüz; Seyhan Hıdıroğlu