Murako Saito
Waseda University
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Featured researches published by Murako Saito.
International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology | 2009
Masahiro Kawasaki; Mitsuhiko Karashima; Murako Saito
Our performance is often affected by temporal emotional changes. To improve the task-efficiency, we investigated the brain activity for the interaction between emotion induced by sounds and cognitive function, using the Stroop task with EEG measurements. The music leading pleasure increased the upper alpha-wave power of the frontal and parietal brain regions, relative to hearing the unpleasant white noise. The alpha activity decreased during the cognitive tasks. Interestingly, the frontal alpha suppression was reduced in the non-verbal task with the pleasant music and the verbal task with the unpleasant noise, like the task performance, which would indicate the interference between emotion and cognition.
International Journal of Healthcare Technology and Management | 2007
Murako Saito; Genki Murakami; Mitsuhiko Karashima
This paper deals with the relationship among organisational climate, member communication, team reciprocity and team care effectiveness, comparison of team reciprocity by communication type and the comparison of human resources and human performance reliability by Emotional Intelligence Competence (EIC) based on our earlier studies. Three themes are provided (1) causal relationship of latent variables on organisational climate, communication, team reciprocity and team care effectiveness, (2) the effect of communication on team reciprocity by communication type and (3) the comparison of human resources and performance reliability by emotional regulation. Significant differences in team reciprocity were observed between two types of communication, such as Face-To-Face (FTF) and Computer Mediated Communication (CMC). Significant differences were also observed in performance reliability between the higher and the lower score groups of interpersonal relationship management representing emotional intelligence competency.
International Journal of Healthcare Technology and Management | 2007
Genki Murakami; Takayasu Inoue; Murako Saito
Hospital organisational environment has been required to change into knowledge or intelligent organisation and each profession is able to take strategic action in coping with changing environment. Accuracy of human action is not merely acquired by avoiding erroneous behaviours, rather it is ascertained by evaluating the relationship between cognitive reliability and action. The focus of this paper is to identify the relationship between cognitive reliability and action. The incidence rate and pattern, and also perceptual differences on working conditions were analysed by applying the questionnaires of the Common Performance Conditions (CPC), the Team Member Exchange (TMX) and some other questionnaires newly prepared. The results suggested that cognitive reliability on working environments played critical roles in determining efficiency and effectiveness of organisational performance. The importance to improve organisational performance is to keep perceptual level of organisational environment higher and to improve team coherence.
International Journal of Cognitive Ergonomics | 2000
Yasuhiro Sasaki; Mitsuhiko Karashima; Murako Saito
This study aims at confirming the significance of search asymmetry, which appears under the condition of the exchange of target stimulus to distractor items with simple features, and at proposing some new arrangements of the stimuli presented in terms of visual angle and stimuli heterogeneity for examining search processing in early vision. The results obtained were as follows: (1) Search time depended on visual angle, for example, target position of stimuli presentation among distractors, and on heterogeneity in distractor stimuli presentation-search time also depended on the serial self-terminating effect, which appeared in participants when they could not find a target in parallel processing; (2) significant search asymmetry was confirmed by search time under the conditions of applying visual stimuli of lines in 2 kinds of arrangements, parallel and converging; (3) for the evaluation of search processing performance, correct ratio was an important index in addition to search time. Search time reflected...
Archive | 2010
Murako Saito
Main topics in this Chapter are (1) classification of complex healthcare environment, by means of end-means hierarchy, two or three-axis models for categorizing clients and care-providers into strategic care units, (2) parallel distributed processing approaches for clustering the participants by their job consciousness and for disclosing the interconnectedness between the variables of job constraints and the criterion variables, provided with a Case Study, and (3) performance evaluation in individual and organizational levels in terms of ethical-social values and emotional-developmental values, by using evaluation indicators, such as team coherence, reciprocity, fairness or equity, together with performance reliability. Contextual performance is to be measured in addition with task performance for enhancing knowledge sharing and absorption in organization. Classification into strategic unit, or typology, is the first step in intervening and analyzing complex society and is a useful starting means to cope with diversified urbanization Analyzing to see reality of your field is necessary step for making the participants work together without misunderstanding information presented and knowledge acquired in the process of organizational learning and for enhancing uniqueness of organizational culture.
Archive | 2010
Murako Saito
Changing urban life requires us some approaches for aligning complexity emerged from contingency and uncertainty in advanced information society. Sharing knowledge without misunderstanding is of importance to provide effective and ethical services as well as efficient and secure services without mistake. Organizational environment in which people can trust each other and create new values is necessary for heterogeneous teamwork like in healthcare settings as well as in industry. Redesign of organization for continuing appreciative inquiries and for sharing necessary information without misunderstanding can be realized by strategic management, such as systemic management, cybernetic management and other strategic ways. Main topics in this Chapter are (1) strategic management of organization which enables to enhance individual job competence and organizational competence by holistic principle on the basis of systemic management and cybernetic management and (2) process activation of organizational learning by utilizing organizational constraints. Through organizational learning, knowledge can be appropriately and effectively shared among different professionals without misunderstanding and resonant mood at work is amplified among the stakeholders.
Journal of Japan Academy of Nursing Science | 2009
Keiko-Imai Kishi; Tsuyako Hidaka; Yuriko Soeda; Miyoko Matsuo; Kyoko Fukumoto; Murako Saito
リング文化の形成について,急性期病院,慢性疾患領 域,療養病床,医療組織文化の視点から検討した.ケ アリングは看護の本質として,看護の教育,研究,臨 床で強調されるようになった.ここではケアリングの 用語の定義を次のようにする.ケアリングは他人に対 する思いやりの行為であり,患者,その家族に専門職 者の立場で,健康上の問題がある人,その家族に対応 する態度,行為を意味する.こうした態度や行為は看 護者個人の努力のみに頼るのではなく,臨床上の医療 施設,サービス組織の中で,文化として構築されてい かなければならない.ケアリングは看護の質に関わる ことで,患者へケアを行う看護職者が中心となり,サ ービスとして表現されなければならない. こうしたケアリングの文化をつくり上げた医療施設 のひとつに福岡県の有吉病院がある.シンポジストの 看護部長,福本京子氏が当学会で報告した要旨は次の ようであった.有吉病院は2000年より病院にユニッ トケアという概念をとりいれ,入院患者,特に地域の 高齢者が入院するケアの改善運動を始めた.これは高 齢者が入院し死に至るまで,その人が生活していた空 間,生活パターンに近づけるように,病院が個人に合 わせて,生活をユニット化するもので,その精神は人 間の尊厳を重要視することであり,サービスは従来の 病院中心のケアパターンとは異なっていた.すなわち, 病院の規則としての食事時間,起床時間,消灯時間, オムツ交換,入浴時間など,決まったケアを一斉にす るのではなく,個人が自分のペースに合わせて,死ぬ まで安心して過ごせるような環境,文化をつくる努力 を試みた.その結果,まず入院患者の家族が施設のケ アに対して満足するようになり見舞いの回数が増え, 職員が楽しく働くようになり,患者の心地よさの反応 がみえた,そして,さびれていたこの病院は,地域の みでなく近隣地帯からの利用者も増加し,経営上も成 り立つ結果となった.これはシンポジストの松尾ミヨ 子氏が述べたQOLの改善にも通じる.慢性疾患医療 の重要なアウトカムとしてQOLの改善が進められて いるのもケアリング文化の構築と考えられる.有吉病 院でこうした結果をみるまでには,10年間の歳月を 要したが,組織の哲学とそれを支えるチームをつくる ことにより,地域に根ざした老人施設の文化が形成さ れた.この哲学そのものは看護の本質であるケアリン グであった.そして,この実践は看護にとって“何も 難しいテクニックが必要なことではなく......”人の生 き様に気づくことであるという.遠い昔,病める人へ の奉仕という形で実践されていた看護が,有吉病院の 事例で新しい形でケアリングの文化として臨床現場, 看護サービスに反映された.こうした動きが全国的に なるためには,看護教育にもケアリング文化の形成に 関する何らかの科目をカリキュラムに取り込むことが 重要であると考える. 第28回日本看護科学学会学術集会
International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology | 2009
Yasuhiro Sasaki; Mitsuhiko Karashima; Murako Saito
This study aims at confirming the significance of search asymmetry and the existence of self-terminating effect, by investigating not only the search time but also the correction ratio. For the evaluation of search processing performance, correct ratio was an important index in addition to search time. Search time reflected a self-terminating effect depending on the condition of stimuli presentation, whereas correct ratio reflected performance accuracy in visual search. The former represents the total processing of human visual search performance and the latter represents human perception accuracy in early vision.
International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology | 2009
Murako Saito
This paper describes subtle and complex interdependency of human functions of peripheral and central visual nervous systems, such as antagonistic phenomena between peripheral and central visual nervous system and significant phenomena between ocular accommodation and perceived health. To neglect subtle interdependence in the bio-psycho-social aspects of human function results in a maladaptive condition which leads to the decrease of perceived health. Empirical evidence obtained was described, such as: an occupational decrease of ocular accommodation of inspectors; hourly variations of ocular accommodation during 8-hr working day; antagnostic relationhip between the central and the peripheral visual functions significant relationship between visual fatigue and perceived heath.
Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting | 2000
Mitsuhiko Karashima; Murako Saito
This study focused on the relation between the Human Information Processing (HIP) time and the alpha spectrum power of EEG in the shift from Rasmussens knowledge-based to rule-based through an experiment. The results of the experiment suggested that the decrease of the HIP time did not mean the decrease of the cognitive activity when the cognitive shift was in progress.